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Human nature is basically good and noble. This forms the main concept of the humanistic theory.

According to Carl Rogers, Maslow and Bugental, human became evil because of the influence of the environment. The theory of hierarchical needs is basically the motivation theory in humanistic psychology. The theory of self actuali!ation is the main core of humanistic psychology. They asserted that the elements of self actuali!ation should cover the actuali!ation of perfect human nature and individual potentials. Theory on education reform is the main theme of humanistic psychology. According to them, education development should be pupil centred, teaching should emphasi!e individual potentials, rather than reading materials. They emphasi!ed meaningful and useful learning e"periences as well as the forms of learning process and the fostering of true, sincere relationship and mutual trust between teacher and pupils. Research conducted by humanistic psychologists have proved that human learning depends on their individual emotion and feeling. They emphasi!ed that every individual has his or her own way in learning and is different from others. Thus, teaching and learning strategy should be organised in such a way to follow individual needs and emotional development. According to psychologists from the humanistic school of thought including Carl Rogers and Maslow, every individual possesses potentials and desire to achieve self e"cellence. As such, teachers should consider pupils# self esteem and guide them so that their potentials can be developed to the optimal level. $rinciples of Rogers#s approach in education states that effectiveness in learning will only occur when pupils ta%e their own initiative and fully involved themselves in their learning activities. Based on the transformation that we made, pupils can select sub&ect according to their own interest. This is significant to the theory that we chose, to attract pupils engagement in learning session, teacher must teach sub&ect that motivate them to learn. That is why we give choice for pupils to select their own sub&ect so that we can develop individuals who can thin% analytically, creatively and innovatively.

'n striving to raise the national capacity to ac(uire and utilise e %nowledge, we focus on technology. )ne way of describing the scope of the word is to recogni!e that its current significance is lin%ed to the capacity of the hard sciences to create systematic %nowledge about the physical world we live in. This %nowledge, when put to practical use and applied to material nature, through various techni(ues and processes, leads to the transformation of material reality through the creation of new structures, materials and entities. 'n short, a technology might be described as the techni(ue of transforming material reality through the application of scientific %nowledge and method to the ob&ects and entities of the world. *o, our vision for the education system, we want pupils to involve themselves in e %nowledge. Based on learning theories of Rogers and Maslow, individuals would be ready to upgrade themselves in the other hierarchical needs. Transformation that we made is to ensure pupils to e"plore learning through e %nowledge. +rom that, pupils can learn something new that is fun and interesting to attract their interest in learning. This means that the effectiveness of teaching and learning activites in classroom has to depend on which level of pupils# need is satisfied. Thus, in order to ensure pupils en&oy the teaching and learning transformation, teachers have to provide a conducive learning environment so that they would be happy, pleasant and secure to involve themselves in the learning activities. Active involvement in social activities and not only depend in classroom teaching and learning will improve our education system to produce people who are creative, inventive and innovative. The approach of humanistic school stressed the importance of developing individual potentials. ,e find theory based on humanistic perspective is good to produce a teaching and learning transformation in order to foster innovation. Thus, strategy and method for teaching and learning should be oriented towards pupil centered, individual teaching method, in(uiry discovery, practical approach, as well as enrichment and remedial activities. Teacher should play the role as facilitator and organiser so as to motivate pupils to use their own learning strategy to achieve self perfection.

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