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HEALTH CARE | $244,000,000

lpproximolely $222 million will be

ollocoled lo Woshinglon`s Bosic Heollh
Plon. The Slole`s Heollh 0ore lulhorily
eslimoles lhol lhese funds could cover
o five-yeor overoge of up lo 83,OOO enrollees.
ln oddilionol $22 million will be ollocoled lo
0ommunily Heollh 0enlers. The slole eslimoles
lhese funds could provide services lo up lo
cOO,OOO polienls per yeor.
The slole generol fund will receive opproximolely $182 million ond
on oddilionol $3/ million will go lo locol budgels. Fxpendilures
from lhe Woshinglon slole 0enerol Fund con be used for ony
oulhorized slole oclivily. Locol governmenls conlrol lhe ollocolion
of funds from locolly collecled loxes.

l`s eslimoled lhol $c7 million will go lo lhe DSHS
Division of Behoviorol Heollh ond Recovery for youlh
subslonce obuse prevenlion progroms selecled in
consullolion wilh lhe UW Sociol Developmenl
Reseorch 0roup ond llcohol ond Drug lbuse
nslilule. ln oddilionol $1.33 million will go lo
Building Bridges Progroms lo prevenl ond reverse
sludenl drop-oul.

The Deporlmenl of Heollh will receive opproximolely $// million for
mori|uono educolion ond public heollh progroms. These will include o
Mori|uono 0uilline ond o locol heollh deporlmenl gronls progrom lhol
supporls coordinoled inlervenlion slrolegies for youlh. ln oddilionol
$2O,OOO will go lo lhe UW llcohol & Drug lbuse nslilule for web-bosed
public educolionol moleriols oboul lhe heollh ond sofely risks posed by
mori|uono use.
lpproximolely $5 million will be ollocoled for evoluo-
lion ond reseorch reloling lo -5O2. $5OO,OOO will fund
lhe Woshinglon Slole Heollhy Youlh Survey. $/./
million will go lo lhe UW ond WSU for reseorch on lhe
shorl-lerm ond long-lerm effecls of mori|uono use,
including inloxicolion ond impoirmenl. The Woshing-
lon Slole nslilule for Public Policy will receive
$2OO,OOO for cosl-benefil evoluolions.
The Woshinglon Slole Liquor 0onlrol Boord will be
ollocoled $5 million onnuolly for lhe odminislrolion
of -5O2.
I-502 Fiscal Note
Estimated Annual Tax Revenue Distributions from I-502
The slole generol fund will receive opproximolely $182 million ond on oddilionol $3/ million will go lo locol budgels. Fxpendilures from lhe
Woshinglon slole 0enerol Fund con be used for ony oulhorized slole oclivily. Locol governmenls conlrol lhe ollocolion of funds from locolly
collecled loxes.
Heollh 0ore - $2// million
lpproximolely $222 million will be ollocoled lo Woshinglon`s Bosic Heollh Plon. The Slole`s Heollh 0ore lulhorily eslimoles lhol lhese funds
could cover o five-yeor overoge of up lo 83,OOO enrollees. ln oddilionol $22 million will be ollocoled lo 0ommunily Heollh 0enlers. The slole
eslimoles lhese funds could provide services lo up lo cOO,OOO polienls per yeor.
Youlh Drug Prevenlion - $c8 million
l`s eslimoled lhol $c7 million will go lo lhe DSHS Division of Behoviorol Heollh ond Recovery for youlh subslonce obuse prevenlion progroms
selecled in consullolion wilh lhe UW Sociol Developmenl Reseorch 0roup ond llcohol ond Drug lbuse nslilule. ln oddilionol $1.33 million will
go lo Building Bridges Progroms lo prevenl ond reverse sludenl drop-oul.
Fvoluolion ond Reseorch - $5 million
lpproximolely $5 million will be ollocoled for evoluolion ond reseorch reloling lo -5O2. $5OO,OOO will fund lo lhe Woshinglon Slole Heollh Youlh
Survey. $/./ million will go lo UW ond WSU for reseorch on lhe shorl- ond long-lerm effecls of mori|uono use, lo include inloxicolion ond impoir-
menl. The Woshinglon Slole nslilule for Public Policy will receive $2OO,OOO for cosl-benefil evoluolions.
Progrom ldminislrolion - $5 million
The Woshinglon Slole Liquor 0onlrol Boord will be ollocoled $5 million onnuolly for lhe odminislrolion of -5O2.
The slole generol fund will receive opproximolely $182 million ond on oddilionol $3/ million will go lo locol budgels. Fxpendilures from lhe
Woshinglon slole 0enerol Fund con be used for ony oulhorized slole oclivily. Locol governmenls conlrol lhe ollocolion of funds from locolly
collecled loxesh

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