Case 4 Lesson Plan

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Group 44


In this lesson, we want students to understand the importance of being smart with your money and how stressful money management can be, especially when there is not enough of it. Learning Given a personal finance decision, the students will be able to Objectives explain their decision making process by giving 3 practical examples of challenges or benefits they encountered in the process. Teaching SS.E.6 2007 - Money and the Role of Financial Institutions Standards Students will understand the role of money and financial institutions in a market economy. SS.E.6.10 2007 Formulate a savings or financial investment plan for a future goal. Required Materials -Interactive white board -projector -Computers -Facebook -SPENT online game -PowerPoint personal finance game- Riches to Rags Procedures 1. Turn on interactive white board. 2. Pull up SPENT game on white board and have it ready for class. 3. When students enter classroom, instruct them to sit in groups of 4 quietly at the tables. 4. Get the attention of the class when the period starts and introduce the subject of personal finance. 4.1. Explain that todays lesson will be a game that will show what can happen to people in poverty situations. 4.2. Tell the class that although these situations may seem very dramatic, these are real life situations that happen to people. 4.3. Explain that you will all play the SPENT game together as a class, and then they will play a different game individually on their computers. 5. Begin the SPENT game. 6. For every decision you can make in the game, have the class discuss what they think would be the best decision, and then talk about it as a class.

Group 41

7. Have a student from one of the groups that chose the most popular opinion go to the interactive white board and choose their answer. 8. Continue to do this for the rest of the game. 9. At the end of the game, discuss the outcome. 9.1. If the class lost, have them brainstorm things they could have done differently or why they think they lost. 9.2. If the class won, discuss things they thought were helpful. 10. Shut off the interactive white board when the discussion is over and instruct the students to get out and turn on their individual computers. 11. Turn on the projector and the instructor computer that it is hooked up to. 12. Pull up the class website page and show the students where they can access the PowerPoint game. 13. Have the students log onto your class website and open the PowerPoint game. 14. Explain to them that they will play the game, which is similar to the SPENT game, and they will receive a grade based on their outcome of the game. 15. Instruct the students to play the game until they reach a slide that gives them the option to play again. 16. If students come to a slide that instructs them to star over and try again, instruct them to continue playing until they reach a slide that gives them the option to play the game again. 17. Let the students play the game for 15-20 minutes or until everyone has gotten to the play again slide at least once. 17.1. Even if students have gotten to the play again option, have them continue playing to try different decisions to see how it affects the outcome. 18. Once the 15-20 minutes is up, tell the students that we will be moving on to a different activity now. 19. Instruct students to turn off and put away their laptops. 20. Ask the class what they thought of the games? 20.1. Was it stressful to you? Imagine what it would feel like if this was real life. 20.2. Do you think this is realistic? 21. After the class discussion, ask them to write a paragraph or two about what they did to get the play again option. By getting this option, they have made decisions that helped them succeed in the game. Each student must give at least 3 examples of things they did during the game that answer whichever of these questions apply to them: 21.1. If they got the play again the first time, what did they do well? 21.2. What was their thinking process when they made sacrifices in the game and which sacrifices did they find

Group 44


were most necessary? 21.3. If they got the start over and try again option their first time, what decision changes did they make? 21.4. Which decisions did they think were most influential on their overall outcome? 22. Give the students 8-10 minutes to write their responses. 23. Have the students turn in their writing before they leave class. 24. Dismiss the class once everyone is finished writing and the bell has rung. Once the game is done, the students will be writing a paragraph of two to explain how they went through the decision making process during the game. Students can earn a total of 25 points from this lesson, this is how the students will be graded: Each student will turn in their paragraphso If the student gives 3 examples that make sense, they will receive 15 points. o If the student gives 2 examples that make sense and a third that does not or only gives two examples total, they will receive 10 points. o If the student gives 1 example that makes sense and the other two do not or they only give 1 example, they will receive 5 points. o If the student does not give any practical examples or they give none at all, they will receive 0 points. If the students participated in the lesson discussion after the SPENT game was completed or they participated in the discussion after the Riches to Rags game, they will receive 5 participation points. All students will receive 5 points for playing the Riches to Rags game.

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