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Su|tan Str|ngs !

M|dd|e Lastern Str|ng Lnsemb|e


unmaLched Melodlc SLrlng unlqueness "

Su|tan Str|ngs !

1hese are SLrlng ensemble samples llke you've never heard before. ulsLlncLlve, effecLlve and
wlLh an ear for auLhenLlclLy, SonoklneLlc ls proud Lo announce and presenL anoLher genulne
flrsL ln sampllng hlsLory.

?ou'll never flnd samples anywhere else LhaL maLch Lhe unlqueness, orlglnallLy and
auLhenLlc mlddle easLern sLyle LhaL ls found ln Lhls masslve collecLlon of sLrlng ensemble
performances. lmposslble Lo recreaLe or compose wlLh ordlnary sLrlng sample-llbrarles or
dedlcaLed sLrlng llbrary plaLforms, Lhls collecLlon focuses on llve performances by one of Lhe
world's besL mlddle easLern sLrlng ensembles and royalLy free cusLom composed arablan
sLyled phrases.

3 vlollns, 1 vlola and 1 cello make up Lhls sLrong and convlnclng performance sampllng sLrlng
ensemble. WlLh our usual dedlcaLed care we approached Lhls recordlng wlLh a 'dlglLal'
composer's mlnd and need. Worklng from Lhe base up we creaLed a dlverse collecLlon of
phrases LhaL would need Lo be wldely usable ln muslc composlLlons and large audlo
producLlons. So Lempo synclng and a wlde avallablllLy ln all keys has been Lop prlorlLy ln Lhls
We've lnvesLed a masslve amounL of resources, professlonal skllls and muslcal LalenL Lo
creaLe someLhlng very unlque and usable for Lhe modern day composer and producer.
We're convlnced we've achleved our goal wlLh Lhls large sample pool and hands-on users
lnLerface. We also lnvesLed ln mulLl-formaLs so Lhe range of sampllng posslblllLles ls
exLended pasL Lhe proven dedlcaLed konLakL formaL. AlLhough we focus on Lhe user
lnLerfaces of naLlve lnsLrumenL's konLakL formaL oLher core sample audlo formaLs are
avallable Lo flL every need and make Lhls collecLlon wldely accesslble for every producer and
SulLan SLrlngs wlll glve your producLlon Lhe creaLlve edge you're always looklng for and leL lL
excell ln orlglnallLy and auLhenLlclLy.
SonoklneLlc has esLabllshed a name as one of Lhe besL prlce value-quallLy sampllng
producers and wlLh Lhls we llke Lo underllne LhaL sLaLemenL. We sLlck wlLh our unbeaLable
prlclng module and hlgh quallLy sampllng. 1hls ls an absoluLely glve away and hard Lo reslsL
performance sLrlngs llbrary.
We're proud Lo release SulLan SLrlngs" and leL Lhem spread Lhe lnsplraLlon of mlddle-
easLern sLrlng ensemble performances

We wlsh you Lhe besL lnsplraLlon and creaLlvlLy.

WlLh warm regards,

1he SulLan SLrlngs roducLlon 1eam

- Core samples: 16 lnsLrumenL paLches conLalnlng Lhe followlng playlng sLyles:
o 30 Lempo-synced 2 bar phrases
o 1empo-synced runs (up and down)
o SusLalns (wlLh dynamlc crossfadlng Lo vlbraLo)
o 1remolos
o 1rllls
o Cllssandl

- Slngle lnsLrumenL for konLakL 4.2 and hlgher wlLh 4 panels - Maln, l8, LC & CredlLs
- 4x LxS24 paLches for phrases and mulLl sampled collecLlons.
o LlghL verslon for phrases (for qulcker loadlng and less sLraln on 8AM)
- 4x Pallon paLches (phrases and mulLl samples)
- Apple Loop formaL (all phrases Lemposynced)

- 1empo-synced runs (up, uown and up-uown)
- ConvoluLlon reverb applled Lo Lhe mulLl lnsLrumenL Lo represenL Lhe orlglnal
acousLlc space.
- SonoklneLlc l8 space! deslgn knob Lo allow dynamlc asslgnmenL and conflguraLlon
of Lhe convoluLlon effecLs.
- uynamlc sample loadlng & purglng for efflclenL memory usage.
- CusLomlzable keyswlLchlng sysLem Lo allow command of arLlculaLlons ln your
- vlsual represenLaLlon of currenL key when playlng phrases
- 3300+ samples. (3,33 C8 sample conLenL) (excl apple loops, 11.000 samples LoLal,
10,23 C8 LoLal)

Art|cu|at|on Se|ector
lor your convenlence, SulLan SLrlngs conLalns all Lhe
arLlculaLlons you could ever need ln a slngle nkl lnsLrumenL.
?ou can swlLch beLween Lhe dlfferenL playlng sLyles elLher
by cllcklng lLs name from Lhe MAln panel, or by presslng lLs
respecLlve keyswlLch on your Mlul conLroller.
1he keyswlLches defaulL Lo Lhe lowesL ocLave on an 88 key
keyboard. Powever, Lhe lnsLrumenL can be compleLely cusLomlzed Lo sulL your needs and
keyswlLches can be reasslgned. Slmply cllck Lhe respecLlve arLlculaLlon's key ln Lhe column
and lL wlll change Lo a '!' symbol and flash. ?ou can now play a key on your keyboard and Lhe
keyswlLch wlll asslgn Lo lL. ?ou can use Lhls conflguraLlon meLhod Lo sulL Lhe lnsLrumenL Lo
your needs.

hrases and 1empo sync|ng
SulLan sLrlngs was sampled Lo Lake advanLage of konLakL's
ablllLy Lo synchronlse samples Lo your sequencer's Lempo. ?ou
can conflgure Lhls aspecL on Lhe rlghL of Lhe lnsLrumenL's maln
LCC P8ASLS allows you Lo speclfy Lhe Llmlng wlLh whlch Lo repeaL phrases when holdlng
down a key. lL defualLs Lo 8/4 (a loop wlll play every 8 bars). lL can be conflgured Lo 12 or 16
1LMC S?nClnC enables and dlsables Lhe syncronosaLlon scrlpL. When lL ls dlsabled, you
can plck a cusLom 8M uslng Lhe drop down underneaLh.
1 x PCS1 8M allows you Lo conflgure how Lhe Lempo synclng scales Lo your sequencer's
8M. lor example, 1/2 PCS1 8M wlll resulL ln a run belng 2 bars ln lengLh. 2 x PCS1 8M
resulLs ln a bar belng 1/2 bar ln lengLh.

SulLan SLrlngs shlps wlLh Lhree l8 convoluLlon
spaces bullL ln. 1hls can be conflgured on Lhe l8
panel of Lhe lnsLrumenL. A vlsual represenLaLlon of
Lhe space appears on Lhe lefL. ?ou can change
beLween Lhree spaces by cllcklng Lhelr name
underneaLh Lhe plcLure.
?ou can also conflgure Lhe weLness and room slze
of Lhe convoluLlon and flnally Loggle wheLher lL ls bypassed.

1he LC panel allows you Lo shape Lhe lnsLrumenL.
?ou are able Lo easlly conflgure Lhe frequencles,
bandwldLhs and galns as requlred. values wlll
appear as you drag sllders.

?ou can also compleLely bypass LC.

- 3 lmpulse responses wlLh conflgurable parameLers: 16 blL wave formaL.

- 8oyalLy and copyrlghL free conLenL llcense.

- SulLan SLrlngs 8eference manual (pdf).

- ArLwork : SulLan SLrlngs" dvd cover. ueslgned by avel luksa

- rogrammlng : SulLan SLrlngs" konLakL scrlpL by 8lake 8oblnson

Iormat: All flles ln 44.1 kPz , 16 8lL wave formaL. (looped)

rogrammed for konLakL 4.2.

kontakt patch examp|e and deta||ed exp|anat|on

- nkASLS(.): Looped, Lempo-synced phrases
- kUNS (.): 1empo synced runs boLh upwards and downwards
- SUS1AIN: Looped susLalns feaLurlng mulLlple dynamlcs and conflgurable vlbraLo
- 1kLMCLCS: Looped Lremolos
- 1kILLS: Cne shoL Lrllls
- GLISSANDI: Cllssandl

- LA: Cllck Lhls Lo change Lo Lhls arLlculaLlon.
- LCAD: Cllck Lhls Lo Loggle lf Lhls arLlculaLlon ls loaded Lo memory. ?ou can unload
arLlculaLlons noL used Lo save memory.
- kS: 1he keyswlLch used Lo acLlvaLe Lhls arLlculaLlon. ?ou can change Lhls by
cllcklng Lhe key label and presslng a key on your keyboard whlle lL ls flashlng.

- SUS1AIN DNAMICS: 1oggle wheLher or noL dynamlcs are conLrolled manually. ?ou can
cusLomlze whlch CC conLrol dynamlcs by rlghL cllcklng below, chooslng 'Learn Mlul CC#
auLomaLlon' and movlng Lhe deslred sllder or knob on your conLroller.

- SUS1AIN kLLLASL: 1oggle wheLher susLaln samples have release noLes.

- 1LMC SNCING: 1oggle wheLher Lhe phrase and runs are Lempo synced. Cllck Lhls Lo
change lL. When on, phrases and runs wlll be sLreLched Lo flL your
sequencer's Lempo.
- 1 k nCS1 8M: Allows you Lo conflgure how Lhe Lempo synclng scales Lo your
sequencer's 8M. lL can be changed by cllcklng.
LVLk 8]4 : 1oggle how ofLen phrase should loop when you hold down a noLe.

Sonok|net|c ! Ik space

A|| NkI patches have reverb app||ed to them by defau|t. 1he convo|ut|on reverb can be
bypassed us|ng the 8ASS Ik opt|on on the Ik pane|.

1o keep Lhe your cusLom seLLlng please resave Lhe paLch. nexL Llme when loaded lL'll load
Lhe cusLom seLLlngs. !"#$%&'() )($+,&$- .# /+0( + 1+2345 6/($ $(('('78

Impu|se kesponse se|ect|on: by cllcklng Lhe names under Lhe plcLure you can swlLch
beLween Lhree avallable spaces.
Ava||ab|e Ik's
- PA8LM 8oom
- SulLan alace uome
- SulLan alace Pall

WL1NLSS: ConLrols Lhe level of Lhe orlglnal and processed slgnals. 0 = bypass
100 = full slgnal. Cllck & drag Lo ad[usL Lhe bar.
kCCM SI2L: lncrease or decrease Lhe slze of Lhe hall. Cllck & drag Lo ad[usL Lhe bar.

LkS24 & na||on

keysw|tche: lrom A1 Lo C#2 keyswlLches for each harmonlc base key
M|ss|on Statement

Cur goal ls Lo creaLe hlgh quallLy and very affordable sample and sound llbrarles for muslc
and sound deslgn producLlons. uslng Lhe besL lnsLrumenLs, acousLlcs and Lechnology and
hlrlng Lop-noLch muslclans for performances we Lry Lo dellver very speclflc producL packages.

WlLh our producL llne, we alm for a large group of composers and sound deslgners who are
looklng for non-legal blndlng and llcense free sample llbrarles for Lhe blggesL creaLlve
freedom ouL Lhere. Cur phllosophy ls slmple: lasL and low-prlced. 1he accesslble sample
klLs are avallable for qulck scorlng and bulldlng powerful Lracks for your producLlons. lease
feel free Lo conLacL us for any of your quesLlons or feedback on our producLs or
company. We wlsh you Lhe besL creaLlvlLy and [oy playlng around wlLh our lnsLrumenLs.

lor more lnformaLlon check our webslLe:

!oln us on facebook


or emall us on:


All Lhe creaLlve besL,


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