What Is The Success of A CID? What Is A CID?: Tucker Community Improvement District (CID)

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Dear Neighbor:

Exciting News for Tucker!!

A growing coalition of business and property owners believe it is time to harness the vast resources of the Tucker area to encourage and further engage success. By focusing our efforts, we can make our area a thriving activity center that provides positive economic development and supports the life-long community that is Tucker. Forming the Tucker Community Improvement District (CID) will enhance the economic vitality of Tuckers business district by strengthening the areas role as the center of commercial activity and opportunity. CID seed funding allows for planning studies, design, and background work. In addition to leveraging their funds with federal and local government monies, the Tucker CID will allow community leaders to chart a course they determine for the areas economic growth and lasting vitality.

What is the success of a CID?

What is a CID?
A community improvement district (CID) is a self-taxing district that uses additional property tax dollars to improve its district such as accelerating transportation and infrastructure improvement projects. They are comprised of private commercial properties zoned as Ofce/Industrial and Retail properties. Residential and multi-family properties are not taxable by a CID.

Return on Investment (ROI)


esources: With over 31,000 jobs, the Tucker area is a strong foundation of business, industrial, and residential components. CIDs are one of the most powerful public-private tools to revitalize business districts, create attention and reenergize entire communities. Within a geographically dened district, commercial property owners support added ad valorem real estate taxes. Stakeholders take the future into their hands by determining how the additional funds will be spent to benet the immediate area. pportunity: Our CID gives private property owners the ability to make improvements in the area surrounding their property, Other areas have already proven that this concept works. Without it Tucker stands to lose as these others attract businesses, payroll dollars and jobs. ncome: Tucker has a 1.4 billion dollar payroll. By creating attention and investment in our area more of that money will be spent here. In addition to local beautication projects the CID uses its money to attract state and federal funds. **CIDs in Georgia have shown ROIs of 10 to 1 and higher. A 25 to 1 is not uncommon due to the leverage potential.**

Why Tucker CID?

1. Resources show that the Tucker zip code 30084 is an afuent area with an eclectic demographic and large number of companies/businesses in Dekalb County. 2. This area supports the business work-force. The census lets us know that once people move to Tucker, they do not leave. The school system, resources, conveniences and proximity to Atlanta keep the community thriving. 3. It is an unincorporated area that has been maintained by county resources. The Tucker CID will utilize from OUR DISTRICT to provide improvements and enhancements in OUR DISTRICT.




Tucker CID Goals The CIDs function and vision will be to achieve the following: Create identity and sense of place - Create a common community look and a more human scaled sense of belonging. Encourage economic development - Sustain the district as a place in which businesses ourish through coordinated planning and shared responsibility. Support the community and public safety - Provide an area that is secure and attractive to businesses. Become an information hub for the community, promoting groups and functions. Leverage transportation improvements and alternates - Ensure the district remains Dekalbs most desirable business location through investments in the infrastructure and development of an enhanced transportation network. Enhance with beautication Improve the feel with landscape, streetscapes and general clean-up.

How is a CID created?

Formation is completed with a majority of area property owners signing an agreement to become members. Funds are collected by the Dekalb County Tax Commissioner and disbursed to the board of directors elected by the property owners. CIDs have full authority over the use of these funds. Please go to our website to learn more about the Tucker CID and how you can become a member. www.TuckerCID.com We hope you will join us in this effort. Sincerely, The Tucker CID Formation Committee Charlton Allen - Charlton Allen & Associates Allen Judd - Brokers of Atlanta Ann Coppage - Community Specialist Ann Rosenthal - ARC Consulting Honey Van de Kreke - Elrep Sales Burke Brennan - Tucker Business Association, Past-president Lou Brown - Trust Properties, Certied Affordable Housing Provider, G. D. Sanford Foundation Ed Cooper - Main Street Tucker Alliance Marsha Ashby - Bridging Systems Bruce Penn - Penn, Hastings, & Associates
Questions? Contact Katie Blankenstein - Lowe Engineers, LLC 770.857.8417 or katie.blankenstein@loweengineers.com

What can the CID do?

Under Georgia law, CID may be used for these applications: Street and road construction and maintenance Parks and recreational areas and facilities Public transportation Parking, terminal and dock facilities Storm water and sewage Water Other




Community Improvement Districts Leverage Funding

A geographically dened district in which commercial property owners vote to impose a self-tax. This is set as a portion of the property tax and the millage rate is set by the commercial property owners. The proposed amount is 3 mils.

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