465 Integrated Assignement

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Jorie Pinsof Integrated Assignment Identifying Information Childs name: Joe* The two AEPS developmental areas administered:

Fine Motor, Gross Motor Results of Assessment: Attached Planning for Instruction/Intervention Fine Motor:

SpEd 465

Hypothetical Goal: By January 2014, Joe* will reproduce a given set of three letters and trace his name on a piece of paper 80% or more of the time. This would be a good goal for Joe* and his family to work on together, because a strong concern that his mother has for him is his language development and communication. Joe* struggles with his annunciation when speaking and I think that if his writing skills improved it would offer his mother relief that there was another form of communication to use. Joe* also has needed to work on reproducing numbers and letters, and once he writes his name that will be a great accomplishment. Gross Motor: Hypothetical Goal: By February 2014, Joe* will demonstrate improved ability to hold himself up independently and on one foot with minimal assistance for a minimum of 20 seconds. Joe* and his family are a very athletic family and he loves to play outside with his brother and father. They play all different kids of sports together every day, and this is a great goal to work on for Joe* to continue his gross motor development and success. For this family he gains many other skills from the activities they perform outside, and I think that balance is the key and base to athletic success. IFSP/IEP Objective Fine Motor: Objective: Joe will demonstrate improved intelligibility by correctly reproducing the given letterforms using models and kinesthetic cues as needed. Gross Motor: Objective: Joe will demonstrate improved ability to hold himself up and control his balance and body by demonstrating that he can balance on something with two feet for at least 15 seconds.

Classroom or Home Activity Matrix Fine Motor: Objective: Joe will demonstrate improved intelligibility by correctly reproducing the given letterforms using models and kinesthetic cues as needed. Gross Motor: Objective: Joe will demonstrate improved ability to hold himself up and control his balance and body by demonstrating that he can balance on something with two feet for at least 15 seconds. X X X

Morning Jobs Free Play Morning Group Academics Outside Lunch Rest Time


Planning for Embedded Learning Fine Motor Embedded Learning Opportunity: The teacher will provide Joe* a daily name plate and sit with him to trace the letters in order to successfully sign in each morning, complete this part of his morning routine. Gross Motor Embedded Learning Opportunity: The teacher provide Joe* with a step stool to use daily for putting things away in his cubby, and will offer assistance when needed. Instruction-at-a-Glance: Attached Recommendations for Home Fine Motor Home Embedded Learning Opportunities: The parents can work with Joe* using materials he enjoys playing with at home. He enjoys playing with the etch-sketch, so parents can work with Joe* on his letterforms by first drawing the letters on the etch-sketch and then have him trace the letters. Joe* loves to draw at home and at school. Telling him to sign his name after he completes a drawing, and guiding him through the process will be very beneficial. Explain that all the famous artists sign their name, therefore giving him a reason to want to do the act.

Gross Motor Home Embedded Learning Opportunities: A step stool is a great resource for Joe* to use to practice his balance. At home, rather than simply handing Joe* things like cups or books that are out of his reach, allow him to use a step stool for balance, and to independently gather materials. Joe* loves to play catch and outdoor sports with his brother and father. While playing catch practice balancing while throwing the ball back and forth. Progressively work to balance on one foot. Data Collection to Inform Instruction Fine Motor: Permanent Records Permanent records clearly and with hard evidence demonstrate if a student can perform a specific task. The results are demonstrated with a black and white representation. Permanent Record: Provide Joe* with three different letter cards one at a time, and ask him to draw the letter he sees in front of him.

Mark box that fits results Examiner: Child: Successful with letter 1: Successful with letter 2: Successful with letter 3:

Gross Motor: Duration recording Duration recording measures the length of time the tested behavior occurs (The time the student spends performing the behavior). There is a clear start and stop to the task. Duration recording: Ask Joe* to balance one two feet standing up straight for 15 seconds. Mark box that fits results and add the time. Examiner: Child: Under 15 seconds: Over 15 seconds: Could not complete task:

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