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Diplomacy Rules Prcis.

Object of the game: To control the most supply centres at the end of the session or to be the first to control 18 supply centres (whichever comes first). Sequence of play: 1. Diplomacy period usually 15mins. 2. ritin! " submission of orders. #. $imultaneous movement of units as per orders. a. %esolution of conflicts b. %etreats. &. 'd(ustments of forces durin! fall turns. Diplomacy: )pen ne!otiations and military plannin! ((oint or otherwise). Durin! diplomacy periods a player may say or do anythin! he wishes. *e may +eep the content of his conversations secret or otherwise. *e may try to overhear the discussions of others. ,ublic announcements may be made. Documents may be written. The rules do not bind a player to anythin! he may say or do- decidin! who to trust as situations arise is part of the !ame. Writing of orders: To avoid confusion the followin! format is considered the most le!ible template for writin! orders. 1. /ovement orders. 0unit1 0present location1 to 0space intended to be occupied1 e.!. army erlin to Prussia 2. *old orders. 0unit1 holds 0present location1 e.!. fleet stands !nglish "hannel #. $upport orders. 0unit1 0present location1 supports 0unit1 0present location1 to 0intended move1 e.!. army erlin supports army Silesia to Prussia &. 2onvoy orders. 0unit1 0present location1 convoys 0unit1 0present location1 to 0intended move1 e.!. fleet !nglish "hannel con#oys army $ondon to elgium %o#ement orders: )nly one unit may occupy one province or body of water at a time. 3ach turn a player may move somenone or all of his units. ' unit may only move to an ad(acent space (empty or otherwise). 'rmy units may not move to a body of water (unless convoyed over it by a naval unit present). 4aval units may only be moved to a land province if. a. 5t is ad(acent to a body of water the naval unit presently occupies. b. 5t is a costal province. &old orders: The unit stays in the space it presently occupies. ' unit ordered to hold may receive support from other units as per the support order. Support orders: ' unit may !ive up its move in order to support another unit tryin! to enter or hold a space. This space must be one to which the supportin! unit could technically move to that turn. "on#oy orders: ' fleet occupyin! a body of water may convoy an army unit provided. a. The army unit occupies a coastal province ad(acent to the body of water occupied by the fleet. b. The destination space of the army unit is a coastal province ad(acent to a body of water occupied by the fleet. 'n army unit may be convoyed across several spaces by fleets each occupyin! ad(acent bodies of water. "onflicts: 5f two or more units are ordered to the same space- neither may move to that space (or any other space not specified in orders).

5f a unit is ordered to hold or is prevented from movin! as per the above- and other unit(s) are ordered to its present space- those units may not move either. 5f more than two units are each ordered to the space the other occupies- then neither may move. These situations are called Stand-offs. !ffects of support: ' unit moves to the new space with the stren!th of itself and all its6 valid supportin! pieces- unless the movement of that piece is opposed by a unit e7ually well or better supported- then that piece may move to its6 ordered space. ' unit which otherwise would have remained in the space attac+ed by a unit better supported is therefore dislod!ed and must retreat or disband. ' unit belon!in! to a player cannot dislod!e any other owned by himself. hile a player may not dislod!e his own units- he can stand himself off by orderin! two e7ually well supported attac+s on the same vacant space- however- if one of the attac+s has more support than the other then that move will succeed. "utting Support: ' unit receivin! support looses the same if the supportin! unit is itself the victim of an attac+ from any space other than the one it is !ivin! support to. Retreats: ' unit can only retreat in the followin! circumstances8 1. 5t moves to a space to which it could ordinarily move if unopposed by other units and is presently unoccupied. 2. ' unit may not move to a space left vacant by a stand off. #. ' unit may not move to a space its attac+er came from. &. 5f no space is available for a retreat then the unit must be disbanded and removed from the board. %etreats may not be supported or convoyed. 'djustments: ' player may !ain pieces at the end of e#ery fall mo#e as follows. 1. ' player may !ain a unit for each new supply centre he occupies at the end of every fall move. (Note: this means that any units occupying supply centres during Spring turns are not eligible for the above). 2. 5f a player occupies more supply centres than he has units on the board- then his forces may be built up to e7ual that of his supply centres owned. #. 5f a player has more units on the board than supply centres he occupies and owns then his forces are reduced to e7ual that of supply centres currently owned and9or occupied. &. 'ny home supply centres (or centres anywhere on the board not presently occupied by him)- that are now occupied by enemy units deplete the home players6 forces by one unit per home supply centre occupied. 5. ,layers eli!ible for !ainin! new units must place them on their own home supply centres and must specify whether they are to be army or fleet units. (the latter are only available at home coastal supply centres).

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