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Newlyweds Here

M r. a n d M rs. G ilbert Newton Hol loway Jr., who have been honeymoon ing a t L ake Tahoe since th e ir m ar riage S ep tem b er 24, a re being greeted by a wide circle of frie n d s who are reg rettin g th is Interesting couple arc to leave shortly. They are leaving In a few days for P alm S prings and Mexico, planning to re tu rn to S an Jose In tim e for the T hanksgiving holiday, a n d to rem ain here u n til Jan u ary , w hen Mr. Hollowiy will ta k e his bride w ith him on a n ex ten d ed lecture to u r, to be away six m o n th s or so. T h e bride was Miss Colombe Made leine Lewis before th e re c e n t wedding w hich took place In N evada, in C ar son City, S he is the only daughter of M rs. H. sp e n c e r Lewis a n d the late M r. Lewis. She is an exceptionally talen ted young woman a n d h as been studying a r t In S o u th ern California. M r. Holloway Is th e son o f the Gil b e rt N ew ton Holloways of Redondo B each.
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San Jose Evening News San Jose, California Monday, October 7,1940 Page 11

Gilbert Holloways To Be Incentive For December Party

J u s t returned from a m onth In th e southlands, during which time visits wore m ndc to both Pnlm S prings nnd Mexico. nre the ch n rm newlyweds. Mr. an d Mrs. Q llb rrt N ew ton Holloway Jr, (Mndclolnc Lew is), who arc now cnzlly e sta b lished n t the R an d all A pnrtm ents. T h e marrlngo of the young cou ple In Into Septem ber culm inated a rom tinrc begun two yenrs ago In New York City. T he bride Is the d a u g h te r of M is. H. Spencer Lewis nnd th e Into Dr. Lewis, s h e re ceived h e r education in the local schools nnd In a year of private study In th e South, after w hich she m ade several extended trips abroad in th e compnny of her parents. T h e bridegroom Is the elder son of M r, and M rs. G ilbert Newton Holloway of Redondo Bench. He Is a g rad u ate of sLnnford U niversity, w here he wns honored w ith m em bership In Phi B e ta K appa, nnd has sp e n t the past fo u r years In g ra d u ate stucfy and teaching a t C olum bia University In New York c ity . W hile visiting Redondo Beach the newlyweds were honored a t a tea given by his paren ts, 150 guests greeting the pair. They were feted a t num erous p a rtie s throughout the so u th ern p a rt of th e S tale. On December 8, upon h e r re tu rn from a several m o n th s visit In M an h a tta n . Mrs. H. Spencer Lewis, m o th er of the bride, will p resent th e newlyweds to San Jose friends n t an evening reception n t h er Nng3ec Avenue hom e. Two h u n d red guests have been Invited to m eet them .

San Jose Evening News San Jose, California Saturday, November 30,1940 Page 4

Heir Is Greeted
Mr. a n d Mrs. G ilbert Newlon Hollo way J r . lwvc a young son, who lias boon nam ed G ilbert Newton H I. He was born th is p a st T h u rsd ay evening a t Die San *Josc Hospital. The new com er Js th e ir f ir s t born an d his m o th er is the form er M adeleine Lewis. His g ran d p aren ts are Mrs. G. Spencer Lewis a n d the la te Dr. Lewis, and th e Senior G ilbert Newton Holloways of S ou th ern C alifornia.
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San Jose Evening News San Jose, California M onday, July 28, 1941 Page 5

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