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Research Proposal

Steffen Guenzel

SP 2013

Date: 2/26/2014 To: Steffen Guenzel From: Ryker Chute Subject of my paper: Is nuclear fusion the solution to the worlds energy crisis? Purpose: My current major is mechanical engineering, and I intend to work in the field of nuclear fusion research and development. I believe nuclear fusion is a necessary technology that the human race needs not only as a form of energy, but to move forward in our species growth. Nuclear fusion has the potential to give us free, limitless energy that will allow us to explore the cosmos, develop new technology previously impossible, and fundamentally change how society functions. Preliminary Thesis/Argument: Until now, the human race has been relying on fossil fuels (coal, oil, gasoline) as a form of energy. Recently though, with the ever growing threat of global climate change, and the human races need for more energy, I look into nuclear fusion as a form of alternative energy that could possibly replace fossil fuels. Intended audience: My intended audience for this paper would be anyone with an interest in alternative energies, or anyone interested in the development of nuclear energy. Types of research areas: I will use scholarly sources to find information regarding the science behind a fusion reaction, materials used for fusion, and temperature/pressure needed for efficient fusion reaction. I will use internet sources to find up to date information regarding the progression of the industry and information regarding the development of reactors. But since the nearest reactor is an experimental reactor at MIT, I do not believe I will be conducting field research. Kinds of sources I will use and why they will benefit my paper: With the use of scholarly sources, I will be able to find scientific information regarding the viability of fusion currently, and to see if it is even possible. Online sources will provide a window into the current

Research Proposal

Steffen Guenzel

SP 2013

development of reactors all around the world so that it will be possible to hear about any development in the research for fusion. Graphs or charts: I will use graphs and charts to compare reactors. This will include output, input, pressure, temperature, materials, and current efficiently ratio. Graphs and charts can also be used to emphasize CO2 emission, and the threat of global warming. Documentation Style: I will use MLA documentation. Tentative List of References: 1. Nuclear Fusion. Wikipedia: The Free Encyclopedia. Web. 23 Feb. 2014. 2. Overview of Greenhouse Gases. United States Environmental Protection Agency. Web. 23 Feb. 2014. 3. Rincon, Paul. Nuclear fusion milestone passed at US lab BBC. 7 Oct. 2013 Web. 23 Feb. 2014. 4. The End of Fossil Fuels. Ecotricity. Web. 23 Feb. 2014. 5. Conn, R.W. Fusion materials development in the U.S. Effects of Radiation on Materials: Eleventh Conference, ASTM STP 782, H.R. Brager and J.S. Perrin, Eds. American Society for Testing and Materials, 1982, pp. 1150-1178. Web. 23 Feb. 2014. 6. Does fusion give off radiation? EFDA Web. 23 Feb. 2014. 7. Clark, Robert, Detlev Reiter, Nuclear fusion research. Springer, 2005, Springer Link, Web. 23 Feb. 2014 8. Elert, Glenn. Pressure at the Center of the Sun. The Physics Factbook. Web. 23. Feb. 2014.

Research Proposal

Steffen Guenzel

SP 2013

9. Chernobyl Accident 1986. World Nuclear Association. Web. 25 Feb. 2014.

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