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Concept Un|t

Lesson |an 1emp|ate

Un|t Work|ng 1|t|e: 8esearchlng ?Cu

Un|t "8|g Idea" (Concept]1heme): MulLl-genre 8esearch ro[ecL

Un|t r|mary Sk||| focus: CreaLlve WrlLlng

Week 1 of 4, |an #1 of 12, [90 mlnuLes]

|an type: lull-ueLall

Content kequ|rement Sat|sf|ed: lnLroducLory Week lull-ueLall Lesson lan

Cr|t|ca| Learn|ng Cb[ect|ves (numbered) [from my Un|t reface], fo||owed by Spec|f|c Learn|ngs (bu||eted)
be|ng taught |n th|s |esson:
Cogn|t|ve (know]understand):
1. SLudenLs wlll undersLand LhaL rouLlne creaLe efflclency ln Lhe classroom.
2. SLudenLs wlll know Lhe rouLlne for Lurnlng ln and plcklng up asslgnmenLs.
3. SLudenLs wlll know LhaL l value Lhelr lnpuL whlle creaLlng classroom norms.
4. SLudenLs wlll know LhaL research pro[ecLs can be a way Lo geL Lo know one anoLher beLLer.

Affect|ve (fee|]va|ue):
3. SLudenLs wlll feel lnformed abouL Lhe classroom rouLlnes.
6. SLudenLs wlll feel famlllar wlLh Lhe sLudenLs ln Lhe classroom.
7. SLudenLs wlll value Lhe opporLunlLy Lo personallze Lhelr own classroom norms.

erformance (do):
8. SLudenLs wlll creaLe a nameplaLe for Lhelr desks and presenL Lhem Lo Lhe class.
9. SLudenLs wlll flll ouL a llrsL uay Survey.
10. SLudenLs wlll bralnsLorm a llsL of norms LhaL could be used as rules ln Lhe classroom.
11. SLudenLs wlll dlscuss poLenLlal norms wlLh parLners.
12. SLudenLs wlll creaLe norms Lo lmplemenL as classroom rules as a class.

12.7 1he sLudenL wlll develop exposlLory and lnformaLlonal wrlLlngs.
a) CeneraLe, gaLher, and organlze ldeas for wrlLlng.
b) Conslder audlence and purpose when plannlng for wrlLlng.

rocedures]Instruct|ona| Strateg|es
jNote. Any words LhaL represenL whaL l would say dlrecLly Lo sLudenLs appear ln ltollcs.]

8eg|nn|ng koom Arrangement:
uesks wlll be arranged ln a clrcle, wlLh sLudenLs faclng lnwards.

1. Introduct|on & 8as|c kout|nes - 10 mlnuLes
SLudenLs walk ln Lhe room and slL ln random seaLs. SeaLs wlll noL be asslgned Loday.
WrlLLen on Lhe board:
o Welcome! lease grab a sheeL of consLrucLlon paper from Lhe baskeL on Lhe slde wall as you
come ln and geL seLLled!
SLudenLs grab consLrucLlon paper and slL down.

CooJ motoloq evetyooe! My oome ls Ms. keoves, ooJ l om so exclteJ to qet to koow evety ooe of yoo Jotloq
tbls scbool yeot. 8efote we qet stotteJ, l woot to qo ovet o few closstoom pollcles so we coo qet lo oot mloJs
os sooo os posslble. Alooq tbls woll os yoo wolk loto tbe closstoom, yoo wlll see two Jlffeteot blos. Ooe ls
lobeleJ lCk u ooJ tbe otbet ls lobeleJ 1u8n ln. l see mooy of yoo teoJ tbe bootJ ooJ vlslteJ tbe lCk u blo
olteoJy, ooJ l om so qloJ. lot tbe eotlte scbool yeot, lf tbete ls o wotksbeet ot otbet plece of lofotmotloo l
woot yoo oll to bove fot tbe closs petloJ, lt wlll be lo tbls bosket. lf tbete ls ootbloq lo lt, obvloosly yoo Joot
oeeJ to qet ooytbloq. 8ot l wlll ose tbls ofteo. 1be teosoo wby l bove tbese boskets lo ploce ls to cteote
efflcleocy ooJ sove tlme. lf tbete ls o polz ot wotksbeet to beqlo closs, yoo coo plck lt op os yoo wolk lo, cottloq
tbe tlme lt woolJ toke fot me to poss tbe wotksbeets oot. wbot poestloos Jo yoo bove oboot tbls pottlcolot
SLudenLs ask quesLlons Lhey may have.
l wlll answer Lhe quesLlons and clarlfy any deLalls.

Now, lf yoo bove sometbloq to toto lo ot tbe beqlooloq of closs, tbls ls wbete yoo pot tbem - tbe 1u8n ln blo.
Ofteo l wlll bove tbe speclflc ltem yoo oeeJ to toto lo wtltteo oo tbe bootJ to temloJ yoo, ooJ l woolJ llke fot
yoo oll to bove tbem lo tbe blo teoJy to qo befote tbe bell tloqs. Most of tbe tlme yoo wlll ploce tbe bomewotk
Joe fot tbe Joy bete befote closs stotts. novloq tbls system lo ploce teolly belps os stott tbe closs efflcleotly
ooJ otqoolzeJ. wltb tbls blo, l woot bove to come otoooJ ooJ collect bomewotk, becoose yoo wlll koow tbot
yoo most toto lt lo ot tbe beqlooloq of closs lo tbe osslqoeJ bosket. wbot poestloos Jo yoo bove oboot tbe
lCk u blo?
SLudenLs ask quesLlons Lhey may have.
l wlll answer Lhe quesLlons and clarlfy any deLalls.

2. ersona| Introduct|ons - 20-23 mlnuLes
Now l bet yoo oll ote wooJetloq wbot yoo ote qoloq to Jo wltb tbese pleces of coosttoctloo popet! oo ote
qoloq to ose tbem to cteote oomeplotes fot yoot Jesks. l om o vety vlsool petsoo, so lt wlll belp me lmmeosely
to bove tbese oo yoot Jesks fot tbese fltst few Joys of closs. l bove motkets ooJ coloteJ peoclls op ftoot fot
yoo to petsooollze yoot slqo. Iost folJ tbe popet loto tbltJs ooJ wtlte yoot fltst oome ooJ yoot lost loltlol llke
l wlll model how Lo fold Lhe nameplaLe.
l wlll wrlLe my name on Lhe paper wlLh a marker.

oo coo Jecotote lt bowevet yoo woot, locloJloq octlvltles yoo llke to Jo, ploces yoo woot to vlslt, ot ooytbloq
else tbot ls esseotlol to yoot beloq. we wlll pteseot tbese wbeo evetyooe ls flolsbeJ, so keep tbot lo mloJ. Also
pleose moke sote yoot oome stlcks oot ftom tbe test of yoot Jtowloq so l coo eoslly spot lt wbeo l om stlll
qettloq to koow yoo oll. lot tbls octlvlty, l wlll qlve yoo oboot 10-15 mlootes ooJ tbeo we wlll move oo to tbe
SLudenLs wlll work on Lhelr nameplaLes for abouL 10 mlnuLes.
l wlll qulckly creaLe one for myself Lo show LhaL l flnd Lhls Lask worLhwhlle.
AfLer l qulckly creaLe mlne, l wlll walk around Lhe room Lo Lalk wlLh sLudenLs as Lhey creaLe.

l see tbot evetyooe bos flolsbeJ tbelt oometoqs, so lets pteseot tbem! 1o see wbo wlll qo fltst, well qo wltb
wboevet bos tbe vety fltst blttbJoy lo tbe yeot. wbose blttbJoy ls lo Iooooty? 5toJeots wlll soy wbeo tbelt
blttbJoys ote, ooJ we wlll lJeotlfy wbo bos tbe fltst blttbJoy. Okoy, Iooe, yoot blttbJoy ls Iooooty 5 so lets
stott wltb yoo. Aftet tbot, we wlll move to yoot tlqbt. Iost stote yoot oome, wbot yoo Jtew oo yoot
oomeplote, ooJ wby yoo Jtew tbot!
SLudenLs wlll go around Lhe room and presenL Lhelr names and nameplaLes.
We wlll move ln a clrcle around Lhe room, noL by blrLhdaLe, LhaL was merely Lo flgure ouL who should
go flrsL.
l wlll also presenL my nameplaLe.

3. I|rst Day Survey - 13 mlnuLes
l teolly llke tbe cteotlvlty yoo pot loto yoot cotJs. lleose keep tbem oo tbe eJqe of yoot Jesk so tbot l coo tefet
to tbem lo tbe fltst few Joys of closs. Now l om qoloq to poss oot o sotvey fot yoo oll to flll oot tbot l wlll keep
lo my tecotJs. 1bls ls jost fot me to look ot ooJ qolo o llttle blt of koowleJqe oboot oll of yoo. we wlll bove o
mote lotetoctlve qet-to-koow-yoo octlvlty oext closs, bot we oeeJ to qet tbese tootloes ooJ boosekeeploq
ltems oot of tbe woy toJoy. wbeo yoo flolsb tbe sotvey (tbete ls o ftoot ooJ bock), lets ptoctlce wbot we jost
leotoeJ ooJ bove yoo toto tbem loto tbe ptopet bosket oo tbe toble. oo bove oboot 15 mlootes to flll tbls oot.
lf yoo bove ooy poestloos, Joot besltote to tolse yoot booJ.
l wlll hand ouL Lhe surveys.

Cnce sLudenLs begln Lurnlng ln Lhelr surveys: 5ome of yoo ote beqlooloq to toto lo yoot sotveys. 1book yoo fot
pottloq tbem lo tbe bosket! As yoo wolk op to tbe toble, yoo wlll see o plle of boslc spltol ootebooks ooJ
petmooeot motkets. lleose toke ooe ooJ wtlte yoot oome oo tbe ftoot of tbem. l koow tbot l bove 5
petmooeot motkets, so l woot to see 5 wbeo we move oo to tbe oext octlvlty. we ote qoloq to ose tbese
ootebooks polte ofteo lo tbls closstoom.
SLudenL wlll flll ouL Lhe surveys. When Lhey flnlsh, Lhey wlll place Lhem ln Lhe 1u8n ln baskeL.
SLudenLs wlll Lake a splral noLebook and wrlLe Lhelr names on Lhem. 1hey wlll keep Lhem on Lhelr

4. C|assroom Norms - 30 mlnuLes
1book yoo oll fot yoot sotveys. we ote oow qoloq to estobllsb o set of closstoom ootms tbot we coo olwoys
tefet to tbtooqboot tbe yeot. we wlll move ftom tblokloq oo yoot owo to smoll qtoops, ooJ tbeo we wlll bove
o foll-closs Jlscossloo. 1o beqlo, l woot evetyooe opeo yoot ootebooks to tbe fltst poqe. 1ltle tbe poqe
Classroom norms ooJ pot tbe Jote lo tbe top cotoet. lot oboot flve mlootes, pleose wtlte Jowo tbloqs tbot wlll
eocootoqe tlsk-tokloq, tespect, ooJ otbet posltlve otttlbotes of o commoolty. 1bese Joot bove to be petfect,
jost wtlte Jowo wbot yoo tblok sboolJ be locloJeJ lo oot toles ooJ ootms. Ooe exomple tbot l woolJ Jefloltely
locloJe ls, cbolleoqe lJeos, oot people. oo flve mlootes, wbot poestloos Jo yoo bove?
SLudenLs wlll ask quesLlons.
l wlll answer Lhelr quesLlons and clarlfy anyLhlng.

lt seems llke yoo bove o qtosp oo tbls, so beqlo oow. l wlll wolk otoooJ tbe toom lo cose yoo oeeJ ooy
SLudenLs wlll bralnsLorm ln Lhelr [ournals for f|ve mlnuLes.

lleose flolsb op yoot flool tbooqbts oo tbls toplc, becoose we ote qoloq to move oo to tbe oext step. 1oto to
tbe petsoo oext to yoo ooJ pottoet op to Jlscoss wbot yoo wtote oboot. 5ee wbot yoo oll bove lo commoo ooJ
wbot yoo Jo oot bove lo commoo. 5tot oboot two ot tbtee ootms oll toqetbet tbot yoo belleve ote most
lmpottoot. oo bove oboot flve mote mlootes fot tbls. uoes ooyooe oot bove o pottoet?
SLudenLs wlll ralse hands lf Lhey do noL have a parLner.
l wlll read[usL sLudenL palrs lf necessary.

oo coo beqlo yoot compotlsoos oow.
SLudenLs wlll dlscuss ln groups of Lwo or Lhree for 3-7 mlnuLes. 1hey wlll sLar Lhe mosL lmporLanL rules
Lhey have creaLed.

lleose wtop op yoot coovetsotloos ooJ look op ot me wbeo yoo ote teoJy. l om qoloq to moke o llst of tbe
most commoo ootms tbot yoo oll come op wltb lo tbe Jlscossloos. we ote qoloq to stott wltb ooe qtoop - lets
stott wltb Iooe ooJ 5otob. wbot ote tbe two most lmpottoot ootms yoo JeclJeJ oo?
SLudenLs wlll share Lhelr 2-3 rules.
l wlll wrlLe Lhem on Lhe board and ask a few quesLlons Lo clarlfy or rephrase Lhem.
l wlll puL a Lally mark or check nexL Lo commenLs LhaL are broughL up more Lhan once.
1hls wlll lasL for abouL 10 mlnuLes.

All tlqbt. we bove oboot 15 Jlffeteot toles oo tbe bootJ. lleose toto bock to yoot pottoet ooJ JeclJe 5 toles
tbot ote tbe most lmpottoot to yoo. Also tolk oboot ooy tbot seem oooecessoty ot slmllot to otbets. Moke o
llst of tbem lo botb yoot ootebooks fot wbeo we come bock toqetbet. 1oke flve mlootes.
SLudenLs wlll dlscuss wlLh Lhelr parLners for flve mlnuLes.

lets come bock toqetbet ooe mote tlme. l woot to tty to bteok tbese Jowo to tbe most lmpottoot elemeots to
locloJe lo oot closstoom. Ate tbete ooy pottoets wbo bove vety sttooq feelloqs towotJ eltbet keeploq ooe
ootm ot temovloq ooe? kolse yoot booJ to Jlscoss.
SLudenLs wlll ralse Lhelr hands Lo Lalk abouL whlch norms Lhey really wanL Lo lnclude or wlsh Lo
1hls wlll go on for 10 mlnuLes.

oo oll bove come op wltb some teolly oeot ootms. l om qoloq to wtlte Jowo tbe flool ootms we bove oo tbe
bootJ ooJ toke tbem bome so tbot l coo tewotk tbem o llttle blt. Oot oext closs meetloq, l wlll pteseot tbem
ooJ see lf tbete ote ooy flool oJjostmeots tbot oeeJ to be moJe.

S. Mu|t|-genre kesearch ro[ect Introduct|on - 3 mlnuLes
1be vety fltst oolt we ote qoloq to Jo lo tbls closs ls o moltl-qeote teseotcb ptoject, wblcb ls ptetty Jlffeteot
ftom tbe ttoJltloool teseotcb popet. nos ooyooe beotJ of tbls befote? SLudenLs wlll ralse/noL ralse hands. lt
looks llke tbls ls oot o fomlllot ptoject, so l om vety exclteJ to lottoJoce tbls to yoo.

A moltl-qeote teseotcb ptoject ls slmllot to o teseotcb popet lo tbot o speclflc toplc ls cboseo ooJ teseotcbeJ.
we wlll qotbet lofotmotloo loJlvlJoolly bot ot tbe some tlme. Ooce we bove qotbeteJ some qooJ lofotmotloo,
we ote qoloq to toke tbot ooJ losett lt loto o plece of cteotlve wtltloq. 1be wbole closs ls qoloq to cteote o
petsoool oJ, o poem, o stotybook, ooJ ooe otbet type of wtltloq. 8ot Joot wotty, tbls wlll boppeo ovet tbe
oext foot weeks, ooJ we wlll bove pleoty of closs tlme to wotk oo tbls.

At tbe eoJ of tbls oolt, we wlll set op o llttle qollety wolk ooJ pteseototloo to sbow tbe lofotmotloo yoo bove
JlscoveteJ ooJ sbote tbe wtltloq yoo bove cteoteJ. 1bls moltl-qeote teseotcb ptoject wlll be o llttle Jlffeteot,
bowevet, becoose we ote qoloq to be teseotcbloq ourselves. 1bls woot seem os coofosloq os lt ptobobly Joes
tlqbt oow becoose we ote qoloq to bollJ op to tbe blq ptoject. we ote qoloq to beqlo tbls week wltb oo ottlcle
oboot ootselves. uoes ooyooe bove ooy qeoetol poestloos oboot tbls oolt?
SLudenLs wlll ask general quesLlons.
l wlll answer Lhem and clarlfy any lnsLrucLlons.

6. |ann|ng ersona| Ad - 3 mlnuLes
we ote qoloq to beqlo tbe wbole moltl-qeote teseotcb ptoject wltb o petsoool oJvettlsemeot. we ote oot
qoloq to beqlo tbe oJ tlqbt oow, bot we ote qoloq to ploo fot lt. lot tbe oext flve mlootes ooJ fot bomewotk lf
yoo Jo oot flolsb, l woot yoo oll to btolostotm lofotmotloo oboot yoo. 1bls coo tooqe ftom wbot yoo look llke
to octlvltles yoo Jo oo tbe weekeoJ. oo coolJ locloJe lofotmotloo oboot yoot fomlly ot tecooot oo expetleoce
tbot bos o lot to Jo wltb tbe woy yoo ote. l woot tbls to be o ptetty blq llst, wtlte Jowo ooy ooJ oll lofotmotloo
tbot comes to yoot mloJ, eveo lf yoo tblok yoo moy oot eoJ op osloq tbls. No ooe ls qoloq to teoJ tbls llst, ooJ
l om ooly qoloq to qtoJe lt to see tbot yoo toocbeJ yoot peo to popet. 1be exoct leoqtb ls op to yoo, bot
temembet tbot tbe mote lJeos yoo wtlte Jowo, tbe mote lospltotloo yoo wlll bove fot wbeo yoo beqlo to wtlte
tbe octool oJvettlsemeot. wbot poestloos Jo yoo bove oboot tbls?
SLudenLs wlll ask quesLlons.
l wlll answer Lhem and clarlfy anyLhlng.

oo bove oboot tbtee mlootes to beqlo btolostotmloq fot tbls. l koow lts oot o lot of tlme, bot l woot yoo to
toke tbls bome ooJ btloq lt lo oext closs. 1bls ls yoot bomewotk. lf yoo oeeJ ooy belp, l wlll be wolkloq otoooJ
tbe toom. lleose Joot wtlte tbese lo yoot jootools becoose l woot to keep tbem bete lo tbe closstoom. oo
coo, bowevet, teot oot o plece of popet to ose fot yoot lJeos.
SLudenLs wlll bralnsLorm for 3 mlnuLes.
l wlll walk around Lo answer any quesLlons.

7. Lx|t S||p - 3 mlnuLes
l om sotty lf l om lotettoptloq ooy bteoktbtooqbs yoo oll ote bovloq, bot l oeeJ yoo to pot yoot popets owoy lo
o sofe ploce. oo wlll toke tbese bome ooJ btloq tbem bock oext closs, so moke sote tbey ote secote.

8efote we pock op to leove, l oeeJ yoo oll to Jo oo exlt sllp. klp oot o plece of popet. wtlte yoot oome oo tbe
top. Oo tbls popet, l woot yoo to wtlte tbe oome of tbtee people lo tbe closs wbo yoo ote comfottoble to wotk
wltb lf yoo wete pot lo o qtoop wltb tbem. Also wtlte o llst of tbtee people wbo yoo woolJ be oocomfottoble
wltb lf yoo wete ploceJ lo o qtoop wltb tbem. 8e cleot oboot wblcb llst ls wblcb. 1bls llst ls cooflJeotlol, ooly l
wlll see tbem. AoJ l wlll ose tbem ooly wbeo l fotm qtoops fot octlvltles lo tbls closs. l Jo oot woot yoo oll to
Jlscoss tbls wltb ooe oootbet. wbeo yoote flolsbeJ wltb yoot exlt sllp, btloq yoot exlt sllps ooJ yoot
oomeplotes to me. oo coo tbeo pock op. kemolo slleot pleose ootll tbe test of yoot clossmotes ote flolsbeJ.
oo coo leove wbeo tbe bell tloqs.
SLudenLs wlll flll ouL Lhelr exlL sllp and Lurn lL ln Lo me.

Methods of Assessment:
[Pow wlll you know lf Lhe lnLended learnlng occurred?]
o lndependenL bralnsLormlng
! Cb[ecLlve 9
o arLlclpaLlon ln group dlscusslon
! Cb[ecLlves 3, 6, 10 & 11
o 1hlnk-alr-Share
! Cb[ecLlves 3, 6, 9, 10, & 11
o llrsL uay Survey
! Cb[ecLlve 8
o Classroom norms LlsL
! Cb[ecLlves 3, 6, 9, 10, & 11

D|fferent|ated Instruct|on to accommodate one or more of my prof||ed students:
(1bls ls wbete yoo lJeotlfy speclflc ospects of tbls lessoo wblcb bove beeo JlffeteotloteJ lo otJet to oJJtess tbe
oeeJs of ooe ot mote of yoot ptoflleJ stoJeots-lJeotlfy tbem by oome)
ln order Lo dlfferenLlaLe for my sLudenLs, l allowed for a loL of Llme Lo Lhlnk and Lake noLes prlor Lo speaklng
wlLh Lhe class or wlLh anoLher sLudenL. 1hls wlll help uerek who ls quleL and slow Lo volce hls oplnlon.
AddlLlonally, l allowed for sLudenLs Lo lnclude whaLever Lhey wanLed on Lhelr nameplaLes. Popefully Lhls wlll
allow hyllls Lo lncorporaLe some of Lhe lmages from Chlna on her nameplaLe.

Mater|a|s Needed:
ConsLrucLlon paper
Colored penclls, markers, eLc.
8aslc splral noLebooks (1 for each sLudenL)
SLudenL survey
Mater|a|s Append|x: (e.g., supp|ementary texts, pts, overheads, graph|c organ|zers, handouts, etc.)
llrsL uay Survey, below

llrsL uay Survey

lull name:

nlckname (opLlonal):


Cell phone number:

Lmall address:

WhaL ls your famlly llke? lnclude slbllng and peLs!

uo you parLlclpaLe ln any acLlvlLles afLer school? 1hese can be school-relaLed or noL!

Sum yourself up ln Lhree words:

WhaL klnd of readlng dld you do over Lhe summer? 8ooks? Magazlnes? 8logs? WhaL are Lhelr names?

WhaL ls your favorlLe book? Why dld you llke lL so much?

WhaL ls one book, shorL sLory, eLc. LhaL you would love Lo read ln class?

lf you could change one Lhlng abouL Lhe readlng ln school, whaL would lL be?

lf you could change one Lhlng abouL Lhe wrlLlng ln school, whaL would lL be?

uoe you conslder yourself a shy person? uo you en[oy parLlclpaLlng and Lalklng ln class?

WhaL ls one plece of advlce for me abouL how Lo Leach Lhls class?

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