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Good Faith Discovery Notice: Verification of Proof of Claim Requested Dear Bank ______________ nder t!e "rut! in Lending Act pursuant to 15 USC 1601-1667j #fu$$ disc$osure%& ' !a(e a rig!t to kno) )!o t!e true party of interest in t!is transaction is* As suc!& ' am asking you to stipu$ate )!et!er you are t!e !o$der in due course for my promissory note* 'f you are not t!e !o$der& t!en you admit to being t!e ser(icer of t!is ob$igation* Please also stipulate for the record whether or not my loan has een securiti!ed" and if so" the name of the R#$%C&'rust my loan is undled with* Pursuant of *+*+* , AR"'+L- . ,/.,012 #b% 3 #2%& ' am entit$ed to demand presentation of t!e negotiab$e instrument* "!at demand is !ereby ordered* ' demand t!at you present for my (isua$ inspection $( )R%G%N*+ ,#' %N- .%GN*'/R# PR)$%..)R( N)'# and allon0e to0ether with the )R%G%N*+ ,#' %N- Deed of 'rust in 111111111 County* "!is is re4uired to estab$is! your rig!t of enforcement as 5o$der in Due +ourse (ia a c!ain of assignment as e(idenced by t!e Note or A$$onge* +$aiming to be t!e 6t!e !o$der in due course7 as a statement is insufficient proof of status and is8)i$$ be re9ected* A p!otocopy of t!e documents is insufficient proof as it does not ans)er t!e 4uestion of )!o + RR-N"L: is t!e rig!tfu$ and $a)fu$ !o$der in Due +ourse* 'f you are unab$e to pro(ide t!is proof as ' !a(e re4uested )it!in .1 days& t!en you admit to not ein0 a party of interest and can not rig!tfu$$y enforce your c$aim under *+*+ * , AR"'+L- . / .,.12* nder "it$e 23 / 33;*.< #regu$ation =% part #a%& a ser(icer does not !a(e t!e rig!ts of a !o$der in due course and t!erefore& do not !a(e t!e rig!t to forec$ose* :ou are !ereby gi(en notice t!at any attempt to forec$ose on my property )i$$ be construed as prima facia e(idence t!at you are committing fraud* 2they are not foreclosin0 on 2party3 'n a recent case $a)& it )as ru$ed as fo$$o)s: It is the creditors responsibility to keep a borrower and the Co rt in!or"ed as to who owns the note and "ort#a#e and is ser$icin# the loan% not the borrowers or the Co rts responsibility to !erret o t the tr th& It is worth repeatin# as a warnin# to lenders and ser$icers that the r les o! this Co rt apply to the"' (heir pri$ate a#ree"ents and the !ren)ied tradin# "arket !or "ort#a#es

do not e*c se co"pliance with +ankr ptcy , les any "ore than they wo ld j sti!y i#norin# the +ankr ptcy Code' #'n re Nosek& >1; B*R* >.>& >>1 #D*?ass 311<% bankruptcy tria$ court decision% nder @ +ode "'"L- 20 A +5AP"-R >2 A @ B+5AP"-R B A / 2;<3g part b%& t!is debt is no) officia$$y in dispute* By $a)& a$$ co$$ection acti(ities must cease unti$ t!is matter is reso$(ed* :ou are !ereby gi(en notice* B$atant disregard for t!is $a) is sub9ect to fines by t!e F"+* :ou are ad(ised to consu$t $ega$ counci$ on t!is matter* ' am gi(ing you forma$ notice t!at fai$ure to respond to t!is $etter t!roug! a (erified and (a$idated proof of c$aim )it!in .1 days as ' !a(e asked for& point for point )i$$ be taken as an administrati(e defau$t* P$ease be ad(ised* * C)P( of the said Note nor an *ffidavit of +oss or any other forms will not e accepta le* P$ease contact me in )riting Litigation is (ery expensi(e and s!ou$d be a(oided at a$$ cost* "!is is my good fait! attempt to reso$(e t!is matter before ' am forced to $itigate against your company* ' am p$eading )it! you to reso$(e t!is matter pri(ate$y and ci(i$$y as to avoid urdenin0 our courts with this matter4 %f % have to" % will see you in court4 'his is not an idle threat4 Please ta5e this matter seriously4 @incere$y& XXXXXXXXXX

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