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The Supply Chain Warehouse Worker


Eric Shortridge 4/25/2014

Table of Contents


Getting Started ................................................................................................................................ v Chapter 1: Forklift Safety ............................................................................................................... 3 Introduction ................................................................................................................................. 3 Lift Traffic Educating ................................................................................................................. 3 Traffic Rules ........................................................................................................................... 3 Awareness of Surroundings ........................................................................................................ 4 Personal Protection ................................................................................................................. 4 OSHA...................................................................................................................................... 4 Operation Training ...................................................................................................................... 6 Forklift Knowledge ................................................................................................................. 6 Seat and Safety belt ................................................................................................................. 7 Front drive axle ....................................................................................................................... 7 Serial number .......................................................................................................................... 7 Rear steer axle ......................................................................................................................... 7 Counter weight ........................................................................................................................ 7 Overhead guard ....................................................................................................................... 7 Warning light .......................................................................................................................... 7 Hydraulic lift ........................................................................................................................... 7 Chapter 2: Ergonomics ................................................................................................................. 11 Introduction ............................................................................................................................... 11 Back Safety ............................................................................................................................... 11 Proper Lifting Technique ...................................................................................................... 11 Chapter 3: Procedures ................................................................................................................... 15 Introduction ............................................................................................................................... 15 Shipping/ Receiving .................................................................................................................. 15 Cycle Counting ..................................................................................................................... 15 Problems that can occur when processing data: ................................................................... 16 Effectively Communicating ...................................................................................................... 16 Supervisor Communication .................................................................................................. 16 Three Steps to take if damage is found: ................................................................................ 16 Peer Communication ............................................................................................................. 16


The Supply Chain Worker Three steps to communicate project information from co-worker to co-worker: ................. 17

Index ............................................................................................................................................. 19 Glossary ........................................................................................................................................ 21 Photo Citation ............................................................................................................................... 23

Fly page


Getting Started
The purpose of this manual is to educate new and current employees how to perform their everyday duties around the companys warehouse. As you read this manual certain aspect of the job will become easy to understand. The sections will cover the basics you will need to know from using a forklift to understanding the shipping and receiving procedures. Order of Chapters 1. 2. 3. Forklift Safety Ergonomics Procedures

Your training will serve as a probation period. Everyone going through the probation period is set on specific guide lines for safety precaution reasons. All newly hired employees must read through this manual and develop the skills needed for the equipment before performing their duties. In your training you will work with mock systems compatible to the shipping and receiving procedures used by the company. Hands on forklift training will take place in your training to develop your maneuverability and control as well. In training forklifts are not to be used for transporting purposes. All guide lines for your training will be explained throughout this edition of supply-chain warehouse workers manual.

Your training requires certain safety equipment needed to perform common jobs in the warehouse. In the warehouse you may be assigned to enter one of the freezers on site or be raised twenty feet in the air to take inventory of products, which requires special equipment in order to stay safe. All equipment listed below should be attained before reading through this manual and going through your training.

Required Equipment Hard hat (provided) Work boots Work gloves Safety harness (provided) Freezer/Cooler suites (provided)

Chapter 1

Chapter 1: Forklift Safety

This chapter will over view the basic safeties of operating a forklift in the warehouse. We have broken it down into three sections that cover all the skills and knowledge needed to know from the traffic rules to explaining machine parts. Lift Traffic Educating Awareness of Surroundings Operation Training

Lift Traffic Educating

In the warehouse accidents become prone when driving a fork lift. You will find there are multiple blind spots due to the corners and aisles of product racks. Employees must use their horns when approaching these blind spots. Supervisors will agree that slowing down at every aisle end is also very important. Careless employees who dont follow the traffic rule put everyone at risk around the warehouse. This makes it crucial that all employees operating heavy machinery follow traffic rules and communicate with fellow co-workers. Below is a step by step for basic traffic rules regulated for forklift operators.

Traffic Rules
1. 2. 3. 4. Slow down to a complete stop at every end and corner of an aisle Take a look of all your surroundings and make sure the area is safe Use your horn Proceed with caution if the way is clear

Those who do not obey the traffics rules will not only put other in danger, but they put themselves in danger as well. Employee failing to obey these rules the first time will result in a warning. Any time after the warning that employee will be put on an operating suspension. This means that driving a forklift will be prohibited by that employee for as long as determined.


The Supply Chain Worker

Awareness of Surroundings
Being aware of your surrounding is the key to safety in the warehouse. Whether youre operating a forklift or performing a job manually there are guide lines to follow. Once you understand the traffic rules fully the next step is to apply your ability to be aware. Employee awareness doesnt only pertain to noticing your surroundings; it also includes knowing certain criteria set by the government and warehouse supervisors needed to be met. Personal Protection OSHA

Personal Protection Employees must wear certain articles of protection on their person in different situations in the warehouse. For instance if an employee needs to be hoisted up into a product rack, him/her should wear a harness strapped to the lift in case of an accident. Our warehouse also contains a freezer and cooling unit for products. If an employee must enter either of these units they must wear special freezer/cooler suites for protection. There are other required garments that must be worn such as boots or closed toed shoes, hard hats, and protective gloves. OSHA The Occupational Safety and Health Admiration provide government regulations at It explains how the government expects business to operate in terms of employee safety.

Other important areas to be aware of: (In no particular order) Only operators should ride forklifts Know how much pallets weigh before you lift them Obey traffic rules Use equipment for its intended purpose Stand clear of equipment in use Drive forklifts with forks behind you Use equipment carefully

Quick Tip

Keep up with work and equipment instructions

The Supply Chain Worker

Operation Training
This section includes basic knowledge of the average forklift used in warehouses and gives you the tools to learn how to drive one. You will learn the different parts of the forklifts used and their different uses. Once you have full understanding of how the forklift works then you will move into the hands on training by physically operating the vehicles.

Forklift Knowledge 1. Seat and Safety belt 2. Front drive axle 3. Serial number 4. Rear steer axle 5. Counter weight 6. Overhead guard 7. Warning light 8. Hydraulic lift

Forklift Safety

Seat and Safety belt The seat is located at the fulcrum of the forklift. It is positioned in front of the steering wheel giving you great vision and control of the warehouse vehicle. Front drive axle This is the axle that rotates when the acceleration is pressed. It causes the vehicle to be mobile. Serial number This number separates the forklift from the other ones. The serial number tracks its origins from which it was manufactured. Rear steer axle This axle controls the steering of the forklift. It allows for the vehicle to changes directions. Counter weight This is the shifted weight at the rear of a forklift designed to keep it balanced when lifting pallets. Overhead guard The overhead guard is a frame above the vehicle that is reinforced to protect you from accidents. Warning light This is the red flashing light on top of the forklift. It makes your presence known to other workers. Hydraulic lift This is the fork, all controls and next to the steering wheel to lift and lower the hydrolics.

Learning to maneuver a forklift takes practice all employees must watch the training video and review situations before operating. After you have learned the basics, employees will go through a two week probation period. This means you will drive an operate forklifts without actually transporting product throughout the warehouse. Once youve gone through the process and your maneuverability is acceptable you will then be able to work in the warehouse and transport the product.

Chapter 2


Chapter 2: Ergonomics
This chapter will tell you all about how to reduce your risk of back injuries when doing manual work in the ware house. Youre not always going to be transporting product around the warehouse with forklifts. In certain situations some manual lifting and moving will be appropriate. For instance if all forklifts are in operation or the load is just small enough to do without machines, then that job becomes one you do without machinery. Back Safety

Back Safety
There are specific techniques and tips given below that will help you be safe when performing manual jobs. Always ask for help if the job is too big for one person When moving an object push dont pull When lifting and object bend at the knees and lift with your legs Wear a back brace to support your back with heavy lifting Keep your back straight when lifting

Proper Lifting Technique 1. Ask for assistance 2. Bend at the knees 3. Get a good grip on the object 4. Keep your back straight 5. Lift with your legs not your back

Quick Tips In case of an injury first alert your supervisor, then call an ambulance

Chapter 3


Chapter 3: Procedures
Warehouse procedures are the life lines to a companys success. Chapter three will discuss basic shipping and receiving procedures and at the end go through how to effectively communicate with peers and supervisors. Shipping and Receiving Effectively Communicating

Shipping/ Receiving
These procedures rely on the accuracy you record your data, double checking all your work in the system, and having a strong knowledge of the process. This section explains the important aspects of shipping and receiving. In order to effectively communicate, employees need to conduct precise cycle counting, taking inventory, to be sure to correctly enter data in to the warehouse system. Workers must make sure that whatever enters and leaves the dock is what is actually correct and recorded.

Cycle Counting When an employee takes inventory of products they will use a scan gun that records the line data of a certain product. The line on a product entails its location, tag, and quantity, unit of measure (UOM), lot, expiration, and date of receipt. Product Line

Location Tag Quantity Unit of measure Lot

Marks the aisle number

Marks the section code

Marks how much product contains Marks product size Marks the batch number Marks how long product will last Marks exact date the company attained the product

Date of Receipt


The Supply Chain Worker

Problems that can occur when processing data: Not recording data accurately Not correctly sending product out of the system Not correctly receiving product into the system Not monitoring what is actually leaving or received in the system Not properly or frequently editing the system

Remember the easy part is getting the product to the trailer. The hard part is successfully recording it gone in the system. The solutions to these problems are effectively communicating with your supervisors and peers.

Effectively Communicating
To truly effectively communicate within the department you must be able to relay accurate information to your supervisors and peers. This will solve any problems from recording accurate data to projects taking place in the warehouse.

Supervisor Communication As a warehouse employee you are the eyes and ears of you supervisor. Your supervisors rely on you to convey important information to them about what is happening in the shop. You will also rely on supervisors to guide you on certain task that need to be carried out. The main circumstance that should be communicated with a supervisor would be damage around the warehouse. These would include damage to the racks, the product, floor, technology, scan guns, computers, etc.

Three Steps to take if damage is found: 1. Be aware of the damages and what they could cause 2. Asses the damages and record them 3. Inform your supervisor of the damages

Peer Communication Communicating with your peers helps projects and daily duties go as smooth as possible. You want to be sure you communicate with your co-workers where and what you are doing as well as when. In some instances you may be working on a project and then be called to work on something more pressing. At those times you would want to pass of the task to an unoccupied

Chapter 3


employee to carry out that project in the meantime. In this business time is of the essence so it is important that projects are finished on time.

Communicating that you need help with a task is important too. If the job is too big for one person ask for assistance. When you ask for assistance you need to make sure to brief whoever volunteers to help of the project at hand.

Three steps to communicate project information from co-worker to co-worker: 1. Write up a brief summary of the project 2. Make sure the information is accurate to the project 3. Effectively pass along information to employee

Quick Tips Use your resources go to a peer first, then to a trainer, lastly go to a supervisor When a job becomes out of your control go to a supervisor for help



Awareness of Surroundings, 3, 4 Back Safety: techniques, 11 Being aware, 4 Counter weight, 8 Cycle Counting, 15 damage, 16 effectively communicate, 15, 16 forklift, 3, 4, 5, 11 Forklift Knowledge, 5 Front drive axle, 8 Hydraulic lift, 8 Lift Traffic Educating, 3 Operation Training, 3, 5 OSHA, 4 Overhead guard, 8 Peer Communication, 16 Personal Protection, 4 Problems: porcessing data, 16 procedures, 15 Product Line, 15 Proper Lifting Technique, 11 Rear steer axle, 8 resources, 17 Seat and Safety belt, 8 Serial number, 8 Shipping/Receiving, 15 Supervisor Communication, 16 Three steps to communicate, 17 Traffic Rules, 3 warehouse, 3, 4, 15, 16 Warning light, 8



A Awareness- taking in your surroundings to anticipate the best actions for safety

C Counter weight- Shifted weight at the rear of a forklift designed to keep it balanced when lifting pallets Cycle counting- the process of taking inventory in the shop

D Date of receipt- marks on product when the company received it in the warehouse Dock- the ware house hub, the point where everything enters and leaves the warehouse

E Effective communication- conveying important information to co-workers and supervisors what is happening in the warehouse Expiration- marks on the product how long it will last

F Forklift- heavy machinery use to lift and transport pallets around a warehouse

L Lot- referred to as the batch number, certain product made in a given time period

O OSHA- Occupational Safety and Health Association is a government regulator that sets guide lines for safety in a work place

22 P

The Supply Chain Worker

Peer communication- relaying information to co-workers in the warehouse Personal protection- wearing special clothing and equipment to help keep you safe in the warehouse Product line- Information labeled on the product that distinguishes it from the rest

R Resources- include co-workers, supervisors, computers and information systems

S Supervisor communication- Relaying information to you superiors of what is happening in the ware house

T Tag- marked on a product what section of the aisle it is located



Photo Citation

"Proper Lifting Technique | STS | Safety Blog." Proper Lifting Technique | STS | Safety Blog. N.p., n.d. Web. 27 Apr. 2014 "Safety Communications - Safety First: Lift With Your Legs Not Your Back with Symbol." Stonehouse Signs. N.p., n.d. Web. 27 Apr. 2014.

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