Bulletin April 26-2014

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WORSHIP HOUR 8:30 AM **11:30 AM

Praise & Worship.Golovenko Boys **Team 1 Hymn of Praise...Lo, What a glorious Sight Appears...#446 Intercessory Prayer.Elder Gene Bernardo **Simone Biggs Healing of fractured Relationships, Birthdays & Anniversaries, Wisconsin Conference
Next Week: Central States Conferences, Community Services Team and their families, First Responders

1. Membership Transfers IN from the London Spanish Company 1st Reading: Anna Perez, George Perez Andres Felipe Perez Ramirez, Maria Isabel Erazo Zuluaga, Graciela Carcamo, Maria Carcamo, Mario Carcamo, Jurgen Anzora, Maria Anzora, Raul Anzora Jr., Raul Anzora, Steve Anzora 2. Bible Study TONIGHT @ 5 pm, with Pastor Alex on subject of Dress & elder Jack Polihronov continuing examining Biblical view of the state of the dead, part 2. 3. Documentary film The Bride, the Beast and Babylon, TONIGHT at 7 pm. This inspiring production of the Amazing Facts under direction of Doug Batchelor examines the truth about end-times and challenges the popular Christian perspective about Middle East, and role of the Christianity in the final conflict. A free will offering will be collected to benefit the Youth Summit attendance by our teens. 4. Inviting ALL to an hour of prayer, Bible Study and testimonies on Wednesday night at 7 pm. Come and be blessed. 5. Pastor Alex will be away from April 27 to May 4. First making a brief trip by air to Alberta to accompany Stepan home from university. Then the family will travel by car to Andrews University to celebrate his doctoral graduation on Sabbath, May 3. Please keep the Golovenko family in your prayers. 6. On April 27th from 10 am to 1 pm all are invited to join the youth, young adults and Pathfinders of our church in cleaning up our yard, and the Shelborne Housing complex, as a part of the city-wide Love London: Clean & Green effort.

7. Condolences to MaryJane Gibson, whose father fell asleep in Christ, suddenly in Sarnia on April 21st. William J. Bosch is survived by his wife Mary, his loving friend for 50 years. Funeral Service will be held at the Sarnia Gospel Hall (1791 London Line) on Saturday, April 26th, 2014 at 11am. Interment at Warwick United Cemetery. Donations through the Bible by J. Vernon McGee would be appreciated by the family. Online condolences may be left at www.denningfuneralhome.com 8. Pathfinders Classes will resume May 4th with type A uniform inspection @ 10 am. 9. Family Day Sabbath is planned for May 24th. The Family Ministry is organizing various activities for that day. Were planning to celebrate the Families in our church by making a presentation with pictures from their Weddings or family. Each family is asked to submit a wedding picture. Please send pictures along with the date and the place of your wedding to: angelina.polihronova@gmail.com or patricialopez@live.ca

Childrens Story.......................................**Leanne Pelissero Offering..Ontario Advance..Bob Reeve **Bill Dowdell Special MusicBarbra Kasule **Laura Giliberti Scripture......Psalm 78:3-8....................Bob Reeve **Lystra Shimla

Pastor Alex Golovenko Education for Eternity

Hymn of Commitment.. A Child of the King.. #468

10. Mens Ministry meeting Sunday April 27th starting with breakfast at 8:30 AM. We will then help the youth and young adults with the London Clean & Green volunteer project at 10:00 AM. 11. Bible Conference May 2-4 at the Downsview SDA church. Dr. Alden Thompson, Old Testament professor at Walla Walla, will present on the subject of Old Testament God. Registration is $50 for the entire weekend, and is available online at the Conference website www.adventistontario.org 12. You are invited to a Baby Shower for Lee and Lindsay Topper on Sunday, May 4th at 3 PM in our Fellowship Hall. Please join with us as we welcome the blessing of another soon to arrive new addition to our church family.

BenedictionElder Gord Rayner **Elder Jack Polihronov **SECOND SERVICE

Christ and the Law in the sermon on the Mount
Memory Text: Do not think that I came to destroy the Law or the Prophets. I did not come to destroy but to fulfill. For assuredly, I say to you, till heaven and earth pass away, one jot, or one tittle will by no means pass from the law till all is fulfilled (Matthew 5:17-18, NKJV). The Church at Study 10:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. Superintendent: Kathy Rayner Sunset Today: 8:19 p.m. Next week: 8:27 p.m.

13. Please plan to attend and invite community for the Mothers Day concert with Marian Kossovan and Wendell Phipps, May 10th at 6 pm. More information will follow as posters will be available. 14. Youth from all over Canada will gather in Hamilton, Ontario for a biennial summit from May 29 through June 1. Twenty people from our church will be attending this event, 17 teens are interested in connecting with Adventist youth and growing spiritually. Our youth department is allocating its Budget money for sponsoring. Each youth is contributing their registration fee. Please consider sponsoring financially so we would not turn anyone from this opportunity. Please mark your donations Youth Summit. 15. VBS: Volunteers are needed for July 21st-26th; please see Doris Van Leeuwen if you are able to help. 16. Sunday, June 8, 2014. Bring your family and friends to discover the Grand River on a 4- hour canoe trip. Cost is $11.50/person in a 3 person canoe. Departure time is 9:30 AM from the Grand Experiences, 113 Grand River St N, Paris Ontario to Brant Park. A picnic potluck is planned, so bring picnic food in coolers, also snacks and drinks for the trip. Swimming is allowed, please wear modest swimming attire, and the necessary sun protection. Interested persons please contact Debbie Boscovic in person, or at Debbie@boscoviolinsupply.com or Pastor Alex at pastor_alex7@hotmail.com by May 15th.

Stewardship of Time
This past Wednesday elder Clara Baptiste led the prayer meeting with reflection on Stewardship. Away from common focus on money she challenged us to think of stewardship of time, along with relationships, creation, gifts and talents, health, and other aspects. The question that was on the minds of many is the legacy we leave. Especially older generation, who feel they are on the final leg of their journey. The legacy differs from memories. In the words of John C. Maxwell, we all leave behind three kinds of things: (1) Souvenirs, memories of events, milestones and activities they were engaged. Kids do remember good times with parents and grandparents, bike-rides, outings, nature trips, vacations. We cherish these memories through pictures in old albumsthese are records of existence, souvenirs. (2) Trophies, records of achievements, status that gives next generation some recognition, prestige. (3) Legacy is more significant, as it does not just mark what happened in the past, but lives on, and continues to make an impact long after the person is gone. Legacy works for the next generation. A dictionary synonym for legacy is inheritance. The Legacy, just as souvenirs, and trophies, are not created by an accident. It takes intention, time, effort, investment, to leave behind something of value. Everyone leaves footsteps behind, for some it may be graffiti, garbage pile, debt, problems, disaster, ruin. Others create blessings! What are you doing today for the legacy of tomorrow? Legacy is a dream that changes not only your life but also the lives of all the people it touches. What is your dream? Have you imagined what your footprint will look like? In leadership culture the highest legacy is defined as succession. Success means successors. Family legacy is when the name, honor, good reputation, wealth, influence is carried on through children and grandchildren. For the church legacy is also expressed in growth and increased impact from generation to generation. We enjoy when people leave bequeath for the church resulting in improvements. Ephesians 5:15-16 cautions believers see then that you walk circumspectly, not as fools but as wise, redeeming the time, because the days are evil (NKJV). NIV puts it making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil. A closer look at Greek original suggests the idea of exaggerating the good time, amplifying special moments, increasing useful time, so we would not feel guilty, bad, about our days. I implore you to consider prayerfully your use of time, and legacy.


Birthday Wishes for April

Apr 6 Daniel Tavares Apr 6 Richard Bartosz Apr 6 Lewis Stoddard Apr 10 Brittany Bernardo Apr 11 Stepan Golovenko Apr 12 Rixon Gultom Apr 13 Sandra Golovenko Apr 15 Elizabeth Palmateer Apr 16 Lewis Stoddard Apr 19 Sylvia Reeve Apr 21 Lukas Rusek Apr 21 Kathleen Bancroft Apr 22 Maria Bartosz Apr 23 Reneica Eccles Apr 23 Renice Eccles Apr 24 Beatrice Kasule Apr 24 Maria Lucia Catarino Apr 26 Dorothy Gilbert Apr 26 Jack Polihronov Apr 27 Kofi BoahFrimpong Apr 27 Simone Biggs Apr 27 Maria Carcamo Apr 28 Keenan Bancroft Apr 29 Yvonne Thuilard Apr 29 Sara Mahon Apr 30 Juliana Mantiri

your servant, pastor Alex Golovenko

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