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3.1 Summary of th

No! ".

Lara Mallory was a beautiful, brilliant, smart, and talented woman. She was a doctor. Her husband, Randall arent

Porter worked in abroad institution in Texas. Laras

encoura!ed her to marry Randall. They thou!ht that Randall was a erfect man for their dau!hter. y until finally

"or her marria!e life, Lara felt unha

they had a dau!hter named #shley Porter. Their house hold conflict be!an when Lara was tra in$ol$ed %lark Tackett, a ed in a bi! scandal that of %lark &unior who


herita!e a bi! com any of Tackett 'il in (den Pass, a small town in Texas. %lark Tackett is the first son of %lark &unior and &ody Tackett. He had a youn! brother named )ey Tackett and youn! sister named &anellen. #fter the death of Tackett &unior, the com any was lead by roud &ody Tackett, a bad

tem ered, un leasant, smart and


She handled this com any hel ed by &anellen. &anellen was an obedient dau!hter. She would do what &ody wanted to do. She was a shy erson. *t was contrast with her


brothers characters, )ey. )ey was a handsome man, drunkard who always o osed her mother. He liked to work as ilot

than in his own com any. ower in (den them. ass. Many

The Tackett family had !reat eo le in (den Pass worked to

The scandal which in$ol$ed %lark and Lara made &ody an!ry. &ody would do e$erythin! to !et rid Lara and her family from (den Pass. That scandal extremely influenced re utation, mental and carrier of %lark. "inally, %lark

died in a lake when he went boatin!. +efore the death of %lark, Randall and his family had mo$ed to Montesan!re as ambassador. This conflict. %lark and his family had lace was full of role to mo$e


Randalls family. #t that time, Lara was in

re!nant a few

months later, after they mo$ed to Montesan!re, Randall and his family were !oin! to attend the !o$ernment in$itation. *n the cross road, their car was sto ed by a !rou of !un

man. #ct brutally, they shot the car. #shley died in the incident, but she did not know the condition of her husband because she was faint. The death of her dau!hter and her husband made Lara extremely sad. This was the worst ex erience which ha ened

in her life. Lara finally went back to (den Pass. *n (den Pass, she li$ed and o ened a clinic. This clinic was a !ift


of %lark Tackett which was bou!ht from ,r. Patton. %lark !a$e this clinic to Lara which was written in a testament before he died. 'ne ni!ht, when Lara was slee in!, she heard that

there was someone who knocked her clinic. She then wake u and o ened the door. She looked a man with blood body, named )ey Tackett. She hel ed )ey by wra in! his in-ury.

)ey !ot sur rise when he knew that her named was ,r. Lara Mallory, Randalls wife. He knew that she had made his brother broken. &ody Tackett knew that Lara had returned to (den Pass and o ened a clinic. &ody hated Lara so much. She would do e$erythin! to !et away Lara. &ody had a bi! Pass because most of ower in (den

eo le worked in her com any, Tackett

'il. #lthou!h &ody was the leader of Tackett 'il and had a ower, Lara was not afraid of her. Pass atiently. She reali.ed that She would stay in (den she would face many

roblems. The relation between Lara and )ey was /uite !ood

because they often met. )ey felt

ity when Lara told that

her husband and her dau!hter were died in an incident in Montesan!re. Lara did not know where #shley was buried. Lara used this o ortunity to ersuade )ey to fly to

Montesan!re for searchin! the !ra$e of her dau!hter. )ey


was a !ood a$iator and had flown e$erywhere, but he had ne$er flown to Montesan!re. Lara and )ey finally flew to Montesan!re. #t that

lace, Lara and )ey met a him to hel

astor, named 0eraldo, and asked

them. "ather 0eraldo then brou!ht Lara and )ey

to ,r. Soto. ,r. Soto knew where #shley was buried. ,r. Soto refused their re/uest because it would make his life dan!erous. )ey threatened to kill him if he didnt want to hel them. 1nder ressure, ,r. Soto then was ready to show

the !ra$e. *n an area, ,r. Soto said that #shley was buried

to!ether with a thousand other $ictims. S ontaneously, Lara cried and fell dawn to the !round. She was extremely sad to know that #shley was buried im ro er time, a !rou lace. #t the same

of rebels came and shot "ather 0eraldo and

,r. Soto. Then they arrested and brou!ht Lara and )ey to their leader, (lcora.on ,el ,iablo. (lcora.on was (millio Sanche. Peron. He had e$er worked with Randall in embassy of #merica in Montesan!re. (lcora.on brou!ht Lara and )ey in a hotel. *n the hotel, Lara !ot sur rise when he met Randall. She thou!ht that Randall was dead. Randall told a falls story to Lara that (lcora.on arrested him for three years.


(lcora.on let him !o because he could hel of Montesan!re.

the inde endent

"inally they returned to #merica. (lcora.on cons ired with Randall and to make di lomatic The relationshi of between from





Montesan!re made his name well known. Randall made himself to be res ectable erson, but it was not for Lara. Lara

re!arded that Randall was a $ery bad man. *t was because Randall had told the true story. Randall said that this was his lan e$en when he went to Montesan!re for the first

time. He also said that the incident that made #shley died was his idea. +ut he did not mean to kill his dau!hter. *t was only accident. Lara was $ery an!ry. Suddenly she took her !un and wanted to shoot Randall. +efore shootin! Randall, Lara heard a !reat ex losion

outside. She ran out a

roachin! the ex losion. Lara looked

and hel ed many $ictims because of the ex losion from a motel near her house. #fter that, Lara and )ey went back to Laras house. They found Randall died. &ody Tackett killed Randall by shootin! him. &ody worried that e$eryone would know about her sons lo$e affair with Randall. )ey was confused and asked &ody to tell e$erythin!. &ody told that %lark was Randalls sweetheart. Randall blamed Lara that she had made lo$e affair with %lark in order to sa$e his


carrier. re!nant dau!hter chose to

Lara at !ot !o

obeyed that


Randall did of with

said not

because to

she look

was his She this died




suffered to


Randalls Randall &ody

scandal. to hide

Montesan!re the







because of heart attack. Lara and )ey finally made decision to li$e to!ether. They lo$e each other and nobody could to marry. re$ent their effort

3.# Chara$t r% of th Lara Ma""ory Lara Mallory,

No! "







beautiful, smart, and talent. She is a doctor. Her


encoura!e her to marry Randall Porter, a husband who brin!s her many roblems until the death of her dau!hter. She has

mission to look for and find the !ra$e of her dau!hter in Montesan!re.

& y Ta$' tt )ey Tackett is &ody Tacketts second son who always o to oses what his mother wants. He is a Montesan!re in lookin! for ilot who flies Lara !ra$e. He is a


handsome, drunkard,, and ad$enture, but in the


end of the no$el she lo$es and is interested to marry Lara Mallory.

Ra()a"" Port r Randall Porter is Laras husband. He is charmin!, osition in

urban, and cosmo olitan who holds a


State ,e artment. He has broken his house hold owin! to the fact that he makes lo$e affair with %lark Tackett. Randall makes false story that Lara has made lo$e affair with %lark Tackett.

C"ar' Ta$' tt %lark Tackett is Randalls sweet heart. He is &ody Tacketts first son. He is smart and resti!ious. His

osition in !o$ernment as senator breaks down after he has bi! scandal with Lara. %lark finally dies when he !oes boatin! which makes s eculation that it is not an accident at all but a suicide.

*o)y Ta$' tt &ody Tackett is a bad tem ered, un leasant, smart, and roud erson. She comes from o$erty but her intelli!ence

makes her as hi!h class

erson who marries Tackett &unior,

the owner of Tackett 'il. &ody leads the com any hel ed by &anellene after the death of her husband. 17

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