Gluten-Free Menu

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Gluten-Free Pre-Select 7 Day Menu 1600 to 1900 kcals Items with reci es are in!icate! usin" # an!

! are liste! at the $ottom% Day 1 &reak'ast o 1 slice Den(er $reak'ast omelet# o 1 me!ium oran"e o ) o*% skim milk o +,G,-./I.0 .1-,/0.-I+,2 Su$stitute mushrooms an! s inach 'or ham% Mi!-mornin" snack o 3 c% $lue$erries o 3 c% lain yo"urt 1unch o 1 c% tomato sou # o 1 small "ar!en sala!# o 3 c% slice! straw$erries o ) o*% 'at 'ree milk Dinner o 4 'ish tacos# o 3 c% S anish rice# o 3 c% seasone! $lack $eans# o ) o*% water o +,G,-./I.0 .1-,/0.-I+,2 &lack $ean tacos use seasone! $lack $eans in lace o' tila ia 'or tacos% .ll other in"re!ients an! to in"s remain the same% .!! Me5ican corn# to re lace $lack $ean si!e !ish% ,(enin" snack o 1 me!ium a le6 slice! o 4 -$s % nut $utter Day 4 &reak'ast o 4 "luten-'ree ancakes# o 7 -$s % syru o 1 c% cantalou e o 3 c% cotta"e cheese o ) o*% oran"e 8uice Mi!-mornin" snack o 3 c% celery o 7 -$s % eanut $utter 1unch o 4 c% s inach6 a(oca!o6 an! nectarine sala!# o 9 c% :uinoa# o ; o*% $a$y carrots o ) o*% water Dinner o 1 $ar$ecue $ee'# san!wich on "luten-'ree $un o 3 c% otato sala!# o 3 c% "reen $eans#

) o*% skim milk +,G,-./I.0 .1-,/0.-I+,2 1 $ar$ecue Porto$ello mushroom $ur"er# on a "luten-'ree $un ,(enin" snack o 1 $anana o 4 -$s % melte! eanut $utter o 3 c% li"ht (anilla ice cream o o

Day 7 &reak'ast o 1 c% /ice <he5 cereal o ; o*% milk o 3 c% low-'at each yo"urt o ) o*% a le 8uice Mi!-mornin" snack o 4 -$s % hummus o 10 $a$y carrots 1unch o 1 c% chicken sala!# on lettuce o 1= &rown /ice -riscuit crackers o 1 me!ium a le o ) o*% skim milk o +,G,-./I.0 .1-,/0.-I+,2 1 c% chick ea chicken sala! >su$stitute 77 c% mashe! chick eas 'or chicken in reci e? Dinner o 1 ser(in" mustar! cruste! salmon# o 3 c% steame! $roccoli with lemon 8uice# o 1 small $ake! sweet otato with 1 -$s % $utter an! $rown su"ar# o ) o*% water ,(enin" snack o 1 c% "ra es Day ; &reak'ast o 3 c% scram$le! e""s# o 4 ieces "luten-'ree toast o 1 ear6 slice! o ) o*% milk Mi!-mornin" snack o 3 c% cotta"e cheese o 1 c% cantalou e 1unch o &1- san!wich on "luten-'ree $rea!# o 1 c% "luten-'ree macaroni an! cheese# o 3 c% coleslaw# o ) o*% water o +,G,-./I.0 .1-,/0.-I+,2 .!! meatless $acon instea! o' re"ular $acon%

Dinner o o o o o

1 ser(in" chicken armesan meatloa'# 3 c% steame! "reen $eans# 3 c% "arlic mashe! otatoes# ) o*% 'at-'ree milk +,G,-./I.0 .1-,/0.-I+,2 /e lace "roun! chicken with "roun! to'u crum$les% ,(enin" snack o 3 c% straw$erry 'ro*en yo"urt

Day = &reak'ast o 1 3 c% "luten-'ree oatmeal# o 4 -$s % $rown su"ar o 7 turkey sausa"e links# o ) o*% oran"e 8uice o +,G,-./I.0 .1-,/0.-I+,2 /e lace turkey sausa"e links with meatless sausa"e >&oca $ran!? Mi!-mornin" snack o @ c% cotta"e cheese o 10 $a$y carrots 1unch o 7 corn tortilla cruste! chicken ten!ers# o 1 small "ar!en sala!# o 1 each6 slice! o ) o*% 'at-'ree milk o +,G,-./I.0 .1-,/0.-I+,2 Su$stitute (e""ie chicken stri s >Gar!ein $ran!?% Dinner o 1 3 c% s:uash6 chick ea6 an! lentil sou # o 3 c% $rown rice# o ) o*% water ,(enin" snack o 1 c% "ra es Day 6 &reak'ast o 1 c% /ice <he5 cereal o ; o*% milk o 3 c% low-'at straw$erry yo"urt o ) o*% a le 8uice Mi!-mornin" snack o 1 a le6 slice! 1unch o 1 turkey wra # with a "luten-'ree tortilla o 3 c% slice! straw$erries o ) o*% milk

+,G,-./I.0 .1-,/0.-I+,2 /e lace turkey with ; -$s % o' hummus an! 4 slices a(oca!o%

Dinner o 1 iece Italian chicken# o 1A4 c% ma le !ill carrots# o ) o*% 'at-'ree milk o +,G,-./I.0 .1-,/0.-I+,2 Bse chicken alternati(e >Mornin" Star $ran!? ,(enin" snack o 3 c% straw$erries o 3 c% lain yo"urt

Day 7 &reak'ast o 3 c% scram$le! e""s# o 4 ieces "luten-'ree toast o 1 ear6 slice! o ) o*% milk Mi!-mornin" snack o 10 "luten-'ree crackers o 4 -$s % hummus 1unch o 1 ser(in" o(en uttanesca# o 3 c% steame! $roccoli with 4 -$s % cheese# o 3 c% watermelon6 cu$e! o ) o*% water Dinner o 1 salmon cake# o = roaste! as ara"us s ears# o 1 $ake! otato with $utter an! sour cream# o ) o*% 'at-'ree milk o +,G,-./I.0 .1-,/0.-I+,2 /e lace salmon cake with soy CsalmonD cake# ,(enin" snack o 3 c% (anilla ice cream o 4 -$s % chocolate chi s o 4 -$s % sweetene! coconut 'lakes

/eci es Denver Breakfast Omelet Makes =0 ser(in"s In"re!ients 1 3 c% $utter 6 onion6 cho e! 6 "reen $ell e er6 cho e! 14 1A4 c% cho e! cooke! ham 100 e""s 7 c% milk 6 c% shre!!e! che!!ar cheese Salt an! e er to taste Directions Preheat o(en to ;00 !e"rees F% Grease a $akin" sheet% Melt $utter in a lar"e skillet o(er me!ium heatE cook an! stir onion an! $ell e er until so'tene!6 a$out = minutes% Stir in ham an! continue cookin" until heate! throu"h6 a$out = more minutes% &eat e""s an! milk in a lar"e $owl% Stir in cheese an! ham mi5ture% Season with salt an! $lack e er% Pour mi5ture into re are! $akin" an% &ake in reheate! o(en until e""s are $rowne! an! u''y6 a$out 4= minutes% Tomato Soup Makes =0 ser(in"s In"re!ients 3 c% (e"eta$le oil ) 1A7 c% cho e! onion 16 3 clo(es "arlic6 mince! ; c F 4 -$s % cho e! carrot 4 c% F 1 -$s % cho e! celery 16 3 >4) o*%? cans crushe! tomatoes 49 c% (e"eta$le $roth 3 c% F 1 ts % Gorcestershire sauce 4 -$s % salt 1 -$s % !rie! thyme 1 -$s % "roun! $lack e er Directions Heat oil in a lar"e Dutch o(en o(er me!ium-hi"h heat% Saute onion an! "arlic until onion is ten!er% .!! carrot an! celeryE cook 7-9 minutes until ten!er6 stirrin" 're:uently% Stir in tomatoes6 $roth6 Gorchestershire sauce6 salt6 thyme6 an! e er% /e!uce heat to low% <o(er an! simmer 40 minutes6 stirrin" 're:uently% Small Garden Salad Makes =0 ser(in"s

In"re!ients =0 c% Fresh s rin" sala! mi5 1=0 cherry tomatoes 100 cucum$er slices 6 @ c% shre!!e! carrots 6 @ c% shre!!e! cheese 100 re! onion slices 9 @ c% ranch sala! !ressin" Directions2 .ssem$le 1 c% sala! mi56 7 tomatoes6 4 cucum$er slices6 4 -$s % carrots an! cheese6 4 re! onions slices6 an! 7 -$s % !ressin" on a late% Fish Tacos Makes =0 ser(in"s In"re!ients Marina!e 4 c% F 1 -$s % e5tra (ir"in oli(e oil 1 c% F 1 -$s % !istille! white (ine"ar 1 c% F 1 -$s % 'resh lime 8uice 1A7 c% F 1 ts % lime *est @ c% honey 16 3 clo(es "arlic6 mince! 1 -$s % F 1 ts % cumin 1 -$s % F 1 ts % chili ow!er 4 -$s % F 4 ts Il! &ay seasonin" 1 -$s % F 1 ts % $lack e er 4 -$s % F 4 ts hot sauce >FrankJs $ran! is "luten-'ree? ) @ l$s% tila ia 'illets6 cut into chunks Dressin" ) @ >) o*%? containers sour cream ; c% F 4 -$s % a!o$o sauce 1 c% F 1 -$s % 'resh lime 8uice 1A7 c% F 1 ts % lime *est 4 ts % cumin 4 ts % chili ow!er 1 -$s % F 1 @ ts % Il! &ay seasonin" Salt an! e er to taste -o in"s =0 corn tortillas 4= ri e tomatoes6 !ice! ) $unche! cilantro6 cho e! ) @ small hea!s ca$$a"e6 shre!!e! 16 3 limes6 cut in we!"es Directions

-o make the marina!e6 whisk to"ether the oli(e oil6 (ine"ar6 lime 8uice6 lime *est6 honey6 "arlic6 cumin6 chili ow!er6 Il! &ay6 $lack e er6 an! hot sauce in a $owl until $len!e!% Place tila ia in a shallow !ish6 an! our marina!e o(er 'ish% <o(er an! re'ri"erate 6-) hours% -o make !ressin"6 com$ine sour cream an! a!o$o sauce in a $owl% Stir in lime 8uice6 lime *est6 cumin6 chili ow!er6 an! Il! &ay% .!! salt an! e er as !esire!% <o(er6 an! re'ri"erate until nee!e!% Preheat "rill to hi"h heat an! li"htly oil "rate% /emo(e 'ish 'rom marina!e6 !rain e5cess6 an! !iscar! marina!e% Grill 'ish ieces until easily 'lake! with a 'ork6 turnin" once6 a$out 9 minutes% .ssem$le tacos $y lacin" 'ish ieces in the center o' tortillas with !esire! amounts o' tomatoes6 cilantro6 an! ca$$a"e% Dri**le with !ressin"% /oll u tortillas aroun! 'illin" an! "arnish with lime we!"es%

Spanish Rice Makes =0 ser(in"s In"re!ients 1 @ c% oil 1 @ c% cho e! onion 1= c% uncooke! white rice 40 c% chicken $roth >Paci'ic $ran! is "luten-'ree? 10 c% chunky salsa Directions Heat oil in a lar"e6 hea(y skillet o(er me!ium heat% Stir in onion6 an! cook until ten!er6 a$out = minutes% Mi5 rice into skillet6 stirrin" o'ten% Ghen rice $e"ins to $rown6 stir in chicken $roth an! salsa% /e!uce heat6 co(er an! simmer 40 minutes6 until li:ui! has $een a$sor$e!% Seasoned Black Beans Makes =0 ser(in"s In"re!ients ) 1A7 c% !ry $lack $eans6 soake! o(erni"ht 16 4A7 c% col! water6 or as nee!e! ; @ onion6 cho e! ; @ "reen $ell e er6 cho e! 41 clo(es "arlic6 cho e! ) @ $ay lea(es @ c% F 1 ts % salt @ c% F 1 ts % cumin @ c% F 1 ts % !rie! ore"ano 4 cu s F 1 -$s % white cookin" wine 1 c% F 1 -$s % !istille! white (ine"ar 1 c% F 1 -$s % oli(e oil Directions

In a me!ium stock ot6 com$ine soake! $eans6 water6 onion6 "reen e er6 "arlic6 $ay lea(es6 salt6 cumin6 an! ore"ano% &rin" to a $oil o(er me!ium-hi"h heatE re!uce heat to low% Simmer6 co(ere!6 until $eans are ten!er6 a$out 1 hour% Stir occasionally an! a!! water as necessary so that the $eans !onJt !ry out or scorch% Ghen $eans are ten!er6 stir in wine6 (ine"ar6 an! oli(e oil%

Mexican Corn Makes =0 ser(in"s In"re!ients 6 >) o*%? acka"e cream cheese 7 c% $utter 7 c% milk 6 >16 o*%? acka"e 'ro*en corn 6 re! $ell e ers6 !ice! 10 8ala eno e ers6 !ice! Directions Preheat o(en to 7=0 !e"rees F% In a sauce an o(er me!ium-low heat6 melt the cream cheese an! $utter6 an! mi5 with milk until smooth an! $u$$ly% In a me!ium casserole !ish6 mi5 'ro*en corn6 re! $ell e er6 an! 8ala eno e ers% Pour in cream cheese mi5ture6 an! toss to coat% &ake 7=-;= minutes in the reheate! o(en6 until $u$$ly an! li"htly $rown% Gluten-Free ancakes Makes 100 ;D ser(in"s In"re!ients 10 c% "luten-'ree all- ur ose 'lour 9 c% 'la5 1 @ c% ma le syru 3 c% $akin" ow!er 3 c% "roun! cinnamon 7 -$s % (anilla 4 3 ts % salt 4 3 c% unsweetene! a lesauce 10 c% milk Directions Mi5 to"ether 'lour6 'la56 $akin" ow!er6 cinnamon an! salt in a mi5in" $owl% .!! (anilla6 ma le syru 6 a lesauce6 an! milk% .!! milk = c% 'irst6 then 1 c% at a time to make sure $atter is not runny% Mi5 until lum s are remo(e! 'rom $atter% In a heate! "ri!!le or an on sto(eto >me!ium-heat?6 cook ancakes% @ c% o' $atter 'or each% <ook 1-4 minutes6 until they start to $u$$le an! can easily 'li % Fli an! cook other si!e%

htt 2AAwww%moma$les%comA"luten-!airy-'ree-(e"an- ancakesA Spinach! "vocado! and #ectarine Salad Makes =0 ser(in"s In"re!ients Dressin" ; c% oran"e 8uice 9 c% re!-wine (ine"ar 1%= c% canola oil 9 c% Di8on mustar! 7 ts % salt &lack e er to taste Sala! 100 o*% $a$y s inach lea(es 1) 9 c% ra!icchio 14 nectarines6 slice! 14 a(oca!os6 slice! Directions2 Ghisk 8uice6 (ine"ar6 oil6 mustar!6 salt6 an! e er in a $owl 'or !ressin"% <om$ine s inach6 ra!icchio6 nectarine6 an! toss with !ressin" to coat% .!! a(oca!o as "arnish% htt 2AAwww%eatin"well%comAreci esAs inachKa(oca!oKman"oKsala!%html $uinoa Makes =0 ser(in"s Directions2 Measure 19 c% uncooke! :uinoa into se(eral ans% Fill ans hal'way with water an! ut in steamer 'or 4= minutes% Flu'' with 'ork when !one% Bar%ecue Beef Makes =0 ser(in"s In"re!ients2 6 @ c% ketchu >Hein* is "luten-'ree? 1 c% F 1 -$s % acke! $rown su"ar 1 c% F 1 -$s % re! wine (ine"ar 3 c% F 1 ts % Di8on mustar! 3 c% F 1 ts % Gorcestershire sauce 1 -$s F 1 ts % li:ui! smoke 'la(orin" 4 ts % salt 1 ts % $lack e er 1 ts % "arlic ow!er ; @ >; l$s%? $oneless chuck roast Directions2 <om$ine ketchu 6 $rown su"ar6 re! wine (ine"ar6 mustar!6 Gorcestershire sauce6 an! li:ui! smoke in a $owl% Stir in salt6 e er6 an! "arlic ow!er%

Place chuck roast in slow cooker% Pour ketchu mi5ture o(er chuck roast% <o(er6 an! cook on low 'or )-10 hrs% /emo(e chuck roast 'rom slow cooker6 shre! with 'ork6 an! return to slow cooker% Stir meat to e(enly coat with sauce% <ontinue cookin" 'or 1 hr%

&e%anese otato Salad Makes =0 ser(in"s In"re!ients2 14 3 l$s% russet otatoes 1 3 c% lemon 8uice 1) 9 -$s % oli(e oil 7 ts % salt 4= scallions6 thinly slice! 1 3 c% 'resh mint6 cho e! &lack e er to taste Directions2 Place otatoes in lar"e sauce an or !utch o(en an! co(er with li"htly salte! water% &rin" to a $oil an! cook until ten!er6 4=-70 minutes% Drain an! rinse with col! water% -rans'er to a cuttin" $oar!% 1et cook 'or 40 minutes% <ut coole! otatoes into 3 inch ieces% Ghisk lemon 8uice6 oil6 salt6 an! e er in a lar"e $owl% .!! otatoes an! toss to coat% .!! scallions an! mint $e'ore ser(in" an! toss "ently% htt 2AAwww%eatin"well%comAreci esAle$aneseK otatoKsala!%html Green Beans Makes =0 ser(in"s Directions2 Place 4= c% "reen $eans into multi le er'orate! ans% <ook in steamer 'or a$out ) minutes6 or until "reen $eans are $ri"ht "reen colore!% Bar%ecue orto%ello Mushroom Bur'ers Makes =0 ser(in"s In"re!ients2 &ar$ecue /u$ @ c% li"ht $rown su"ar @ c% smoke! a rika 7 -$s % $lack e er 7 -$s % salt 4 ts % "arlic ow!er 1 ts % onion ow!er 1 ts % celery see! 3 ts % cayenne e er &ur"ers =0 Porto$ello mushrooms 4 @ c% oli(e oil6 !i(i!e! 1 3 c% $ar$ecue ru$

14 lar"e re! onions 6 @ c% $ar$ecue sauce ma!e 'or $ee' san!wiches 9 c% shre!!e! Monterey 8ack cheese

Directions2 Mi5 ru$ in"re!ients to"ether an! com$ine with 14 3 -$s % oli(e oil% /u$ on mushrooms an! set asi!e% Heat remainin" oli(e oil in lar"e skillet o(er me!ium heat% .!! onions an! cook 70 minutes6 until "ol!en6 stirrin" occasionally% /emo(e 'rom heat6 an! season with salt an! e er% Heat "rill to me!ium hi"h heat% S ray with nonstick s ray% Place mushroom stem si!e !own on "rill% &rush to s with $ar$ecue sauce6 an! "rill a$out = minutes until so't an! sli"htly charre! aroun! e!"es% Fli an! "rill = more minutes% Di(i!e cheese amon" mushrooms6 lacin" in center o' each stem si!e% Grill until cheese is melte!% htt 2AAwww%ha $lues%html yhealthylon"li'e%comAha yKhealthyKlon"Kli'eA4009A07A(e"an-$ar$e:ue-

Chicken Salad Makes =0 ser(in"s In"re!ients2 14 3 c% !ice! an! chille! cooke! chicken = c% cho e! celery = c% see!less "ra es 4 3 c% slice! almon!s 3 c% F 4 -$s % 'resh arsley6 cho e! 1 -$s % F 4 ts % salt = c% mayonnaise 1 @ c% hea(y whi in" cream Directions2 Ghi cream to so't eaks in a $owl% <om$ine meat6 celery6 "ra es6 almon!s6 arsley6 salt6 an! mayonnaise with whi cream% <hill% Mustard-Crusted Salmon Makes =0 ser(in"s In"re!ients2 1= 3 l$s% salmon 'illets 7 ts % salt &lack e er6 to taste 7 c% re!uce!-'at sour cream 1 3 c% lemon 8uice 1 3 c% Di8on mustar! Directions2 Preheat $roiler% 1ine a $akin" sheet with 'oil an! coat with cookin" s ray%


Place salmon ieces6 skin si!e !own6 on re are! an% Season with salt an! e er% <om$ine sour cream6 mustar!6 an! lemon 8uice in a small $owl% S rea! e(enly o(er salmon% &roil salmon = inches 'rom heat source until it is o a:ue in the center6 10-14 minutes%

htt 2AAwww%eatin"well%comAreci esAmustar!Kcruste!Ksalmon%html Broccoli (ith &emon )uice Makes =0 ser(in"s Directions2 Place 4= c% o' $roccoli in a multi le er'orate! ans% <ook in steamer a$out 10 minutes or until $ri"ht "reen in color% -o with 4 ts % lemon 8uice a'ter latin"% Baked S(eet otato Makes =0 ser(in"s Directions2 Preheat o(en to ;00 !e"rees F% Place =0 sweet otatoes on $akin" trays an! ierce se(eral times with a 'ork% &ake until ten!er6 a$out ;= minutes% -o with $utter an! $rown su"ar% Scram%led *''s Makes =0 ser(in"s Directions2 S ray 'lat to with cookin" s ray% Bse 4 o*% o' li:ui! e"" 'or 1 ser(in"% <ook until 'lu''y an! until e"" is no lon"er li:ui!% -o make =0 ser(in"s6 100 o*% o' li:ui! e"" woul! $e nee!e!% B&T Sand(ich (ith Gluten-Free Bread Makes =0 ser(in"s In"re!ients2 400 slices o' $acon6 cut in hal' 100 slices "luten-'ree $rea!6 toaste! >B!iJs $ran!? 100 lettuce lea(es 1=0 slices tomato 7 c% F 4 -$s % mayonnaise Directions2 Place $acon on $akin" tray line! with archment a er% &ake until cris y% .rran"e cooke! $acon6 lettuce6 an! tomato slices on one slice o' toaste! $rea!% S rea! remainin" $rea! slice with mayonnaise% Gluten-Free Baked Macaroni and Cheese Makes =0 ser(in"s In"re!ients2 ;) o*% :uinoa asta 4 @ c% otato starch 6 c% skim milk

4; o*% shre!!e! cheese 9 c% $utter6 !i(i!e! 7 ts % onion ow!er 1 3 ts % "arlic ow!er 1 3 ts % chili ow!er Salt an! e er to taste

Directions2 <ook asta accor!in" to acka"e !irections6 !rain6 an! lace in casserole !ish% Place 6 -$s % $utter6 salt6 an! e er an! toss in !ish6 then set asi!e% Mi5 otato starch an! remainin" $utter in a lar"e sauce an on me!ium-hi"h heat% Ghen smooth6 a!! milk6 cheese6 an! seasonin"s% Stir o'ten until cheese melt an! sauce thickens% I' sauce $ecomes too thick6 a!! 3 c% more milk an! stir until com$ine!% Pour sauce o(er asta an! toss "ently to coat% &ake at 7=0 !e"rees F 'or 40-70 minutes6 or until $rown an! $u$$ly% htt 2AA$lue$erriesan!$lessin"s%comA4014A11A1;Athanks"i(in"-si!e-"luten'ree-$ake!-macaronian!-cheeseA Colesla( Makes =0 ser(in"s In"re!ients2 400 o*% $a""e! slaw mi5 6 @ c% mayonnaise 1 3 c% su"ar 9 c% Di8on mustar! 9 c% honey Directions2 Mi5 all in"re!ients to"ether in a $owl% Chicken armesan Meatloaf Makes =0 ser(in"s In"re!ients2 4;0 o*% "roun! chicken $reast 10 e"" whites F 10 whole e""s6 sli"htly $eaten 4 3 c% "luten-'ree $rea!crum$s 1 @ c% Italian seasonin" 40 "arlic clo(es6 mince! 10 small onions6 'inely cho e! Salt an! e er to taste 1 @ c% shre!!e! armesan cheese = c% tomato asta sauce = c% re!uce!-'at mo**arella cheese Directions2

Preheat o(en to 7=0 !e"rees F% <om$ine "roun! chicken6 e"" white6 $rea! crum$s6 Italian seasonin"6 "arlic6 onion6 salt6 e er6 an! armesan cheese% Sha e mi5ture into =0 e:ual si*e! loa(es an! lace on archment line! $ackin" sheet or into loa' ans6 s raye! with cookin" s ray% &ake 'or 70 minutes6 then a!! asta sauce on to o' loa'Aloa(es% /emo(e meatloa' 'rom o(en an! s rinkle mo**arella cheese on to % Place $ack in o(en an! $ack until cheese melts >a$out 10 minutes?% /emo(e meatloa' an! let rest = minutes $e'ore ser(in"%

htt 2AA$lue$erriesan!$lessin"s%comA4017A01A09Awhat-were-eatin"-we!nes!ay-chickenarmesan-meatloa'A Garlic Mashed otatoes Makes =0 ser(in"s In"re!ients2 100 otatoes6 eele! an! :uartere! 6 @ c% milk 7 c% F 4 -$s % $utter 4= "arlic clo(es6 mince! Salt to taste 14 3 inches "roun! white e er 1 3 c F 1 -$s % sesame see!s Directions2 &rin" a lar"e ot o' water to $oil% .!! otatoes6 an! $oil until so't6 40-4= minutes% Drain6 an! lace in a lar"e $owl% <om$ine otatoes with milk6 $utter6 "arlic6 salt6 an! e er% Mi5 with an electric mi5er or otato mashers to !esire! consistency% S rinkle with sesame see!s% Oatmeal Makes =0 ser(in"s In"re!ients2 4= c% "luten-'ree :uick rolle! oats >&o$Js /e! Mill $ran!? =0 c% water Directions2 &rin" water to a $oil% .!! oats6 re!uce heat6 an! cook 'or 7-= minutes6 stirrin" occasionally% /emo(e 'rom heat an! let stan! 'or a cou le minutes% Turke+ Sausa'e &inks Makes =0 ser(in"s Directions2 Preheat o(en to 7=0 !e"rees F% Place 1=0 links in a sin"le layer on multi le er'orate! ans% <ook 'or 40 minutes an! turn hal'way throu"h cookin"%

Corn Tortilla Crusted Chicken Tenders Makes =0 ser(in"s In"re!ients2 ;0 corn tortillas6 rou"hly torn 1 c% cornstarch ; c% $uttermilk =0 chicken ten!ers ) c% (e"eta$le oil 9 c% $rown mustar! 9 c% honey Salt an! e er to taste Directions2 In a 'oo! rocessor6 ulse tortillas until mi5ture resem$les coarse meal% Season with salt an! e er an! trans'er to a $owl% Put cornstarch on a late an! our $utter milk into a shallow !ish% Dre!"e chicken in 'lour6 shakin" o'' e5cess% <oast in $uttermilk6 lettin" e5cess !ri o''6 then !re!"e in tortilla crum$s6 ressin" "ently to a!here% -rans'er to $akin" sheet% In a skillet6 heat oil o(er me!ium% <ook chicken until cooke! throu"h an! crust is "ol!en6 a$out 14 minutes6 'li in" once% -rans'er to a er towels or a wire rack set o(er a rimme! $akin" sheet to !rain% Stir to"ether mustar! an! honey in a $owl% Ser(e ten!ers with !i % htt 2AAwww%marthastewart%comA7779);Acorn-tortilla-cruste!-chicken-ten!ersL c*oneMeNcenterM1)7)44N"alleryM1)7640Nsli!eM47649) S,uash! Chickpea! and Red &entil Soup Makes =0 ser(in"s In"re!ients2 ; 3 c% chick eas 1= 3 l$s% $utternut s:uash6 eele!6 see!e!6 an! cut into 1 inch cu$es 14 3 lar"e carrots6 cut into 3 inch ieces 6 lar"e onions6 cho e! 6 @ c% re! lentils 4= c% (e"eta$le $roth 9 c% tomato aste 3 c% mince! "in"er 7 -$s % "roun! cumin 4 -$s % salt 1 3 ts % $lack e er 1 3 c% lime 8uice 7 c% roaste! unsalte! eanuts 1 3 c% 'resh cilantro6 cho e! Directions2 <om$ine chick eas6 s:uash6 carrots6 onion6 lentils6 $roth6 tomato aste6 "in"er6 cumin6 salt6 an! e er in a lar"e ot%

<ook on me!ium heat until lentils are so't% Stir in lime 8uice an! ser(e s rinkle! with cilantro an! eanuts%

htt 2AAwww%eatin"well%comAreci esAs:uashKchick eaKre!KlentilKstew%htmlL sectionMcommentsOta$s Bro(n Rice Makes =0 ser(in"s Directions2 Place =0 c% o' $rown rice into multi le ans% Fill ans hal'way with water% <ook 'or 40 minutes6 or until rice is !one% Flu'' with 'ork $e'ore ser(in"% Turke+ -rap Makes =0 ser(in" In"re!ients2 100 slices !eli turkey =0 ieces o' lettuce =0 tomato slices 100 -$s % $rown mustar! =0 corn tortillas Directions2 Gra 4 slices o' turkey6 1 iece o' lettuce6 an! 1 tomato slice in a corn tortilla with 4 -$s % $rown mustar!% Maple Dill Carrots Makes =0 ser(in"s In"re!ients2 60 c% 'ro*en $a$y carrots 4 1A7 c% $utter 4 1A7 c% $rown su"ar 9 c% !rie! !ill 7 -$s % salt 7 -$s % $lack e er Directions2 Place carrots in multi le er'orate! ans% <ook in steamer 'or a$out 1= minutes6 or until almost !one% Finish in skillet on sto(e% .!! $utter to $ottom o' skillet an! cook carrots with $rown su"ar6 !ill6 salt6 an! e er until com letely !one% .talian Chicken Makes =0 ser(in"s In"re!ients =0 chicken thi"hs >or $reasts? 46 lar"e otatoes6 eele! an! :uartere! 17 1A7 c% (e"eta$le oil 'or 'ryin" 1 4A7 c% wine (ine"ar

16 3 lemons6 8uice! 77 3 clo(es crushe! "arlic 1A7 c% F 1 -$s % !rie! ore"ano 1A7 c% F 1 -$s % !rie! arsley 7 onions6 mince! Salt an! e er to taste

Directions2 Preheat o(en to 7=0 !e"rees F% .rran"e chicken ieces on a an% In a skillet o(er me!ium hi"h heat6 'ry otatoes in 3 in% !ee oil until "ol!en $rown6 then ut them in the an with the chicken% <om$ine (ine"ar6 lemon 8uice6 "arlic6 ore"ano6 arsley6 onion6 salt6 an! e er with 3 c% reser(e! 'ryin" oil an! our mi5ture o(er chicken an! otatoes% &ake in reheate! o(en 'or 1 @ hours6 $astin" chicken an! otatoes with sauce mi5ture% 1et rest 'or = minutes an! ser(e hot% Scram%led *''s Makes =0 ser(in"s In"re!ients2 Oven uttanesca Makes =0 ser(in"s In"re!ients2 =0 tomatoes6 $ut into 1 inch we!"es 16 clo(es "arlic6 thinly slice! 1 3 c% ca ers6 rinse! 1 c% oli(e oil 4 c% Palamata oli(es6 hal(e! an! itte! 74 o*% neutral-'la(ore! enne >&ionaturae "luten-'ree $ran!? Salt an! e er6 to taste Directions2 Preheat o(en to ;4= !e"rees F% -oss tomatoes6 "arlic6 ca ers6 oil6 salt6 an! e er on a rimme! $akin" sheet% /oast 'or 7= minutes6 then re!uce o(en to 77= !e"rees F% .!! oli(es6 stirrin" once6 an! roast 1= minutes more% Meanwhile6 $rin" a lar"e ot o' salte! water to a $oil% .!! asta an! cook until al !ente% Drain% -oss with tomato sauce6 an! season to taste with salt an! e er% Ser(e !ri**le! with oli(e oil% htt 2AAwww%wholeli(in"%comA170)79Ao(en- uttanesca Salmon Cake Makes =0 ser(in"s In"re!ients2 14 3 cans salmon6 !raine! an! 'lake!

4= e""s6 $eaten 14 3 small onions6 !ice! @ c% F 1 ts % "roun! $lack e 4 1A7 c% (e"eta$le oil


Directions2 Pick throu"h salmon an! remo(e any $ones% &eat e""s in a mi5in" $owl an! a!! !ice! onion6 salmon6 an! e er% Mi5 thorou"hly% Sha e into 4 o*% atties% In a skillet o(er me!ium heat6 heat oil% Fry each atty 'or = minutes on each si!e6 or until cris y an! "ol!en $rown% Roasted "spara'us Makes =0 ser(in"s In"re!ients2 4=0 as ara"us s ears Ili(e oil Salt an! e er Directions2 <ut o'' $ottoms o' as ara"us s ears% <oat as ara"us with oli(e oil6 salt6 an! e er% 1ay in a sin"le layer on $akin" sheet an! $ake at 7=0 !e"rees F 'or 11 minutes% So+ /Salmon0 Cake Makes =0 ser(in"s In"re!ients2 10 c% "rate! carrot 1= cho e! tomatoes 4 3 lemons6 8uice! an! *este! 7 -$s % white (ine"ar 4 ts % sea salt 1 @ c% (e"eta$le oil 9 c% !rie! !ill 140 o*% soy crum$les Directions2 Mi5 carrot6 tomatoes6 soy6 lemon *est an! 8uice6 (ine"ar6 !ill6 salt6 an! oil% Put mi5ture into $akin" !ish an! $ake at 700 !e"rees F6 until carrot so'tens6 a$out 4= minutes% Form atties an! ser(e with lemon slice% htt 2AAwww%one"reen lanet%or"A(e"an-'oo!Areci e-(e"an-salmon- attiesA

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