Graphic Design Letterhead Logo Design

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CopYI-ight © 19C)b h,Y Ro kpon Publishel's Inc.

1\11 ,-iglns J' ':SCI""'" cl No p-ar-t of' this bo(.")k nla)' be r-ep.r-ocl ucecl 111 any ("nl'nl "vitholll

vv r-i tt e n pea-rni saio n of tho cop .. v,·ig)"'11 (l\.VIlI..'I~S, An irnnges in t h'is book hnve be en t-e p.r-o-. cl ucc.] \vilh r he kno"v]~dgt! ariel p r-i or- c-o riscrrt ofrl-re artists C"on("CI-nC'd and no s-cs p onsihaity is: accC"pEe:d by pr-ocl uccr-, publisher, 0" prirrter- for any :inrJ~ingement or COP)l'I"jghl. 0'" other\.ov'j!';e • .ar·lslI1g f"n')rn the C011tCnts. of" this pubJicRfion, EV~I·.v I!rfor'l has Lt;!en m aclo to L'nSUn2~ -d"1,at c re d it s .acc ur-cu c lv oo rn plv v.flt-h ir-For-ma.ri ou slipplicn,

Fj rs t puLJlisl-lI.:!'d in the United Stalcs of' rncr-i ca by:

Ro kroJ'l Pul liahcr-s. Inc. 33 Co mm er-ci al S[r-'ct

,Iou..,<." j\·tassachusclls OI930-!;089 Telephone: (978) :.182-9!i90

Fax: (978) 283-2742

cv v.~"v.r'O(·!{ pu I ,.(".on--.

ISBN 1 -!i6496-.398-!;

10 } 8 7 1> 5 4

Ar-t Din,!ctor: Ly-rme Hav-ighu,'st

'f)csign F'i r-rrn ar-o l But..:J'LlnaIl Design

Front Cove," ]n'~"}gcs: F.00-' rop It.,.·n t o right. cr-eclit.s appea,~ on pages I .. '?(-). 98, 68, 13.57.172. WI, 14, 136,5.>, and 59.

'Back Cover [mage,,, 1"-<>111 '''I' 1.,,1't '0 ,·ighl. cred irs appea.r em pages 1.21 .. 142,48, 12l. 80. 17. an 1 72.

Addi, ional Pho,vg,-apJ.y by: Doug Cann"n

Pr-i nt ecl in I-lung Kong.


~~ .. 4 ~~~~...Ja~ .. l 'P-f~S~ .. 51 ~....te~ 'P~ ...Ja~ .. 85 J-t.Jltf.- a..-. e~ ...J ~.,.,..-I;t;. .. 95 .J~...JJI1......f~ .. 119 '~~...J ~~ .. 14,5

O~ .. f67

.J..i-I ~~ . .181


No matter how attractive, elaborate, or expensively produced, the letterhead/logo can never be considered a success 1£ it doesn't instantly and unavoidably convey the nature of the business. Every business is selling something, and business people usually come to the table wanting .large, bright type; dark and sophisticated colors; or legibility above all else. Today's designer, on the other hand. often wants to work with broken or overlapping type, dark and sophisticated colors, or perhaps a 4-point body copy.

The designer's responsibility is to explain the artistic point of view, yet to make sure to understand the client's goals for pinpoint target marketing. The designer succeeds by creating a graphic "scream" that is ineluctable, ineradicable, and irresistible. For example,

take the illustrations that go with this essay. a series of variations on Finished Art Inc.' s logo.

In conceiving the proj ect, Donna Johnston, owner of the Atlanta, Georgia illustration and design studio, wanted to represent the diversity among the backgrounds and talents of her entire staff. Finished Art's studio personnel-sdesigners, illustrators, cartoonists, paper sculptors, and three-dimensional graphic artists used both computer technology and traditional media to create their versions of the logo. The resulting forty-eight logo illustrations came rendered in watercolor, pastels, pencils, and ink, as well as digital 61es created in Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator, and Macromedia FreeHand.

Designer Kannex Fung took on the challenge to create a cohesive design base that would convey the studio's forward-looking and experimental image. The graphical representation of the studio's initials became the blank canvas for the illustrators and designers. Each artist was encouraged to work in any media

and to create his or her own variation of the logo. Thus came the iguana,. a crunchy butter cookie. explosions of color. and the other individual expressions. A book such as Letterhead d Logo De.sign 4 is of great value to both designers and their clients because it exposes the range of possibilities: Like any good resource. it inspires. but those ideas that are actually out there are the most convincing way of leading a client in a positive. contemporary direction.

The designer's favorite playground is the business card-there is almost no limitation as to what can be done, other than budget. The envelope and letterhead, however. have to work with the real message that is going out to clients. The body copy must be considered as an integral design element .. It must balance within the letterhead, and the address on the envelope must merge with the design. Sometimes a simple design can become fabulous when it is completed with the body copy.

Rather than holding us back. though, this restrictive format merely creates a canvas for exploring creative vision. The pieces on the pages to follow-be they stark and conservative, wildly cutting edge. rich and sophisticated, or merely doing their job well-prove that the format allows enough &eedom for excellent design work that satisfies both client and artist.

Illustration (left, facing page): To prOduce lhue efement:.r in/uU color/or maximum impact and to .stay within a bUdget that woulJ make the entire program pOJ"ribfe, designer Kannex Fung cbose to use one color lor tbe basic Letterbead and Logo. Since tbeir originaL creation, tbe various Logo itLa.;tration.f balle been UJ'Cd on .sticker.s that are placed on company communications; T-shir~ arld car{).r/or eacb el77pwyee. The graphic Logo has recentLy beea printed in ,rtamped JoilJor labels that celebrate the 10t/1 afllziver,rary of the J'tuJio.

III til II I 110 •


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B (;,·aphi ... I ) c- sign and ,\d,\·(.,,·tising .

- ......

DanGN PntM Martiny and Company ALL DaliaN Rick Conner Cua,," Step By Slep Pa kaging, Irrc, TOOL Adobe llIustra1:or

Initial rhougbrs wer-e worked out on paper. After'the onccpt -waa conceived. rnecbarilcs 'w-er-e w oe-keci out on. the computer.

Color teses w ere run on a 3M Rainbow proofing system,

DliUC~N '.RM Martiny and Company ART D.RliCTOIIID"s.GNIiR Nan,cy Andrew CuaNT Mo'tifHome Accessories TOOL,S Adobe Illustrator. QuarkXP"ess

A description w as added to ehe name fo,- clarification. The funky illustra:t:io:ns reflect products sold in store.

Graphic I~esign and Advel-tising 9

1111 till

Hwy 107 South. P.O. Bol< J9:ro • Casbi=. :-'.c. 28717. 17().41 H3-5U.5 • FAX 7().4) j·H-9r!

DIiJlClN P'lItM, Logo ,Expr'ess

ALL DIi,lIClN AJlison Edvvards CottriU CLI.NT Austin Marketing, Wade Ha=pton G.C.

The mountain in. the logo is indicarive of the rrlO\lTItain on the golf course, vvhich is a ",ell-knovvn sight.

10 GI·aphi~' I)f.'sign and Advertising

Dlin<iN FU'M lvLartiny and Compa.ny

,ART D,RSCTCRIDIiSl<iNIiR Allison Edvva.rds CottriJl IUUITRATCR Air St.uclios

CLIENT Fr· e store / Food bank

The type.faces~ 'Var-iarcn- and Journal. were created i ...... IUu rra:tor and Quark. The iIlustJ'ati.on was done by hand by a. Iocal illustra'to:r~ .au Air- Seuclios. Note Cincinnati in the sunglasses.

DEJlaN FIRM Logo Express

ALL D ..... <iN Allison Edwards Cottrill CLIENT Logo Express

TIlls freelance company needed something bold and fulJ of energy .

.. 1 ........ ""1.

Graphic Design and Advert:ising 11

[metal] Studl0 Inc. 1210 W.Oay Suite 13 Houston TX 7701 9 713.523.5177

[metal] Studio Inc. ·13164 Memorial Drive #222· Houston. Texas 71079

DESlaN FIR"" [JV'l.etalj AR-r DIRIICTOR Peat Janya

PAPIIR.lPRINTING Champion Benefit for leue,·head. UV ulu'", for business cards. prin~ing in blac-k and a metallic [ok

12 Gr-aphic..' I}esign and Adver<tising

D',A IL LA. '5, ,DIi$II'GN D,I5IT_.,c:r


O.UAS nx.AS 15207 11 A 744 .. ,:so fAX 1'" 74A 9660S

DE'I .. ", FnlM Jo" Flaming Design ALL DIUI .. ", .)on Fla..rung CLIENT The Design Experience

PA"., ... .IP ... INTI",.. Sirnpso.o Star",hi.te Vicksbu.-g

C.'aphic Design and Advc.,tising 11

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I\~ DElielN FUfM Jon Flaming Design

ALL DE N Jon Flaming

C ... E -r Eycnlaster's

TOOL Aclob.eHf us tr-at or-

DEUGN FIRM Jon F1arning Design ALL DE .... N Jon Flaming eLUaNT Compllt r ity

TOOL Adobe rlluSl,'ator

'Tlais logo for nu-g]ru"C eyevvcaJ" -wn.s c using Illustl-.atol-'s Br-ush t 01 an I a "We corn g,·,aphics labl ... t .a ocl pen.

This logo ' used III a corn p.urcr- s.t o r-ca seer-o percent interest ad.

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I\~ DEIIGN ,FUtM Jon .. Fla'Tling ,Design ALL'DEilIClN Jon Flam'ing CLIENT ~ ... yen,astel"s

TOOL Adob· Illusrraco»

D,E-SIGN 'FIRM Jon Flaming Design AuDE .... N Jon Flaming CLIENT Bfoolcb os tcr- Video TOOL Adobe IlIust"ato,'

This 1ogo f'(H" Eyenl,astcrs·s r-w o-Fo r- .... one sale was crearecl using IJJush',at.ol.--'s Br-ush cool and a. Wacan:'l gral hies e.a.b l et- and pen.

!vlany logos anJ i co ns co-er-e PI"O luocd fOI- ZI"n e la bo r-are

a.rtd c x te oai ve ric-w business pi,reh ,that was rn acke 1(.)

Bf oclcb uat er- Video.

14 Craphi ... , I)~sign and AdvC'lotising

DJOUCIN FIRM .Jc-n Flanling Design ALL DE .... N J n Flaming CLIENT Obj -x J o c.

TOOL A l o lae l llcrst-rut.or-

rrhts 101£,"0 '"vas located rOI~ pr-i vure-dc.b-e l coffee s I'rc m Crbje x Inc,


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• • •

• • • • • • •

DIlUCoN FIR.M J·on Flaming Design Au. DEiIiCiN .Jon FJanling CLlBNT T,u'get lV\usic Rwsecu-ch TOOL Adobe Hlust rar "

DEIIGN FIRM Jon FlillTIing Dt:sign ALL DEJlCiN Jun --<la.ming TOOL Adobe l llo st rmor-

This logo was cr-eatecl For" a design and illustration studio located in the industr-ial sector or cl.o w-ru o w-rr [)allas. next to

a huge P0'\VCI- plant \ovid, "tan .s rrto lce k a.

D':IIC!N FIRM Jon Flan,ing Design ALL DE .... N Jon Flaming CUENT Bfo cleb us.rer- Video TOOL Adobe IIlusU',,(or'

1Vl,any logos ariel icons '-VCI' P'"O l uc d For- an elub or-are and e....,,:tcnsiv ... rte-w business pitch that Y·las rnadc c Blockbuster' Video.

T'h.i s logo w as cr-eaucd feU" a company th."it does. target m ar-k er r-esceu-ch Cor th. • rn ue ie industry.

GI'aphic Design and Advertising 15

1133 Broadway

$uilO 1610



Fa. 212721 11171

Toni ,howallpr Desian

1133 Broadwey

Sui1e 1510

New Yorlc NY 10010

D,&SIClH ,PlltM Torii Schowalter O<>sigo

AR'( DUlI'CTDRID.IIC1NBII' 'Torri Schow-alter P'APIlIIPRIHTIHCI St,'ath.more Nat"UraJ White, Wove, Finish, offset

The m.ark "Was created in QuarkX.Prcss 011 1:he. Nlacintosb.

Combining a. unique color palette vvith unique layouts efFeotively portrays this graphic design firm.

16 GI-aphi ... , I)esign and Advertising

\1 \II~II\LL \\ \'1. 0\ r v r r n r on ;

II \r~Il\ 1\'1 'I·: u r u n «

DII.tlCiN F.IRM 'Tori] Schowalte.r .Design

ART DIRII'Y'OAIDlitICiNEA Toni Scbowalter-

CI.I"N~ Ma.rsloal] 'WatsQ;n In:teriors PA.I>EAIPAINT.INCi Strathrrtore Natural. White, We"e Finish, offset Tool. Adobe Illustrator

The logo w as created to look both clean and eleccu-arecl to reflect the client's interior deaigri styles. The background on the stationery matches me client's most COTTln1on style of design.

GTaphic l}csign and Advc.-tising 17

B(L~(A D{'IGn DllIH((

B{L9'A 8 ( l H A
D{jIGD D ( I I G n
AllIU(( I I I I I I
1NtIIt, IDA 98101
lMllt IllIl gBlGl
f [106J611-891l 10111 101ft BaUlIf i801J!rmt._ Imtle.Ulng-1G1 w[iii61~3q12

Til [1061681-'J&.I~

D ..... N FIRM Belyea Design Alliance ART D ••• nOR Parr+cia Belyea

DS .... N ••• Srunantha Hunt:, Adriar.wa Jwnping Eagle ILLU.TRATORI Jaru Dre""fs, Br-ian O'Neill

PA •• RIPR.NT.NG Simpsen Protocol, Ruby Pr-ess, 4-c0101' TOOLS Adobe Photoshop. Aldus FreeI-iancL Fr-acral. Design Painter

The mark w .... rendered in Frc Ha.nd, colored in Painter and fJees-ecl lih.-o·ugh Photoshop. The set is pl-int:ed: a custom rn<ltch yello",," replaces process yelle",,_

18 Graphic Design and Advcr-tising'









DI;SION FIRM WDe C'orn.muraicacic ns


CLrfiNT' w,DG CoeTII:nunicatioos :PAPERJ"P"'N,T'NCi Neenah Cda.saic Or-esc Savvgrass, 2-co,101" Too.. A.dobe Ilf uat.i-ator. QuarkXPress

T'he'y pr-eserrrs the firm's pr-ofess iorra.Iisru and the dynamic syn rgy. 'The logo 'w-ae scanned into and executed in IUustr"ator and the identity -waa assernbl d in QuarkXP~ess.

Graphic I~esign and Advel-tising 19



SJS ILl •••• '''·.111 .,IUI :u

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'IS: 1:26 ,.63 'n 'IS .126 ,.,15]

ns l •• ODI hrut Sulu):3 p.lo Alta C:A 94101 415 316 ilOJ filii 4!$0 ]:l' "'D3

D,&UCI ... FIRM K.Dut Ha,'t.mann Design D,UICiiNliR Angela. Spindler P_li.,J'PRINTINCI Cl'oxley ,neritage, 4-color

Letterhead and Loge of Knut Hm-trnann Design of Frankfurt, Th Eghrhouse image leading tbe ""ay corifiderrely and reassuringly to au esa.

DIII .... N FIRM London Road Design

A ..... D".IiCTOII.J'D.SlGNER .lY1:artin Haseman IUUITRATOR Michael Schwab P,,"'PIiRJ'PIIJIN""N<> Strathm.ore Bright White Wove, letterpress printing

Toou Adobe Illustrator a:nd Strea.rnline

Micbad Schvvab supplied the £]"t art, ""hicb "Was scanned, vectorized vvith, Strea.=line, and colored in Illustrator. Julie Holco.w.b, a letterpress po-irreer- in San Francisco. printed tbe vvork.

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c .. .-.-waz,... .._...-~. 1...-..a..u..",.2... .111'1 .......

20 Gnlphic lJ(!sign and Adve.-tising





471 Rluhmond S1.wnl

4'& 50~-6075










471 sr. We., T",." Al5y IX9

U. 50 .... 75

rU 4" 514-1115

•• I •••• 1i5V 119


FIJI: 41i 5D4·&016

DEnGN FIRM Eskind Waddell

DESIGNER. Roslyn Eskind. Malcolm Waddel.l. Nicola Lyon PAPERIPRINTING Strathmore 'Writing Recycled White Wove, 2-color and die cut

Eskind Wadden's distin.ctive die cut [TOlD the previous sta:tjon ety. w-as irrcor-pcu-aeecl i nro a more contemporary laYo1.l't. typography and color also gave the fU'ID a fresh logo wiehoue brealcing erreir-ely- vvith tbe past.

GI-aphic Ilesign .and Advel+tising 21

AMERlCAN\IJ\ hI{ riSI:\t; *

~oo N WOOOLAWt<I. SUHE 3 W·ICHITA. KANSAS 672Q.B TEL 316681281

FAX 316 08 3S


DESIGN FIRM Greternan G.·oup

ART DIRECTORS" Soma Grerernan, J'ames Strange Das_CiNER James Strange

CL.IIiNT .Ameri.can Adverr..ising P""PE!>.I'P"'NTING Simpson Quest

TOOL Aldus FreeHand

This logo unifies the "A:' and atar- of "American" vvith stripes that turn into postage cancellation marks. The larger postage stamp shape u.n:itesthe entire concept.

22 Graphic IJcsign and Adve.-tising




U hi D.

DESIGN ,FIRM Greteman G,-oup

ART D'RliCTOR Sonja Greteman DIiJIc:lN.RJ Sonia GTe', Karen. Hogan CLIENT Pechin Construction

PAP' .... IPRINTING Benefi,t F'lacc foil sta:rnp

Since the client's marne is oft.en miapr-ouourrced, this ,lnark helps reinforce the CO.ITect p r-orrurrcianiori.

G.oaphic Design and Advertising 21


DEIUiN FIRM Greteman Group ART DI.RECTOR Sonia Greteman

D • ., .. NE'... Sonia Greteman. Kaj-err Hogan 'LLLtI"tRA'TOR Sonia, Gre'teman (;UENT J a, lees Attic Science Sho"" PAP.ERIPRINTINQ Bcnefir, 4-color process TooL Aldus FreeHand

This design displays a fun level of playfulness. curiositr. and excitement while developing a. "ohar-act er" 'VVith an attic hat, queation-rn .. :rk smoke. and a. sparkl in his "ye.

D~.naN FIR'M GretelTl.3.Tl Group

ART DIRECTOR Sarna Gretemao DESIGNE'U Sonia Greternan, Bi.ll Gardner C'LIEN,Y Colorations

PAI>EItJ'PRINTINQ Classic Crest. 4-color process TOOL AJdus FreeHand

This service bureau jumps through hoops for its dients. The blg "C" changes color from black-and-vvhite to magical color c'n~a'ting a. circus-like atmosphcL·C.


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24 Graphi~' I)~'sign and Adv~'J'tising

, ~'.\~'ll ..
\. Dr;nGN FlltM Gretemao Grou.p

ART DUt_Ii<,'tDAJ Sonia. GJ'eteIIlalJ .. James Strange Dr;srCiNBR James Strange

CLIIiN;T Mo,torvvorks

'PAP8RIPRlINTINCi Classic Crest, S-colo,r TOOL AJdus FreeJiand

The client -warrtecl an image that appe ..... ed fast, racy and rnecbariical. Since the OM" and uw'" mirro:r eacb otber .. a gear was added in th cerrter-.

Dr;nCiN FIRM Carol Lasky Studio ART' DIR.eTo",: Carol .[...asky D.nCiNBR Erin .Donn.ellan ILL'UfTRATOR Ma:t'k AlleD

CUBNT Carol Lasky Studio PAP&RIPItINTINCi Curtis Brighrwater, Stra.thmore Elements.

U nieed

TOOL. Aldus FreeHand, QuarkXPress

The system is a study in jmctaposiTions; calligraphy with ~ serif font: color against color. It juxta:poses bright ",hite diagonal r-ijas, polka, dots, lush texture. and vertical grooves,


Graphic llesign and Adver-tising 25

DIUICiN FIRM Greteman Group ART DIR!!CTOR Sonia G·

D ...... NIIR$ Sonia Greteman, Kar-en Hogan ILLUJ,TRATCR Sonia Gre,teTnan 'Ct-IENT Gr-een Acres

P ....... IP .. 'NTIN·Q Peppered Bronze, 2.-c010,..

TOOL Aldus Er-eef-Inrrci

This earthy identity oonab.inea the airnp le pure image of a Far-m girl ..nth lush green fields and a. ""arm sunny sky, to corru:nunica.te health and ",eUness.


DEIION FJRM GJ~eteman Group ART'DIRECTDIRIDsJICiNEA Sonia Cr-erernan 'CLIENT Winning'Visio'ns

DE ....... FIRM Pinto Design DIiSI'<iNER J'ohn P'inno

Too. Adobe Litustl'atol'

In this Logo for' an adver"t:ising fi ... r-rrt. the torch for-rue a '~·V." and the Aa..ITIC fo r-rrrs an e c.


DEnG ... FIRM Jeff Fisher Design A •• D.& ....... Jeff Fisher

CLIENT Denny ShleiFer lVlaJ-ket'ing C'ornrrro rricacio ns



DE ....... FIRM Ivie & Associates In ALL DU'C;N JefrTaylol' C:LIENT I'vi e & .Asuoci.ace s. l.ric, Too. QuarkXPress

The Fr-eef-Lanci illuatr-aeicms of.a television, radio mike and ne",'spaper breaking through r h ul~ra e convey enthusiasm and ex cire rne nr,

The ivy leaf 'w aa hand-illustrated, then scanned and impol"·ted into a QuarkXPJ-ess docunlent, w her-e type vvas added.

G"aphic Design and Advel·tising 27

8 8 D 0

DUIGN FIRM Greteman Group DSS'ICiNER'I Sonia G·rete:nLan. Karen Hogan I"'LIIJS"TRA-rOR Sonia ,Gre'teman

C;UENT Planet Hair PAPERIPRJNTINQ French Rayon TooLS Adobe Photoshop. Aldus Fr-ee'l-Lanci

This unisex logo designed I:or a hip hair salo:n is and,·ogynous. suggesdng a cubist Fee].



due 0 n e

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m a

m a r n nu e jr n a r des !In

176 ho,riuQ circle carol strum. Illinois GOIBB


P ..... RlpRINTING Stra.thmore E.lements (Lines, Squares and Dots), 2-coloJ:'

TooLs Adobe lltllStraXor, QuarkXPress

The designer used his initials, '-Vhich almost mimic the initials of the company as the, main visual element because it demands a second look. The paper stock is engaging.

Gr'aphic I)esign and Advel·tising 29

~~Q~';IJJ' ,l'ILj,IHiG DUI,,, 5,PHIUP . , .

201.()O ~[NTUU I!IOoJLE'f~IUt, SUIIE :215 !ifOO:&)L,i,ND +llLl.i!I. CA 9-1366 LPJ 8lB ,n5 un [F. 'SU 313 68l]

DS"CON FIRM Georgopoulos Design Associates ART DIRECTOR John Georgopoulos D."CiNIiRlluuSTRATOR Joe Doucet CLI&NT Poliquin Kellogg :Design. Group

'PAPII .. IPII'NTIN<i Strathmore Ele<nents Squares. Login Printing TOoLS Adobe IlluslTa.tor, Qua;"kXPress

The logo ,.'e.llects the a;rcili.itectural.6.,.,m's focus on defining space, The logo 'w-aa created in Wustrator, saved as an EPS 6.le, then placed into Quark.XPress. w'her-e the layout eva.s devdoped.

10 Graphic IJesign and Advertising

DE~ICiN FIRM. Califol'nia State Polytechnic University, Pom_ona./Povverhouse Designs

DEnCiNERs Nancy Ter-ase.we, Ellie Chat, .M.att Sb.umare

P .. PERIPRlNTINO Concept Natural Surf Wove 241b, Writing, Cyclone color output

TooL Adobe illustrator

Po-coer-Irortsc Design,s is a 6ctitiou.s desigu fi'nll. created through a group project' for a. class. This letterhead. incorporates .. into a single corporate I,D, system, framing and building Fur-rueur-e.

" .. flC~ Tun .. -,' !lIi. CIl6J. ok ~U".I' GllocIlll.~' 'C,lllIcillill 'f1;.1

.rl$hU'.1I11'15:i:U SoulIilIrlO'Q'I"

DimON FIRM Mind's Eye Design ART DIRECTCRIDllSlGNER Stephen BrOW'.o P~"ERIPRINTIN<i Hopper Proterra TooL:r Adobe Photos-bop and Streamline, Macrornedia FreeHand

Coppe.r~=etalhc foil seals 'wer-e designed to achieve d,e foil-enlboss look on a. tight budget,

Graphic Design and Advertising 11



;!,Ac;liMEI5TEIi! II'OC

DEnON FIRM Sagmeister Inc.

ART D'REttoRIDE.UGHER Stefan Sagmeister PAPERIP·RIHTIHCi Snratlamor Bond

The logo is as simple as possible. Since a Ne ..... York restauJ~ant/la'llndry service uses the same US" in a circle, there ar-e rro'wnapkins Vl'"ilh the arne logo.

12 Graphio:.' I~esign and Advertising

., That's Nice"

2"JSI"""13f>!l"'" 1"""""""61-

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~.IS08313 21'l-'ij1}83'3


DESIGN FlAM "Thar's Nice"

ART D",E~TORIDEnGNEA. Nigel 'oWalke]PAP&RIPAINTING .Srr-auhrnc re Elements, Anchor Engraving Toal.S Adobe Illustrator, Aldus Fr-eef-Iarad, QuarkXP!-ess

This logo uses old. rom.a.n-style ruamer-al s vvith a sans serif face. no wor-d. ap acirrg, and a rigid grid engraved on Strathmorels Elements 'perper-, double-vva.rm red and reflex blue.

Maris(' ~lizrahj

274.8663 212

- ~ . S ,:~,'._ "' '.' :~1~=3


274.8b63 2 2

DIiSlGN FIRM Marise Mizrahi Design

,ART DIR'~CTORI,DIi"GN"R ,M,arise Mizrahi PAPERIPRINTING Ha.mmennill, 3-color, Sterling Bianco

14 Graphic Design and Advertising


3"5 SE Ciinion St. POfIIand, On:gm 9721)3-,1+18




'{ '"6:t~ -i'T'l dinfirulllm t..h)l n\111


D"SIQN FI"- Design Infirutun:t

ALL DUIC'iN Ja:rnes A. Smith PAP"R.lPAIN:rINQ Neenah Classic Crest, Chrom.agraphics TOOLS Adobe Photos hop. Aldus FreeHand, QuaikXP'ress

The logow-as cr-eaxecl in FreeHalJd; th cloud image 'w-aa m.anipulated in .Photoshop;and the letterhead. envelope, and card -evea-e designed in Quru·kXPress. This package -cvora a Neen.ah Pa.per Silver Medal.

DEUCiN FIRM S.A. Design Gs-oc.p

ART Dn.EC1"ORIDG .... NIiR Daniel RogaU PAPERIPRINTIN<> l'vloh",,,,,'k Superfine, 3-c.olm- (black, 2 PMS), envelopes-custorn rnarrufact •• u'ed. Nioha:vvk Superfine TOOLS Adobe Il hratr-anor-, QuarkXPress

The pre-printed envelopes "' v es- ~ cusrorn ro.aruafacrtmr-cci after printing. lf luatr-et or- 'w.aa used to create the l og'o, vvhi -h -w ae imported as an EPS into Quar·kX.P~ess.

B"aRr!SBeRget> Cl'e8IriVll

38~ C~tca J...4n,. VI t& ifllCM, Va 2:l.;.5~ (AX" DQ.;.Z4o.]OO3

PIIODJ; , Boc 463:.2(4.3

DEs/ .. N FIRM rg'es- Cr-eaeivc

ART DIRECI'OR.lDiEIICiNER Lynn l-larrlsber-ger PAPERIPRINTINCii Environ.:men't Desert Stor.rn, l c coborTOOL QuaJ-kXP,-ess

M~~ CrEialriw t9!!!!!Ii!~"P'''!o:oIIoI&- V ..... s.

HaRP/oSBeRg"" Ch·eB.'l'lv.

36'38 Qt.u..In.sLuc.v·~!...& Vii :::ziG ..


PIl()os a".~Jl"=

f TI::I!p()!Wt\. i

.." .... ll..,. .. _ ,ROl:i.,=c>_'lD!

T'hi s ten'.pol~~u~y let'ter-h.eacl, crrvelojae, arrd bu.siness card -cva.s created with little t.irne aud a low budget.

16 Graphic llesign and Advertising

DESIGN FIRM Arnc.r-is 'f,)csign ALL DEJIGN An1.';:LI~ Aziz

CLIENTS Spar Klipp. Lncii an "Tari.d c.o r-i H ... cs caur-aru & Bru-. and I{islnat Indisk Res caura nt

Too~ Quarl<XP,'ess

1'\11 the logos vver-o d'-"l',vn by hand. and nl l the letters and

ings v.JCl·C cl-eated in Qu~~ r k X Pn.':':lSS.

TEt/;"~/tlOO£" 13181 445 163-1 a-c m e t t e r e t e r r e u F



ART DJRECTORIDEU6NER: F'r-nrrlc For-d P,APER.lPRII"oITINCl' ,lVlasking sheets. v el Iu rrr

~rhc LD. systen1, at.:conl.p1ishcd on the desktop on lo"l.'v budget i ncli czucs ~pecia.liz:ation 'v vith pr-iru rueclia. 'T'l-re ITlasking sheet s indicate th':'L the e n t rollo".v lhe job f.'oill. s raa-t to finish.

J8 Graphic Design and Advertising

'7" South CongreM Avenue' ThIrd noor . All6fm. TeXQ6 78,O.{


" C. I I' • I, f

'7" Sourh Congreu Auenue • ThIrd Floor' ,\lJMIIl. Texo<l 7 70': •. ,12.326 22:!' ~a x 126 309' IIJtcal~cmedw cern

D& ....... FIRM Go l'vledia Iri c.

Au DEU..... Sonya Cohen PAPER.lPRINTI ... Ci. Cha.mpion Ben.eflt.~ Lithop,·~nl TooLS Adobe Illustrator, QuarkXPress


T'he 1ogo captu.res that sense of' motion and nhe ellergy of "Go:' -cvl'ri le the Jayo'lltl paper and color palette enjoy the more. for-mal and tactile qualities ofm-a.d iri criel pr"'tnted "lVledia~"

MAR.KETI'NGI AND CR.EATIVE SERVICES ., CI E:. 3'1'1N :aT.N. .. LA .. .., .:,t DR'AP"'lI:9 DCfI,/Ii,RTId'CNT WIC11'rTA. "AfoIBA,'B 0'7::1' 9~.3!5056





co I LPG I LtJ E PACK.6,GI;..;E GROup
• u , ' . .1: 10- ceo.· ;lo',
I TRACY HOLDEMAN I A J'.1'T e I ~ I: e "Ol~
I "', I Q 37- .... "· STReeT NOPT'H
PLANT ~ GRAPHICS DE PAI'".4T"'1C .... 'r
WICHITA, IotANSA5 D -r e I C1-:;t 5 ~ fI-
TEL 316-B32':3229 FAX 316'83.2·3293 <:::::D I LPG I L.OVE PACKAt3fNG GROUP
... DI"".'D~ 0," LOYE: .0 CQMJII..,SY
TEL :31&oS32°:3229
FAX 3 " 60S3,203293
WI'C H ITA", KA,NS,AS 6'7219'-3.556
I - - -- --- -~---


WI C .... IT'A. i(ANS,AS 1S7Z 1 'SI·3'5~'fi,

a 1 6~'a32."'32.2.9 .,. ... x :3 ~ 5-'s3'Z"!3I2.9:J

DlinGN FIRM Love Packaging Group ART DIRIiCTDRIILLUST.IIATOR Tracy HoldelTIan DIiSiCiNEA:J Tracy Holdeman., Brian Miller PAPEAIPRINTING Str-athtnore E.lelDents TOOL Macrmned;a FreeHand

Love Packaging Group identity -was created entirely in FreeHand. The Ir-is and pupil represent creative vision in packaging.

40 Graphic Design and Advelotising

DE,J'GN P""M Peterson & Co,rnpany

ART' D'RIiCTORIDu'GNIiR Dave Eliason

<~'.NT ACME Rubber Stam.p Co. 'PA"ER,IPRINT'NG French Duratone Butcher, Mona:rch Press TOOLS Adobe Illustrator, QuarkXPl:"ess

This piece Was printed offset, 2-color, on a =otcled, industriallooking paper. The logo ""as then rubber-stamped in red ink.


I ( ! ~, , .. ,3012 C.,;.III:.~~

- 1.hdlOlhlOl\

vug1'JU.G' U\l3

DESlCiN FIRM Michelle-Farinella -G,-aphic- Design DUlCiNE" Michelle Farinella

('I.IENT Randy Verougstraete Illustration PAP&RIP.'rNT'I'N'Ci Canyon. 'Ter-r-aco tt a, Ca.ctus Green.~ Windsvvept Ivory. Desert Beige. Kraft Paper Combos. i-color

Tool. Ad.obe Illustrator

The logo 'w-as, reproduced as a rubbel" stam.p for other components and envelopes. The I -color package w as coupled -v.ritb recycled papers that are interchangeable and appropriate for the versa.tile styles.

42 Graphic Design and Advertising





D ..... N FIRM 'Perer-so o & Company

ART D,RECT .. R'DE.$,QNIIR Bryan L. Peterson CLIENT John Wong Photography PAPER'PRINTINQ Neenah Classic Co-es'r, South Press T .... L QuarkXPress

The photo 'w ae a. halftone stripped ill at the p,·es". This package was priDt-ed inexpensively on. e, small letterpress.

INFO F'usion


call Ann at 503 635-6461

D ...... N FIRM Peterson & Company

ART D,RECTORIJ)E . .,CiNER Bryan L. Peterson C~I"NT' mfofusion PAI>IIRIPRINTIN'Ci' Chrarrrpdori Benefit, South .Pries.s "JOOL Adobe P'hcstoelaoja, QuarkXPress

The Polaroid photograph 'Was sh(lt .irrclne design studio .ancl bit=apped using Photos hop .. The ocduzrma "Were printed in an' opaque 'white on a sm.all letterpress.

44 Graphic I)esign and Advertising

.HI V ... _.~.trflt-. I

ct.I,," • W _ ....


DEnGN Fllt.NI Duck Soup Graphics

ALL DaJlCiN William DOllcette PAPER.lPRINTIN<i .French Specldetone,t three marcla colors

'The. fir-m speciaDzes in corporaee ident:ity .. b,-ochure, and packaging design. '·Ouck Soup" is a, term that rne aris so:mething is easy to do. The logo vvaa dJ.-avvn in ink.

DESIGN FIRM Becker Design

ART D,REcToRIDa .... NIIR Neil Becker CLIENT Design Nhlw-aukec

PAPuIPIUNTU"Ci Neenah Classic Crest. 2-<:010" behogra.phy T .... LS Adobe IllustratOl', QuarkXPress

Design l'vlil""CLukee, vvhi h rca ches the entire design cOl'omuruty of M;l",aukcc needed a look that ",ould be app,'opriate fOl' a vvi de range of disciplines. The logo 'Was cr-eacecl .... vith 11Iu:strator and Quark Express.

8 A 3 z

D"""N FIRM Duck Soup Grapbics ART DIRECTOR Willia.m .Dou.cette D".,CiN&R'hLLUTRATOR Sharon Phillips CLIENT High Outpu:t G,'Oup

PA .. U'PRINTINCi UV UI~I-a. Opaque White. printed both sides. tV0'O :ma.tchcolors

The hand-cl"a-wn letterhead and business card are printed both sides on UV Ultra to achieve a highly unique ilTIage for tius start-up company.

46 Graphic Design and Advertising

D ...... N ,'ltM J3THFLOOR

ART DIRECTORJIDIISIGNERJ Eric Ruffing, Dave Parmley ILLUSTRATOR Dave Parmley PAPEItI'PRINT'NG Smith J\ltcKay Printing

T .... ",. Adobe 'Photoshop, Aldus Fr-eef-Lancl, MetaTools, Kai's Po wer Too!.s

This logo laaricl-clr-aw-o and scanned irrto Fn,,,,Hand where it 'Was rr-ace.d, It vvas r-aerer-ize d in Photosbop aod repeated to get the (lame backgro'und used on all p'iecea.

5!'1l!irruifSln'4'l ,\IIl£.'lfdCJ .,'trli«"!

:;4 Brood Sm:rt Milton! cr 06q60

DE .... N FIRM Metropolis Co.rp, DE'II~NER Denise Davis .Mendelsohn PA'PERIPRINT,ING Cranes Crest

Too~ Quark.XP,'ess

The 1V\etropolis logo w-as traditLonally rnacle and the copy w-as in Quark Express, The unique "lvl" that 'Was produced is not seen in any typographic font format.

48 Graphic [)esign and Adve.otisil1.g

DE$JClN FUtM Peter "{)J1 & Con1pany

ART DIRECTOAIDuIC'NEIt Nhan T. Pha", CLIENT 'Worne-r's nt icm al Book Associatlon TooL ,Ad",!,.:: Illustl'atol-

Even though the logo was cr-cnneci 101- WNBA (Dalla", Chapter). the focus vv aa on t he oc ort r-at.b er- than on gender.

DE .... N FIRM HornaJi .An der-s.on Design 'Wor-lc s Inc, ART DIRECTOR Jack Anderson

DEil<iNERI Mary I Iermcs ... Jade A,ndcI"son, Leo Rayml.lrH.lo IUUSTAATOR F,'an O'Neill

CLIENT .St rer ch Island

PAIJERIPRINTINCi Stonc'\.vay C';:-lrton CoO.

I!JltlNfJlJJI If' PJlnHJ.w IJin~ /I. '5

,.".",....r,.".., v...p "., 0fI*" 325 J.2J£~'\ou<A _. tJr 5977J

",(,...~ ... S-r'!

i-~.; .c.-..:."w _::0- .4

,..,ngu.J.O>xJ.'" "i24E..\!~:''MA /Je.l-ltl. NT ,VrJ

I'fllFX ,<00 <r-r.<

DESIGN FIRM Palmquist & Palmquist Design

ART D.R&CTOR.IDEJ.GNRR.' Kurt and .Denise Palmquist PAPIIR.rPR'NT;lNG Envirom:nent Moonrock, eee-o PMS colors TOOL Aldus .FreeHand

The masculine "p" and the Ferrairrcae scnpt "P" reflect different latitudes in design. The colors are intentionally coraaer-vaei ve, The paper stock reflects rramrr-e and the outdoor lifesryle

of the rror-ela'wes't.

50 Graphic Design and Advertising

Rappy &I: Company

Rappy IS< Company

Reppy & Com!",n)'

110 Wit. 22mI S~rYd. tilth fkKtr NcwV.m...Scw;Yor:'\I; IUCII

L!oO \\'of l.lnd 511'tt1.I .... h fL:l<rr. ~Y~tI'" ~'liark lOOn T.:!L. 'In.~.oc..o.\ 1".L"Cz,tl.QIW ~IY


DESICiN FIRM The ~yatt Group

A~~ D • .,CiN Mark ~yatt PAPERIPRINTING Simpson Starvvhite Vicksburg, three spot inks

TOOL. Aldus FreeHand, QuarkXPres

Mal~k Wyatt gave the logo a geometric design in forming d", letter "-W." In the printed pieces, 'rrreralfic inks added a unique look and feel to the stationery.

DEUGNF,RM Rappy & Company

ALL DEslCiN :fo'loyd Rappy

CLIENT Rappy & COIupaoy PAPERlPR'NTINQ SUathlTIorC Writing Wove TooLS Adobe Illustrator, QUal.·kXPress

The "R," -w as hand-lettered. scanned, and brought i.nto Illustrator and integrated -winh type.


';i Professional Services




G.-y E. Roof. CFP Don H. Ei.:tun. CFP

One Port S~ • 2125 San fron<;is«>' c.JiIoml> ')4104 ~IS.788.4600 • fox 41 S.7B8A606




0nI:1 Pbu;'Sm!ec .. Swm 1m oil s.n ~ .. ukfami:t "'101 "S.788.4600 • Fu 1.15.788.4606

DEJIGN FlAM Clark Design

ART Dn'J;<ToR AnneJIlari", Clark

DlLnCONER.. Craig· Stout, ThurloV17 Washam CUENT Associat.ed Planners Lrrves'ernerre Advlsory Inc.


An irrvesernerrt advisory company ,",anted s look that w as sophisticated but not too expensive. The design used the colors and a vvallpa.per pattern from the nevv office~s entrance area.

Dlin .. N FIRM'~ .

A onlSch I

RT D,RECTO' o wa rer D

. R/DE ....... E' esign

........... (LIENT D .. R 1 ani Sch

. . :':.~:~.::' Srra~";" '0< O~"', e r-

The ms,'k e.r-raat-i-orraj

was -used 'to por-tray ~·I~··.-················ .


cor-po ra+iori. st-rategisr

DE ....... F,R ...

. Jell Fisher· ,.

Au,. DE . Dies igm

( "" ... Jeff rOo I

LrENT Citv L. .., 1$ -rcr-

... aundry N

.......................... TOOL Alduo' . or-th wc sr

C. ~ 1 r-e ,eI-I I

Ity L. d a n.c

. aun ry's oW'ne .

unage of doin r-s vve.rrrecl a In 0

g you,' I g that co

"dancing' h aundry. The b us i nveyed a fun

was or- and rl us. ness is k

. r-y e r-" laund r y b nown as the

cce.uae of th I

e ago.

DE ....... FIRM

ART D Greteman G .


DESf<iNERS: S' 001a Gt-etem

o n ra G ' an

r-et ernari Blll

CLIENT C I ,. I Gardner

o or-at io ns

DE .... N FIRM

ART D Greteman G



.... ......... CLIENT Ab II onia Gretern

.. ;;:;;;:.:~:::.~ ... ~ ... ~~~~.~:.:.~.:~.:: -

gure that can. handl ~ ,

e any)ob.

54 Professional Services

11111/ AUDITTA

DE .... N FIRM Clifl'o r ·d .Sefbes-e Design ART DIRECTOR Lynn Riddle

D".J .. NERS Lynn Riddle, Tony Dow'er." Mike Balint.

April Skin:oard, Bill Crosby CLIENT Stream Irrter-naeiome.l

PAPEIIIPIIINTINQ Seraehmore Ultimate White 24 Ib. Wove. offset Too~ Adobe Ulustrator

Strea:m International. a sofcwaee licensing, packaging, distt'ibucion. .arrd support company, is 'the ~1or.ldJs largest so:ft' distrihuto,r. There is a subtle reference made to w aeer- vvhiJe maintaining a corporate feet

DE .. QN FIRM Squadra Design Studio ART DIRECTOR Guille.l"w.o Caoei-es D,ESIQNEIU Jorge Ca.ceres, Claud.ia Izquie.rdo, Gui:Lle,rJDo Caceres

CuaNT Auditta

PAPERIPRINTJNQ Bond 24 lb. Opalina 280 grs, offset 2/0 color

A'-,",,"',;~,,'''U ;Jtfl_'.r ... lI Illl. lh •• Jll? ~/.J .. I hlnNlI $'.I'''i(ll'


"", ...

FnIC, Gn-'-'U7 JlEttA"At j-;rt ... J

,J: ... 1"t.,..r t".rk..l.

V,"i'JF,~~~_ u...II.,J.:b . .uu

~"'''.·M!'UOOO I 111'1."'",0.7010

DESIGN FIRM Carol Lasky Studio ART DIRECTOR Carol Lasky DIiSIGNIiRlh .. 'l-UJTRATOR Erin Donnellan CLIENT Voice Tree

PAPERIPRINT'INCi Beckett Enhance, Strathmore W.-itiog, Cha.n:tpion Benefit. Printed at The Llk Spot

T .... L. Aldus Hr-eef-Lan d, QuarkXPress

The business ca.n:J. functions as a mini-brochure. rnalcing ;1: stan.d out-literally. Mixing a variety of papers from diffe"ent manufacturers achieved the right blend of stock colors.

56 Professional Services

h r 1.t...,1\" .....

...... , .. .t. \~ ~.... • I ".1




14 I"..,r. .... ~ ...... 1

..... 1 .. 4 \I ••• ~.I.'

DlillCiN FIR.M Sag=eister Irrc.

AIr..- DU.ECTouDIUICiNER Stefan Sagtneister PHOTOCiRAPHER TOlD Schierlit-z


DHA (USA) is a consulting company whose services are di£6.cult to pin clo-w-n. .For- the identity system, photographs comcairaing all the information. ciernoms'tr-are the services

I..~ ....... , ....... .1

DE.tICiN FIRM HiJJ=an Design ART Dn'EcTORID.II<>NER Tho:ruas Hillman CUBN.T RGB Visuals

TOOL Aldus PageMaker

Tbr",e l",tte("s-RGB-offer the name and color concept in an overstated. and cir-arnacio presentation. on a. vvbite sheet- to enhance color-s, The final package -wae assembled in PageMaker.

I >

The Vision Group .

D& .... NFIRM Gal-Y Ragaglla


ART DIRECTOR. ... L dscaping . ',on an

CLIENT VISI . h . ?-color

-- TIN.. Suat mOl e, - .. toshop

PAl>lI!RfPRIN . d Adobe Pho .

dia FreeHaJ'l 'J .

MacroITle h' berweeu

~~~·~·~····································~o cr-eate a r-el .. tions 'P

....... -........ - . n restriction vvas and sky.

The only de Ig. I ments of earth


';8 Professional Services

RO~L'·.~ HEI.HIS (~UfO.' " 9·1~'


DUICiN FIRM Wonder Studio

ART DIRECTOR Ffo war-d Yang DSJlCi .... -ER: Shecr-i Yu

.(:LlfiNT Crystal vision Hi lm Pr-ocl c cti orrs Toots Adobe Ph.ouos.lao p, QuarkXPt'ess PA·PERIPRINTIN<i Simpson Quest. MovO PMS codor-s

The shy ""presents a broad and inlinite vision. Using darel'ent color-s of papel~ as a single design ol.errrerrt accents Ce-y s.tal vis iorr'e free and creative business. nature.

DE..IICiN: F,RM, Bob Kor-n Oc,;ig" ALL DESION Bob Ko r-n CLIENT Gardening Angels

D,,:IiIGN F,rRM Zauhar Dt!:sign AL. DESIGN David Zau)",,· <LIENT RP1V\ Video Productions

'The mark vvas cr-eareci by hand for- an urban horcicolrur-c firm to reflect the pun in uhe company's rra.rn e.

"To clejaict H.P!'vl (n~voluti()n~ I er- nli.nut.e) gJ'aphic-any, th er-e is a CI~Q8S section or t irne, rno verne nr. and. gc:ZU"S j'Ola'Ling .ar-c u ncl an eye. ,vhjch represel'lts video. All ar-c 'we s ci orre fl'eehand.

DESICI'N FIRM AlFred Design ALL DEIlCiN John Alfred

ALL DEJICiN H.oss Wes+ CLIENT Bush Pu sb er-s Rescue

Too .. Adobe Phofos.ho p and Stnoamline. Aldus Fr-cef-l ancl

CIi.I'ENT 'Ter-r-asca pee

TOOL Adobe 'Illustrator and Scr-earn lirie

Bush Puabct-s Res cue is a group of Jeep enthusiasts th.-;\t aid

in th ~ sens-ch i.lnd r-csa-trc or lost hiken:; and r-ecr-eat i coe l ve hie-Ics.

IL is a p~"lI"cly voh.lf'lt(:~c'· gr-ocp and. r-ecei vcs no c-on .. pen~adon.

The rhumbnail art vva:;: Sf..:.ann d .. vvol"ked in cr-earnl'ine, a.nd marlip1.l1ated in Lllus eravor. Using the thun1unajl as a base maiouai ncci rhc organi(.~ feel that the cl icru 'V'.'antecl f'or"" its lands -aping bU:S_ilCSS.

60 Professional Servi<.'es

DESION FIRM Elena. Des.ign ALL DEllCiN Elena Bar-a P"'PER Simpson Quest TooLS A.dobe Illustrator

Some people Ilnd it hard to jar-c rro u n ce n:ty riarne thus the reason For th.e rr-earrnerir on the logo. Irr desi.gning the letterhead. ] wurroed to keep the cost dov.n by using only one color. I opted for che use of d.iffer-enc sha.dcs of pape,- instead.

, nnw 1I1I1I. II til., .. lUll !illl! III HI I' Ul.[mlll HlI I cHlun liIll1U\1II

JoDI''' 6L11 O'HIUU 'U 3ufO_ nu~ 11';;2-:

D""QN FIRM 246 Fifth DesigD ART DIREcTOR.I'DESIQNER Sid Lee CLIENT eels Ente['pr-ises Ltd.

PAPER,IPRrNTINCi Cus'tom PI-inters of RenlJ'ew

eels Entel-prlses -warrrecl to express its Greek '·OOl'S." the "Jason and tile Ar-g ormuta" jrnager- also .sy-rnbodiacs a great adventure OJ' a, fa.ntastical voyag'e w-hicih reflecls the company's ser-vices.



So.. TO. Mo Ie

C.HIFOa.,HA 90403




~5/J.j Mom",," Avmllt

Sa'lta .11.,,;,,,, Colifom;a 9(} ;; ,H0.3'J ... 84U1 f"" 3 '0.3"-,7468


1,04 Molt,,,na Ay<"u.s.u.1II Mon;eR, CRIi(rmrin 90403 li0.39 ,842.8 (ax 310.lQ' -~~'

I' LOR A L S ~617. l!.I01IUlu A ve nu« SallUl Monica, CtlU{qmia 90403 310.395,44'4 (ax 3 io J9 ,-~a8

ART D,RE<ToRlDEnCiNER Christine Cava CLIENT La Pal'tie, Sandy .Nachan PAPEII:J'PRINTINCi Cb-ca Select

TOOLS Aldu.s F r eeHand, Adobe Plaocoahop, QuarkXP,.'ess

The s-wir-l is the "P" in the La Pal,tie logo modified using Fr-ecf-Lancl: the Flor-al pattern w as supposed to be printed in cream, but a. printer's se,r"endipjtOu8 error made it green.

62 Professional Services



540 K. 5 •• 10 un r..,~ •. Sail. lSI tes GoIQs .• (olilQrni. 95(130 405.]58.8221.

7 L 6 ( 1'1 nia· 95030 • 408.358.8222

548 II. Salla CrUI AVln ... SuUe 25 . os olu,OI.or ..



DESlGNE... Rick Tharp. Amy Bednarek

CUENT Kid"~ on the .Move Shuttle .Ser-vfce PAPERIP·RINTING Simpson Srar""hite Vicksburg, four match COrOl'S, o.Ffset: lithography

The deep yelloW" traffic sign-shaped logo with red and purple. .ar-r-o-we refers to the ckierrta ,·ound-· trip service. The laaocl-clr-awm logo '\>Vas scanned into the oornp.ueer- for coznp oaiciom.


'r I'~

... ~I.; ...



46Ctl 'lFUt£NVU.LC AVE. SUITE 2.'70' DALL.AS. TEX .... S "15206

G'EdlPH"f'S'CP-L CON S UIL."f I l'iO



46DD GAEE ... VU ..... E AVE. SUITE 27IJ DALLAIS, TEXAB "752D6 TEL 214.363.3889 "',AX 2 '14.363.9447

D ... IGN FIRM .S'w.ieter- Design U.S.

ART DIRECTOR John Swieter DBnGN.R lYlark Ford eUBNT T.H. Quest


64 Professional Services


D5nCi_N FlAM Incite Design Cc-mrrnrrricaci orrs ALL D&sl<iN Sherrie and Tracy Holdeman CUIiNT Grene Vision. Group PAPERIPRINTINQ Classic Co-cs c

TOOL Ma r-orncclie. FreeHand

Grene Vision Gr"oup is ome of the first' total eye care facilities in the country, Tbe eye icons represent (Fr-orn left to right) the eye, glasses, cont:.a.ctsl and radial lcer-acocornjz

DEO ... N Fill"" Raven Madd Design ART D'RECTDRIDE~'''NER Mark Curtis ILLUSTRATDR Copyright-free iDustration CLIENT Iguana Information Services PAPERIPRINTINCi Con.quer Wove, 100 gSIn, Blemhe im Print, 2-color


'Tw-o TIFFs of a scanned engraving w-er-e overlaid and +hcow-n out of alignment to add depth. The illustration -waa .scr-eerrecl back. to 5 percent fo.r background effect.

DEn .. N Fill"" Duck Soup Graphics

ALL DEO.<>N Doucette

CL.ENT Dr. Orsten, den.tist PAPEilRlPRINTjiNCi Classic Crest, t-wo ,matc.h colors TOOL Adobe Illustrator

The letterhead and business card fold over to incorporate the t-wo logo variations. The pieces are pri~,ted on both. sides wieh gradation tints to ernp.hcsdae ·tbe ''From dark to light" slogan .



.IJ~ r..... c..." •

.... 1 ..

• HI) ~. "' ....


66 Professional Services


~ 5 ITE. E.IGIIT c £T m:"J IT, .' ~ ••



••• "O,W,A •• I~III"'I"IIIO.I

'I \~I.I="'l; AJf)tJRESS P. I) D. ;>1:" ~ 1 t K ETL·H~·"I.

DE:SIGN FIRM Sackett Design Associates

,ART D,RECTOR Mark Sackett"

DE"QN"~IU l'dark Sackett. .Eame s Sakamoto IUUSTRATOR Kim I-Io,,-,"ard

CLIENT KiITl Ho,,",ard PAPBRIPRINTI,NQ Bo domi Spcckletone Beach White. offset litho, black and ba.nd coloring


11\ R ...

,~ Ar t I "'!A



BRI""", 1\ KRISA


D.UCiN FIRM Kiku Obata & Company

ART DIIU;C'I'ORIDBIiCiNBR Rich Nelson CUBloiY C'orrarno.mcaniccas by Proxy PAPERIP,'UN'I"NCi Neenah Classic Crest, Reprox Toou Aldus Free.Hand, Qu .... '·kXP'·ess

The logo features traditional typography and colors vvith the globe as a supporting elernerrt; and suggests the ·technology and ever-expandiog com=uruca.tions network the co=paoy provides.

. '

68 Professional Services

DE'I<i,N FIRM John EVaJ1S Design

A52:T DUU:CT·OJU .. John Evans} Greg Chaprnan DEU<iNER Walter Horton

h.LUJTRATOR ,~John Eva.ns CUENT Tra<.,;y .Lcrclce. GTE TOOL ,Adob" IIlustr-a:tor

This mark vvaa dr-acvn by hand then scanned and redravvn in Llf u st-r-at-or-. I'r sY'TIbo]izes a fibe r optic .ce.b-l e encircling the globe_

DEUQN FIRM Mi"es Design Tn.c, ART D,rREcTDRIDICJI<lNER lVlike Bro werILL'USTRATOR 'Tr-acy Sabin

eLI"N'" IV1.G. Svviog Company





DE:IICiN FIR.M GraHk Cornn~unlca'!.-ions Inc.

DEU .. NER. Da,vid Collins. Judy l<.irpich ILLU .... RA ... OR Davie! Collins

'(LIEiNT Natiooa1 Foorbalt League Ple.ycr-s As or, TOOL Adobe Illustra:tor_

R'ep r-e.serrrjng lootbaU in a n.orr-c-l iohe 'way and focusing on ehe players -wn.s .[1., cha.llenge. T'lae logo needed to ,:-..r{)]"k on p,-inteci m a t er-i a], video. hats, gyn1. bags. T-shir"ts and banll.eJ"s"

DE.'<:iN FIR."'" Lnrrrbcr-t Design Studio AliT D.IIE< ... OllIDEUQNER .Joy Cathey Price (UENT Nat~uJ"e Bound Puhlishi:ng PAPERIPRIN ... ING .3-cola,-

'TOOL Adobe Hlo srr-ato r

'The client For this logo publisbes aairies on Qutdoot- sports, r-ecir-e.ario n. a.nd .oo n , This mark i rrcior-p.or-aues both a bOQ'k (or Tn.l";l,.ga:(:ine) and the great o urcloc-re.


louis P. Plummer 5225 Wi"""si" Ave.

Suire 104 Wcuhinglbn. DC 200rs TeI,202-244-26.u Fa.: 202-2>44-2643

5225 WISqlI1Sin Ave.

SuR 104 WtrJUngran, DC 20015

Tel: 202-244·2644 faIc: 202-244-2643

DE.UClN FIRM SUpOJi. Design G'ronp Inc.

ART DIRE:CTOA,S Supon Phornirunlit .. .Aracl r-e-w Dolan.

DEJI<iNER Eddie Sa:ibua CLlI!NT PhotoAssist"

PAPER:IPRINTINCi. Classic Crest, offset

TooLS Adobe Photoshop and IlIu trator, QuarkXPress

70 Professional Services


G E 0 F F


, I '.,



crporate I b1Clust""11 E<:II,oroal

G E 0 F F

E E 0




29 PrUSpe<:1 sneer Keypon.:>1 w Jersev 0773";

T I: (9081888·7758 Fax;; 19oal :2 "i45l;10 .

:om Prospect sneer. Ke~"PQn. NJ 07735

29 PrOSpecl Street. Keypon, New Jersey 07735

Te~ (908) 888-7758 Fax; (908)264-4-590

DeSIGN PUtM. PM Design

ART DIIIECTOIIJ'DESIG.NIlIl Philip Marzo CLIII'NT Geoff Read Photography

The logo is a .me mor-ab le integration of the photograpber's OVVD initials and the vvord "photography," The use of a r-eel accent color For the initials adds contrast and attention to vis)'a.1 integration..

Ui II,; H '" I 1 to. ~ l



DIiIlCi"l FIRM David Carter Design AliT DIltIiCTORIDEUCi"lEII Randall Hill PHO'TOCiR'APHIiR Micha,e! Wilson

C~I"NT Michael Wilson Arcbitectural Photography PAPEII,IPIII"I"NCi Sirrlpson Pl'OroCO] Writing, Padgett Printing

The stationery package 'w-as cr-eatecl to highlight the unique niclre this photographer has on the rnar-lcet, Waterless plates 'w-er-e used in. the printiog process_

72 Professional Services

• 11




• •




. '

• •

PEl '. I "G



.., aM a... r-, '1'1

Tel. 575 3322


DllnCiN FIRM Cecmelkie. Cho Design

ART DIRECTORIDsSlCiNER Camellia Cho CLIENT Pet· Image PAPERIPR.INT.ING D & P Design & Printing Co.

TDD~ QuarkXPress

The rrioat interesting challenge -cva.s arranging the pets fOJ' the shooting. During the shooting period, it's .eally difficult to keep all the pets in the right position.

DIi;nON FIRM. Sacl<:ett Design .Asssooiaees ART 'DIRECTCIft M.ark Sackett D&UGNERS Mark Sackett, Ja;mes Sakamoto 'C:UENT Bybee Studi.os

PAPERIPRINTINCi SiJTIpson .Sear-wlaite Vicksburg 80 lb. te>tt, lim lb. cover, offset :litho

14 Professional Services

D,aUCiN 'FIR.MI'IIUriO Au.~eIio & Assoeiados ARTD,RECTO.RIDESlCiNER lVtano Aurelio CU5NT .Ar-ca.l PAPERIPRINTINCi SrrathrrlOre Fiesta., offset TOOL Aldus FreeHand

",,", I \ I' " ~ .....

H I I r

UEL /fORE: 0 POB.lE'l'l:

Av. Kenna!. ~::!'Io Fonee ~-kA>ll - 2·1o'lb 1

::!4b'1e I .:!·ltf'Ibl2


\ 1ti1(\U'j1 ~ nti.ltc:\

'D,&SlCiNFIRM Squadra Design

ART D"'5CTOR Guillermo Caceres B_ D&"GNERS' Guillertno Caceres. Claud.ia Izq ...uerdo CLIENT Ponny Exp,-ess Chile PAPER.lP'R'o.n-INCi Bond 24, offset 2/0 color

76 Professional Services

DEIlCiN FIRM Shields Design

ART DIR"€TOItIDo;,O/GNER Charles Shields h~USTRATOR' Doug H"",sen

CLIENT Grea.C Pacific Trading COJIlpany PAPERIP,RINTINCi' Classic Crest, City Press

TooLS Adobe Photoshop and TIlust"'ator, Altsys FODtographer

"Great Pacific" -w'as scanned :&001 old type books, Streamlined and cleaned up in illustrator. "Trading CO:r:npany#l -we.s scanned Fr-o m an old type book, irnp or-tecl into Fontographer to r-eclr-a'w

the font.


~- - - ----------

DIUICiN PIRM Shields Design

ART DIRECTORIDESlCiNER Charles Shields CLIEI'n Heritage Plaza Mortgage Inc.

PAPERIPRINTING, Evergreen. Progressive Printing TOOL Adobe Ilfusta-aror-

The elie.:rt VlTanted a. friendly and inviting look. so 'war-m colors on a. n.atura.1 stock 'Were chosen. A. cleeo Front and image and a -war-m gradhtcioD make the logo accessible.

- - ----

I ' i' , , ' ,



.n1l6 W-S:'5T'G:!IRD STRE£T SHAWN",,,, MISS.O,,",. ~ ,l!-a2CII1!I YI4S.2!lI1I.7757


DEIIQN ;FIRM .Sac-keat Design Associates

AliT DU.ECTOII/DEII<iNEII M,ark Sackett ILLunRATORS Mark Sackett, Wayne Sakamoto

CLIENT Donnelly & Associares PAPER.lPRINTINCi Neenah Classic Crest N'atural White 80 [b.

text. offset lithography, t-w-o match colors

78 Professional Services

D."~N FIRM Duck Soup Graphics ,ALL D."~N William Doucette

C'I-.IINT Ron Pearson-M,agiciao P"P.RJ'PRINTIN~ Beckett Enhance, t:vvo JDatch colors

:'4:l ;'!I \1 1L [ ))I"'~ " J!J.I( ~ I b 0 • :.! rn .1,', OJ 0115

The ilh,stration w-as drawn in pen and ink. The client requested a logo that offered a visual representation of himself, he pe.rform in a top hat and tuxedo ao.d spe 'iajiaes in. close-up;c.

DESIGN FIRM Sackett De~ign Associates ART DIREcrCRllLLUSTRATCII Nlark Sackett DESIGNERS Nlark Sackett, Wayne Sak"111oto CL'ENT .Rc s our-ce and Design Inc.

PAPERIPIIINTINCi Neenah Classic Cr-ear .Nemu-al 80 Ib, te><." 'With 110 lb. COVel', offset lithogra.phy

80 Professional Services

DESIGN FIRM AurQio & .Aes.ociecloe ART DIRECTDRID" .... NIl ... MiU-;o Au.-.Hio CLIENT In. Press

PACPERJ'PaINTIIN<>1 Printoma:C Paper, offset .inks, UV TOOL Aldus FreeHand

A'P"'ILIAT1!'1P OF;F:,tc.e'S:

I..nttdnn ~ PiHiJ, • Imubrud ~ Rvn~ BruJH/" • Shtlf.'YlJIt:,~ DublTn • frullJ:/fJYI A'Jc-.lllltu/· S)rllltT ~ Nf" tlr Ju.M'riu


~ -.., :z I JOERG 'KRAMER


10224 N. PORT WASH'f'oIG."OH RD. MEQUOH. WISC::OHS.IM S309:z.-5TS5 PHONE: 4'4.241.6373 FAX

~I.EX 201. 323.VWOTUR NATIONWIDE '.800.558.8850

'O:Z2,ANoAT~ Po~:'1 W'A./SHINOiTOH ROA:O MEQUOpt~ WI!'jcoiNSIN 53092-5755

PHONE 4,.4.24t~637a. TELflX .201.323.YWOTUR FAX 4'4_241~637,9 N'ATtONWIDIIt l_eOO~5S8.aa!5..0

Dr;IIGN F,IRM Becker Design A~ DI ... uo .. ID .... GN... N eil Becker 'D"SIGNaR Neil Becker

CLI5NT Value Holidays

PAI>5R,IP"INTING Classic Crest Solar White, 2-color lithography TOOLS Adobe illustrator, Qua.:kXPress

The globe is an a.ppropriate symbol£or Value Holidays because it does only international travel packages.

81 Professional Sc.·vices

DeuCi"" FHtM S ... victcl'· Oesig-nU.S.

ART DIRECTOR John Svvietcr DESlC;NER i\\ark For-d CUENT lVlil1cr Aviation Too~ Adobe lliustrat·o,·


• •

DE"C;N FIRM Swietc,- Des;!',,,, U.S.

ART DIRECTOR .Fo hrr Svv"ieter DUI<>NER Ntark For-d CLIENT Sp-or-ts Lab Lnc. TOOL Adobe Illustrator

DEl-leiN FIR.M S .... vieter Design U.S.

ART DIRI:CTOR- .John Svviere,L DEilCiNER Julie Por h

CUE NT Dallas JV\aveJ~<:ks Too~ Adobe l ll c st r-at o'r-




D"fIO'" FU'M Dcuck Soup Gn.phics AcLL DEccSlCi'" WiUiarn Doucette

CLIENT DomInion Messenger Ltd.

PAPERIPRINTINC> French Speckletone.three match colors

The client .is the oldest messenger cornpa.oy in -weeter-n Canada. and requested a corporate image t.han-wo.ul d reflect a nostalgic therrte. The illustrations -w er-e done in irrlc.

84 PI"ofessiona1 Scrvic..'cs

DEllCiN FrRM Ci ro 'Giordano Associates


CLlEN.... 'Oir-o Giordano .Ass ocj aees PAPEAIPRINTING Strathmore Writing Bright White Wove, th.'ee PN1S



.- .. "'" ..... l:J"!dII'!:I F..:CI~ .... S>H;I\




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DE.IIGN FIRM Jill Tanenbaum Graphic Design & Advertising ART D,RECTOR Jill Tane:nbau:m

DEIIGNER Pat Mulcahy

CLIENT Duran En.terprises PAPERIPRINTINCi StICath:more Writing, Westland Printers

The COITlpany VlTill be involved in a 'var-iefy of areas and wanted a g'erier-ic, strong~ corporate/ioternationaJ look that 'was not specif'ic. +o any orse t;)1pe of busines.!J' verrrur-e.

~eote~~ ~.. ~~a ............ ~~

. vom 11 • .>\1<£ JARMS

86 Real Estate, P,·opert.ies. and Architects


I ~ I ,I 1... I \ I I L...... ~

SmlLOOl>i E. ROD~~"l' SJ.O.R.


753 Eddy SnCd

Prevrdeece, Rhode hlQ'nd 0290.1

T, ,(011273·2270 f, ~OI1273.2213


Rhede lal and


758 Edd¥ Sneer Providence, RI 02903 Tel (401) 273--2270 FIb~ (401) 273-2273 '9lndividlllll Mcmbe .. hip s·ooi~~IT·oF·INDlis:rRL\'L AND OF"PIOE REA cross .u=~~=:'~ad-===~n:":i:==;=~:I:::'=br"'r='~=~~~I::~=~

DE.JICiN FIRM Providence Creative

ART DIRECTOR Peter Ma.cdonald

D" .... NER AJe"::1~ Waldman CLIENT Rodma.n Real Estate PAPE.RIPRINT,INCi Strath:rnore Lines TDDLs Adobe Hhaser-azor-, QuarkXPress

All stationery ele.m.ents 'wer-e printed a.t once,. I-color, '\!V'hjcl'1 kept cosrs 10V>' and to Inaintain the strong look of elegance. The type 00 the bottom is still reasona.bly legible.

Re-al Estatf .. -, PI'opel-ties, and A.-c.,hite(..'ts 87

DEUc.N F.RM GretclTl,an C-"oup

DEI.CiN PniM Mohr-: l)esign

ART DIRECTORIDE .... NER Jack N. lVlohr CllEiNT I--IoepFne' .... B"' .. u.k.o'rixe p t


.J'arnes Stl'ange CLJENT AniraF'reg

'The design o:Ftht~ .sta:tioner.}, is s till in iLS c,arl,y st.ages.



DEIiCiN FU'M Kelly O. Stanlc Oesign Au DE .... N Kelly O'Dell Stanley

CLIENT Sjze'le.l' Ree.l Estate lVlanageJl:lent Company Inc.

1~hc image vvas d r-a'wri by hand, then scanned and r-ccl r-a'w n in Fr-ee l-Iamd , The t.ypcfclce -w aa m()(lifi.ed so that tbe horizontal str-o.k ee oft.he Icr.rc.rfc rco.s took, on the aarrre energ)' as the logo.

SS Real Estate. Propel-ties, and Architects


RlJfif is() - - ------~

A /' "


:DI1S.CiN FIRM Price _Associates


ALL DimoN Ross West

CLlI!NY Dorsey; Realtor PAPBRIPRINTING Classic Ccese Peppercorn T .... L. Aldus FreeHand, Adobe Photoshop




" "

The 'ba.ckgcound map -was scanned 'irrto Photosbop, manipulated and imported into FreeHand ""here it w-as placed. All other logos and copy 'w-er-e produced in FreeHand .arad aerrr directly to fihn.


-, "










DIiSICiN FIRM Price Learman Associates

The client -warrrecl t.o portray a vibrant and energetic image.

Simple" g'eorrretr-ic shapes 'w-er-e used to giv"e a sense of rncrvernenrt and excitement.

Au D" .... N Ross West

CLIBNT Laura Bennett PAPERJPRINTING Classic Crest Millstone TOOL Aldus FreeHand


\. I" \.~ . r· '1'1 •• '

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DE.sIGN FIRM Kelly O. Stanley Design.

ART DIRIiCTOR Kelly O'Dell Stanley eLl.NT The Buclcinglaam Companies PAPERIPRINTING. Classic Crest, 2-color Too'~ Aldus FreeHand.

Although this logo is for an housing COn:l.Ifiu.n.ity near Chjcago, the ckierrr "Wanted to design aornet.hrng' tha.t is COITLparable in quality to high-class oorrrmcmizies ,

90 Real Estate, Properties, and Architects

D6J:IClN FIRM Pallnquist & Palmquist Design

ART DIRECTDRSID&SICiNERI Kun-t ariel Denise Pa.lnaq

IUUJTRATOR Kurt Palmquist

CLIENT Flaming Arrovv Lodge PAI>ERIPR'NT'NCio Classic Laid Natw,.aJ White, 2-color, errlbossed (Foil stamp on business card)

The logo needed a high-end cvcs rer-n look to r-effecr the lodge's rugged elegance. The screened pattern on the letterhead and Second sheet is a s watcb of fabric frOID chairs in the lodge. scanned and printed as a halftone.

DEnCiN FIA"'" Palrrrq o ist- & Palmqu;st Design

An D.AECTOIU ANI) DUI<iNERJ Kurt an.d Denise Palmquist ILLUSTRATOR Jame:,s Lirrclquise

<~IENT' Aspen Grove Bed & Breakras~ PAPERIPAINTIN<i Classic Laid Recycled, Brusbecl .Pevvt er-, 1,- and 2-color PlVlS

The: logo w as designed to r-e Hecr the and quiet a;rn'bience of this boci-c.nci-Pn-cc.kfaae and to provide an idea of the surrounding geography. The logo creat:ed on scrat:chboard.

92 Real Estate. Properties. and AI"Chitects

DfiuCiN F,,,,,,,, Laurie Bish ALL De"GN Laurie Bish


PAP5RfPRINTIN.. Classic Columns, lithography. 2-coloT

The color 'w-aa inspired by architectural paper used by architects .. The design w as illuso:ated by ha.nd, and Snlshed art VIlas done by typesetter on cOTnputer progra.Jn.

DEn .. NFrRM Duck Soup Graphics

ALL D......... William Doucette

CUENT Traders of the Lost Art PAPER.I'PRINTIN.. Hopper Proterra, three rnat ch colors TOOL Adobe Illustrator'

The stationery features a subtle background screen. of an old map and a Roman column to represent the company's origins.

En'velopes 'wer-e printed ln tvvo passes on a. 2-color press.


\1 \




•• t .

".'. "'-.,.,

cr Jimberlake

DESIGN FIRM Plaid Cat Dcsign

ALL DEil<iN Eric Scott Srevens CUENT 'Ti mbor-la.kc. Po""ell Construction

The logo for the 'Ti mbe i-l.alce comn1ounit:y Feacur-es a. shield. wbjch incorpor-ares irnag'es t-ha.t cle scr-i'be T'jrn laer-l.ak.e. The shield and rest ofth" logo we rc creared ,in Fr-ee I-Lancl.



DE""N FIRM Jeff Fishe,' Design ALL DEJlCiN .r-rr Fisher

CLIENT Ca.('n1en ~ch(cige,'

Car-meri Schleiger is an ar-chitect \¥ho designs r-csidc ncea. The logo vvas design .c d in Fr-eef Iarrd. '\ovil"h Avant Ga."de and Stacking the text elements p er-mi trc.d u..,jng a house as a grapbic.

DEJI<iN FIRM .Harr-isbeiger- Ca-eari ve A,RT D,RECTORID.nCiNER Lynn Haro-isbe'-ger CLIENT Glenn & Sadle,-

TOOL iVlacrooncdia F'r-ce l land

Glenn & Sadler- s pe.cialixes in fand arrd ,"vater construction, and rlnis LS reflecued in the logo.

We C~









ousIng ty

'D~IIQNi FIRM Cat Design ALL DEII.,N Eric Scott Stevens

CLIENT Westwood CoHousing Comn1unity TOOL Lacr-c.rrre cl i.a Fr-eeHand

94 Real Estate. Properties. and Architects

Sclater Kirnbo]

~ ~-

, , ,

D"JI<oNF'IRM The Leonhardt Group DEJI<iNERS Ray Llecao, Jon. Cannell C~IIiNT Sclater Kimball Architects

PA .. ~RJPA.INTIN(i Classic Crest Natural White,three PMS colors

This corporate jdentity is a oornpdete system that allo'Ws for flexibility'. The. various icons vvere created to sho-w the many characteristics of architecture.

J-J~a~. e~"-£~~a

\ / *--

o,;lord 1OdsCamp, Inc. PO""''''

D:d'mI, MO 21654

96 Health Care, Education, and Nonprofit

DESlCiNF'RM Clifford SeIbert Design ART D"tEnOA Brian Lane

DEnCiNER. Br-ian Lane, I-Ieather Watson, Tracey Lane CUIINT City of Hope Hospital

Too~ Adobe illustrato,', QuarkXPress PAPERIPRINT'NCi Classic Crest, Avon Brilliant White

The person depicted in the letter UKU is used to represent aspects of Workout for Hope: l'Unn.lng, aerobics, cycling, aw-irnrnkng, and basketball.

Cjl~ of Hope

NluOllll!/lifcdor:alt.. ... ."at.oIl'fovla.o!l1.-..nL.I .... ,rul>

Cit)' of Hop

DESIGN P,RioU [1Vletal]/Peat Jariya Design ART DIRECTORID"SI"'NIBR Peat Jariya, C''LIEN''I' Fler-memrr'e Wo.rnen's Ce:oter

PAPERIPRINTINCi Classic Crest, 2-color

Notiona Desiq







2 EAST 91 STREEl NEWYQiK NY 10128·0669 TEL ~12860686B FAX 212B6060()9

DlillCiN FIRM DreI;tttel Doyle Partners AltT Du._nOR Stephen Doyle DIiSICiN.1I1U Terry Mastin. Rosemarie Turk CLIIiNT Design MuseWlJl PA'PIIRIPRINTINQ Benefit Wa.ylaid TOOL QuarkXPress

This corporlrte LD. ernphasiz s the 'Word "design" and pays

homage to the musermr's nllssion.

98 Health Care. Education. and Nonprofit

DESIGN FIRM Gretetnan Group

ART DIRECTORSIDE:lIGNIiRS Sonia Gcetem,a.:n ..

James Strange CLIENT City of Wichita

DUIGN FIRM Sibley/Peteet Design ART DIRECTORJ'DE .... NER David Be ik h.LI.uTRATOIU David Beck, l'vlike Broshous CLIENT Charles J a.rraee

TOOL Adobe flIustratol"

TU RTbE len EEK Run

The logo for Wichita's Fair + wsecl. a festive ccerto oapmrr-c the feeling of the event.

The fina.l design -w aa clorie in IUustra1:or ,Fn.'lm ,a scan fJ"orn a pen.cil dntvving. Cr-acle -a aci-joeel arickcer-e we re cr-caued to give to Cbnr-les J'a.n'le.s~s clients.

DESIGN FntM Sibley/Peteet Design ART DIRIi<TOR Donna Aldridge DE .... NER Donna Aldridge CLIENT Arner-icari Heart Aaaoc.iat.iora

DESIGN FIRM Gretetnan Group

ART DIRECTOR.J'D ...... NER. Sonia G,- sternarr, J ames Strange

CLIENT Our Lady of Lourdes

TOOL Adobe Hl'uecr-arco- and Photoshop

This logo is fm'" rehabilitation hospital r-epc-eaenti ng- the Patron Saint of Om- Lady of Lourdes and her healing attributes.

The background texture for the pavement began as a photocopy .from an old schoolbook, 'Which was tben manipulated on the photocopie.- and by hand, then scanned irrro Photoshop.


Family Health Center

ADW&lniftI~ UIII;'!l'SIlyoflJ,~l~ MedllJ1i CL'n#£r


Family Health Center

A C'II1'N.i.lWU/H."'\'I1UV " ........... , Mo .... "" ....

281 E.>sIII.1rlrord AI""".

Uxbridge. MA 01569

281 East HartfooI AV8\lle llibridge. MA 01569 Tel: ~278-5S73 Fax: (SIll) 278-7142

D "d

a\~ P. iaps.,OII, 1\(D.

CaringfOr Our Community Since 1978

DUI .. N FIRM Smith Karch Daly

ART DIRECTOR Patricia B. Karch DEJ'IQNER,.rLLUSTRATOR Barbara. A. TruelJ

CLIENT Tri-Rive.r Family Health Center PAPER.J'PRJNTINQ St."athmore Script Pinst6pe Bright White,

{mage Press

TOOLS AJdus Freel-land. QuarkXI>ress

The Tri-River logo vvas created by hand, scanned and pJaced into FreeHand, -eo-her-e type 'w-ast added before placing into QuarkXPress for layout.

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