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Energy Basics,


notes for a lecture to USPA members

July 2004

by Aaity

When !as young as"e# a lot of $uestions about reality an# ho! natural things !or"e#% &rom my culture an# from my school teachers got only a fe! ans!ers an# a lot of conflicting information% O'er the years !orrie# about !hat is energy an# !hat are the forces that !e all li'e !ith% As an a#ult lost ho(e that !oul# get any ans!ers that seeme# true, but continue# to !orry about !hat e)(erience# an# !hat hear#% n *+,* recei'e# tele(athic transmissions from 'oices that calle# themsel'es the Star Peo(le an# they starte# right out gi'ing me ans!ers to my scientific $uestions% O'er the years the 'oices continue# an# con'ince# me that !as to !rite #o!n !hat hear# from them an# !hat sa! in my min#-s eye% .he result !as the boo" Alchemical /anual for this /illennium% .hat is all nee# to say about that no!% We are tal"ing about energy in a 'acuum% 0ou ha'e hear# from scientists about that only recently% !ant to a((eal to your logical min#s an# as" you to belie'e that there is an enormous amount of energy in a small 'acuum 1ar% What ha((ens in a 'acuum2 /agnets attract in a 'acuum% Ob1ects fall in a 'acuum% 3a#io !a'es lo'e a 'acuum tube% 4ight trans'erses a 'acuum as #oes hot an# col#% 5acuums are "no!n for ha'ing less (ressure than air, but the (ressures of momentum belong to a 'acuum% 6.hat is !hy s(ace (robes can be #irecte# to trac" so !ell in the 'acuum bet!een the stars !ith 'ery little (o!er%7 ha'e (re(are# an incom(lete list for you of the cosmic forces that you an# e'eryone else e)(erience e'ery #ay in all !ays% 4et-s ta"e a loo" at the list% Which one of these forces !or"s in a 'acuum2 NATURAL FORCES >< (this sign) is the universal axis and ful ru! !irr"ring f"r e "f e#ual and "$$"site "ntra tive (!ale) Ti!e f"r es 89 ex$ansive (fe!ale) S$a e f"r es

COS%&C LA'( an) a tivit) in "ne f"r e is instantl) !irr"red *) its e#ual and "$$"site f"r e ever) hu!an $er eives these f"r es des ri*ed as f"ll"+s( ti!e >< s$a e gravit) >< levit) +eight >< *"u)an ) Ti!e field $"tential units >< S$a e field "r$us les ele tri >< !agneti "ld >< h"t i!$l"si"n >< ex$l"si"n inertia >< !"!entu! $ressure ($ull t" enter) >< $ressure ($ush "ut fr"! enter) entri$etal f"r e ( l"sure) >< entrifugal f"r e (t"ri) traveling !"ti"n >< t"ri !"ti"n dire ti"n >< "$$"sing dire ti"n a reti"n >< e!issi"n

de elerati"n


a elerati"n

here & +ill !enti"n s"!e life f"r es "ns i"usness >< slee$ in*reath >< "ut*reath degenerati"n ) le >< gr"+th ) le !e!"r) ar hive (truth) >< ex$ressive !anifestati"n (l"ve) ever) f"r e see,s t" *alan e u$"n its ONE Universal ful ru!This ful ru! is an intera tive f"r e .he ans!er to my $uestion is A44 of these forces !or" in a 'acuum% .hese forces !or" e'ery!here bet!een the stars of the gala)y an# in e'ery cell of your bo#y% &urthermore, no one can shiel# them out% 0ou cannot (ush them a!ay% .hat is because they go right through e'erything that you an# "no! on this earth% When !e ma"e a 'acuum 1ar !e can (um( out the gaseous air molecules an# atoms but energy of s(ace mo'es right through the glass an# the metal an# anything else% 0ou ha'e to !on#er about ho! !e (rogresse# so far in the sciences !ithout ac"no!le#ging the energies of s(ace in a 'acuum% .:E3E S ;O E/P.0 SPA<E% S(ace #oes not contain energy% SPA<E=. /E S E;E3>0% .hat is the ne! i#ea that scientists no! must incor(orate into their stu#ies% .hese are ne! i#eas in our !estern culture% ;one of us !as taught in school !hat cosmic forces #irect our li'es or that each has an e$ual an# o((osite force that hol#s it in balance% We !ere taught that all s(ace is em(ty, nothing, an# that energy is only hel# !ithin an atom% We ha'e been so materialistic that !e ha'e been blin# to !hat is truly ob'ious all aroun# us% Each of the (artnere# forces liste# here can be rea#ily #emonstrate# by e)(eriments% An entire ne! set of (rinci(les, !hich #efine the mechanical an# electrical acti'ities !e e)(erience both on earth an# in outer s(ace, can be antici(ate# because the truth of it has been there all along- Our s" ial and s ientifi "n e$ts have ex luded the existen e "f the S.ACE F&EL/ as$e t "f the dual nature "f energ);o! !e are saying that energetic force in any e'ery (henomena is balance# by an e$ual an# o((osite (henomena% 0ou ha'e hear# that ?E'ery action has an e$ual an# o((osite reaction@% .hat a)iom has been s!e(t un#er the rug% We can ta"e that a)iom further% S(ace an# .ime are e$ual an# o((osite (artners in the S.3U<.U3E of our Uni'erse% Each has s(ecific characteristics e$ual an# o((osite to the other% .hey function un#er cosmic 4AW of O;E% One cannot e)ist !ithout the other% .ime #efines s(ace, s(ace #efines time, an# their (ro#igious chil# is A<. O; #efine# as a ratio of SPEEA% .hat ratio is balance# on a fulcrum of higher energy that is the O;E author of cosmic 4AW% .he energy of that 'astness abo'e, belo!, an# !ithin us !as calle# by the ancient (eo(les, the cosmic SEA% Within that sea are currents, flo!s, stillness, acti'ities an# (laces !here cosmic beings are born into creation an# li'e their li'es% Planets, suns, an# gala)ies are gathere# into systems calle# constellations% All that <A; ha((en because the energies that fill all s(ace ha'e structure an# (ur(ose% Energy #i'i#es itself into hal'es, o'er an# o'er again% Energy multi(lies itself by .SE4&, o'er an# o'er again% Energy is self creating, not static%

What is the structure of the cosmic sea2 t is al!ays a (oint of . /E surroun#e# by a s(here of SPA<E% .hese s(heres of any siBe, from infinitely big to eternally small, re(licate their o!n "in# o'er an# o'er into unimaginable numbers% We call each one a cor(uscle% t is a li'ing unit of energy of a s(ecific siBe% .he sur(rising i#ea is that all the cor(uscles , all of any siBe, o'erlay one another% <O3PUS<4ES <OEC S. !ithin the greatest #iameter of s(ace% Anyone "no!s that s(heres #o not (ac" !ell% Our fle)ible s(heres of s(ace cannot allo! anything other than themsel'es to e)ist, so they (ac" tightly li"e tiny bath bubbles% .hey ta"e on many #ifferent crystalline sha(es as they come together un#er (ressure% .he sha(e of the cor(uscle after being (ac"e# in s(ecial con#itions is calle# its :A3/O;0% Our #iagram !ill illustrate the !ay a s(here can be a cube or a #o#ecahe#ron or a (yrami# or other, e'en, irregular sha(e% The dia!eter "f a s$here is in dire t rati" t" the $"tential "f the $"int "f its enterE'ery s(here has a s(ecific (ressure an# s(ecific s(ee#% Any cor(uscular unit is #efine# by its s(ee# an# its harmony, an# also its (osition in the Uni'erse% E'ery cor(uscle has an address in s$a e% t is #efine# in its relationshi( to its neighborhoo#% An# e'ery cor(uscle has either a s(ace (re#ominance or a time (re#ominance% n any energy fiel# the s(ace an# time (re#ominant cor(uscles alternate almost li"e a chec"erboar#% .hese cor(uscles an# these fiel# (re#ominances balance one another% So you can see, from the information gi'en by the Star (eo(le, the energies of s(ace ha'e cor(uscular structures an# measurements% Each octa'e grou( can !or" together an# can, in some circumstances, corres(on# !ith neighboring or o'erla((ing octa'es% Ai# you e'er !on#er ho! the 'ibrations of your musical notes establishe# octa'es2 .hey #o because 'ibrations through s(ace ha'e measurement% 5ibrations can o'ertone% .hey can re(licate themsel'es into o'ertones by #oubling their measurements or by un#ertoning by brea"ing a(art into hal'es% .hey #o it o'er an# o'er again% .hey #o it because that is !hat the s(ace=time fiel# #oes% Air #oes not #o that for your stringe# instrumentsD s(ace=time energy #oes that% n that manner there is communication bet!een octa'es, there is resonance% One octa'e outreaches to another% Aoes soun# tra'el in a 'acuum2 0es, it #oes% .he air (ressures that your ears hear as soun# #oes not function !ell in a 'acuum, but soun# is also carrie# as signals in a s(ace=time fiel#% Soun# is (er(etuate# in a 'acuum by longitu#inal !a'es% 0our ra#io signals carry soun#% :y(ersoun# can be broa#cast into your hea# !here you can hear it !ith your ner'ous system alone, by(assing your ears% .o ma"e our !riting easier !e ha'e abbre'iate# the naming of the S(ace &iel# to S &iel#, an# the naming of the .ime fiel# to . &iel#% .hat ma"es engineering those fiel#s easier to tal" about% 4et us come bac" to the 4AW, ?e'ery action in the . &iel# is instantly mirrore# in the S &iel#, an# 'isa 'ersa%@ .hen !hat ha((ens2 t soun#s li"e some acti'ity is 1um(ing bac" an# forth bet!een a#1acent fiel#s% 0es% But more than that ha((ens% Because the seas of alternating S(ace=.ime energy is re(licate# o'er 'ast #istances, the S >;A4 of any acti'ity that effects any one cor(uscle is ste((e# in a casca#e o'er the entire fiel# of cor(uscles% t is li"e !hen the hotel man in 4as 5egas fli(s a s!itch an# all the light bulbs in the giant mar$uee start flashing on an# off in se$uence% .he guy on the street gets the im(ression that a light is tra'eling in a big s!irl o'er the entrance to the <asino%

.hen he !atches an# thin"s about it% :e realiBes that nothing !as tra'eling, 1ust turning on an# off in se$uences by com(uteriBe# s!itches% 4ight tra'els from our stars to earth in the same !ay% A fire in a star triggers the fiel#s in it an# aroun# it, then the e$ual an# o((osite han#off from one cor(uscle to the ne)t across s(ace meets u( !ith your eye an# you SEE the star so far a!ay% .hen you !al" o'er a fe! feet in your gar#en an# you still see the same star% t is e'ery!hereE .he light has not been thro!n out of the star li"e a baseball% .he light has been e)actly re(licate# through s(ace for you to see% .hat is really miraculousE t can be #emonstrate# o'er an# o'er again% .hat-s !hy your cameras can ta"e a (icture of the moon from any si#e!al" in any city you choose an# through its tiny a(erture can ma"e an image of the !hole full moon% &or the same reason, the scientist in the roc"et hea#$uarters can sen# an# recei'e co#e# messages from the s(ace (robes !here'er they are, to o(erate their instruments% Wa'es are re(licate# through s(ace by the mirroring of the S an# . &iel# that ha((en to be the best siBe an# s(ee# to transfer that (articular signal% .he mirroring is unbelie'ably accurate% We are surroun#e# by miracles an# har#ly e'er thin" about it% We ha'e a fe! more miracles to #iscuss before our time is u(% One is that of the S(ace &iel# torus% When anything is thro!n here to there, li"e a baseball or a bullet, li"e the !in# or a flo!ing ri'er, it is a . &iel# (re#ominant ob1ect that !e are tal"ing about% ts fiel#s are in action mo'ing through a fiel# that is also mo'ing% One is mo'ing in relation to the other% Any mo'ing . &iel# (re#ominant ob1ect stimulates an S &iel# torus aroun# it% :ere is the (icture of ho! a torus loo"s% 6see llustration7% Along the center an# surfaces of a mo'ing ob1ect 6lets say a bullet tra'eling north7, the S &iel#s !ill res(on# !ith an e$ual an# o((osite motion% With that information you !oul# su((ose that the e$ui'alent of the bullet !oul# be stimulate# in the fiel# mo'ing to the south at the same s(ee#% 0es, that is true at one energetic le'el% On a mechanical le'el the S &iel# ma"es a s(in in the #irection o((osite to the bullet% t s(ins at e'ery (oint on or !ithin the bullet, therefore the bac"!ar# fiel# s(ins gather together aroun# the ob1ect creating a #onut sha(e of energy turning insi#e out at the (recise s(ee# that the ob1ect tra'els% .his is calle# an S &iel# /otion .orus% t has a life of its o!n% The t"rus d"es n"t travel *a ,+ard *ut ex$ands "ut+ard% .he ring sha(e# torus stays in its original (lace but s(rea#s out (er(en#icular to the #irection of tra'el% .hat s(rea#ing ta"es time% As the bullet (asses by, the torus is still s(rea#ing out!ar#% t carries (ressure an# force% .here are many !ays to see this (henomena% An easy !ay is to thin" about a motorboat s(ee#ing o'er a la"e% As the bo! brea"s the !ater the bo! is also brea"ing the fiel#s all aroun# it, an# !a'es are generate# out!ar# that e)(an# into a fan sha(e% .he boat is !ell on its !ay !hen the !a'es on each si#e of the boat ha'e enlarge# far enough to touch the shoreline% All mechanical action !ill sho! tori, !hich is (lural for torus% .ori ma"e !a'es in flui#ic materials% E'ery action !ill stimulate millions of tori% .ori a((ear aroun# e'ery electrical flo!, e'ery soun#, e'ery light signal, e'ery effect of !ater an# !eather, in#ee# e'ery thing !e "no! about our en'ironment% .ori ha'e their o!n engineering% When a torus is (resent, any ob1ect near by !ill !"ve (!"tive f"r e)% When tori from the motorboat (ro1ect through the !ater of the la"e, the !ater mo'es% When tori from soun# intersect a metal (late !ith material u(on it 6such as san#7 the tori mo'e though the metal an# mo'e the material into (atterns on the (late% .he stu#y of <ymatics clearly #emonstrate the (resence an# the force of S &iel# motion tori%

E'ery!here you loo", you !ill see the e'i#ence of in'isible tori% Once you "no! ho! to rea# the sha#o!s, the trails that tori lea'e behin# become e'i#ent% .he eboo" A4<:E/ <A4 /A;UA4 for this / 44E;; U/ #etails the engineering of common (henomena sho!ing the (resence an# effects of S &iel#s% t gi'es thorough e)(lanations of tori% When the teacher :einrich :ertB in the last century, #emonstrate# to his stu#ents that !hen a s(ar" !as ma#e to 1um( bet!een t!o terminals in the front of the classroom, that a corres(on#ing s(ar" !oul# instantly a((ear bet!een t!o terminals in the bac" of the classroom% .ori forme# aroun# those first s(ar"s an# instantly e)(an#e# to the bac" an# all aroun# the room, causing a re(lication of the first s(ar" action% .hus, the !ireless telegra(h !as in'ente#% ;ot long after that e'ent it !as un#erstoo# that the signal !ithin the torus !as carrying all of the #etaile# information that the first e'ent manifeste#% t all resulte# in our belo'e# ra#io an# tele'ision% Any e'ent any!here, is "no!n e'ery!here by the !ay its signale# tori tra'el% .he tric" is ho! to in'ent a 'orte) that can (ic" u( the s(ecific signal from the fiel# 6as it is o'erlai# !ith millions of other signals7, then translate the in'isible signals into a s(ecial ty(e of signal that the human (erce(tion can un#erstan#% While that seems to be a formi#able tas", it has been #one for most of the electronic signals that you are familiar !ith% An# !or" !ill continue as it is un#erstoo# that the 1um(ing electrical s(ar" is only one of many #ifferent ty(es of signals% /any of you realiBe that biological signals are #ifferent than electrical signals% :umans an# animals can sen# carefully co#e# signals #irectly from their brains an# ha'e that information (ic"e# u( by another min# thousan#s of miles a!ay% Each of us has e)(erience# that sometime #uring our li'es, e'en if !e !ere mistrustful of our o!n inter(retation% ha'e been recei'ing signals from an in'isible star system no! for 40 years% thin" it !as they, .he Star Peo(le, !ho o(ene# a s(ecial channel !ithin my hea# to ma"e me an a((ro(riate recei'er% /y e)(eriences, along !ith the information they ha'e gi'en me, tell me that small changes 6an# a !illingness7 in human beings can ma"e any (erson a goo# recei'er an# sen#er% t !ill not be long before all of us !ill ha'e this information% .here are big social changes that nee# to ha((en before this research can mo'e for!ar# an# be a (art of e'ery (ersons life% .he information am teaching about to#ay shoul# be #etaile# an# brought into the e#ucational systems at e'ery le'el% With a truthful a((roach to science ne! in'entions can roll off the #ra!ing boar#% Another necessary change is that , through mercy an# lo'e, (eo(le nee# to be ha((y to gi'e u( their (ersonal secrets% Sharing becomes a !ay of life !hen e'eryone "no!s !hat you ha'e in your min#% Are !e rea#y for that2 E'entually !e !ill be% .he fiel# of 3a#ionics is base# on the measurement of Ohms% n electronic terms, an ohm measurement is an S &iel# measurement 6if (ro(erly #one7% n electronic terms the E/& 6electromoti'e force7 in an electrical circuit is an S &iel# tori (henomena% .he o(erator is the (rimary S &iel# generator in 3a#ionics% Once research is #one to em(o!er S &iel# energy sources, then the measurements of biological s(ecimens can be stabiliBe#% All those a#'ances are (ossible !hen our basic science is (erfecte# an# !hen the general (ublic is !iser an# less fearful of human moti'ation an# (erformance% We are ho(ing for a ra#ical social shift in the nature of human"in#% t is necessary before e'olutionary (rogress can continue%

E'ery fiel# cor(uscle has a builtFin s(ee# ratio% t may not be flo!ing along in s(ace but it is al!ays t!irling insi#e itself% Or it coul# be a (art of a greater s(ace current% ?Potential@ is a measurement of one as(ect of s(ee#% :ere !e are sitting still on our chairs in a room (ar"e# on a street in the goo# ol# USA% But are !e in motion2 0ou better belie'e it%E We are s$uirming insi#e, #igesting brea"fast% We are rotating !ith the earth at almost *000 miles (er hour% .he earth is tra'eling in its orbit at about ,,,000 miles (er hour% .he solar system re'ol'es !ith the gala)y% A## it all together an# you can guess that !e are really mo'ingE Each one of our cells, ma#e u( of s(ecific molecules an# atoms, goes along for the ri#e% Because of our e)act s(ee# !e carry ?Potential@ in an e)act amount% .hat means that !e all e)(erience a s(ecific time unit that !e all can en1oy% When you or tra'el 1ust a little bit, li"e !hen !al" to the corner store, or !or" in a farm fiel#, #ri'e the free!ay, or fly across the ocean, my e)(erience of time 6(otential7 an# s(ace 6siBe7 changes in a measurable !ay% Other ?alien@ life forms may ha'e a se(arate time=s(ace reality% n terms of ratioG the greater the s(ee# 6acceleration7, the higher the (otential% .he higher the (otential 6#eceleration7, the more intelligence can manifest% As the earth changes its relationshi( !ithin the solar system man"in# must be recreate# in a ne! form to match a ne! (otential% .he more a (erson un#erstan#s his en'ironment the better he can sur'i'e #isru(ti'e circumstances% .he a#a(ti'e ability of humans can ta"e him=her on a long e'olutionary 1ourney% Our !atery bo#ies ten# to fall #o!n un#er the thrust of the force of gra'ity% .hat tells you that the material stuff of our (lanet is . &iel# (re#ominant% f it !ere not for the force of gra'ity (eo(le !oul# fly off into s(ace% .he AOW; force of gra'ity hol#s all the . &iel# (re#ominant materials !e "no! close to the center of the earth% We tra'el !ith the earth as the center (otential of the (lanet (uts out a gra'ity flo! li"e a breath !hich breaths in an# breaths out% >ra'ity flo!s #o!n!ar# for us% >ra'ity also flo!s u(!ar# for us in s(iraling sheaths of tori% .hat gra'itational breath is a uni$ue earthly fiel# that o'erlays much larger Uni'ersal fiel#s% .he SPA<E=. /E SEA in !hich !e li'e su((orts multi(le life systems an# cycles that layer in#e(en#ently one o'er the other% 4ife on one layer is usually in'isible to the other% Our bo#ies resist that #o!n (ulling force !ith buoyant gasses an# life energies% .he (arts of our bo#ies an# brains that are S &iel# (re#ominant try to mo'e u(!ar#% We lo'e to #ance an# sing% We are actually tra'eling u(!ar# at a rate necessary to balance the #o!n!ar# thrust of gra'ity% Our o'ertone# Potential reflects the strength of gra'ity uni$ue to our en'ironment% We e)(erience the UPWA3A force of gra'ity that lets us float on !ater% Buoyancy is scientifically measure# as SPE< & < >3A5 .0, as one material (ro'es to float abo'e the other in testing% Our human e)istence is #esigne# to "ee( us balance# bet!een these t!o forces an# gi'es us the ability to !al" aroun# comfortably on the surface of the earth% nto this e$uation !e must no! a## the "no!le#ge that !e !al" among other li'es that, li"e humans, ha'e been on earth for thousan#s of years an# !e #o not see them or gras( their life-s (ur(ose% We are the fleas that #o not recogniBe the #og !hich is our home% n our human consciousness time seems to be one moment after another, li"e the lightF bulb that flic"ers on , off, an# on again, (rogramme# by some li'ing com(uter in our A;A% f time is linear, se$uentially (rogressing in one stea#y #irection, then !e can assume that time has the (ossibility of (rogressing bac"!ar#s to us% E'i#ence is coming in that our subconscious an# our slee( state ta"es us bac" in time% When !e are $uiet in our bo#ies but acti'e in some other (art of our brain, !e can reco'er our health an# heal our !oun#s% We absolutely nee# to ha'e a slee( cycle or !e !oul# gi'e out 'ery fast% n

our unconscious (lace !e ha'e a #ifferent reality% t is 'ery har# to bring our memories to ste( bac" an# forth o'er the line of for!ar# time an# bac"!ar# time% We can su((ose that slee( time is S &iel# (re#ominant an# conscious time is . &iel# (re#ominant% :o! can !e guess that2 What (eo(le ha'e sense# #uring times of unconsciousness is that they float or fly o'er the groun#% .hey are affecte# 'ery little by gra'ity% .hey are less material, an# ha'e #ifficulty #oing mechanical !or"% .hey say that they often encounter s(irits or ancestors not boun# into the cycles of li'ing flesh% 0et, in this state they can thin", an# see, lo'e, an# be ins(ire#% n this state they can heal the inflictions of the flesh% .he subconscious can be a (lace of nurturing% We slee( so that !e su((ress our bo#ily feelings of (ain% We #ecelerate the bo#y in or#er to accelerate immaterial s(ace 6the ca'e of creation, the !omb !here gro!th begins again7% .he unconscious is the (lace of manifestation% All !e "no! is being create# #aily an# nightly !ithin the unconscious, the s(ace=time calle# the un#er!orl#, the (lace of germination% .his (lace !here the cloc" runs bac"!ar# is not hell, or #issolution% t is the (lace !here a see# of an i#ea ta"es root an# gro!s in #ar"ness until it is born% A see# is #esigne# in ntelligence, ta"es an embryo form in the reality of slee(, an# manifests !hen the soun# of the WO3A sets it forth into the sun-s consciousness% We !al" stea#ily an# slo!ly u( the s(iral of gro!th to the greater realms% We ha'e before us a ne! science !ith ne! su((ositions% We are intro#uce# to the i#ea that e'ery (erson can ha'e a frien#ly con'ersation !ith other in'isible beings !ho may li'e millions of miles a!ay or !ho may li'e in our bac"yar#% We can un#erstan# that our Uni'erse has structure an# many #imensions% We are in'ite# to un#erstan# our o!n reality in or#er to ma"e !ise #ecisions concerning the (ur(oses of our e)istence an# our intergalactic relationshi( !ith others% .hrough this ne! mo#el for science, ne! e$ui(ment !ill emerge to fulfill your ho(es an# the healing !or" you are stri'ing !ith% We ha'e all been !or"ing blin#fol#e# for !ant of a better science% An# it has arri'e#% f you ha'e an im(ortant $uestion to as", call u(on the stars to gi'e you a (recise ans!er% .hey are out there for you% 0ou are not alone, hanging out on a limb of unans!ere# $uestions% .he !orl# has change# an# continues to change% Potentials an# channels are being a##e# to your menu% .une in tonight to hear an# see the galactic ne!s !ith a courage an# trust that may be yours alone% Hee( tuning, the static of #ogma !ill clear, the information you !ant !ill be re'eale# to you if you stay o(en in your hearts an# min#s% .ime #oes not allo! us the (ri'ilege of a $uestion an# ans!er (erio#% encourage you to rea# the A4<:E/ <A4 /A;UA4, this technical te)tboo"% .he email is there for you to contact me an# to ans!er for you !hat can% .han" you 'ery much for your attention an# interest% July 2004, <olumbus USPA <onference Aaity Olson% Email aaityoImsn%com aaaityIyahoo%com

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