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Self Service W-2 Information Contents

Introduction..................................................................................................................................... 1 Access Form W-2 Information......................................................................................................... 1

12/12 Page 4 of 4................................................................................................................................................... 1

To Exit............................................................................................................................................. 3 Prob ems and !o utions................................................................................................................... 4

Form W-2 is a"ai ab e on t#e !e f !er"ice Web site$ accessed t#roug# t#e Internet. %ata accessed t#roug# t#e Internet is secured b& &our user I% and 'ass(ord. T#ere are se"era significant ad"antages to W-2 forms in !e f !er"ice) *ou can obtain ne( W-2 form information t#e first da& it becomes a"ai ab e. *ou can obtain #istorica W-2 form information. *ou can 'rint W-2 forms. *ou can access W-2 form information from an& P+ connected to t#e Internet , at (or-$ at #ome or (#i e tra"e ing. *our W-2 form (i not be de a&ed or ost in t#e mai .

T#ese instructions are intended for use at t#e time &ou are accessing &our W-2 form.

Access Form W-2 Information

To access Form W-2$ ta-e t#e fo o(ing ste's. ACTION 1. Access t#e !e f !er"ice Web site (((' o&ee. 2. !ign in (it# t#e same user I% and 'ass(ord t#at &ou use to "ie( &our 'a&stub. .e( em' o&ees obtain sign-in instructions from &our /uman 0esources or Pa&ro office. 3. 1n t#e menu$ se ect !tate of 2. !e f !er"ice. RESULT State of innesota Self Service sign in 'age dis' a&s. Self Service 'age dis' a&s.

State of N Self Service 'age dis' a&s. T#e Ot!er "a#roll 'age dis' a&s. T#e W-2 Information 'age a o(s &ou to access W-2s and W-2re ated information.

4. !e ect 1t#er Pa&ro . 3. !e ect W-2 Information.

This document is available in alternative formats to individuals with disabilities. Call the Minnesota Statewide Administrative Systems Help Line at (6 !" #$!%&!$$' or M( )elay at !%&$$%6#*%+ #, and as- for (6 !" #$!%&!$$.


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ACTION 4. !e ect 5ie( W-2 Forms.

RESULT T#e Em(lo#ee W-2 Forms 'age dis' a&s. button for t#e ca endar T#e Form W-2 dis' a&s.

6. !e ect t#e 5ie( W-2

&ear of t#e W-2 &ou (ou d i-e to "ie(.

If &ou #a"e more t!an one W-2 because &ou #ad taxab e income for more t#an one state during t#e &ear$ &ou (i #a"e a W-2 for eac# state. W#en mu ti' e W-2s for t#e same ca endar &ear exist$ t#ere (i be a se7uence number in t#e !e7uence .umber co umn and t#e !tate (i be indicated in t#e W-2 !tate co umn. If &ou #a"e more t!an one (a&e to #our W-2$ t#ere (i be a inin t#e u''er rig#t corner of t#e W-2 indicating Page 1 of 2.

8. To 'rint a W-2 form$ do one of t#e fo o(ing) + ic- t#e Print T#is W-2 + ic- t#e Print + ic- t#e Print in-. icon on t#e bro(ser. button. T#e Form W-2 (i 'rint.

!e ect Fi e 9 Print on t#e bro(ser.

Note) If &our W-2 form #as mu ti' e 'ages$ &ou (i need to c ic- t#e Page 1 of 2 in- to dis' a& t#e second 'age. W#en t#e second 'age dis' a&s$ &ou (i need to c ic- t#e Print T#is W-2 button again. Note) If &our W-2 form doesn:t 'rint correct &$ &ou ma& #a"e to c#ange t#e margins in &our bro(ser;s 'age setu'. Page !etu' is usua & found on t#e Fi e menu. <. !e ect one of t#e fo o(ing)

To "ie( anot#er &ear:s W-2$ c ic- t#e 5ie( Anot#er *ear:s W-2 button and return to ste' 6. +ontinue (it# t#e next ste'.

T#e Em(lo#ee W-2 Forms 'age dis' a&s.

%o not use t#e bac- and for(ard buttons on &our bro(ser= t#is cou d resu t in osing data &ou entered. .a"igate using t#e 2enu.


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To E*it
W#en &ou are finis#ed (it# t#e Em' o&ee W-2 Forms 'age$ c#oose one of t#e fo o(ing) To return to State of N Self Service 'age) in- in t#e u''er-rig#t corner Self Service (a&e dis' a&s.


+ ic- t#e /ome of t#e 'age. - A.% o

1n t#e menu$ c ic- !tate of 2. !e f !er"ice. in- in t#e

To exit !e f !er"ice$ c ic- t#e !ign out u''er-rig#t corner of t#e 'age.

State of N Self Service 'age dis' a&s State of innesota Self Service sign in 'age dis' a&s.


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"ro,lems and Solutions

>se t#e fo o(ing guide to reso "e 'rob ems. For additiona #e '$ contact &our agenc& 'a&ro or #uman resources office.

2& atest Form W-2 is not isted. W#& not? Aast &ear I recei"ed m& Form W-2 in t#e mai . +an I obtain b& Form W-2 from t#e !e f !er"ice (ebsite t#is &ear?

T#e atest Form W-2 genera & becomes a"ai ab e on t#e !e f !er"ice (ebsite during t#e first #a f of @anuar&. *es. W#en &ou sign in &ou s#ou d be as-ed (#et#er or not &ou (is# to access &our current and future Form W-2s on t#e !e f !er"ice (ebsite. 0es'ond b& agreeing to obtain &our W-2s on t#e !e f !er"ice (ebsite. After confirming &our c#ange &ou can immediate & access &our Form W2s. In !e f !er"ice go to 1t#er Pa&ro 9 W-2 Information. 0e"ie( t#e information a"ai ab e on t#e W-2 Information menu. If &ou sti #a"e 7uestions$ contact &our agenc&:s 'a&ro or /0 office. *es. *ou are ab e to 'rint as man& co'ies as needed of eac# Form W-2 t#at is a"ai ab e on t#e !e f !er"ice (ebsite. To (it#dra( consent to "ie( &our Form W-2 e ectronica &$ &ou must 'ro"ide a (ritten statement indicating t#at &ou (is# to recei"e a 'a'er W2. For information on #o( to (it#dra( consent$ in !e f !er"ice go to 1t#er Pa&ro 9 W-2 Information 9 0e7uired %isc osures. *ou cannot (it#dra( &our consent if 'a'er W-2s #a"e a read& been 'rinted or 'roduced. In t#is case$ &our (it#dra(a of consent (ou d be effecti"e for t#e fo o(ing &ear.

I #a"e 7uestions about m& Form W2. I 'rinted a co'& of t#e most recent Form W-2 but #a"e since mis' aced it. +an I 'rint anot#er? Aast &ear I "ie(ed m& Form W-2 on t#e !e f !er"ice (ebsite. I (ant to recei"e m& Form W-2 b& mai in t#e future. /o( do I c#ange m& W-2 access to mai ?


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