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Vocabulary # 1 Quiz DO NOT WRITE ON THIS PAPER

Choos !h l !! r "ro# !h lis! b lo$ ach s %! %c i% or& r !o "ill i% !h bla%' 1. Many people read to escape from the everyday routine. Such readers want excitement, conflict, and stormy emotions. A character who is always pleasant and kind may be a bit too __________ for these readers tastes. a palpable b bland c obtuse d ideally

!. "reatin# characters is a __________ problem for writers. $hey are always stru##lin# to make their characters interestin# and believable. a precarious b malicious c chronic d obtuse

%. A character may have traits that we dislike or even characteristics that we find __________, and yet we may still care what happens to him or her. a precarious b contemptible c pessimistic d indolent

&. $he man s __________ would not allow him to take part in the robbery. a dili#ence b amenities c opiates d scruples

'. An#er rushed out in a __________ wave throu#h his arms and le#s a solicitous b palpable c malicious d contemptible

(. )riters who create believable characters are __________ observers of human nature. $hey not only pay careful attention to what people do, but they also think carefully about why they do it. a deplorable b imprudent c bland d dili#ent

*. __________, a writer will use more that one method to develop and reveal the characters in a story. +therwise, the story may seem dull. a Solicitously b "hronically c ,deally d -alpably

.. ,t was very __________ of the #irl to spend all of her money on candy. a pessimistic b amenities c disarmin# d imprudent

/. A writer must choose how to reveal what a character is like. )ould it be more effective to tell the reader directly that a character is __________, or would it be better to show the character bein# rude to a family member0 a palpable b bland c impertinent d imprudent

11. 2ven thou#h , was nervous, the mans __________ smile put me at ease. a disarmin# b bland c malicious d obtuse

11. $his room is in __________ order a precarious d deplorable c incomprehensible d dili#ent

1!. $he man climbed up the ladder very __________, a palpable b blandly c precariously d obtusely

1%. )e may not approve of a characters actions, but the writer should help us understand the characters behavior. $he reasons for his or her actions should not be __________. a chronic b pessimistic c bland d incomprehensible

1&. "haracters, like real people, may have some interestin# contradictions in their personalities. A character mi#ht be __________ and vindictive in one situation and yet kind and for#ivin# in another. a ideally b obtuse c chronic d malicious

1'. $he house has a swimmin# pool, two fireplaces, and other __________. a amenities b opiates c palpables d scruples

1(. $he housekeeper behaved very __________. She did everythin# in a very careful manner. a contemptible b impertinently c incomprehensible d solicitously

1*. "han#es in characters must be believable. A character who is truly __________ is unlikely to become bri#ht and 3uick4witted. a precarious b indolent c obtuse d deplorable

1.. $he doctor prescribed an 5a __________ to the man because of his severe headache. a chronic b scruple c amenities d opiate

1/. 6nusually for a character to be believable, he or she shouldnt under#o sudden transformations. A __________ person doesnt become an optimist overni#ht. a obtuse b amenities c palpable d pessimistic

!1, My brother behaves so __________. All he does is lie around the house and play video #ames.

a obtusely

b blandly

c palpably

d indolently

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