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Guidelines and Instructions for BIR Form No.

1700 June 2013 (ENCS)

Annual Income Tax Return For Individuals Earning Purely Compensation Income (Including Non-Business/Non-Profession Income) These instructions are designed to assist tax filers, or their representatives, with the preparation of the annual income tax return (ITR). If there are questions which are not adequately covered, please consult the local BIR office. If there appears to be any discrepancies between these instructions and the applicable laws and regulations, the laws and regulations take precedence. are required to submit Certificate of Compensation Payment/Tax Withheld (BIR Form No. 2316) to the Revenue District Office (RDO) where registered on or before February 28 of the following year. However, individuals other than those solely earning income as Overseas Filipino Workers (OFWs) as defined in RR No. 1-2011 availing of the benefits of special laws, such as, but not limited to the Personal Equity and Retirement Account Act (PERA Act) under RA 9505, are required to file an ITR. This return shall likewise be used by individuals earning other taxable income from non-business/nonprofession. Minimum Wage Earner shall refer to a worker in the private sector paid the statutory minimum wage or to an employee in the public sector with compensation income of not more than the statutory minimum wage in the non-agricultural sector where he/she is assigned. The term "individual whose compensation income has been subjected to final withholding tax shall include aliens or Filipino citizens occupying the same positions as the alien employees, as the case may be, who are employed by regional operating headquarters, regional or area headquarters, offshore banking units, petroleum service contractors and sub-contractors, pursuant to pertinent provisions of Sections 25 (C), (D), (E) and 57(A), including those subject to Fringe Benefits Tax (FBT) under Section 33 of the Tax Code, as amended, Republic Act No. 8756, Presidential Decree No. 1354, and other pertinent laws.

Who Shall File

This return shall be filed by every resident citizen deriving compensation income from all sources, or resident alien and non-resident citizen with respect to compensation income from within the Philippines, except the following: 1. An individual whose gross compensation income does not exceed his total personal and additional exemptions. 2. An individual with respect to pure compensation income, as defined in Section 32(A)(1) derived from sources within the Philippines, the income tax on which has been correctly withheld (tax due equals tax withheld) under the provisions of Section 79 of the Code: Provided, that an individual deriving compensation concurrently from two or more employers at any time during the taxable year shall file an income tax return. 3. An individual whose income has been subjected to final withholding tax (alien employee as well as Filipino employee occupying the same position as that of the alien employee of regional or area headquarters and regional operating headquarters of multinational companies, petroleum service contractors and subcontractors, and offshore banking units; non-resident alien not engaged in trade or business). 4. A minimum wage earner or an individual who is exempt from income tax. Married individuals shall file a single return for the taxable year to include the income of both spouses, separately computing their individual income tax based on their respective taxable income, which return shall be signed by the tax filer or the spouse, or their authorized representative. Where it is impracticable for the spouses to file one return, each spouse may file a separate return. Individuals not required to file an ITR or those qualified for substituted filing may voluntarily file this return for purposes of loans, foreign travel requirements, and for other purposes they may deem proper. Employers 1

When and Where to File and Pay

A. For Electronic Filing and Payment System (eFPS) Tax Filers: The return shall be e-filed and the tax shall be e-paid on or before the 15th day of April of each year covering income of the preceding taxable year using the eFPS facilities thru the BIR website B. For Non-Electronic Filing and Payment System (Non-eFPS) Tax Filers: The return shall be filed and the tax shall be paid on or before the 15th day of April of each year covering income of the preceding taxable year with any Authorized Agent Bank (AAB) located within the territorial jurisdiction of the RDO where the tax filer is registered. In places where there are no AABs, the return shall be filed and

Guidelines and Instructions for BIR Form No. 1700 June 2013 (ENCS)
the tax shall be paid with the concerned Revenue Collection Officer (RCO) under the jurisdiction of the RDO. Non-eFPS tax filer may opt to use the electronic format under eBIRForms (refer to for the preparation, generation and submission and/or payment of this return with greater ease and accuracy, upon availability of the same in the system. FOR NO PAYMENT RETURNS: This shall be filed with the RDO where the tax filer is registered or with the concerned RCO under the same RDO. FOR INSTALLMENT PAYMENT: When the tax due exceeds P 2,000, the tax filer may elect to pay in two equal installments, the first installment to be paid at the time the return is filed and the second installment, on or before July 15 of the same year. FOR NON-RESIDENT TAX FILER: In case tax filer has no legal residence or place of business in the Philippines, the return shall be filed with the Office of the Commissioner thru RDO No. 39, South Quezon City.

Part I - Background Information

Item 5 Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN): Enter the tax filers TIN. Spouses TIN is entered in Item 17. If no TIN, apply for one before filing using Application for Registration-For Individuals Earning Purely Compensation Income and NonResident Citizens/ Resident Alien Employee (BIR Form No. 1902). Item 6 RDO Code: Enter the appropriate code for RDO per BIR Form No. 1902 and/or Certificate of Update of Exemption and of Employers and Employees Information (BIR Form No. 2305). Item 7 Philippine Standard Occupational Classification (PSOC) Code: Refer to for applicable PSOC or visit the local BIR Office. Item 8 Tax Filers Name: Print name as it was entered on the registration forms. Item 9 Registered Address: This refers to the preferred address (i.e. residence or employers business address) provided by the tax filer upon registration with the BIR. If tax filer has moved since the previous filing and has NOT updated the registration, accomplish Table 1 on the last page of this ITR. Items 10-12: Enter the requested information. If no email address, leave the space blank. Item 13 Civil Status: Indicate civil status. Items 14 & 15 Additional Exemption for Qualified Dependent Children: An individual shall be allowed an additional exemption of P25,000 for each qualified dependent child, but not exceeding four (4). The additional exemption for dependents shall be claimed by the husband, who is deemed the proper claimant unless he explicitly waives his right in favor of his wife. In the case of legally separated spouses, additional exemption may be claimed only by the spouse who has custody of the child or children; Provided, that the total amount of additional exemptions that may be claimed by both shall not exceed the maximum additional exemption allowed by the Tax Code. Qualified Dependent Child means a legitimate, illegitimate or legally adopted child chiefly dependent upon and living with the tax filer if such dependent is not more than twenty-one (21) years of age, unmarried and not gainfully employed or if such dependent, regardless of age, is incapable of self-support because of mental or physical defect. If yes is marked for Item 14, enter the number of Dependent 2

How to Accomplish the Form

1. Enter all required information in CAPITAL LETTERS using BLACK INK. Mark applicable boxes with an X. Two copies MUST be filed with the BIR and one held by the tax filer; 2. Indicate Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) and registered name on each page; 3. For all questions wherein an appropriate box is provided for a possible answer, mark the applicable box corresponding to the chosen answer with an X; and 4. Required information wherein the space provided has a letter separator, the same must be supplied with CAPITAL LETTERS where each character (including comma or period) shall occupy one box and leave one space blank for every word. However, if the word is followed by a comma or period, there is no need to leave blank after the comma or period. Do NOT write NONE or make any other marks in the box/es.

For Items 1 to 4
Item 1 Indicate the taxable year covered by the return being filed; Item 2 Choose Yes if the tax return is one amending previous return filed, No if not; Item 3 Indicate whether the tax filer and spouse are filing jointly or not; and Item 4 Indicate whether the source of income is compensation income or other income (nonbusiness/ non-profession).

Guidelines and Instructions for BIR Form No. 1700 June 2013 (ENCS)
Children in Item 15, and then provide the required information for each child in Table 2. Should there be additional dependent(s) during the taxable year, tax filer may claim the corresponding additional exemption, as the case may be, in full for such year. If the tax filer dies during the taxable year, his estate may still claim the personal and additional exemptions for himself and his dependent(s) as if he died at the close of such taxable year. If the spouse or any of the dependents dies or if any of such dependents marries, becomes twenty-one (21) years old or becomes gainfully employed during the taxable year, the tax filer may still claim the same exemptions as if the spouse or any of the dependents died, or as if such dependents married, became twenty-one (21) years old or became employed at the close of such year. Items 16-22 Spouses Background Information: Enter the appropriate information using the same guidelines as above. Items 1-4: Enter the required information for each of the employers and mark whether the information is for the Tax filer or the Spouse. Attach additional sheets, if necessary. On Item 4A, enter the Total Gross Compensation and Total Tax Withheld for the Tax Filer. On Item 4B, enter the appropriate information for the Spouse. Item 5 Non-Taxable/Exempt Income: This includes enumerations under Sections 32B of the NIRC, as amended, and other applicable rules and regulations, including De Minimis Benefits within the limitations prescribed under existing revenue issuances. Item 6 Gross Taxable Compensation Income: This refers to Item 4A.1 or 4B.1 less the NonTaxable/Exempt Income in Item 5. The Gross Taxable Compensation Income does not include employees contributions to SSS, GSIS, HDMF, PHIC and Union Dues. Refer to BIR Form No. 2316 issued by the employer/s. Item 7 Premium Payment on Health and/or Hospitalization Insurance: The amount of premiums not to exceed Two Thousand Four Hundred Pesos (P2,400) per family or Two Hundred Pesos (P200) a month paid during the taxable year for health and/or hospitalization insurance taken by the tax filer for himself, including his family, shall be allowed as a deduction from his gross income; Provided, that said family has a gross income of not more than Two Hundred Fifty Thousand Pesos (P250,000) for the taxable year; Provided, finally, that in the case of married tax filers, only the spouse claiming the additional exemption for dependents shall be entitled to this deduction. Items 8 & 9 Personal and Additional Exemptions: An individual tax filer shall be allowed a basic personal exemption of Fifty Thousand Pesos (P50,000). In the case of married individuals where only one of the spouses is deriving income, only such spouse shall be allowed the personal exemption. An individual shall be allowed an additional exemption of P 25,000 for each qualified dependent child, not exceeding four (4). The additional exemption for dependents shall be claimed by the husband, who is deemed the proper claimant unless he explicitly waives his right in favor of his wife. Items 10, 11, 13 & 14: Calculate as indicated on the form. Item 12 Other Taxable Income: Any non-business/nonprofession related income reported under "other 3

Part II - Total Tax Payable

Items 23-31: Accomplish first Part IV Computation of Tax on page 2 before accomplishing these items. Then transfer the information from Part IV to each of the items. Individual instructions as to the source of the information and the necessary calculations are provided on each line item. Signature Line: When all pages of the return are complete, sign the return in the place indicated, enter the number of pages filed. In Items 32-35, provide the required information about tax filers Government Issued ID and its details.

Part III (Item 36) - Details of Payment

Enter the information required and then file the original ITR plus two (2) copies to any AAB within the RDO where registered. Refer to for the applicable AAB or visit the local BIR Office. For no payment returns, proceed with filing the ITR with the RDO where the tax filer is registered or the concerned RCO under the same RDO.

Part IV - Computation of Tax

At the top of this page and in all succeeding pages that are to be filed, enter tax filers TIN and Last Name. The requirement for entering centavos on the ITR has been eliminated. If the amount of centavos is 49 or less, drop down centavos (e.g. P100.49 = P100.00). If the amount it 50 centavos or more, round up to the next peso (e.g. P100.50 = P101.00)

Guidelines and Instructions for BIR Form No. 1700 June 2013 (ENCS)
taxable income" should reflect only the taxable amount. Example: Honorarium received not in the practice of business or profession by an employee other than from his employer. Items 15-20 Computation of Tax Credits/Payments: Enter the applicable amounts in the Tax filer and/or Spouse column. On Item 20 calculate the Net Tax Payable. Attach proof on income received and credits claimed, e.g. BIR Form No. 2316. Over withholding of income tax on compensation shall be refunded by the employer, except if the over withholding is due to the employees failure or refusal to file BIR Form No. 2305, or supplies false or inaccurate information, the excess shall not be refunded but shall be forfeited in favor of the government. Item 21 Net Tax Payable (Overpayment) For Tax Filer and Spouse: This is the aggregate amount of Tax Payable (Overpayment) for both Tax Filer and Spouse. Item 22 Portion of Tax Payable Allowed for 2nd Installment: Indicate the amount applicable. Items 23, 27 & 28: Calculate as indicated in the form. Penalties shall be imposed and collected as part of the tax Item 24: A surcharge of twenty five percent (25%) for each of the following violations: 1. 2. Failure to file any return and pay the amount of tax or installment due on or before the due date; Unless otherwise authorized by the Commissioner, filing a return with a person or office other than those with whom it is required to be filed; Failure to pay the full or part of the amount of tax shown on the return, or the full amount of tax due for A surcharge of fifty percent (50%) of the tax or of the deficiency tax shall be imposed in case of willful neglect to file the return within the period prescribed by the Tax Code and/or by rules and regulations or in case a false or fraudulent return is filed. Item 25: Interest at the rate of twenty percent (20%) per annum, or such higher rate as may be prescribed by rules and regulations, on any unpaid amount of tax, from the date prescribed for the payment until it is fully paid. Item 26: Compromise penalty pursuant to existing/ applicable revenue issuances. 4. which no return is required to be filed on or before the due date; Failure to pay the deficiency tax within the time prescribed for its payment in the notice of assessment.

Part V - Supplemental Information

Fill-up applicable fields. Fair Market Value as determined in accordance with the Tax Code, as amended, and existing revenue issuances shall be used in reporting the non-cash income and receipts in the Supplemental Information.

1. Certificate of Compensation Payment/Tax Withheld (BIR Form No. 2316). 2. Waiver of the husbands right to claim additional exemption, if applicable. 3. Duly approved Tax Debit Memo, if applicable. 4. Proof of Foreign Tax Credits, if applicable. 5. For amended return, proof of tax payment and the return previously filed. 6. Proof of other tax payment/credit, if applicable. 7. Authorization letter, if filed by authorized representative.
If Taxable Income is: Tax Due is:


Tax Table
If Taxable Income is: Not over P 10,000 Over P 10,000 but not over P 30,000 Over P 30,000 but not over P 70,000 Over P 70,000 but not over P 140,000 Tax Due is: 5% P 500 + 10% of the excess over P 10,000 P 2,500 + 15% of the excess over P 30,000 P 8,500 + 20% of the excess over P 70,000 Over P 140,000 but not over P 250,000 Over P 250,000 but not over P 500,000 Over P 500,000 P 22,500 + 25% of the excess over P 140,000 P 50,000 + 30% of the excess over P 250,000 P 125,000 + 32% of the excess over P 500,000

Guidelines and Instructions for BIR Form No. 1701 June 2013 (ENCS)
Annual Income Tax Return For Self-Employed Individuals, Estates and Trusts
These instructions are designed to assist taxpayers, or their representatives, with the preparation of the annual income tax return (ITR). If there are questions which are not adequately covered, please consult the local BIR office. If there appears to be any discrepancies between these instructions and the applicable laws and regulations, the laws and regulations take precedence. Who Shall File BIR Form No. 1701 shall be filed by individuals who are engaged in trade/business or the practice of profession including those with mixed income (i.e., those engaged in the trade/business or profession who are also earning compensation income) in accordance with Sec. 51 of the Code, as amended. The annual income tax return summarizes all the transactions covering the calendar year of the taxpayer. This return shall be filed by the following individuals regardless of amount of gross income: 1. A resident citizen engaged in trade, business, or practice of profession within and without the Philippines. 2. A resident alien, non-resident citizen or non-resident alien individual engaged in trade, business or practice of profession within the Philippines. 3. A trustee of a trust, guardian of a minor, executor/administrator of an estate, or any person acting in any fiduciary capacity for any person, where such trust, estate, minor, or person is engaged in trade or business. 4. An individual engaged in trade or business or in the exercise of their profession and receiving compensation income as well. All individuals, estates and trusts above required under the law and existing issuances to file this return should also fill up Part IX hereof. Said individuals, estates and trusts shall declare such income subject to final tax and those exclusions from gross income under Section 32(B) of the Tax Code, as amended. Married individuals shall file a return for the taxable year to include the income of both spouses, computing separately their individual income tax based on their respective total taxable income. Where it is impracticable for the spouses to file one return, each spouse may file a separate return of income. If any income cannot be definitely attributed to or identified as income exclusively earned or realized by either of the spouses, the same shall be divided equally between the spouses for the purpose of determining their respective taxable income. The income of unmarried minors derived from property received from a living parent shall be included in the return of the parent except (1) when the donors tax has been paid on such property, or (2) when the transfer of such property is exempt from donors tax. If the taxpayer is unable to make his own return, the return may be made by his duly authorized agent or representative or by the guardian or other person charged with the care of his person or property, the principal and his representative or guardian assuming the responsibility of making the return and incurring penalties provided for erroneous, false or fraudulent returns. When and Where to File and Pay A. For Electronic Filing and Payment System (eFPS) Taxpayer: The return shall be e-filed and the tax shall be e-paid on or before the 15th day of April of each year covering income of the preceding taxable year using the eFPS facilities thru the BIR website B. For Non-Electronic Filing and Payment System (Non-eFPS) Taxpayer: The return shall be filed and the tax shall be paid on or before the 15th day of April of each year covering income of the preceding taxable year with any Authorized Agent Bank (AAB) located within the territorial jurisdiction of the RDO where the taxpayer is registered. In places where there are no AABs, the return shall be filed and the tax shall be paid with the concerned Revenue Collection Officer (RCO) under the jurisdiction of the RDO. Non-eFPS taxpayers may opt to use the electronic format under eBIRForms (refer to for the preparation, generation and submission and/or payment of this return with greater ease and accuracy, upon availability of the same in the system. FOR NO PAYMENT RETURNS: This shall be filed with the RDO where the taxpayer is registered or with the concerned RCO under the same RDO. FOR INSTALLMENT PAYMENT: When the tax due exceeds P2,000, the taxpayer may elect to pay in two equal installments, the first installment to be paid at the time the return is filed and the second installment, on or before July 15 of the same year. FOR NON-RESIDENT TAXPAYER: In case taxpayer has no legal residence or place of business in the Philippines, the return shall be filed with the Office of the Commissioner thru RDO No. 39, South Quezon City. How to Accomplish the Form 1. Enter all required information in CAPITAL LETTERS using BLACK INK. Mark applicable boxes with an X. Two copies MUST be filed with the BIR and one held by the taxpayer; Indicate Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) and registered name on each page; For all questions wherein an appropriate box is provided for a possible answer, mark the applicable box corresponding to the chosen answer with an X; and Required information wherein the space provided has a letter separator, the same must be supplied with CAPITAL LETTERS where each character (including comma or period) shall occupy one box and leave one space blank for every word. However, if the word is followed by a comma or period, there is no need to leave blank after the comma or period. Do NOT write NONE or make any other marks in the box/es.

2. 3.


This return is divided into Parts I to X with accompanying Schedules 1 to 12. Individual instructions as to the source of the information and the necessary calculations are provided on each line item.


Background Information Total Tax Payable Details of Payment Computation of Income Tax-REGULAR RATE Summary of Income Tax Due Tax Relief Availment Other Relevant Information -SPOUSE Information External Auditor/Accredited Tax Agent Consolidated Computation by Tax Regime
Mandatory Attachments for Exempt/Special Tax Regime per Activity- USE THIS IF THERE ARE MORE THAN ONE EXEMPT AND/OR SPECIAL TAX REGIME. Consolidate the amounts of all Mandatory Attachments PER TAX REGIME and reflect the same to the corresponding schedules and columns of Part IX.

1 1 1 2 3 3 4 4 12 1m to 5m

Guidelines and Instructions for BIR Form No. 1701 June 2013 (ENCS)

1 2 3 4A 4B 4C 5 6 7 8 9 10 11A 11B 12

Gross Compensation and Tax Withheld Sales/Revenues/Receipts/Fees Other Taxable Income Not Subjected to Final Tax Cost of Sales (For those Engaged in Trading) Cost of Sales (For those Engaged in Manufacturing) Cost of Services Non-Operating Income Ordinary Allowable Itemized Deductions Special Allowable Itemized Deductions Computation of Net Operating Loss Carry Over (NOLCO) Tax Credits/Payments-Attach proof Balance Sheet Tax Filers-Reconciliation of Net Income per Books Against Taxable Income Spouses-Reconciliation of Net Income per Books Against Taxable Income Supplemental Information

5 5 5 5 6 6 6 6-7 8 8 9 9 10 10 11

which is 40% of Gross Sales/Receipts/Revenues/Fees under Section 34(L), NIRC as amended by RA 9504. The option to choose applies only to individuals subject to Sec. 24 of the Tax Code, as amended, and with no special/preferential tax rates applied. The chosen method of deduction used in the first quarter of the year shall be irrevocable and consistently applied throughout the year. Individual taxpayers with mixed income subject to income tax rates other than the income tax rates prescribed under Sec. 24 of the Tax Code, as amended, are not included among those individuals with option to elect the Optional Standard Deductions under Sec. 24 (L) of the same Tax Code. Hence, they are allowed to use only the itemized deductions method. Item 21 to 23: Mark applicable box with an X. Item 24 to 25 Claiming Additional Exemption: An individual shall be allowed an additional exemption of P25,000 for each qualified dependent child, but not exceeding four (4). The additional exemption for dependents shall be claimed by the husband, who is deemed the proper claimant unless he explicitly waives his right in favor of his wife. In the case of legally separated spouses, additional exemption may be claimed only by the spouse who has custody of the child or children; Provided, that the total amount of additional exemptions that may be claimed by both shall not exceed the maximum additional exemption allowed by the Tax Code. Qualified Dependent Child means a legitimate, illegitimate or legally adopted child chiefly dependent upon and living with the taxpayer if such dependent is not more than twenty-one (21) years of age, unmarried and not gainfully employed or if such dependent, regardless of age, is incapable of self-support because of mental or physical defect. If yes is marked for Item 24, enter the number of Dependent Children in Item 25, and then provide the required information for each child in Part VIIA. Should there be additional dependent(s) during the taxable year, tax filer may claim the corresponding additional exemption, as the case may be, in full for such year. If the taxpayer dies during the taxable year, his estate may still claim the personal and additional exemptions for himself and his dependent(s) as if he died at the close of such taxable year. If the spouse or any of the dependents dies or if any of such dependents marries, becomes twenty-one (21) years old or becomes gainfully employed during the taxable year, the taxpayer may still claim the same exemptions as if the spouse or any of the dependents died, or as if such dependents married, became twenty-one (21) years old or became employed at the close of such year. Part II (Items 26 to 32) Total Tax Payable: Complete first Part IV Computation of Income Tax on page 2 before accomplishing these items. Then transfer the information from Part IV to each of the items. Individual instructions as to the source of the information and the necessary calculations are provided on each line item. Overpayment Line: An excess of the total tax credits/payments over the actual income tax due computed in the final adjusted return may be refunded or issued with the Tax Credit Certificate to the taxpayer or credited against its estimated income tax liabilities for the quarters of the succeeding taxable years. The taxpayer shall exercise its option by placing an X in the appropriate box, which option shall be considered irrevocable for that taxable period. Thus, once the taxpayer opted to carry-over and apply the excess income tax against income tax due for the succeeding taxable year, no application for cash refund or issuance of a tax credit certificate shall be allowed. In case the taxpayer fails to signify its choice, the excess payment shall be automatically carried-over to the next taxable period.

For Items 1 to 4: Item 1 Indicate the taxable year covered by the return being filed; Item 2 Choose Yes if the tax return is one amending previous return filed, No if not; Item 3 Choose Yes if the return is made for a fractional part of a year (e.g. commencement or retirement); and Item 4 Indicate the appropriate Alphanumeric Tax Code (ATC). Part I (Items 5 to 25) Background Information on TAX FILER Item 5 Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN): Enter tax filers TIN. Spouses TIN is entered in Item 95. If no TIN, apply for one before filing using Application for Registration-For Self-Employed and Mixed Income Individuals, Estates and Trusts (BIR Form No. 1901). Item 6 RDO Code: Enter the appropriate code for the RDO per BIR Form No. 1901 and/or Certificate of Registration (BIR Form No. 2303). Item 7 Tax Filer Type: Mark applicable boxes with an X. Item 8 Tax filers Name: Enter the Last Name, First Name, Middle Name for individuals/ ESTATE of First Name, Middle Name, Last Name /TRUST FAO First Name, Middle Name, Last Name as it was entered on the BIR Form Nos. 1901/1905/2303. Item 9 Trade Name: Indicate trade name as shown in the Department of Trade and Industrys Certificate of Registration, Mayors Permit etc. Item 10 Registered Address: Enter Registered Address as indicated in BIR Form No. 2303. If tax filer has moved since the previous filing and has NOT updated the registration, update the registration by filing BIR Form No. 1905. In the meantime, accomplish Part VIIB on page 4 of this ITR. Items 11 to 16: Fill-up required information. Item 17 Main Line of Business: Indicate the nature of the business the taxpayer is engaged in as indicated in BIR Form No. 2303. Item 18 to 19 PSIC/PSOC Code: Indicate the Philippine Standard Industrial Classification (PSIC) Code and/or Philippine Standard Occupational Classification (PSOC) Code. Refer to for the applicable PSIC/PSOC or visit the local BIR Office. Item 20 Method of Deduction: Choose either Itemized Deduction under Section 34(A-J), NIRC or Optional Standard Deduction (OSD),

Guidelines and Instructions for BIR Form No. 1701 June 2013 (ENCS)
Signature Line: When all pages of the return are complete, sign the return in the place indicated, enter the number of pages filed in Item 33. In Items 34-37, provide the required information about tax filers Government Issued ID and its details. Part III (Items 38 to 40) Details of Payment Enter the information required and then file the original ITR plus two (2) copies to any AAB within the RDO where registered. Refer to for the applicable AAB or visit the local BIR Office. For no payment returns, proceed with filing the ITR with the RDO where the taxpayer is registered or the concerned RCO under the same RDO. Part IV (Items 41 to 67) Computation of Income Tax-REGULAR RATE At the top of this page and in all succeeding pages that are to be filed, enter the tax filers TIN and Last Name. The requirement for entering centavos on the ITR has been eliminated. If the amount of centavos is 49 or less, drop down the centavos (e.g. P100.49 = P100.00). If the amount is 50 centavos or more, round up to the next peso (P100.50 = P101.00). Generally, for all the lines in this part there is a need to complete the appropriate schedules and then transfer the sub-totals to the appropriate line. On the other lines make the appropriate calculations as directed and enter the totals. Item 44 Premium Payment on Health and/or Hospitalization Insurance: The amount of premiums not to exceed Two Thousand Four Hundred Pesos (P2,400) per family or Two Hundred Pesos (P200) a month paid during the taxable year for health and/or hospitalization insurance taken by the tax filer for himself, including his family, shall be allowed as a deduction from his gross income; Provided, that said family has a gross income of not more than Two Hundred Fifty Thousand Pesos (P250,000) for the taxable year; Provided, finally, that in the case of married tax filers, only the spouse claiming the additional exemption for dependents shall be entitled to this deduction. Items 45 & 46 Personal and Additional Exemptions: An individual tax filer shall be allowed a basic personal exemption of Fifty Thousand Pesos (P50,000). In the case of married individuals where only one of the spouses is deriving income, only such spouse shall be allowed the personal exemption. An individual shall be allowed an additional exemption of P25,000 for each qualified dependent child, not exceeding four (4). The additional exemption for dependents shall be claimed by the husband, who is deemed the proper claimant unless he explicitly waives his right in favor of his wife. An Estate or Trust shall be allowed an exemption of Twenty Thousand Pesos (P20,000). Item 47 to 56: Fill-up and/or compute required information. Items 57 to 59 Deductions Allowed under Existing Laws: May choose either the itemized or optional standard deduction, subject to REGULAR TAX RATES only. It shall indicate the choice by marking with an X the appropriate box, otherwise, it shall be considered as having availed of the itemized deduction. Such choice made in the initial quarterly return during the taxable year is irrevocable for the said year for which the return is made. The ordinary and special deductions are discussed further under the appropriate schedule. Itemized deductions only, if subject to REGULAR and SPECIAL/ EXEMPT Tax Regime. Item 61 Optional Standard Deduction (OSD): A maximum of 40% of the Total Sales/Revenue Receipts/Fees in Item 52 shall be allowed as deduction in lieu of the itemized deduction if subject to REGULAR Income Tax Regime Only. However, individuals who availed and claimed this deduction is no longer required to submit the financial statements when filing the annual tax return but required to keep such records pertaining to the gross sales or receipts. Item 62 to 66: Compute to arrive at the total taxable income. Item 67: The regular/normal graduated rate of income tax is 5-32% of net taxable income. Part V (Items 68 to 80) Summary of Income Tax Due: Complete the appropriate schedules and then transfer the sub-totals to the appropriate line from Part IV- Computation of Income Tax-Regular Rate, and Part IX- Consolidated Computation by Tax Regime Penalties shall be imposed and collected as part of the tax Item 81 Surcharge: 1) A surcharge of twenty five percent (25%) for each of the following violations: a) Failure to file any return and pay the amount of tax or installment due on or before the due dates; b) Unless otherwise authorized by the Commissioner, filing a return with a person or office other than those with whom it is required to be filed; c) Failure to pay the full or part of the amount of tax shown on the return, or the full amount of tax due for which no return is required to be filed, on or before the due date; d) Failure to pay the deficiency tax within the time prescribed for its payment in the notice of assessment. 2) A surcharge of fifty percent (50%) of the basic tax or of the deficiency tax shall be imposed in case of willful neglect to file the return within the period prescribed by the Tax Code and/or by rules and regulations or in case a false or fraudulent return is filed. Item 82 Interest: Interest at the rate of twenty percent (20%) per annum on any unpaid amount of tax, from the date prescribed for the payment until it is fully paid. Item 83 Compromise: This penalty is pursuant to existing/applicable revenue issuances. Part VI- Tax Relief Availment: Taxpayer availing of any tax relief under the Tax Code must fillup Items 86-94. For ECOZONES: Gross income shall refer to gross sales or gross revenue derived from registered business activity within the zone, net of sales discounts, sales returns and allowances minus cost of sales or direct costs but before any deductions for administrative, marketing, selling, operating expenses or incidental losses during a given taxable period. For BCDA: Gross income shall refer to gross sales or gross revenue derived from registered business activity within the zone, net of sales discounts, sales returns and allowances minus cost of sales or direct costs but before any deductions for administrative, marketing, selling, operating expenses or incidental losses during a given taxable period. For those engaged in financial enterprises, gross income shall include interest income, gains from sales and other income net of costs of funds. Item 89 Other Special Tax Credit refers to tax credit allowed under special laws, rules and issuances. Part VII (Items 95 to 111) Other Relevant Information: SPOUSE: Follow similar procedures as that of the tax filer, if any. Part VIIA - Qualified Dependent Children: If wife is claiming for additional exemption, please attach waiver of the husband. Part VIIB - Current Address: Accomplish if current address is different from registered address in Item 10. Part VIII (Items 112 to 118) Information External Auditor/ Accredited Tax Agent: All returns filed by an accredited tax agent on behalf of a taxpayer shall bear the following information: a) For CPAs and others (individual practitioners and members of GPPs); Items 112 to 115: Name and Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN); Items 116 to 118: BIR Accreditation Number, Date of Issuance, and Expiry Date.

Guidelines and Instructions for BIR Form No. 1701 June 2013 (ENCS)
b) For members of the Philippine Bar (i.e. individual practitioners, members of GPPs); Items 112 to 115: Name and Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN); Items 116 to 118: Attorneys Roll Number or Accreditation Number, Date of Issuance, and Expiry Date. SCHEDULES: The information provided in all of the schedules must be supported by appropriate documents. Schedule 1 - Gross Compensation Income and Tax Withheld of tax filer and/or Spouse. Schedules 2 to 5 - Fill-up the information provided in appropriate schedules and must be supported by appropriate documents. Schedule 6 - Ordinary Allowable Itemized Deductions (Attach additional sheets, if necessary): There shall be allowed as deduction from gross income all the ordinary and necessary trade and business expenses paid or incurred during the taxable year in carrying on or which are directly attributable to the development, management, operation and/or conduct of the trade and business. Itemized deduction includes also interest, taxes, losses, bad debts, depreciation, depletion, charitable and other contributions, research and development and pension trust. Schedule 7 - Special Allowable Itemized Deductions: There shall be allowable deduction from gross income in computing taxable income, in addition to the regular allowable itemized deduction, as provided under the existing regular and special laws, rules and issuances such as, but not limited to: Rooming-in and Breast-feeding Practices under R.A. 7600, Adopt-ASchool Program under R.A. 8525, Expanded Senior Citizens Act under R.A. 9257, Free Legal Assistance under R.A. 9999, etc. Schedule 8 Computation of Net Operating Loss Carry Over: Detailing the computation of available NOLCO (applied, unapplied and expired portion). Only net operating losses incurred by the qualified taxpayer may be carried over to the next three (3) immediately succeeding taxable years following the year of such loss. Schedule 9 Tax Credits/Payments: Indicate claimed Tax Credits/Payments and attach necessary proof/s. Schedule 10 Balance Sheet: Indicate the amounts as shown in the Audited Financial Statements. Schedule 11 Reconciliation of Net Income per Books Against Taxable Income Tax Filer/Spouse: Indicate all the reconciling items to be added or subtracted from the net income reported in the financial statements to arrive at the taxable income reported in the income tax return. For taxpayer subject to regular rate, fill up the non-deductible expenses such as: allowance for bad debts not actually written off, amortization and others which are not deductible for taxation purposes. Also, add other taxable income such as: recovery of bad debts previously written off, adjustment to retained earnings, and other adjustments that are considered as income for tax purposes. Schedule 12A - Gross Income/Receipts Subjected to Final Withholding: Indicate the income/receipt of interests; royalties; dividends; prizes and winnings; fringe benefits; compensation subject to 15% preferential rate; sale/ exchange of real property; sale/exchange of shares of stock; other income and the corresponding final tax withheld/paid, if applicable. Schedule 12B - Gross Income/Receipts Exempt from Income TaxIndicate personal/real properties received thru gifts, bequests, and devises; and other exempt income and receipts under Sec. 32(B) of the NIRC, as amended. FOR TAX FILERS WITH MULTIPLE TAX REGIMES: Accomplish only Part IX and X if with Exempt/Special Tax Regime. Accomplish Part X Mandatory Attachments for Exempt/Special per tax Regime per Activity and consolidate to Part IX together with Part IV for Regular Tax Regime. Part IX- Consolidated Computation by Tax Regime

Accomplish required consolidated information per tax regime and reflect the total for the tax filer and the spouse. If under regular rate only, do not accomplish Part IX, instead, proceed directly to Schedules-Regular Rate (Schedules 1 to 12B).
Part X - Mandatory Attachments for Exempt/Special Tax Regime per Activity Part X is applicable only for those with income subject to multiple tax regimes. However, tax filer must first complete appropriate schedules from Part X-Mandatory Attachments for Exempt/Special Tax Regimes per Activity pages 1m to 5m, including the Schedules Regular Rate (Schedules 1 to 12B), if applicable. Accomplish as many PART X as there are activities/programs per TAX REGIME. Consolidate the amounts PER TAX REGIME under EXEMPT and/or SPECIAL from all of Part X-Mandatory Attachments which shall be reflected in the appropriate items of columns B and/or C for the Tax filer, and columns F and/or G for the spouse, if applicable. Example:
Part X Special Activity 1 Schedule B


Part X Special Activity 2 Schedule B


Part IX Column B

Part X Exempt Activity 1 Schedule B

Part X Exempt Activity 2 Schedule B


Part IX Column C

Subsequently, transfer the applicable Items to Part V, and finally to Part II.

REQUIRED ATTACHMENTS: 1. Certificate of independent CPA duly accredited by the BIR (The CPA Certificate is required if the gross quarterly sales, earnings, receipts or output exceed P 150,000). 2. Account Information Form (AIF) and/or Financial Statements (FS), including the following schedules prescribed under existing revenue issuances which must form part of the Notes to the Audited FS: a) Taxes and Licenses b) Other information prescribed to be disclosed in the notes to FS 3. Statement of Managements Responsibility (SMR) for Annual Income Tax Return. 4. Certificate of Income Payments not subjected to Withholding Tax (BIR Form No. 2304). 5. Certificate of Creditable Tax Withheld at Source (BIR Form No. 2307). 6. Certificate of Compensation Payment/Tax Withheld (BIR Form No. 2316). 7. Duly approved Tax Debit Memo, if applicable. 8. Proof of prior years' excess credits, if applicable. 9. Proof of Foreign Tax Credits, if applicable. 10. For amended return, proof of tax payment and the return previously filed. 11. Summary Alphalist of Withholding Agents of Income Payments Subjected to Withholding Tax at Source (SAWT), if applicable. 12. Proof of other tax payment/credit, if applicable. 13. Authorization Letter, if filed by an authorized representative. 14. Waiver of husbands right to claim additional exemption, if applicable.

Annual Income Tax Return

Part X - Mandatory Attachments for EXEMPT / SPECIAL Tax Regime PER ACTIVITY Page 1m Schedules A to C2
TIN 0 0 0 0

BIR Form No.

June 2013 (ENCS) 170106/13ENCSP1m

Tax Filers Last Name

Mark "X" the applicable Tax Regime

Description 1 Investment Promotion Agency (IPA) /Government Entity 2 Legal Basis 3 Registered Activity/Program (Registration No.) 4 Special Tax Rate 5 Effectivity Date of Tax Relief/Exemption (From) 6 Expiration Date of Tax Relief/Exemption (To) Schedule B - Computation of Income Tax 1 Net Sales/Revenues/Receipt/Fees
(From Schedule D Item 5A/5B) (To Part IX Item 1)

A) Taxpayer/Filer

Special Rate
B) Spouse

Schedule A - Taxpayer's Activity Profile for Tax Relief Under Special Law/International Tax Treaty (Accomplish the Mandatory Attachments FOR EACH ACTIVITY, if applicable)

. / /

/ /
A) Taxpayer/Filer

. / /

/ /
B) Spouse

2 Add: Other Taxable Income from Operations not Subject to Final Tax
(From Schedule E Item 3A/3B) (To Part IX Item 2)

3 Total Sales/Revenues/Receipts/Fees (Sum of Items 1 & 2) 4 Less: Cost of Sales/Services

(From Schedule F Item 27A/27B) (To Part IX Item 4)

5 Gross Income from Business/Profession (Item 3 Less Item 4) 6 Add: Non-Operating Income
(From Schedule G Item 6A/6B) (To Part IX Item 6)

7 Total Gross Income (Sum of Items 5 & 6) Less: Allowable Deductions under existing laws 8 Ordinary Allowable Itemized Deductions
(From Schedule H Item 40A/40B) (From Schedule I Item 5A/5B) (Sum of Items 8 & 9) (Item 7 Less Item 10) (To Part IX Item 8) (To Part IX Item 9)

9 Special Allowable Itemized Deductions 10 Total Allowable Itemized Deductions

(To Part IX Item 11) (To Part IX Item 13)

11 Taxable Income from Business/Profession Schedule C - Tax Relief Availment Schedule C1 - Special Rate 1 Taxable Income from Business/Profession (From Sched. B Item 11) 2 Add: Special Allowable Itemized Deductions
(From Schedule B Item 9)

A) Taxpayer/Filer

B) Spouse

3 Sub-total (Sum of Items 1 & 2) 4 Regular Income Tax Otherwise Due

(Item 3 X applicable Tax Rate per Tax Table)

5 Less: Income Tax Due-Special Rate

(Based on Gross Income)(Schedule B Item 7 X applicable Special Tax Rate)

6 Tax Relief Availment Before Special Tax Credit

(Item 4 Less Item 5)

7 Add: Special Tax Credits (From Schedule J Item 8A/8B) 8 Total Tax Relief Availment SPECIAL
(Sum of Items 6 & 7) (To Part IX Item 21B /21F)

Schedule C2 - Exempt 9 Taxable Income from Business/Profession

(From Schedule B Sum of Items 11 & 9)

10 Applicable Tax Rate per Tax Table 11 Tax Relief Availment EXEMPT
(Item 9 X Item 10) (To Part IX Item 21C/21G)

Annual Income Tax Return

Mandatory Attachments for EXEMPT / SPECIAL Tax Regime per ACTIVITY Page 2m Schedules D to F2
TIN 0 0 0 0

BIR Form No.

June 2013 (ENCS)

Tax Filers Last Name

Schedule D - Sales/Revenues/Receipts/Fees from Business/Profession, Including amount received from General Professional Partnership (GPP) Description 1 Total Sales/Revenues/Receipts/Fees 2 Add: Gross Sales/Revenues/Receipts/Fees not subject to Withholding

A) Taxpayer/Filer

B) Spouse

3 Total Sales/Revenues/Receipts/Fees (Sum of Items 1 & 2 ) 4 Less: Sales Returns, Allowances and Discounts 5 Net Sales/Revenues/Receipts/Fees (Item3 Less Item4)
(To Schedule B Item 1A/1B)

Schedule E - Other Taxable Income from Operations not Subject to Final Tax (Attach additional sheet/s, if necessary) Description A) Taxpayer/Filer B) Spouse 1 2
Other Taxable Income from Operations not Subject to WT 3 Total (Sum of Items 1 & 2) (To Schedule B Item 2A/2B)

Schedule F - Cost of Sales/Services (Attach additional sheet/s, if necessary) Schedule F1 - Cost of Sales (For those engaged in Trading) Description A) Taxpayer/Filer 1 Merchandise Inventory, Beginning 2 Add: Purchases of Merchandise 3 Total Merchandise/Goods Available for Sale (Sum of Items 1 & 2) 4 Less: Merchandise Inventory, Ending 5 Cost of Sales (Item 3 Less Item 4)
(To Schedule F Item 27)

B) Spouse

Schedule F2 - Cost of Sales (For those engaged in Manufacturing) Description A) Taxpayer/Filer 6 Direct Materials, Beginning 7 Add: Purchases of Direct Materials 8 Material Available for Use (Sum of Items 6 & 7) 9 Less: Direct Materials, Ending 10 Raw Materials Used (Item 8 Less Item 9) 11 Direct Labor 12 Manufacturing Overhead 13 Total Manufacturing Cost (Sum of Items 10 to 12) 14 Add: Work in Process, Beginning 15 Less: Work in Process, Ending 16 Cost of Goods Manufactured (Sum of Items 13 & 14 Less Item 15) 17 Add: Finished Goods, Beginning 18 Less: Finished Goods, Ending 19 Cost of Goods Manufactured & Sold (Sum of Items 16 & 17 Less Item 18)
(To Schedule F Item 27)

B) Spouse

Annual Income Tax Return

Mandatory Attachments for EXEMPT / SPECIAL Tax Regime per ACTIVITY Page 3m - Schedules F3 to H
TIN 0 0 0 0

BIR Form No.

June 2013 (ENCS)

Tax Filers Last Name

Schedule F3 - Cost of Services (For those engaged in Services, indicate only those directly incurred or related to the gross revenue
from rendition of services)

Description 20 Direct Charges - Salaries, Wages and Benefits 21 Direct Charges- Materials, Supplies and Facilities 22 Direct Charges- Depreciation 23 Direct Charges - Rental 24 Direct Charges - Outside Services 25 Direct Charges - Others 26 Cost of Services (Sum of Items 20 to 25) (To Schedule F Item27) 27 Total Cost of Sales/Services
(Sum of Items 5, 19 & 26, if applicable) (To Schedule B Item 4A/4B)

A) Taxpayer/Filer

B) Spouse

Schedule G - Non-Operating Income

Nature of Income

(Attach additional sheet/s, if necessary) A) Taxpayer/Filer



1 2 3 4 5 6 Total Non-Operating Income

(Sum Items 1 to 5) (To Schedule B Item 6A/6B)

Schedule H - Ordinary Allowable Itemized Deductions


(Attach additional sheet/s, if necessary) A) Taxpayer/Filer

B) Spouse

1 Advertising and Promotions Amortizations (Specify on Items 2, 3 & 4) 2 3 4 5 Bad Debts 6 Charitable Contributions 7 Commissions 8 Communication, Light and Water 9 Depletion 10 Depreciation 11 Director's Fees 12 Fringe Benefits 13 Fuel and Oil 14 Insurance

Annual Income Tax Return

Mandatory Attachments for EXEMPT / SPECIAL Tax Regime per ACTIVITY Page 4m - Schedules H to I
TIN 0 0 0 0

BIR Form No.

June 2013 (ENCS)

Tax Filers Last Name

Schedule H - (Continued) Ordinary Allowable Itemized Deductions Description A) Taxpayer/Filer 15 Interest 16 Janitorial and Messengerial Services 17 Losses 18 Management and Consultancy Fee 19 Miscellaneous 20 Office Supplies 21 Other Services 22 Professional Fees 23 Rental 24 Repairs and Maintenance - Labor or Labor & Materials 25 Repairs and Maintenance - Materials/Supplies 26 Representation and Entertainment 27 Research and Development 28 Royalties 29 Salaries and Allowances 30 Security Services 31 SSS, GSIS, Philhealth, HDMF and Other Contributions 32 Taxes and Licenses 33 Tolling Fees 34 Training and Seminars 35 Transportation and Travel Others (Specify below; Add additional sheet(s), if necessary) 36 37 38 39 40 Total Ordinary Allowable Itemized Deduction
(Sum of Items 1 to 39) (To Schedule B Item 8A/8B)

B) Spouse

Schedule I - Special Allowable Itemized Deductions Description Legal Basis 1 2 3 4 5 Total Special Allowable Itemized Deductions (Sum of Items 1 to 4) (To Schedule B Item9A/9B)

A) Taxpayer/Filer

B) Spouse

Annual Income Tax Return

Mandatory Attachments for EXEMPT / SPECIAL Tax Regime per ACTIVITY Page 5m - Schedules J to K2
TIN 0 0 0 0

BIR Form No.

June 2013 (ENCS)

Tax Filers Last Name

Schedule J Tax Credits/Payments (Attach proof) Description 1 Prior Year's Excess Credits 2 Tax Payments for the First Three Quarters 3 Creditable Tax Withheld for the First Three Quarters 4 Creditable Tax Withheld for the Fourth Quarter 5 Tax Withheld per BIR Form No. 2316 6 Tax paid in return previously filed, if this is an amended return 7 Foreign Tax Credits, if applicable 8 Special Tax Credits, if applicable 9 Other Payments / Credits, specify __________________________ 10 Total Tax Credits / Payments
(Sum of Items1 to 9) (To Part IX Item19)

A) Taxpayer/Filer

B) Spouse

Schedule K - Reconciliation of Net Income per Books Against Taxable Income (Attach additional sheet/s, if necessary)
Schedule K1 TAX FILERS Reconciliation of Net Income per Books Against Taxable Income

1 Net Income (Loss) per books Add: Non-deductible Expenses/Taxable Other Income 2 3 4 Total (Sum of Items 1 to 3) Less: A) Non-taxable Income and Income Subjected to Final Tax 5 6 B) Special Deductions 7 8 9 Total (Sum of Items 5 to 8) 10 Net Taxable Income (Loss) Tax Filer (Item 4 Less Item 9)
Schedule K2 SPOUSES Reconciliation of Net Income per Books Against Taxable Income

1 Net Income (Loss) per books Add: Non-deductible Expenses/Taxable Other Income 2 3 4 Total (Sum of Items 1 to 3) Less: A) Non-taxable Income and Income Subjected to Final Tax 5 6 B) Special Deductions 7 8 9 Total (Sum of Items 5 to 8) 10 Net Taxable Income (Loss) - Spouse (Item 4 Less Item 9)

Guidelines and Instructions BIR Form No. 1702-EX (June 2013) For Use only by Corporation, Partnership and Other Non-Individual Taxpayer EXEMPT under the Tax Code, as amended [Sec.30 and those exempted in Sec. 27(C)] and other Special Laws, with NO Other Taxable Income
These instructions are designed to assist tax filers, or their representatives, with the preparation of the annual income tax return (ITR). If there are questions which are not adequately covered, please consult the local BIR office. If there appears to be any discrepancies between these instructions and the applicable laws and regulations, the laws and regulations shall take precedence. What Form to Use:
BIR Form No. 1702-RT Description Corporation, Partnership and other Non-Individual Taxpayer Subject Only to REGULAR Income Tax Rate Corporation, Partnership and Other NonIndividual Taxpayer EXEMPT under the Tax Code, as amended [Sec.30 and those exempted in Sec. 27(C)] and other Special Laws, with NO Other Taxable Income For Corporation, Partnership and Other Non-Individual with MIXED Income Subject to Multiple Income Tax Rates or with Income Subject to SPECIAL/ PREFERENTIAL RATE

using the eFPS facilities thru the BIR website 2) For Non-Electronic Filing and Payment System (Non-eFPS) Taxpayer: The return shall be filed and the tax shall be paid on or before the 15th day of the fourth month following the close of the taxpayer's taxable year with any Authorized Agent Bank (AAB) located within the territorial jurisdiction of the Revenue District Office (RDO) where the taxpayers principal office is registered. In places where there are no AABs, the return shall be filed and the tax shall be paid with the concerned Revenue Collection Officer (RCO) under the jurisdiction of the RDO. Non-eFPS tax filer may opt to use the electronic format under eBIRForms (refer to for the preparation, generation and submission and/or payment of this return with greater ease and accuracy, upon availability of the same in the system. For NO PAYMENT RETURN: The return shall be filed with the RDO where the taxpayers principal office is registered or with the concerned RCO under the same RDO on or before the 15th day of the fourth month following the close of the taxpayer's taxable year.



Who Shall File BIR Form No. 1702-EX

This return shall be filed by a Corporation, Partnership and Other Non-Individual Taxpayer EXEMPT under the Tax Code, as amended [Sec. 30 and those exempted in Sec. 27(C)] and other Special Laws WITH NO OTHER TAXABLE INCOME such as but not limited to foundations, cooperatives, charitable institutions, nonstock and non-profit educational institutions, General Professional Partnership (GPP) etc., otherwise use BIR Form No. 1702-MX. Every GPP shall file this return setting forth the items of gross income and of deductions and the names, TINs, addresses and share of its partners. The return shall be filed by the president, vice-president or other principal officer, and shall be sworn to by such officer and by the treasurer or assistant treasurer.

How to Accomplish the Form

1. Enter all required information in CAPITAL LETTERS using BLACK INK. Mark applicable boxes with an X. Two copies MUST be filed with the BIR and one held by the taxpayer. Indicate TIN and registered name on each page; For all questions wherein an appropriate box is provided for a possible answer, mark the applicable box corresponding to the chosen answer with an X; Required information wherein the space provided has a letter separator, the same must be supplied with CAPITAL LETTERS where each character (including comma or period) shall occupy one box and leave one space blank for every word. However, if the word is followed by a comma or period, there is no need to leave blank after the comma or period. Do NOT write NONE or make any other marks in the box/es; and

2. 3.


When and Where to File and Pay

1) For Electronic Filing and Payment System (eFPS) Taxpayer: The return shall be e-filed and the tax shall be e-paid on or before the 15th day of the fourth month following the close of the taxpayers taxable year

Guidelines and Instructions BIR Form No. 1702-EX (June 2013)

5. Accomplish first the applicable schedules before accomplishing Parts II to V. Item 7 RDO Code: Enter the appropriate code for the RDO per BIR Form Nos.1903/2303. Item 8 Date of Incorporation/Organization: Enter the date as shown in BIR Form No. 2303. It is the date when the corporation has been incorporated as per Certificate of Registration issued by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)/other regulatory agencies like the Cooperative Development Authority, National Electrification Authority, etc. Item 9 Registered Name: Enter the registered name as it was entered in BIR Form No. 2303. Item 10 Registered Address: Enter registered address as indicated in BIR Form No. 2303. If taxpayer has moved since the previous filing and has NOT updated the registration, the taxpayer must update its registration by filing BIR Form No. 1905. Item 13 Main Line of Business: Indicate the nature of the main line of business the company is engaged in per BIR Form No. 2303. Item 14 PSIC Code: Philippine Standard Industrial Classification (PSIC) Code: Refer to for the applicable PSIC or visit the local BIR Office. Item 15 Method of Deduction: Itemized Deduction under Section 34(A-J), NIRC, as amended. Item 16 Legal Basis of Tax Relief/Exemption: Indicate the specific special law, international agreement or treaty which is the legal basis for the grant of the tax exemption/ incentive/preferential tax rate. For example, RA 9520 Cooperative Law, etc. Item 17 Investment Promotion Agency (IPA)/ Government Agency: Indicate the IPA that granted exemption/ incentive/ preferential tax rate. For example, Cooperative Development Authority (CDA), National Electrification Administration (NEA), etc. Item 18 Registered Activity/Program/Registration Number: Indicate the registered activity/program Registration Number as shown in the registration certificate issued by the concerned IPA. Item 19 Effectivity Date of Tax Relief/Exemption: Indicate the effectivity date of the relief/exemption from start date to end date of tax exemption/ incentive/preferential tax rate as shown in the certificate of registration issued by the concerned IPA by writing the month, day and year.

This return is divided into Parts I to VI with accompanying Schedules 1 to 10. Individual instructions as to the source of the information and the necessary calculations are provided on each line item.




Background Information Total Tax Payable Details of Payment Computation of Tax Tax Relief Availment
Information External Auditor/Accredited Tax Agent SCHEDULES
Sales/Revenues/Receipts/Fees Cost of Sales (For those Engaged in Trading) Cost of Sales (For those Engaged in Manufacturing) Cost of Services Other Taxable Income Not Subjected to Final Tax Ordinary Allowable Itemized Deductions Special Allowable Itemized Deductions Reconciliation of Net Income per Books Against Taxable Income Balance Sheet Stockholders/Partners/Members Information Supplemental Information Gross Income/Receipts Exempt from Income Tax

1 1 1 2 2 2


1 2A 2B 2C 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

3 3 3 3 4 4-5 5 5 6 6 7 7

For Items 1 to 5
Item 1 Mark the applicable box with an X. This refers to the accounting period (Fiscal or Calendar year) upon the basis of which the net income is computed by the tax filer. Item 2 Indicate the taxable year ended covered by the return being filed. Item 3 Choose Yes if the tax return is one amending previous return filed, No if not. Item 4 Choose Yes if the return is made for a fractional part of a year (e.g. commencement, retirement or change in accounting period). Item 5 Mark the appropriate ATC as shown in the Certificate of Registration (BIR Form No. 2303).
ATC IC 011 for Exempt Corporation on Exempt Activities ATC IC 021 for General Professional Partnership

Part I (Items 6-19) Background Information

Item 6 Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN): Enter the TIN for the corporation, partnership or other nonindividual taxpayer.

Guidelines and Instructions BIR Form No. 1702-EX (June 2013)

For example: From start date: May 31, 2012 shown as 05/31/2012 to end date May 31,2015 shown as 05/31/2015.

Part VI (Items 45-51) Information External Auditor/Accredited Tax Agent

All returns filed by an accredited tax agent on behalf of a taxpayer shall bear the following information: A. For CPAs and others (individual practitioners and members of GPPs); Items 45 & 46: Name and Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN); Items 49-51: BIR Accreditation Number, Date of Issuance, and Expiry Date. B. For members of the Philippine Bar (i.e. individual practitioners, members of GPPs); Items 45 & 46: Name and Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN); Items 49-51: Attorneys Roll Number or Accreditation Number, Date of Issuance, and Expiry Date.

Part II (Items 20-22) Total Tax Payable

Total Income Tax Due amounts to Zero (O). Only the compromise penalty, if any, shall be paid for violations under the NIRC, as amended, and other issuances. Part IV Computation of Tax on page 2 and other schedules must also be accomplished. Signatory Lines: When all pages of the return are complete, sign the return in the place indicated, enter the number of pages filed. In Items 23-26, provide the required information and its details.

Part III (Items 27-30) Details of Payment

Enter the information required and then file the original ITR plus two (2) copies to any AAB within the RDO where registered. Refer to for the applicable AAB or visit the local BIR Office. For no payment returns, proceed with filing the ITR with the RDO where the tax filer is registered or the concerned RCO under the same RDO.

Schedules 1 - 3: List down the amounts sales/revenues/ receipts/ fees, cost of sales/revenue and other taxable income not subjected to Final Tax (e.g. Interest Income from affiliates, sale of scraps, etc.). Schedule 4 Ordinary Allowable Itemized Deductions: There shall be allowed as deduction from gross income all the ordinary and necessary trade and business expenses paid or incurred during the taxable year in carrying on or which are directly attributable to the development, management, operation and/or conduct of the trade and business. Itemized deduction includes also interest, taxes, losses, bad debts, depreciation, depletion, charitable and other contributions, research and development and pension trust. Schedule 5 Special Allowable Itemized Deductions: These refer to special allowable deductions from gross income in computing taxable income, in addition to the regular allowable itemized deduction, as provided under the existing regular and special laws, rules and issuances such as, but not limited to: Rooming-in and Breast-feeding Practices under R.A. 7600, Adopt-A-School Program under R.A. 8525, Free Legal Assistance under R.A. 9999, etc. Schedule 6 Reconciliation of Net Income per Books Against Taxable Income: Indicate all the reconciling items to be added or subtracted from the net income reported in the financial statements to arrive at the taxable income reported in the income tax return. Fill up the non-deductible expenses such as: allowance for bad debts not actually written off, amortization and others which are not deductible for taxation purposes. Also, add other taxable income

Part IV (Items 31-35) Computation of Tax

Enter taxpayers TIN and Registered Name at the top of this page and in all succeeding pages. The requirement for entering centavos on the ITR has been eliminated. If the amount of centavos is 49 or less, drop down the centavos (e.g., P 100.49 = P 100.00). If the amount is 50 centavos or more, round up to the next peso (e.g., P 100.50 = P 101.00). Accomplish first Schedules 1 to 5 before transferring these items to the applicable information required in Part IV- Computation of Tax. Items 36-38 Deductions Allowed under Existing Law: Only Itemized Deduction is allowed under Sec. 34(AJ), of the Tax Code, as amended, consistently applied throughout the year for taxpayers under Sec.30 and those exempted in Sec. 27(C) of the same Code, as amended, and other Special Laws with NO Other Taxable Income. Item 40: The Income Tax Rate is 0% of net taxable income.

Part V (Items 42-44) Tax Relief Availment

Taxpayer availing of any tax relief under the Tax Code must completely fill-up Items 42-44.

Guidelines and Instructions BIR Form No. 1702-EX (June 2013)

such as: recovery of bad debts previously written off, adjustment to retained earnings, and other adjustments that are considered as income for tax purposes. (Provide additional sheet/s, if necessary.) Schedule 7 Balance Sheet: Indicate the amounts as shown in the Audited Financial Statements. Schedule 8 Stockholders/Partners/Members Information: Indicate only the Top 20 stockholders, partners or members showing the Registered Name, TIN, amount of capital contribution and the percentage to the total ownership/equity. Schedule 9 Supplemental Information: Indicate gross income subject to final tax; sale/exchange of real property; sale/exchange of shares of stocks; other income and the corresponding final withholding tax, if applicable. Schedule 10 Gross Income/Receipts Exempt from Income Tax: Indicate personal/real properties received thru gifts, bequests, and devises; and other exempt income and receipts under Sec. 32(B) of the NIRC, as amended. 3. Statement of Managements Responsibility (SMR) for Annual Income Tax Return. 4. Certificate of Income Payments not subjected to Withholding Tax (BIR Form No. 2304) 5. Certificate of Creditable Tax Withheld at Source (BIR Form No. 2307). 6. Duly approved Tax Debit Memo, if applicable. 7. Proof of prior years' excess credits, if applicable. 8. Proof of Foreign Tax Credits, if applicable. 9. For amended return, proof of tax payment and the return previously filed. 10. Summary Alphalist of Withholding Agents of Income Payments Subjected to Withholding Tax at Source (SAWT), if applicable. 11. Proof of other tax payment/credit, if applicable. 12. Schedule of returns filed by General Professional Partnership.

1. Certificate of independent CPA duly accredited by the BIR (The CPA Certificate is required if the gross quarterly sales, earnings, receipts or output exceed P150,000). 2. Account Information Form (AIF) and/or Financial Statements (FS), including the following schedules prescribed under existing revenue issuances which must form part of the Notes to the Audited FS: a. Taxes and Licenses b. Other information prescribed to be disclosed in the notes to FS

Guidelines and Instructions BIR Form No. 1702-MX (June 2013) For Corporation, Partnership and Other Non-Individual Taxpayer with Mixed Income Subject to MULTIPLE INCOME TAX RATES
These instructions are designed to assist tax filers, or their representatives, with the preparation of the annual income tax return (ITR). If there are questions which are not adequately covered, please consult the local BIR office. If there appears to be any discrepancies between these instructions and the applicable laws and regulations, the laws and regulations take precedence. What Form to Use:
BIR Form No. 1702-RT Description Corporation, Partnership and other NonIndividual Taxpayer Subject Only to REGULAR Income Tax Rate Corporation, Partnership and Other NonIndividual Taxpayer EXEMPT under the Tax Code, as amended [Sec.30 and those exempted in Sec. 27(C)] and other Special Laws, with NO Other Taxable Income Annual Income Tax Return For Corporation, Partnership and Other Non-Individual with MIXED Income Subject to Multiple Income Tax Rates or with Income Subject to SPECIAL/ PREFERENTIAL RATE

For NO PAYMENT RETURN: The return shall be filed with the RDO where the taxpayers principal office is registered or with the concerned RCO under the same RDO on or before the 15th day of the fourth month following the close of the taxpayer's taxable year.

How to Accomplish the Form

1. Enter all required information in CAPITAL LETTERS using BLACK INK. Mark applicable boxes with an X. Two copies MUST be filed with the BIR and one held by the taxpayer. Indicate TIN and registered name on each page; For all questions wherein an appropriate box is provided for a possible answer, mark the applicable box corresponding to the chosen answer with an X; Required information wherein the space provided has a letter separator, the same must be supplied with CAPITAL LETTERS where each character (including comma or period) shall occupy one box and leave one space blank for every word. However, if the word is followed by a comma or period, there is no need to leave blank after the comma or period. Do NOT write NONE or make any other marks in the box/es; and
Accomplish first the applicable before accomplishing Parts II to V. schedules

2. 3.




Who Shall File BIR Form No. 1702-MX This return shall be filed by every Corporation, Partnership and Other Non-Individual Taxpayer with MIXED Income subject to MULTIPLE INCOME TAX RATES or with income subject to SPECIAL/PREFERENTIAL RATE. The return shall be filed by the president, vice-president or other principal officer, and shall be sworn to by such officer and by the treasurer or assistant treasurer.


This return is divided into Parts I to VIII with accompanying Schedules 1 to 14. Individual instructions as to the source of the information and the necessary calculations are provided on each line item.

Background Information Total Tax Payable Details of Payment Basis of Tax Relief Computation of Amount Payable per Tax Regime Information External Auditor/Accredited Tax Agent


When and Where to File and Pay

1) For Electronic Filing and Payment System (eFPS) Taxpayer: The return shall be e-filed and the tax shall be e-paid on or before the 15th day of the fourth month following the close of the taxpayers taxable year using the eFPS facilities thru the BIR website


1 1 1 2 2 2


Schedules 1- 14 Mandatory Attachments per Activity- Use

this if there are MORE THAN ONE Exempt and/or SPECIAL Tax Regime. Accomplish as many Part VIII as there are activities/programs per tax regime. Consolidate the amounts of all Mandatory Attachments PER TAX REGIME and reflect the same to the corresponding schedules and columns under Schedules 1-8 of Part VII.

3-14 1m to 4m

2) For Non-Electronic Filing and Payment System (NoneFPS) Taxpayer: The return shall be filed and the tax shall be paid on or before the 15th day of the fourth month following the close of the taxpayer's taxable year with any Authorized Agent Bank (AAB) located within the territorial jurisdiction of the Revenue District Office (RDO) where the taxpayers principal office is registered. In places where there are no AABs, the return shall be filed and the tax shall be paid with the concerned Revenue Collection Officer (RCO) under the jurisdiction of the RDO. Non-eFPS tax filer may opt to use the electronic format under eBIRForms (refer to for the preparation, generation and submission and/or payment of this return with greater ease and accuracy, upon availability of the same in the system. 1




Computation of Tax per Regime Tax Relief Availment Sales/Revenues/Receipts/Fees Cost of Sales (For those Engaged in Trading) Cost of Sales (For those Engaged in Manufacturing) Cost of Services Other Taxable Income Not Subjected to Final Tax Ordinary Allowable Itemized Deductions


1 2 3 3A 3B 3C

3 3 4 4 4 4

4 5

5 5-6

Guidelines and Instructions BIR Form No. 1702-MX (June 2013)


Special Allowable Itemized Deductions Computation of Net Operating Loss Carry Over (NOLCO) Tax Credits/Payments-Attach proof Computation of Minimum Corporate Income Tax (MCIT) Reconciliation of Net Income per Books Against Taxable Income Balance Sheet Stockholders/Partners/Members Information Supplemental Information Gross Income/Receipts Exempt from Income Tax


6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

6 6 6 7 7 8 8 9 9

Item 13 Main Line of Business: Indicate the nature of the main line of business the company is engaged in per BIR Form No. 2303. Item 14 PSIC Code: Philippine Standard Industrial Classification (PSIC) Code: Refer to for the applicable PSIC or visit the local BIR Office. Item 15 Method of Deduction: Itemized Deduction under

Section 34(A-J), NIRC, as amended.

Part II (Items 16-21) Total Tax Payable

Accomplish first Part V Computation of Amount Payable per Tax Regime on page 2 and other schedules before accomplishing these items. Then transfer the applicable information from Part V to each of the items in Part II. Individual instructions as to the source of the information and the necessary calculations are provided on each line item. Signatory Lines: When all the pages of the return are complete, sign the return in the place indicated, enter the number of pages filed. In Items 22-25, provide the required information and its details.

For Items 1 to 5
Item 1 Mark the applicable box with an X. This refers to the accounting period (Fiscal or Calendar year) upon the basis of which the net income is computed by the tax filer. Item 2 Indicate the taxable year ended covered by the return being filed. Item 3 Choose Yes if the tax return is one amending previous return filed, No if not. Item 4 Choose Yes if the return is made for a fractional part of a year (e.g. commencement, retirement or change in accounting period). Item 5 Indicate the appropriate ATC as shown in the Certificate of Registration (BIR Form No. 2303). If subject to Minimum Corporate Income Tax (MCIT) for this taxable period, mark the applicable box with an X.

Part III (Items 26-29) Details of Payment

Enter the information required and then file the original ITR plus two (2) copies to any AAB within the RDO where registered. Refer to for the applicable AAB or visit the local BIR Office. For no payment returns, proceed with filing the ITR with the RDO where the tax filer is registered or the concerned RCO under the same RDO.

Part I (Items 6-15) Background Information

Item 6 Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN): Enter the TIN for the corporation, partnership or other nonindividual taxpayer. Item 7 RDO Code: Enter the appropriate code for the RDO per filed BIR Form Nos. 1903/2305. Item 8 Date of Incorporation/Organization: Enter the date as shown in BIR Form No. 2303. It is the date when the corporation has been incorporated as per Certificate of Registration issued by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)/other regulatory agencies like the Cooperative Development Authority, National Electrification Authority, etc. Item 9 Registered Name: Enter taxpayers name as it was entered on BIR Form No. 2303 (Certificate of Registration). Item 10 Registered Address: Enter Registered Address as indicated in BIR Form No. 2303. If taxpayer has moved since the previous filing and has NOT updated the registration, the taxpayer must update the registration by filing BIR Form No. 1905. 2 If there is only one activity/program per tax regime (exempt and/or special rate) fill up the required information in the applicable columns of Items 31 to 36. If the taxpayer has more than one activities/programs per tax regime (exempt and/or special), put an X in the box in item 30 and accomplish only column C of Items 31 to 36 (Special Tax Relief under Regular/Normal Rate). Additionally, accomplish for each and every registered activity/program Part VIII-Mandatory Attachments per Activity. Thus, there shall be as many Part VIII-Mandatory Attachments per Activity, as necessary.

Part IV (Items 30-36) Basis of Tax Relief:

Part V (Items 37-44) Computation of Amount Payable per Tax Regime

Complete first the appropriate schedules and then transfer the applicable amounts as instructed. Make the necessary calculations as directed and enter the totals. If the amount of centavos is 49 or less, drop down the centavos (e.g., P100.49 = P100.00). If the amount is 50 centavos or more, round up to the next peso (e.g., P 100.50 = P 101.00).

Guidelines and Instructions BIR Form No. 1702-MX (June 2013)

Penalties shall be imposed and collected as part of the tax.
Item 40 A surcharge of twenty five percent (25%) for each of the following violations: 1. Failure to file any return and pay the amount of tax or installment due on or before the due date; 2. Unless otherwise authorized by the Commissioner, filing a return with a person or office other than those with whom it is required to be filed; 3. Failure to pay the full or part of the amount of tax shown on the return, or the full amount of tax due for which no return is required to be filed on or before the due date; 4. Failure to pay the deficiency tax within the time prescribed for its payment in the notice of assessment. A surcharge of fifty percent (50%) of the tax or of the deficiency tax shall be imposed in case of willful neglect to file the return within the period prescribed by the Tax Code and/or by rules and regulations or in case a false or fraudulent return is filed. Item 41 Interest at the rate of twenty percent (20%) per annum, or such higher rate as may be prescribed by rules and regulations, on any unpaid amount of tax, from the date prescribed for the payment until it is fully paid. Item 42 Compromise penalty pursuant to existing/applicable revenue issuances. under EXEMPT and/or SPECIAL from all of Part VIIIMandatory Attachments which shall be reflected in columns A and/or B corresponding to the appropriate schedules and columns (Total Exempt/Total Special) under Schedules 1-8 of Part VII.
Part VIII EXEMPT Activity 1 Schedule B Part VIII EXEMPT Activity 2 Schedule B



Part VII Schedule 1 Column A

Part VIII SPECIAL Activity 1 Schedule B

Part VIII SPECIAL Activity 2 Schedule B


Part VII Schedule 1 Column B

Finally, transfer the applicable Items in Part VII to Part II.

Schedule 1 (Items 1-17) Computation of Tax per Tax Regime: Accomplish first the applicable schedules before accomplishing these items. Follow the necessary calculations as provided on each line item. Schedule 2 (Items 1-7) Tax Relief Availment: Taxpayer availing of any tax relief under the Tax Code must completely fill-up Items 1-7. For ECOZONES: Gross income shall refer to gross sales or gross revenue derived from registered business activity within the zone, net of sales discounts, sales returns and allowances minus cost of sales or direct costs but before any deductions for administrative, marketing, selling, operating expenses or incidental losses during a given taxable period. For BCDA: Gross income shall refer to gross sales or gross revenue derived from registered business activity within the zone, net of sales discounts, sales returns and allowances minus cost of sales or direct costs but before any deductions for administrative, marketing, selling, operating expenses or incidental losses during a given taxable period. For financial enterprises, gross income shall include interest income, gains from sales and other income net of costs of funds. Item 6: Special Tax Credit refer to tax credits allowed under special laws, rules and issuances. Schedule 5 Ordinary Allowable Itemized Deductions (Attach additional sheets, if necessary): Corporation, Partnership and Other Non-Individual with Mixed Income Subject to Multiple Income Tax Rates or with Income Subject to Special/Preferential Rate are mandated to use the itemized deduction. However, the use of itemized deductions shall not apply to juridical entities not allowed to claim any deductions (e.g., nonresident foreign international carriers). There shall be allowed as deduction from gross income all the ordinary and necessary trade and business expenses paid or incurred during the taxable year in carrying on or which are directly attributable to the 3

Part VI (Items 45-51) Information External Auditor/Accredited Tax Agent

1) All returns filed by an accredited tax agent on behalf of a taxpayer shall bear the following information: a) For CPAs and others (individual practitioners and members of GPPs); Items 45 & 46: Name and Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN); Items 49-51: BIR Accreditation Number, Date of Issuance, and Expiry Date.

b) For members of the Philippine Bar (i.e. individual practitioners, members of GPPs); Items 45 & 46: Name and Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN); Items 49-51: Attorneys Roll Number or Accreditation Number, Date of Issuance, and Expiry Date.

Part VII Schedules

Start filling-up column C for the transactions subject to Regular Tax Rate, if any. If there is only one activity/program per tax regime (exempt and/or special rate) accomplish columns A and/or B. If there are more than one activities/programs per tax regime (exempt and/or special rate), accomplish columns A and/or B only after accomplishing Part VIII-Schedules per Tax Regime. Accomplish as many Part VIII as there are activities/programs per tax regime. Consolidate the amounts PER TAX REGIME

Guidelines and Instructions BIR Form No. 1702-MX (June 2013)

development, management, operation and/or conduct of the trade and business. Itemized deduction also includes interest, taxes, losses, bad debts, depreciation, depletion, charitable and other contributions, research and development and pension trust. Schedule 6 Special Allowable Itemized Deductions: These refer to special allowable deductions from gross income in computing taxable income, in addition to the regular allowable itemized deduction, as provided under the existing regular and special laws, rules and issuances such as, but not limited to: Rooming-in and Breast-feeding Practices under R.A. 7600, Adopt-A-School Program under R.A. 8525, Free Legal Assistance under R.A. 9999, etc. Schedule 7 Computation of Net Operating Loss Carry Over (NOLCO): Detailing the computation of available NOLCO (applied, unapplied and expired portion). Only net operating losses incurred by the qualified taxpayer may be carried over to the three (3) immediately succeeding taxable years following the year of such loss. Schedule 8 Tax Credits/Payments: Indicate claimed Tax Credits/Payments and attach necessary proof. Schedule 9 Computation of Minimum Corporate Income Tax (MCIT): MCIT of two percent (2%) of the gross income is imposed upon any domestic corporation and resident foreign corporation beginning on the fourth (4th) taxable year (whether calendar or fiscal year, depending on the accounting period employed) immediately following the taxable year in which such corporation commenced its business operation. The MCIT shall be imposed whenever the corporation has zero or negative taxable income or whenever the amount of minimum corporate income tax is greater than the normal income tax due from such corporation. Any excess of the MCIT over the normal income tax shall be carried forward and credited against the normal income tax for the three (3) immediate succeeding taxable years. The computation and the payment of MCIT shall apply each time a corporate income tax return is filed, whether quarterly or annual basis. Schedule 10 Reconciliation of Net Income per Books Against Taxable Income: Indicate all the reconciling items to be added or subtracted from the net income reported in the financial statements to arrive at the taxable income reported in the income tax return. Fill-up the nondeductible expenses such as: allowance for bad debts not actually written off, amortization and others which are not deductible for taxation purposes. Also, add other taxable income such as: recovery of bad debts previously written off, adjustment to retained earnings, and other adjustments that are considered as income for tax purposes. (Provide additional sheet/s, if necessary.) Schedule 11 Balance Sheet: Indicate the amounts as shown in the Audited Financial Statements. Schedule 12 Stockholders/Partners/Members Information: Indicate only the Top 20 stockholders, partners or members showing the Registered Name, TIN, amount of 4 capital contribution and the percentage to the total ownership/equity. Schedule 13 Supplemental Information: Indicate gross income subject to final tax: sale/exchange of real property; sale/exchange of shares of stocks; other income and the corresponding final withholding tax, if applicable. Schedule 14 Gross Income/Receipts Exempt from Income Tax: Indicate personal/real properties received thru gifts, bequests, and devises; and other exempt income and receipts under Sec. 32(B) of the NIRC, as amended.

Use as many Part VIII - Mandatory Attachments per Activity, as necessary, if there are more than one activities/programs under EXEMPT and/or SPECIAL Tax Regime. Accomplish as many Part VIII as there are activities/programs per tax regime. Consolidate the amounts of all Mandatory Attachments PER TAX REGIME and reflect the same to the corresponding schedules and columns under Schedules 1-8 of Part VII.

1. Certificate of independent CPA duly accredited by the BIR (The CPA Certificate is required if the gross quarterly sales, earnings, receipts or output exceed P 150,000). 2. Account Information Form (AIF) and/or Financial Statements (FS), including the following schedules prescribed under existing revenue issuances which must form part of the Notes to the Audited FS: a. Taxes and Licenses b. Other information prescribed to be disclosed in the notes to FS 3. Statement of Managements Responsibility (SMR) for Annual Income Tax Return. 4. Certificate of Income Payments not subjected to Withholding Tax (BIR Form No. 2304) 5. Certificate of Creditable Tax Withheld at Source (BIR Form No. 2307). 6. Duly approved Tax Debit Memo, if applicable. 7. Proof of prior years' excess credits, if applicable. 8. Proof of Foreign Tax Credits, if applicable. 9. For amended return, proof of tax payment and the return previously filed. 10. Certificate of Tax Treaty Relief/Entitlement issued by the concerned Investment Promotion Agency (IPA) 11. Summary Alpha list of Withholding Agents of Income Payments Subjected to Withholding Tax at Source (SAWT), if applicable. 12. Proof of other tax payment/credit, if applicable.

Annual Income Tax Return

Part VIII-Mandatory Attachments Per Activity Page 1m - Schedules A, B & C
TIN 0 0 0 0

BIR Form No.

June 2013

Registered Name

Mark "X" the applicable Tax Regime


Special Rate

Use as many Mandatory Attachments per Activity - Part VIII as necessary, if there are more than one activities/programs under EXEMPT and/or SPECIAL Tax Regimes. Consolidate the amounts of all Mandatory Attachments PER TAX REGIME and reflect the same to

the corresponding schedules and columns under Schedules 1 to 8 of Part VII.

Part VIII Mandatory Attachments Per Activity (Schedules Per Tax Regime)
Schedule A - Taxpayer's Activity Profile for Tax Relief Under Special Law/International Tax Treaty (Accomplish the Mandatory Attachments for each of activity, as applicable) 1 Investment Promotion Agency (IPA) /Government Entity 2 Legal Basis 3 Registered Activity/Program (Registration No) 4 Special Tax Rate 5 Effectivity Date of Tax Relief/Exemption(From) 6 Expiration Date of Tax Relief/Exemption(To) Schedule B Computation of Income Tax 1 Net Sales/Revenues/Receipts/Fees (From Schedule D Item 6) 2 Less: Cost of Sales/Services (From Schedule E Item 27)
(To Part VII Schedule 1 Item 1)

. / /

/ /

(To Part VII Schedule 1 Item 2)

3 Gross Income from Operations (Item 1 Less Item 2) (To Part VII Schedule 1 Item 3) 4 Add: Other Taxable Income Not Subjected to Final Tax
(From Schedule F Item 4) (To Part VII Schedule 1 Item 4) (To Part VII Schedule 1 Item 5)
(To Part VII Schedule 1 Item 6)

5 Total Gross Income (Sum of Items 3 & 4)

6 Ordinary Allowable Itemized Deductions (From Schedule G Item 40) 7 Special Allowable Itemized Deductions
(From Schedule H Item 5) (To Part VII Schedule 1 Item 7) (From Schedule I Item 8D) and (To Part VII Sched. 1 Item 8)

8 NOLCO [only for those taxable under Sec. 27(A to C); Sec. 28(A)(1) & (A)(6)(b) of the Tax Code] 9 Total Itemized Deductions (Sum of Items 6 to 8) 10 Net Taxable Income / Net Income
(To Part VII Schedule 1 Item 9)

(Item 5 Less Item 9) (To Part VII Schedule 1 Item 10)

11 Applicable Income Tax Rate (i.e., Special/ Preferential rate) 12 Total Income Tax Due (Item 5 OR Item 10 X Item 11) Schedule C Tax Relief Availment 1 Tax Relief on Net Income (Schedule B Item 10 X 30%) 2 Tax Relief on Special Allowable Itemized Deductions (Schedule H Item 5 X 30%) 3 Sub Total Tax Relief (Sum of Items 1 & 2) 4 Less: Income Tax Due (Schedule B Item 11) 5 Tax Relief Availment Before Special Tax Credits (Item 3 Less Item 4) 6 Add: Special Tax Credits, if any (From Schedule I Item 10) 7 Total Tax Relief Availment (Sum of Items 5 & 6)
(To Part VII Schedule 1 Item 12)

Annual Income Tax Return

Part VIII-Mandatory Attachments Per Activity Page 2m Schedules D & E
TIN 0 0 0 0

BIR Form No.

June 2013

Registered Name

Schedule D - Sales/Revenues/Receipts/Fees 1 Sale of Goods/Properties 2 Sale of Services 3 Lease of Properties 4 Total (Sum of Items 1 to 3) 5 Less: Sales Returns/Discounts

(Attach additional sheet/s, if necessary)

6 Net Sales/Revenues/Receipts/Fees (Item 4 Less Item 5) (To Schedule B Item 1) Schedule E1 - Cost of Sales (For those engaged in Trading) 1 Merchandise Inventory, Beginning 2 Add: Purchases of Merchandise 3 Total Goods Available for Sale (Sum of Items 1 & 2) 4 Less: Merchandise Inventory, Ending 5 Cost of Sales (Item 3 Less Item 4) (To Item 27) Schedule E2 - Cost of Sales (For those engaged in Manufacturing) 6 Direct Materials, Beginning 7 Add: Purchases 8 Materials Available for Use (Sum of Items 6 &7) 9 Less: Direct Materials, Ending 10 Raw Materials Used (Item 8 Less Item 9) 11 Direct Labor 12 Manufacturing Overhead 13 Total Manufacturing Cost (Sum of Items 10, 11 & 12) 14 Work in Process, Beginning 15 Less: Work in Process, End 16 Cost of Goods Manufactured (Sum of Items 13 & 14 Less Item 15) 17 Finished Goods, Beginning 18 Less: Finished Goods, End 19 Cost of Goods Manufactured and Sold
(Sum of Items 16 & 17 Less Item 18) (To Item 27) (Attach additional sheet/s, if necessary)

(Attach additional sheet/s, if necessary)

Schedule E3 - Cost of Services

(For those engaged in Services, indicate only those directly incurred or related to the gross revenue from rendition of service)

20 Direct Charges - Salaries, Wages and Benefits 21 Direct Charges - Materials, Supplies and Facilities 22 Direct Charges - Depreciation 23 Direct Charges - Rental 24 Direct Charges - Outside Services 25 Direct Charges - Others 26 Total Cost of Services (Sum of Items 20 to 25) 27 Total Cost of Sales/Services
(Sum of Items 5, 19 & 26, if applicable) (To Schedule B Item 2)

(To Item 27)

Annual Income Tax Return

Part VIII-Mandatory Attachments Per Activity Page 3m Schedules F & G
TIN 0 0 0 0

BIR Form No.

June 2013

Registered Name

Schedule F - Other Taxable Income Not Subjected to Final Tax 1 2 3

(Attach additional sheet/s, if necessary)

4 Total Other Taxable Income not Subjected to Final Tax (Sum of Items 1 to 3) (To Schedule B Item 4) Schedule G - Ordinary Allowable Itemized Deductions 1 Advertising and Promotions Amortizations (Specify on Items 2, 3 & 4) 2 3 4 5 Bad Debts 6 Charitable Contributions 7 Commissions 8 Communication, Light and Water 9 Depletion 10 Depreciation 11 Director's Fees 12 Fringe Benefits 13 Fuel and Oil 14 Insurance 15 Interest 16 Janitorial and Messengerial Services 17 Losses 18 Management and Consultancy Fee 19 Miscellaneous 20 Office Supplies 21 Other Services 22 Professional Fees 23 Rental 24 Repairs and Maintenance Labor or Labor & Materials 25 Repairs and Maintenance Materials/Supplies 26 Representation and Entertainment 27 Research and Development 28 Royalties 29 Salaries and Allowances
(Attach additional sheet/s, if necessary)

Annual Income Tax Return

Part VIII- Mandatory Attachments Per Activity Page 4m Schedules G, H, & I
TIN 0 0 0 0

BIR Form No.

June 2013

Registered Name

Schedule G - Ordinary Allowable Itemized Deductions (Continued from Previous Page) 30 Security Services 31 SSS, GSIS, Philhealth, HDMF and Other Contributions 32 Taxes and Licenses 33 Tolling Fees 34 Training and Seminars 35 Transportation and Travel Others [Specify below; Add additional sheet(s) If necessary] 36 37 38 39 40 Total Ordinary Allowable Itemized Deductions (Sum of Items 1 to 39) Schedule H - Special Allowable Itemized Deductions Description 1 2 3 4 5 Total Special Allowable Itemized Deductions (Sum of Items 1 to 4) (To Schedule B Item 7) Schedule I - Computation of Net Operating Loss Carry Over (NOLCO) 1 Gross Income 2 Less: Total Deductions Exclusive of NOLCO & Deduction Under Special Law 3 Net Operating Loss (Item 1 Less Item 2)
(To Part VIII Schedule IA below) [only for those taxable under Sec. 27(AtoC); Sec. 28(A) (A)(1) & (A)(6)(b)]

(To Schedule B Item 6)

(Attach additional sheet/s, if necessary)

Legal Basis

Schedule I A - Computation of Available Net Operating Loss Carry Over (NOLCO) Net Operating Loss Year Incurred A) Amount 4 5 6 7 Continuation of Schedule I A (Item numbers continue from table above) D) NOLCO Applied Current Year C) NOLCO Expired 4 5 6 7 8
(Sum of Items 4D to 7D) (To Part VIII Schedule B Item 8)

B) NOLCO Applied Previous Year

E) Net Operating Loss (Unapplied)

Guidelines and Instructions BIR Form No. 1702-RT (June 2013) For Corporation, Partnership and Other Non-Individual Taxpayer Subject Only to REGULAR INCOME TAX RATE
These instructions are designed to assist tax filers, or their representatives, with the preparation of the annual income tax return (ITR). If there are questions which are not adequately covered, please consult the local BIR office. If there appears to be any discrepancies between these instructions and the applicable laws and regulations, the laws and regulations take precedence.
What Form to Use:
BIR Form No.

Authorized Agent Bank (AAB) located within the territorial jurisdiction of the Revenue District Office (RDO) where the taxpayers principal office is registered. In places where there are no AABs, the return shall be filed and the tax shall be paid with the concerned Revenue Collection Officer (RCO) under the jurisdiction of the RDO. Non-eFPS tax filer may opt to use the electronic format under eBIRForms (refer to for the preparation, generation and submission and/or payment of this return with greater ease and accuracy, upon availability of the same in the system. For NO PAYMENT RETURN: The return shall be filed with the RDO where the taxpayers principal office is registered or with the concerned RCO under the same RDO on or before the 15th day of the fourth month following the close of the taxpayer's taxable year.





Corporation, Partnership and other NonIndividual Taxpayer Subject Only to REGULAR Income Tax Rate Corporation, Partnership and Other NonIndividual Taxpayer EXEMPT under the Tax Code, as amended [Sec.30 and those exempted in Sec. 27(C)] and other Special Laws, with NO Other Taxable Income For Corporation, Partnership and Other Non-Individual with MIXED Income Subject to Multiple Income Tax Rates or with Income Subject to SPECIAL/ PREFERENTIAL RATE

How to Accomplish the Form

1. Enter all required information in CAPITAL LETTERS using BLACK INK. Mark applicable boxes with an X. Two copies MUST be filed with the BIR and one held by the taxpayer. 2. Indicate TIN and registered name on each page; 3. For all questions wherein an appropriate box is provided for a possible answer, mark the applicable box corresponding to the chosen answer with an X; 4. Required information wherein the space provided has a letter separator, the same must be supplied with CAPITAL LETTERS where each character (including comma or period) shall occupy one box and leave one space blank for every word. However, if the word is followed by a comma or period, there is no need to leave blank after the comma or period. Do NOT write NONE or make any other marks in the box/es; and 5. Accomplish first the applicable schedules before accomplishing Parts II to V.
This return is divided into Parts I to VI with accompanying Schedules 1 to 13. Individual instructions as to the source of the information and the necessary calculations are provided on each line item.

Who Shall File BIR Form No. 1702-RT

This return shall be filed by Corporation, Partnership and other Non-Individual Taxpayer Subject Only to REGULAR Income Tax Rate of 30%. Every corporation, partnership no matter how created or organized, joint stock companies, joint accounts, associations (except foreign corporation not engaged in trade or business in the Philippines and joint venture or consortium formed for the purpose of undertaking construction projects or engaging in petroleum, coal, geothermal and other energy operations), governmentowned or controlled corporations, agencies and instrumentalities shall render a true and accurate income tax return in accordance with the provisions of the Tax Code. The return shall be filed by the president, vice-president or other principal officer, and shall be sworn to by such officer and by the treasurer or assistant treasurer.

When and Where to File and Pay

1) For Electronic Filing and Payment System (eFPS) Taxpayer: The return shall be e-filed and the tax shall be e-paid on or before the 15th day of the fourth month following the close of the taxpayers taxable year using the eFPS facilities thru the BIR website 2) For Non-Electronic Filing and Payment System (Non-eFPS) Taxpayer: The return shall be filed and the tax shall be paid on or before the 15th day of the fourth month following the close of the taxpayer's taxable year with any




Background Information Total Tax Payable Details of Payment Computation of Tax Tax Relief Availment
Information External Auditor/Accredited Tax Agent

1 1 1 2 2 2

Guidelines and Instructions BIR Form No. 1702-RT (June 2013)



Sales/Revenues/Receipts/Fees Cost of Sales (For those Engaged in Trading) Cost of Sales (For those Engaged in


1 2A 2B 2C 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

3 3 3 3 4 4-5 5 5 6 6 6 7 7 8 8

Cost of Services Other Taxable Income Not Subjected to Final Tax Ordinary Allowable Itemized Deductions Special Allowable Itemized Deductions Computation of Net Operating Loss Carry Over (NOLCO) Tax Credits/Payments-Attach proof Computation of Minimum Corporate Income Tax (MCIT) Reconciliation of Net Income per Books Against Taxable Income Balance Sheet Stockholders/Partners/Members Information Supplemental Information Gross Income/Receipts Exempt from Income Tax

Item 8 Date of Incorporation/Organization: Enter the date as shown in BIR Form No. 2303. It is the date when the corporation has been incorporated as per Certificate of Registration issued by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)/other regulatory agencies like the Cooperative Development Authority, National Electrification Authority, etc. Item 9 Registered Name: Enter the name as it was entered on the Certificate of Registration (BIR Form No. 2303). Item 10 Registered Address: Enter Registered Address as indicated in the BIR Form No. 2303. If taxpayer has moved since the previous filing and has NOT updated the registration, the taxpayer must update its registration by filing BIR Form No. 1905. Item 13 Main Line of Business: Indicate the nature of the main line of business the company is engaged in per BIR Form No. 2303. Item 14 PSIC Code: Philippine Standard Industrial Classification (PSIC) Code: Refer to for the applicable PSIC or visit the local BIR Office. Item 15 Method of Deduction: Choose either Itemized Deduction under Section 34(A-J), NIRC, as amended, or Optional Standard Deduction (OSD) which is 40% of Gross Income under Section 34(L), NIRC, as amended by RA 9504. The chosen method of deduction used in the first quarter of the year shall be irrevocable and consistently applied throughout the year.

For Items 1 to 5
Item 1 Mark the applicable box with an X. This refers to the accounting period (Fiscal or Calendar year) upon the basis of which the annual income tax return is being accomplished; Item 2 Indicate the taxable year ended covered by the return being filed; Item 3 Choose Yes if the tax return is one amending previous return filed, No if not; Item 4 Choose Yes if the return is made for a fractional part of a year (e.g. commencement, retirement or change in accounting period). Item 5 Indicate the appropriate ATC as shown in the Certificate of Registration (BIR Form No. 2303). If subject to Minimum Corporate Income Tax (MCIT) for this taxable period, mark the applicable box with an X.

Part II (Items 16-21) Total Tax Payable

Accomplish first Part IV Computation of Tax on page 2 and other schedules before accomplishing these items. Then transfer the applicable information from Part IV to each of the items. Individual instructions as to the source of the information and the necessary calculations are provided on each line item. Signatory Lines: When all pages of the return are complete, sign the return in the place indicated, enter the number of pages filed. In Items 23-26, provide the required information and its details.

Part I (Items 6-15) Background Information

Item 6 Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN): Enter the TIN for the corporation, partnership or other non-individual taxpayer. Item 7 RDO Code: Enter the appropriate code for the RDO per BIR Form Nos.1903/2303.

Part III (Items 26-29) Details of Payment

Enter the information required and then file the original ITR plus two (2) copies to any AAB within the RDO where registered. Refer to for the applicable AAB or visit the local BIR Office. For no

Guidelines and Instructions BIR Form No. 1702-RT (June 2013)

payment returns, proceed with filing the ITR with the RDO where the tax filer is registered or the concerned RCO under the same RDO.

Part VI (Items 55-61) Information External Auditor/Accredited Tax Agent:

All returns filed by an accredited tax agent on behalf of a taxpayer shall bear the following information: A. For CPAs and others (individual practitioners and members of GPPs); Items 55 to 58: Name and TIN; Items 59 to 61: BIR Accreditation Number, Date of Issuance and Expiry Date. B. For members of the Philippine Bar (i.e. individual practitioners, members of GPPs); Items 55 to 58: Name and TIN; Items 59 to 61: Attorneys Roll Number or Accreditation Number, Date of Issuance, and Expiry Date. Schedules 1-3: List down the amounts of sales/ revenues/ receipts/ fees, cost of sales/revenue and other taxable income not subjected to Final Tax (e.g. Interest Income from affiliates, sale of scraps, etc.) Schedule 4 Ordinary Allowable Itemized Deductions: There shall be allowed as deduction from gross income all the ordinary and necessary trade and business expenses paid or incurred during the taxable year in carrying on or which are directly attributable to the development, management, operation and/or conduct of the trade and business. Itemized deduction also includes interest, taxes, losses, bad debts, depreciation, depletion, charitable and other contributions, research and development and pension trust. Schedule 5 Special Allowable Itemized Deductions: These refer to special allowable deductions from gross income in computing taxable income, in addition to the regular allowable itemized deduction, as provided under the existing regular and special laws, rules and issuances such as, but not limited to: Rooming-in and Breast-feeding Practices under R.A. 7600, Adopt-A-School Program under R.A. 8525, Free Legal Assistance under R.A. 9999, etc. Schedule 6 Computation of Net Operating Loss Carry Over (NOLCO): Detailing the computation of available NOLCO (applied, unapplied and expired portion). Only net operating losses incurred by the qualified taxpayer may be carried over to the three (3) immediately succeeding taxable years following the year of such loss.

Part IV (Items 30-51) Computation of Tax

Enter taxpayers TIN and Registered Name at the top of this page and in all succeeding pages. The requirement for entering centavos on the ITR has been eliminated. If the amount of centavos is 49 or less, drop down the centavos (e.g., P 100.49 = P 100.00). If the amount is 50 centavos or more, round up to the next peso (e.g., P 100.50 = P 101.00). Accomplish first Schedules 1 to 9 before transferring these items to the applicable information required in Part IV-Computation of Tax. Item 41: The regular/normal rate of income tax is 30% of net taxable income. Penalties shall be imposed and collected as part of the tax: Item 47: A surcharge of twenty five percent (25%) for each of the following violations: 1. Failure to file any return and pay the amount of tax or installment due on or before the due date; 2. Unless otherwise authorized by the Commissioner, filing a return with a person or office other than those with whom it is required to be filed; 3. Failure to pay the full or part of the amount of tax shown on the return, or the full amount of tax due for which no return is required to be filed on or before the due date; 4. Failure to pay the deficiency tax within the time prescribed for its payment in the notice of assessment. A surcharge of fifty percent (50%) of the tax or of the deficiency tax shall be imposed in case of willful neglect to file the return within the period prescribed by the Tax Code and/or by rules and regulations or in case a false or fraudulent return is filed. Item 48: Interest at the rate of twenty percent (20%) per annum, or such higher rate as may be prescribed by rules and regulations, on any unpaid amount of tax, from the date prescribed for the payment until it is fully paid. Item 49: Compromise penalty pursuant to existing/ applicable revenue issuances.

Part V (Items 52-54) Tax Relief Availment

Accomplish first Schedules 5 and 7 before entering these items in Part V. Descriptions are defined in the applicable schedules.

Guidelines and Instructions BIR Form No. 1702-RT (June 2013)

Schedule 7 Tax Credits/Payments: Indicate claimed Tax Credits/Payments and attach necessary proof/s. Schedule 8 Computation of Minimum Corporate Income Tax (MCIT): MCIT of two percent (2%) of the gross income is imposed upon any domestic corporation and resident foreign corporation beginning on the fourth (4th) taxable year (whether calendar or fiscal year, depending on the accounting period employed) immediately following the taxable year in which such corporation commenced its business operation. The MCIT shall be imposed whenever the corporation has zero or negative taxable income or whenever the amount of minimum corporate income tax is greater than the normal income tax due from such corporation. Any excess of the MCIT over the normal income tax shall be carried forward and credited against the normal income tax for the three (3) immediate succeeding taxable years. The computation and the payment of MCIT shall apply each time a corporate income tax return is filed, whether quarterly or annual basis. Schedule 9 Reconciliation of Net Income per Books Against Taxable Income: Indicate all the reconciling items to be added or subtracted from the net income reported in the financial statements to arrive at the taxable income reported in the income tax return. Fill up the non-deductible expenses such as: allowance for bad debts not actually written off, amortization and others which are not deductible for taxation purposes. Also, add other taxable income such as: recovery of bad debts previously written off, adjustment to retained earnings, and other adjustments that are considered as income for tax purposes. (Provide additional sheet/s, if necessary.) Schedule 10 Balance Sheet: Indicate the amounts as shown in the Audited Financial Statements. Schedule 11 Stockholders / Partners / Members Information: Indicate only the Top 20 stockholders, partners or members showing the Registered Name, TIN, amount of capital contribution and the percentage to the total ownership/equity. Schedule 12 Supplemental Information: Indicate gross income subject to final tax: sale/ exchange of real property; sale/exchange of shares of stocks; other income and the corresponding final withholding tax, if applicable. Schedule 13 Gross Income/Receipts Exempt from Income Tax: Indicate personal/real properties received thru gifts, bequests, and devises; and other exempt income and receipts under Sec. 32(B) of the NIRC, as amended.


Certificate of independent CPA duly accredited by the BIR (The CPA Certificate is required if the gross quarterly sales, earnings, receipts or output exceed P 150,000). 2. Account Information Form (AIF) and/or Financial Statements (FS), including the following schedules prescribed under existing revenue issuances which must form part of the Notes to the audited FS: a. Taxes and Licenses b. Other information prescribed to be disclosed in the notes to FS 3. Statement of Managements Responsibility (SMR) for Annual Income Tax Return. 4. Certificate of Income Payments not subjected to Withholding Tax (BIR Form No. 2304) 5. Certificate of Creditable Tax Withheld at Source (BIR Form No. 2307). 6. Duly approved Tax Debit Memo, if applicable. 7. Proof of prior years' excess credits, if applicable. 8. Proof of Foreign Tax Credits, if applicable. 9. For amended return, proof of tax payment and the return previously filed. 10. Summary Alphalist of Withholding Agents of Income Payments Subjected to Withholding Tax at Source (SAWT), if applicable. 11. Proof of other tax payment/credit, if applicable.
ATC IC 010 IC 055 IC 030 DESCRIPTION DOMESTIC CORPORATION 1. a. In General b. Minimum Corporate Income Tax 2. a. Proprietary Educational Institution whose gross income from unrelated trade, business or other activity exceeds fifty percent (50%) of the total gross income from all sources. b. Minimum Corporate Income Tax 3. a. Non-Stock, Non-Profit Hospitals whose gross income from unrelated trade, business or other activity exceeds fifty percent (50%) of the total gross income from all sources. b. Minimum Corporate Income Tax 4. a. Government Owned & Controlled Corporations (GOCC), Agencies & Instrumentalities b. Minimum Corporate Income Tax 5. a. National Government and Local Government Units (LGUs) b. Minimum Corporate Income Tax 6. a. Taxable Partnership b. Minimum Corporate Income Tax RESIDENT FOREIGN CORPORATION 1. a. In General b. Minimum Corporate Income Tax Offshore Banking Units (OBUs) 1. a. Foreign Currency Transaction not subjected to Final tax TAX RATE 30 % 2% 30% 2% 30% 2% 30% 2% 30% 2% 30% 2% 30 % 2% TAX BASE Taxable Income from All Sources Gross Income Taxable Income from All Sources Gross Income Taxable Income from All Sources Gross Income Taxable Income from All Sources Gross Income Taxable Income from All Sources Gross Income Taxable Income from All Sources Gross Income Taxable Income from All Sources Gross Income Gross Taxable Income on Foreign Currency Transactions not subjected to Final Tax Taxable Income Other Than Foreign Currency Transaction Gross Taxable Income on Foreign Currency Transactions not subjected to Final Tax Taxable Income Other Than Foreign Currency Transaction

IC 055 IC 031

IC 055 IC 040 IC 055 IC 041 IC 055 IC 020 IC 055 IC 070 IC 055 IC 190

10 %

b. Other than Foreign Currency Transaction IC 191 Foreign Currency Deposit Units (FCDU) 1. a. Foreign Currency Transaction on not subjected to Final tax

30 %

10 %

b. Other than Foreign Currency Transaction

30 %

For BIR Use Only

BCS/ Item Republika ng Pilipinas Kagawaran ng Pananalapi Kawanihan ng Rentas Internas


Annual Income Tax Return

For Individuals Earning Purely Compensation Income
(Including Non-Business/Non-Profession Income) Enter all required information in CAPITAL LETTERS using BLACK Ink. Mark applicable boxes with an X. Two copies MUST be filed with the BIR and one held by the Tax Filer. of Compensation Yes No 4 Source Yes No 3 Joint Income Income II 011 Filing?

BIR Form No.

June 2013 (ENCS)

Page 1 Other Income II 041

1 For the Year


2 Amended Return?

Part I Background Information on Tax Filer and Spouse

5 Taxpayer Identification
Number (TIN)

- 00 0 0

6 RDO Code

7 PSOC Code

8 Tax Filers Name (Last Name, First Name and Middle Initial. Enter only 1 letter per box using CAPITAL LETTERS) 9 Address (Indicate complete registered address; If address has changed, mark here
and enter new address in Table 1)

10 Date of Birth (MM/DD/YYYY)

11 Email Address 13 Civil Status Single

Married Legally Separated Widow/er

12 Contact Number 14 Claiming Additional Exemptions?



15 If YES, enter number of Qualified Dependent Children

(Enter information about Children on Table 2)

16 Spouses Name (Last Name, First Name and Middle Initial) 17 Spouses TIN

20 Email Address

- 00 0 0 No

18 Contact Number

19 Date of Birth (MM/DD/YYYY)

21 Claiming Additional Exemptions?


22 If YES, enter number of Qualified Dependent Children

(Enter information about Children on Table 2)

Part II Total Tax Payable

(Do NOT enter Centavos)

23 Tax Filers Tax Due (From Part IV Item 14 Column A) 24 Spouses Tax Due (From Part IV Item 14 Column B) 25 Total Income Tax Due (Sum of Items 23 & 24) 26 Less: Tax Filers Tax Credits/Payments (From Part IV Item 19 Column A) 27 Spouses Tax Credits/Payments (From Part IV Item19 Column B)

28 Net Tax Payable (Overpayment) (Item 25 less Items 26 & 27) 29 Less: Portion of Tax Payable Allowed for 2nd Installment to be paid on or before July 15 (From Part IV Item 22) 30 Add: Total Penalties (From Part IV Item 27) 31 TOTAL AMOUNT PAYABLE Upon Filing (Overpayment) (Item 28 Less Item 29 Add Item 30)
I declare under the penalties of perjury, that this annual return has been made in good faith, verified by me, and to the best of my knowledge and belief, is true and correct, pursuant to the provisions of the National Internal Revenue Code, as amended, and the regulations issued under authority thereof.(If Authorized Representative, attach authorization letter and indicate TIN.)

Number of pages filed

Signature over printed name of Tax Filer or Authorized Representative 32 Govt Issued ID [e.g. Passport, Community Tax Certificate (CTC)]

33 Date of Issue (MM/DD/YYYY)

34 Amount, if CTC

35 Place of Issue

Part III Details of Payment

36 Details of Payment
Drawee Bank/ Agency


Check Amount

(Please indicate details below)

Stamp of Receiving Office/AAB and Date of Receipt (ROs Signature/Bank Tellers Initial)


Machine Validation/Revenue Official Receipt Details (if not filed with an Authorized Agent Bank)

Annual Income Tax Return

BIR Form No.

Part IV - Computation of Tax


June 2013 (ENCS)
Page 2 170006/13ENCSP2

Tax Filers Last Name

0 0 0 0
Gross Compensation Income and Tax Withheld (On Items 1, 2 & 3, enter the required information for each of your employers and mark whether the information is for the Tax Filer or the Spouse. Attach additional sheets, if necessary. On Item 4A, enter the Total Gross Compensation and Total Tax Withheld for the Tax Filer and on Item 4B, enter the appropriate information for the Spouse. DO NOT enter Centavos; 49 Centavos or less drop down; 50 or more round up)

1 Name of Employer

Tax Filer Spouse

2 Name of Employer

Employers TIN

Compensation Income

Tax Withheld

Tax Filer Spouse

3 Name of Employer

Employers TIN

Compensation Income

Tax Withheld

Tax Filer Spouse

Employers TIN

Compensation Income
1. Total Compensation Income 1. Total Compensation Income

Tax Withheld 2. Total Tax Withheld 2. Total Tax Withheld B) Spouse

4A Total Gross Compensation Income and Total Tax Withheld from the above entries and any additional sheets attached for Tax Filer. 4B Total Gross Compensation Income and Total Tax Withheld from the above entries and any additional sheets attached for Spouse. Computation of Gross Taxable Compensation 5 Non-Taxable/Exempt Income 6 Gross Taxable Compensation Income (Item 4A1 or 4B1 Less Item 5) 7 Premium on Health and/or Hospitalization Insurance (If any) 8 Personal Exemption 9 Additional Exemption 10 Total Deductions (Sum of Items 7, 8 & 9)

A) Tax Filer

11 Net Taxable Compensation (Excess of Deductions) (Item 6 less Item 10) 12 Other Taxable Income (Non-Business/Non-Professional; Enter source below followed by total amount for Tax Filer and Spouse) 13 Total Taxable Income (Sum of Items 11 & 12) 14 Total Income Tax Due (Refer to Table 3Tax Table) (To Part II Item 23 &/or 24) Computation of Tax Credits/Payments (Attach Proof) 15 Tax Withheld per BIR Form No. 2316 16 Tax Paid in Return Previously Filed (If this is an amended Return) 17 Foreign Tax Credits, if applicable 18 Other Payments/Credits

A) Tax Filer

B) Spouse


19 Total Tax Credits/Payments (Sum of Items 15 to 18) (To Part II Item 26 &/or 27) 20 Net Tax Payable (Overpayment) (Item 14 Less Item 19) 21 Net Tax Payable (Overpayment) for Tax Filer and Spouse (Sum of Items 20A & 20B)
Portion of Tax Payable Allowed for 2nd Installment to be paid on or before July 15 22 Less: (Not more than 50% of the sum of Items 14A & 14B)
(To Part II Item 29)

23 Total Tax Payable (Overpayment) for Tax Filer & Spouse (Item 21 Less Item 22)
Add Penalties

24 Surcharge 27 Total Penalties (Sum of Items 24 to 26)

25 Interest
(To Part II Item 30) (Sum of Items 23 & 27)

26 Compromise

28 Total Amount Payable Upon Filing (Overpayment)

(To Part II Item 31)

Annual Income Tax Return

BIR Form No.

Part V - Supplemental Information


June 2013 (ENCS)
Page 3 170006/13ENCSP3

Tax Filers Last Name

0 0 0 0
A - Gross Income/ Receipts Subjected to Final Withholding I) Description 1 Interests 2 Royalties 3 Dividends 4 Prizes and Winnings 5 Fringe Benefits 6 Compensation Subject to 15% Preferential Rate
II) Sale/Exchange of Real Properties


A) Actual Amount/Fair Market Value/Net Capital Gains

B) Final Tax Withheld/Paid

A) Sale/Exchange #1

B) Sale/Exchange #2

7 Description of Property (e.g., land, improvement, etc.) 8 OCT/TCT/CCT/Tax Declaration No. 9 Certificate Authorizing Registration (CAR) No. 10 Actual Amount/Fair Market Value/Net Capital Gains 11 Final Tax Withheld/Paid
III) Sale/Exchange of Shares of Stock

A) Sale/Exchange #1

B) Sale/Exchange #2

12 Kind (PS/CS) / Stock Certificate Series No. 13 Certificate Authorizing Registration (CAR) No. 14 Number of Shares 15 Date of Issue (MM/DD/YYYY) 16 Actual Amount/Fair Market Value/Net Capital Gains 17 Final Tax Withheld/Paid
IV) Other Income (Specify)

A) Other Income #1

B) Other Income #2

18 Other Income Subject to Final Tax Under

Sec. 57(A)/127/Others of the Tax Code, as amended

19 Actual Amount/Fair Market Value/Net Capital Gains 20 Final Tax Withheld/Paid 21 Total Final Tax Withheld/Paid (Sum of Items 1B to 6B, 11A, 11B,17A, 17B, 20A & 20B) B - Gross Income/Receipts Exempt from Income Tax (Actual Amount/Fair Market Value) 1 Proceeds of Life Insurance Policy 2 Return of Premium 3 Retirement Benefits, Pensions, Gratuities, etc. I) Personal/Real Properties Received thru Gifts, Bequests, and Devises 4 Description of Property (e.g., land, improvement, etc.) 5 Mode of Transfer (e.g. Donation) 6 Certificate Authorizing Registration (CAR) No. 7 Actual Amount/Fair Market Value II) Other Exempt Income/Receipts 8
Other Exempt Income/Receipts Under Sec. 32 (B) of the Tax Code, as amended (Specify)

A) Personal/Real Properties #1

B) Personal/Real Properties #2

A) Personal/Real Properties #1

B) Personal/Real Properties #2

9 Actual Amount/Fair Market Value/Net Capital Gains 10 Total Income/Receipts Exempt from Income Tax (Sum of Items 1 to 3, 7A, 7B, 9A & 9B)

Annual Income Tax Return

BIR Form No.

Other Information

June 2013 (ENCS)
Page 4 170006/13ENCSP4

Tax Filers Last Name

0 0 0 0

Table 1 - Current Address (Accomplish, if current address is different from registered address)
Unit/Room Number/Floor Building Name

Lot Number Block Number Phase Number House Number

Street Name





Zip Code

Table 2 - Qualified Dependent Children

(If wife is claiming for additional exemption, please attach waiver of the husband) Last Name First Name and Middle Initial Date of Birth (MM / DD / YYYY)
Mark if Mentally/ Physically Incapacitated

Table 3 - Tax Table

If Taxable Income is: Not over P 10,000 Over P 10,000 but not over P 30,000 Over P 30,000 but not over P 70,000 Over P 70,000 but not over P 140,000 Tax Due is: 5% P 500 + 10% of the excess over P 10,000 P 2,500 + 15% of the excess over P 30,000 P 8,500 + 20% of the excess over P 70,000 Over P 140,000 but not over P 250,000 Over P 250,000 but not over P 500,000 Over P 500,000 P 22,500 + 25% of the excess over P 140,000 P 50,000 + 30% of the excess over P 250,000 P 125,000 + 32% of the excess over P 500,000 If Taxable Income is: Tax Due is:

For BIR Use Only

BCS/ Item Republika ng Pilipinas Kagawaran ng Pananalapi Kawanihan ng Rentas Internas

Annual Income Tax Return

For Self-Employed Individuals, Estates and Trusts
Enter all required information in CAPITAL LETTERS using BLACK ink. Mark applicable boxes with an X. Two copies MUST be filed with the BIR and one held by the Tax Filer. 2 Amended Return?

170106/13ENCSP1 BIR Form No.

June 2013 (ENCS) Page 1

1 For the Year (MM/20YY) 4 Alphanumeric Tax Code (ATC)




3 Short Period Return?



II 011 Compensation Income

II 012 Business Income / Income from Profession

II 013 Mixed Income

Part I Background Information on TAXPAYER/FILER

5 Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) - 0 0 0 0 6 RDO Code 7 Tax Filer Type Single Proprietor Professional Estate Trust 8 Tax Filers Name (Last Name, First Name, Middle Name for Individual) / ESTATE of (First Name, Middle Name, Last Name) / TRUST FAO:(First Name, Middle Name, Last Name) 9 Trade Name
10 Registered Address (Indicate complete registered address)

11 Date of Birth (MM/DD/YYYY)

12 Email Address 14 Civil Status Single Married

With No Income

13 Contact Number

Legally Separated
16 Filing Status Joint Filing

Separate Filing

15 If Married, indicate whether spouse has income 17 Main Line of Business

With Income



20 Method of Deduction

Itemized Deduction
[Sec. 34 (A-J), NIRC]

Optional Standard Deduction (OSD) 40% of Gross Sales/

Receipts/Revenues/Fees [Sec. 34(L), NIRC, as amended by R.A. 9504]

21 Method of Accounting Cash 22 Income Exempt from Income Tax? 24 Claiming Additional Exemptions?

Yes Yes No No

Others (Specify)

23 Income subject to Special/Preferential Rate?

(Enter information about Children on Part VIIA of Page 4)



If Yes, fill up also Mandatory Attachments PER ACTIVITY (Part X).

If Yes, fill up also Mandatory Attachments PER ACTIVITY (Part X)

25 If YES, enter number of Qualified Dependent Children (Do NOT enter Centavos)

Part II Total Tax Payable 26 Total Income Tax Due (Overpayment) for Tax Filer and Spouse (Sum of Items 72A & 72B) 27 Less: Total Tax Credits / Payments (Sum of Items 76A & 76B) 28 Net Tax Payable (Overpayment) (Item 26 Less Item 27) 29 Less: Portion of Tax Payable Allowed for 2nd Installment to be paid on or before July 15 (Not More Than 50% of 30 Total Tax Payable (Item 28 Less Item 29) 31 Add: Total Penalties( From Item 84) 32 TOTAL AMOUNT PAYABLE Upon Filing (Overpayment) (Sum of Items 30 & 31)

Item 26)

If Overpayment, mark one box only (Once the choice is made, the same is irrevocable) To be refunded To be issued a Tax Credit Certificate (TCC) To be carried over as a tax credit for next year/quarter
I declare under the penalties of perjury, that this annual return has been made in good faith, verified by me, and to the best of my knowledge and belief, is true and correct, pursuant to the provisions of the National Internal Revenue Code, as amended, and the regulations issued under authority thereof. (If Authorized Representative, attach authorization letter and indicate TIN)

33 Number of pages filed Signature over printed name of Tax Filer

34 Community Tax Certificate (CTC) No./Govt. Issued ID
Signature over printed name of Authorized Representative 35 Date of Issue (MM/DD/YYYY)


36 Place of Issue

37 Amount, if CTC

Part III - Details of

Payment 38 Cash/Bank Debit Memo 39 Check 40 Others (Specify below)

Drawee Bank/ Agency



/ / /

/ / /
Stamp of Receiving Office/AAB and Date of Receipt

Machine Validation / Revenue Official Receipt Details (if not filed with an Authorized Agent Bank)

(ROs Signature/Bank Tellers Initial)

Annual Income Tax Return

For Self-Employed Individuals, Estates and Trusts Subject to REGULAR Income Tax Only

BIR Form No.

June 2013 (ENCS)

Page 2
TIN 0 0 0 0

Tax Filers Last Name A) Taxpayer/Filer B) Spouse

Part IV Computation of Income Tax- REGULAR RATE 41 Gross Compensation Income (From Schedule1 Item 5A1 / 5B1 ) 42 Less: Non-Taxable / Exempt Compensation 43 Gross Taxable Compensation Income (Item 41 Less Item 42) Less: Deductions 44 Premium on Health and/or Hospitalization Insurance (Not to Exceed P 2,400 / year) 45 Personal Exemption/Exemption for Estate and Trust 46 Additional Exemption 47 Total Deductions (Sum of Items 44 to 46) 48 Net Taxable Compensation Income (Item 43 Less Item 47)

49 Excess of Deductions (Item 47 Less Item 43) 50 Net Sales/Revenues/Receipt/Fees (From Schedule 2 Item 5A / 5B) 51 Add: Other Taxable Income from Operations not Subject to Final Tax
(From Schedule 3 Item 3A / 3B)

52 Total Sales/Revenues/Receipts/Fees (Sum of Items 50 & 51) 53 Less: Cost of Sales/Services

(Not allowed for Tax Filer who opted for OSD) (From Schedule 4 Item 27A / 27B)

54 Gross Income from Business/Profession (Item 52 Less Item 53) 55 Add: Non-Operating Income (From Schedule 5 Item 6A / 6B) 56 Total Gross Income (Sum of Items 54 & 55) Less: Allowable Deductions 57 Ordinary Allowable Itemized Deductions (From Schedule 6 Item 40A / 40B) 58 Special Allowable Itemized Deductions (From Schedule 7 Item 5A/5B) 59 Allowance for Net Operating Loss Carry Over (NOLCO)
(From Schedule 8A1 Item 8D / Schedule 8B1 Item 8D)

60 Total Allowable Itemized Deductions (Sum of Items 57 to 59)


61 Optional Standard Deductions (OSD) (40% of Item 52-Total Sales/Receipts/Revenues/Fees)

(NOTE: If all income is subject ONLY to Regular Income Tax Regime)

62 Taxable Income from Business/Profession(Item 56 Less Item 60 OR 61) 63 Add: Net Taxable Compensation Income(From Item 48A/48B) 64 Net Taxable Income (Sum of Items 62 & 63)
65 Less: Excess Deductions, if any (From Item 49) OR the Total Deductions, if there is no compensation income (From Item 47)

66 TOTAL TAXABLE INCOME (Item 64 Less Item 65) 67 TAX DUE-REGULAR [Refer to Tax Table (Graduated Income Tax Rates) below]

Tax Table
If Taxable Income is: Not over P 10,000 Over P 10,000 but not over P 30,000 Over P 30,000 but not over P 70,000 Over P 70,000 but not over P 140,000 Tax Due is: 5% P 500 + 10% of the excess over P 10,000 P 2,500 + 15% of the excess over P 30,000 P 8,500 + 20% of the excess over P 70,000 Over P 140,000 but not over P 250,000 Over P 250,000 but not over P 500,000 Over P 500,000 P 22,500 + 25% of the excess over P 140,000 P 50,000 + 30% of the excess over P 250,000 P 125,000 + 32% of the excess over P 500,000 If Taxable Income is: Tax Due is:

Annual Income Tax Return

For Self-Employed Individuals, Estates and Trusts Subject to REGULAR Income Tax Only

BIR Form No.

June 2013 (ENCS)

Page 3 TIN 0 0 0 0

Tax Filers Last Name


Part V - Summary of Income Tax Due A) Taxpayer/Filer

B) Spouse

68 Regular Rate - Income Tax Due (From Item 67A/67B) 69 Special Rate - Income Tax Due (From Part IX Item 18B/18F) 70 Less: Share of Other Government Agency, if remitted directly 71 Net Special Income Tax Due
(Sum of Items 68 &71) (Share of National Govt.) (Item 69 Less Item 70)

72 TOTAL INCOME TAX DUE (Overpayment)

(To Item 26)

Less: Tax Credits/Payments

73 Regular (From Schedule 9 Item 10A/10B) 74 Special (From Part IX Item 19B/19F) 75 Exempt (From Part IX Item 19C/19G) 76 Total Tax Credit/Payments (Sum of Items 73 to 75)
(To Item 27)

77 Net Tax Payable/(Overpayment) (Item72 Less Item 76) 78 NET TAX PAYABLE (OVERPAYMENT) FOR TAX FILER and SPOUSE (Sum of Items 77A & 77B) 79 Less: Portion of Tax Payable Allowed for 2nd Installment to be paid on or before July 15
(Not More Than 50% of the Sum of Items 72A & 72B) (To Item 29)

80 NET AMOUNT OF TAX PAYABLE (OVERPAYMENT) (Item 78 Less Item 79) Add: Penalties 81 Surcharge 82 Interest 83 Compromise 84 Total Penalties (Sum of Items 81 to 83)
(To Item 31) (To Item 32)

85 TOTAL AMOUNT PAYABLE UPON FILING (OVERPAYMENT) (Sum of Items 80 & 84) Part VI - Tax Relief Availment Description
86 Regular Income Tax Otherwise Due
(Sum of Items 66 & 58 X applicable Tax Rate per Tax Table )

A) Taxpayer/Filer

B) Spouse

87 Less: Tax Due Regular (From Item 67) 88 Tax Relief Availment Before Special Tax Credits (Items 86 Less Item 87) 89 Add: Special Tax Credits(From Schedule 9 Item 8A/8B) 90 Regular Tax Relief Availment (Sum of Items 88 & 89) 91 Special Tax Relief Availment( From Part IX Item 21B/21F) 92 Exempt Tax Relief Availment (From Part IX Item 21C/21G) 93 Total Tax Relief Availment (Sum of Items 90, 91 & 92) 94 Total Tax Relief Availment of Tax Filer & Spouse (Sum of Items 93A & 93B)

Annual Income Tax Return

For Self-Employed Individuals, Estates and Trusts Subject to REGULAR Income Tax Only

BIR Form No.

June 2013 (ENCS)

Page 4 TIN 0 0 0 0

Tax Filers Last Name Part VII - Other Relevant Information - SPOUSE

95 Spouses TIN

96 RDO Code

97 Spouses Name (Last Name, First Name and Middle Initial) 98 Trade Name 99 Date of Birth(MM/DD/YYYY) / / 101 Contact Number 104 Line of Business 105 Method of Deduction 106 Method of Accounting Cash 107 Income Exempt from Income Tax? 109 Alphanumeric Tax Code (ATC) Itemized Deductions
[Sec. 34 (A-J), NIRC]

100 Email Address 102 PSIC 103 PSOC

Optional Standard Deduction (OSD) 40% of Gross

Sales/Receipts/Revenues/Fees [Sec. 34(L), NIRC, as amended by R.A. 9504]

Yes No

Others (Specify)

108 Income subject to Special/Preferential Rate?



If Yes, fill up also Mandatory Attachments PER ACTIVITY (Part X) .

If Yes, fill up also Mandatory Attachments PER ACTIVITY (Part X)

II 011 Compensation Income

II 012 Business Income/Income from Profession

II 013 Mixed Income

110 Claiming Additional Exemptions?



111 If YES, enter number of Qualified Dependent Children (Enter information about Children on Part VIIA)

Part VIIA - Qualified Dependent Children (If wife is claiming for additional exemption, please attach waiver of the husband) Last Name First Name and Middle Initial Date of Birth (MM / DD / YYYY)
Mark if Mentally/ Physically Incapacitated

Part VIIB - Current Address (Accomplish if current address is different from registered address)
Unit/Room Number/Floor Lot Number Block Number Phase Number House Number Subdivision/Village Municipality/City Province Building Name Street Name Barangay
Zip Code

Part VIII - Information - External Auditor/Accredited Tax Agent

112 Name of External Auditor/Accredited Tax Agent

113 TIN 114 Name of Signing Partner (If External Auditor is a Partnership)

115 TIN 116 BIR Accreditation No. 117 Issue Date (MM/DD/YYYY) 118 Expiry Date (MM/DD/YYYY)

Annual Income Tax Return

Page 5 - Schedules 1 to 4A
TIN 0 0 0 0

BIR Form No.

June 2013 (ENCS)

Tax Filers Last Name

Schedule 1 - Gross Compensation Income and Tax Withheld (Attach additional sheet/s, if necessary)
Gross Compensation Income and Tax Withheld (On Items 1, 2 & 3, enter the required information for each of your employers and mark (X) whether the information is for the Taxpayer or the Spouse. Attach additional Sheets if necessary. On Item 5A, enter the Total Gross Compensation and Total Tax Withheld for the Taxpayer and on Line 5B, enter the appropriate information for the Spouse. DO NOT enter Centavos; 49 Centavos or Less drop down; 50 or more round up)

1 Name of Employer

Taxpayer Spouse
2 Name of Employer

Employers TIN

Compensation Income

Tax Withheld

Taxpayer Spouse
3 Name of Employer

Employers TIN

Compensation Income

Tax Withheld

Taxpayer Spouse
4 Name of Employer

Employers TIN

Compensation Income

Tax Withheld

Taxpayer Spouse

Employers TIN

Compensation Income

Tax Withheld 2. Total Tax Withheld 2. Total Tax Withheld

5A Total Gross Compensation Income and Total Tax Withheld from the above 1. Total Compensation Income
entries and any additional sheets attached for Taxpayer (To Part IV Item 41A)

5B Total Gross Compensation Income and Total Tax Withheld from the above 1. Total Compensation Income
entries and any additional sheets attached for Spouse (To Part IV Item 41B)

Schedule 2 - Sales/Revenues/Receipts/Fees from Business/Profession, including amount received from General Professional Partnership (GPP) Description 1 Total Sales/Revenues/Receipts/Fees 2 Add: Gross Sales/Revenues/Receipts/Fees not subject to Withholding Tax 3 Total Sales/Revenues/Receipts/Fees (Sum of Items 1 & 2 ) 4 Less: Sales Returns, Allowances and Discounts 5 Net Sales/Revenues/Receipts/Fees (Item 3 Less Item 4) (To Item 50) Schedule 3 - Other Taxable Income from Operations not Subject to Final Tax (Attach additional sheet/s, if necessary) Description A) Taxpayer/Filer B) Spouse 1 2 3 Total Other Taxable Income (Sum of Items 1 & 2) (To Item 51) Schedule 4 Cost of Sales/Services (Attach additional sheet/s, if necessary) Schedule 4A - Cost of Sales (For those engaged in Trading) Description A) Taxpayer/Filer 1 Merchandise Inventory, Beginning 2 Add: Purchases of Merchandise 3 Total Goods Available for Sale (Sum of Items 1 & 2) 4 Less: Merchandise Inventory, Ending 5 Cost of Sales (Item 3 Less Item 4) (To Schedule 4 Item 27) A) Taxpayer/Filer B) Spouse

B) Spouse

Annual Income Tax Return

Page 6 - Schedules 4B to 6
TIN 0 0 0 0

BIR Form No.

June 2013 (ENCS) 170106/13ENCSP6

Tax Filers Last Name

Schedule 4B - Cost of Sales (For those engaged in Manufacturing) Description A) Taxpayer/Filer 6 Direct Materials, Beginning 7 Add: Purchases of Direct Materials 8 Material Available for Use (Sum of Items 6 & 7) 9 Less: Direct Materials, Ending 10 Raw Materials Used (Item 8 Less Item 9) 11 Direct Labor 12 Manufacturing Overhead 13 Total Manufacturing Cost (Sum of Items 10 to 12) 14 Add: Work in Process, Beginning 15 Less: Work in Process, Ending 16 Cost of Goods Manufactured (Sum of Items 13 & 14 Less Item 15) 17 Add: Finished Goods, Beginning 18 Less: Finished Goods, Ending 19 Cost of Goods Manufactured & Sold
(Sum of Items 16 & 17 Less Item 18) (To Schedule 4 Item 27)

B) Spouse

Schedule 4C - Cost of Services (For those engaged in Services, indicate only those directly incurred or related to the gross
revenue from rendition of services)

Description 20 Direct Charges Salaries, Wages and Benefits 21 Direct Charges Materials, Supplies and Facilities 22 Direct Charges Depreciation 23 Direct Charges Rental 24 Direct Charges Outside Services 25 Direct Charges Others 26 Total Cost of Services (Sum of Items 20 to 25) (To Schedule 4 Item 27)
27 Total Cost of Sales/Services (Sum of Items 5, 19 & 26, if applicable) (To Part IV Item 53)

A) Taxpayer/Filer

B) Spouse

Schedule 5 - Non-Operating Income Nature of Income 1 2 3 4 5 6

(Attach additional sheet/s, if necessary) A)


B) Spouse

Total Non-Operating Income (Sum Items 1 to 5) (To Item 55)

(Attach additional sheet/s, if necessary)

Schedule 6 - Ordinary Allowable Itemized Deductions Description 1 Advertising and Promotions Amortizations (Specify on Items 2, 3 & 4) 2 3 4

A) Taxpayer/Filer

B) Spouse

Annual Income Tax Return

Page 7 - Schedule 6
TIN 0 0 0 0

BIR Form No.

June 2013 (ENCS)

Tax Filers Last Name

Schedule 6 (Continued) Ordinary Allowable Itemized Deductions Description A) Taxpayer/Filer 5 Bad Debts 6 Charitable Contributions 7 Commissions 8 Communication, Light and Water 9 Depletion 10 Depreciation 11 Director's Fees 12 Fringe Benefits 13 Fuel and Oil 14 Insurance 15 Interest 16 Janitorial and Messengerial Services 17 Losses 18 Management and Consultancy Fee 19 Miscellaneous 20 Office Supplies 21 Other Services 22 Professional Fees 23 Rental 24 Repairs and Maintenance - Labor or Labor & Materials 25 Repairs and Maintenance - Materials/Supplies 26 Representation and Entertainment 27 Research and Development 28 Royalties 29 Salaries and Allowances 30 Security Services 31 SSS, GSIS, Philhealth, HDMF and Other Contributions 32 Taxes and Licenses 33 Tolling Fees 34 Training and Seminars 35 Transportation and Travel Others (Specify below; Add additional sheet(s), if necessary) 36 37 38 39 40 Total Ordinary Allowable Itemized Deduction
(Sum of Items 1 to 39) (To Item 57)

B) Spouse

Annual Income Tax Return

Page 8 - Schedules 7 to 8B.1
TIN 0 0 0 0

BIR Form No.

June 2013 (ENCS)

Tax Filers Last Name

Schedule 7 - Special Allowable Itemized Deductions(Attach additional sheet/s, if necessary) Description Legal Basis A) Taxpayer/Filer 1 2 3 4 5 Total Special Allowable Itemized Deductions
(Sum of Items1 to 4) (To Item 58)

B) Spouse

Schedule 8 Computation of Net Operating Loss Carry Over (NOLCO)

Schedule 8A Taxpayer/Filers Computation of Net Operating Loss Carry Over (NOLCO) 1 Gross Income 2 Less: Total Deductions Exclusive of NOLCO & Deduction Under Special Law 3 Net Operating Loss (Item 1 Less Item 2)
(To Schedule 8A.1)

Schedule 8A.1 - Taxpayer/Filers Detailed Computation of Available Net Operating Loss Carry Over (NOLCO) Net Operating Loss B) NOLCO Applied Previous Year Year Incurred A) Amount 4 5 6 7 C) NOLCO Expired 4 5 6 7 8 Total NOLCO (Sum of Items 4D to 7D)
(To Item 59A)

D) NOLCO Applied Current Year

E) Net Operating Loss (Unapplied)

Schedule 8B Spouses Computation of Net Operating Loss Carry Over (NOLCO) 1 Gross Income 2 Less: Total Deductions Exclusive of NOLCO & Deduction Under Special Law 3 Net Operating Loss (Item 1 Less Item 2)
(To Schedule 8B.1)

Schedule 8B.1 Spouses Detailed Computation of Available Net Operating Loss Carry Over (NOLCO) Net Operating Loss B) NOLCO Applied Previous Year Year Incurred A) Amount 4 5 6 7 C) NOLCO Expired 4 5 6 7 8 Total NOLCO (Sum of Items 4D to 7D)
(To Item 59B)

D) NOLCO Applied Current Year

E) Net Operating Loss (Unapplied)

Annual Income Tax Return

Page 9 - Schedules 9 to 10
TIN 0 0 0 0

BIR Form No.

June 2013 (ENCS)

Tax Filers Last Name

Schedule 9 Tax Credits/Payments (Attach proof) Description 1 Prior Year's Excess Credits 2 Tax Payments for the First Three Quarters 3 Creditable Tax Withheld for the First Three Quarters 4 Creditable Tax Withheld for the 4th Quarter 5 Creditable Tax Withheld per BIR Form No. 2316 (From Schedule 1 Item 5A2 /5B2) 6 Tax Paid in Return previously filed, if this is an Amended Return 7 Foreign Tax Credits, if applicable 8 Special Tax Credits, if applicable 9 Other Payments / Credits, specify __________________________ 10 Total Tax Credits / Payments (Sum Items 1 to 9) (To Item73) Schedule 10 - BALANCE SHEET Assets Description 1 Current Assets 2 Long-Term Investments 3 Property, Plant and Equipment - Net 4 Long Term Receivables 5 Intangible Assets 6 Other Assets 7 Total Assets (Sum Items 1 to 6) Liabilities 8 Current Liabilities 9 Long Term Liabilities 10 Deferred Credits 11 Other Liabilities 12 Total Liabilities (Sum of Items 8 to 11) Capital 13 Capital, Beginning 14 Add: Net Income for the Year 15 Less: Drawings 16 Capital, Ending (Sum of Items 13 & 14 Less Item 15) 17 Total Liabilities and Capital (Sum of Items 12 & 16)

A) Taxpayer/Filer

B) Spouse

A) Taxpayer/Filer

B) Spouse

Annual Income Tax Return

Page 10 Schedules 11A to 11B
TIN 0 0 0 0

BIR Form No.

June 2013 (ENCS)

Tax Filers Last Name

Schedule 11 - Reconciliation of Net Income per Books Against Taxable Income (Attach additional sheet/s, if necessary) Schedule 11A TAX FILERS Reconciliation of Net Income per Books Against Taxable Income 1 Net Income (Loss) per books Add: Non-deductible Expenses/Taxable Other Income 2 3 4 Total (Sum of Items 1 to 3) Less: A) Non-taxable Income and Income Subjected to Final Tax 5 6 B) Special Deductions 7 8 9 Total (Sum of Items 5 to 8) 10 Net Taxable Income (Loss) - Tax Filer (Item 4 Less Item 9) Schedule 11B SPOUSES Reconciliation of Net Income per Books Against Taxable Income 1 Net Income (Loss) per books Add: Non-deductible Expenses/Taxable Other Income 2 3 4 Total (Sum of Items 1 to 3) Less: A) Non-taxable Income and Income Subjected to Final Tax 5 6 B) Special Deductions 7 8 9 Total (Sum of Items 5 to 8) 10 Net Taxable Income (Loss) Spouse (Item 4 Less Item 9)

Annual Income Tax Return

Page 11 Schedules 12A to 12B
TIN 0 0 0 0

BIR Form No.

June 2013 (ENCS)

Tax Filers Last Name Schedule 12 Supplemental Information

Schedule 12A - Gross Income/ Receipts Subjected to Final Withholding I) Description 1 Interests 2 Royalties 3 Dividends 4 Prizes and Winnings 5 Fringe Benefits 6 Compensation Subject to 15% Preferential Rate II) Sale/Exchange of Real Properties 7 Description of Property (e.g., land, improvement, etc.) 8 OCT/TCT/CCT/Tax Declaration No. 9 Certificate Authorizing Registration (CAR) No. 10 Actual Amount/Fair Market Value/Net Capital Gains 11 Final Tax Withheld/Paid III) Sale/Exchange of Shares of Stock 12 Kind (PS/CS) / Stock Certificate Series No. 13 Certificate Authorizing Registration (CAR) No. 14 Number of Shares 15 Date of Issue (MM/DD/YYYY) 16 Actual Amount/Fair Market Value/Net Capital Gains 17 Final Tax Withheld/Paid IV) Other Income (Specify) 18 Other Income Subject to Final Tax Under Sections
57(A)/127/others of the Tax Code, as amended (Specify)


A) Actual Amount/Fair Market Value/Net Capital Gains

B) Final Tax Withheld/Paid

A) Sale/Exchange #1

B) Sale/Exchange #2

A) Sale/Exchange #1

B) Sale/Exchange #2

A) Other Income #1

B) Other Income #2

19 Actual Amount/Fair Market Value/Net Capital Gains 20 Final Tax Withheld/Paid 21 Total Final Tax Withheld/Paid (Sum of Items 1B to 6B, 11A, 11B,17A, 17B, 20A & 20B) Schedule 12B - Gross Income/Receipts Exempt from Income Tax (Actual Amount/Fair Market Value) 1 Proceeds of Life Insurance Policy 2 Return of Premium 3 Retirement Benefits, Pensions, Gratuities, etc. I) Personal/Real Properties Received thru Gifts, A) Personal/Real Properties #1 B) Personal/Real Properties #2 Bequests, and Devises 4 Description of Property (e.g., land, improvement, etc.) 5 Mode of Transfer (e.g. Donation) 6 Certificate Authorizing Registration (CAR) No. 7 Actual Amount/Fair Market Value II) Other Exempt Income/Receipts 8 Other Exempt Income/Receipts Under Section 32(B) of the
Tax Code, as amended (Specify)

A) Personal/Real Properties #1

B) Personal/Real Properties #2

9 Actual Amount/Fair Market Value/Net Capital Gains 10 Total Income/Receipts Exempt from Income Tax (Sum of Items 1 to 3, 7A, 7B, 9A & 9B)

Annual Income Tax Return

Consolidation of ALL Activities per Tax Regime
(Accomplish only if with MULTIPLE Tax Regimes)
From Part X Mandatory Attachments for Exempt / Special Tax Regime PER ACTIVITY and Part IV for REGULAR

BIR Form No.

June 2013 (ENCS) Page 12


Tax Filers Last Name

0 0 0 0

Part IX - CONSOLIDATED COMPUTATION BY TAX REGIME (Consolidate amounts from Part X Mandatory Attachments for Exempt / Special Tax Regime PER ACTIVITY and Part IV for REGULAR)
A) Regular B) Total Special C) Total Exempt D) TOTAL (D= A + B + C) E) Regular F) Total Special

G) Total Exempt H) TOTAL (H=E+F+G)

1 Net Sales/Revenues/Receipt/Fees
(From Part IV Item 50A/50B-Regular) (From Schedule B Item 1A/1B-Special/Exempt)

2 Add: Other Taxable Income from Operations not subject to Final Tax
(From Part IV Item 51A/51B-Regular) (From Schedule B Item 2A/2B-Special/Exempt)

3 Total Sales/Revenues/Receipts/Fee (Sum of Items 1 & 2) 4 Less: Cost of Sales/Service

(From Part IV Item 53A/53B-Regular) (From Schedule B Item 4A/4B-Special/Exempt)

5 Gross Income from Business/Profession (Item 3 Less Item 4) 6 Add: Non-Operating Income
(From Part IV Item 55A/55B-Regular) (From Schedule B Item 6A/6B-Special/Exempt)

7 TOTAL GROSS INCOME (Sum of Items 5 & 6)

Less: Allowable Deductions

8 Ordinary Allowable Itemized Deductions

(From Part IV Item 57A/57B-Regular) (From Schedule B Item 8A/8B-Special/Exempt)

9 Special Allowable Itemized Deductions

(From Part IV Item 58A/58B-Regular) (From Schedule B Item 9A/9B-Special/Exempt)

10 Allowance for Net Operating Loss Carry Over (NOLCO)

(From Part IV Item 59A/59B)

11 Total Allowable Itemized Deductions (Sum of Items 8 to 10)


12 Optional Standard Deductions (OSD) (40% of Item 3 Total Sales/ Receipts / Revenues / Fees)
(Note: Option to use OSD is not applicable on those with Multiple Tax Regimes)

13 Taxable Income from Business/Profession

(Item 7 Less Item 11)

14 Add: Net Taxable Compensation Income (From Part IV Item 63A/63B) 15 Net Taxable Income (Sum of Items 13 & 14) 16 Less: Excess Deductions, if any OR the Total Deductions, if there is no
compensation income (From Part IV Item 65A/65B)

17 TOTAL TAXABLE INCOME (Item 15 Less Item 16) 18 TOTAL INCOME TAX DUE - REGULAR (From Part V Item 68A/68B);
- SPECIAL (Item 17B/17F X applicable Special Tax Rate) - EXEMPT (Item 7C/7G X 0%)

19 Less: Total Tax Credits / Payments

(From Sched. 9 Item 10A/10B-Regular) (From Sched. J Item 10A/10B-Special/Exempt)

20 NET TAX PAYABLE (OVERPAYMENT) (Item 18 Less Item 19) 21 Total Tax Relief Availment - REGULAR (From Part VI Item 90A/90B)
-SPECIAL (From Schedule C1 Item 8A/8B) (To Part VI Item 91A/91B) -EXEMPT (From Schedule C2 Item 11A/11B) (To Part VI Item 92A/92B)

For BIR Use Only

BCS/ Item


Annual Income Tax Return

For Use ONLY by Corporation, Partnership and Other Non-Individual Republika ng Pilipinas Taxpayer EXEMPT Under the Tax Code, as Amended, [Sec. 30 and Kagawaran ng Pananalapi those exempted in Sec. 27(C)] and Other Special Laws, Kawanihan ng Rentas Internas with NO Other Taxable Income
Enter all required information in CAPITAL LETTERS using BLACK ink. Mark applicable boxes with an X. Two copies MUST be filed with the BIR and one held by the taxpayer.

BIR Form No.

June 2013 Page 1

1 For



3 Amended Return?

4 Short Period Return?

2 Year Ended (MM/20YY)

5 Alphanumeric Tax Code (ATC) IC 011 Exempt Corporation on Exempt Activities IC 021 General Professional Partnership

6 Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN)





Part I - Background Information

0 0 0 0

7 RDO Code

8 Date of Incorporation/Organization (MM/DD/YYYY)

9 Registered Name (Enter only 1 letter per box using CAPITAL LETTERS)

10 Registered Address (Indicate complete registered address)

11 Contact Number

12 Email Address 14 PSIC Code

Itemized Deductions [Sections 34 (A-J), NIRC]

13 Main Line of Business 15 Method of Deduction

16 Legal Basis of Tax Relief/Exemption (Specify) 18 Registered Activity/Program (Reg. No.)

17 Investment Promotion Agency (IPA)/Government Agency

19 Effectivity Date of Tax Relief/Exemption From / /

Part II Total Tax Payable


0 0 0

(Do NOT enter Centavos)

20 Total Income Tax Due (From Part IV Item 41) 21 Add: Penalty - Compromise 22 TOTAL AMOUNT PAYABLE (Sum of Items 20 & 21)

We declare under the penalties of perjury, that this annual return has been made in good faith, verified by us, and to the best of our knowledge and belief, is true and correct pursuant to the provisions of the National Internal Revenue Code, as amended, and the regulations issued under authority thereof. (If Authorized Representative, attach authorization letter and indicate TIN.)

Signature over printed name of President/Principal Officer/ Authorized Representative

Signature over printed name of Treasurer/Assistant Treasurer

Title of Signatory
23 Community Tax Certificate
(CTC) Number/SEC Reg. No.

Number of pages filed

24 Date of Issue (MM/DD/YYYY)


25 Place of Issue
Part III Details of Payment

26 Amount, if CTC
Drawee Bank/ Agency

Details of Payment
27 Cash/Bank Debit Memo



28 Check 29 Tax Debit Memo

30 Others (Specify Below)

/ / / /

/ / / /
Stamp of receiving Office/AAB and Date of Receipt (ROs Signature/Bank Tellers Initial)

Machine Validation / Revenue Official Receipt Details (if not filed with an Authorized Agent Bank)

Annual Income Tax Return

Page 2

BIR Form No.

June 2013

Registered Name

0 0 0 0
Part IV Computation of Tax 31 Net Sales/Revenues/Receipts/Fees (From Schedule 1 Item 6) 32 Less: Cost of Sales/Services (From Schedule 2 Item 27) 33 Gross Income from Operation
(Item 31 Less Item 32)

(Do NOT enter Centavos)

34 Add: Other Taxable Income Not Subjected to Final Tax (From Schedule 3 Item 4) 35 Total Gross Income (Sum of Items 33 & 34) Less: Deductions Allowable under Existing Law 36 Ordinary Allowable Itemized Deductions
(From of Schedule 4 Item 40)

37 Special Allowable Itemized Deductions

(From Schedule 5 Item 5)

38 Total Itemized Deductions (Sum of Items 36 & 37) 39 Net Taxable Income (Item 35 Less Item 38) 40 Income Tax Rate 41 Total Income Tax Due (Item 39 X Item 40)
(To Part II Item 20)

0 0 0
Part V - Tax Relief Availment

42 Regular Income Tax Otherwise Due (30% of Part IV Item 39) 43 Special Allowable Itemized Deductions (30% of Part IV Item 37) 44 Total Tax Relief Availment
(Sum of Items 42 & 43)

Part VI - Information - External Auditor/Accredited Tax Agent 45 Name of External Auditor/Accredited Tax Agent 46 TIN 47 Name of Signing Partner (If External Auditor is a Partnership) 48 TIN 49 BIR Accreditation No. 50 Issue Date (MM/DD/YYYY) 51 Expiry Date (MM/DD/YYYY)

Annual Income Tax Return

Page 3 - Schedules 1 & 2
TIN 0 0 0 0

BIR Form No.

June 2013

Registered Name

Schedule 1 - Sales/Revenues/Receipts/Fees (Attach additional sheet/s, if necessary) 1 Sale of Goods/Properties 2 Sale of Services 3 Lease of Properties 4 Total (Sum of Items 1 to 3) 5 Less: Sales Returns, Allowances and Discounts 6 Net Sales/Revenues/Receipts/Fees (Item 4 Less Item 5)
(To Part IV Item 31)

Schedule 2 - Cost of Sales (Attach additional sheet/s, if necessary) Schedule 2A - Cost of Sales (For those Engaged in Trading) 1 Merchandise Inventory - Beginning 2 Add Purchase of Merchandise 3 Total Goods Available for Sale (Sum of Items 1 & 2) 4 Less: Merchandise - Ending 5 Cost of Sales (Item 3 Less Item 4)
(To Schedule 2 Item 27)

Schedule 2B - Cost of Sales (For those Engaged in Manufacturing) 6 Direct Materials, Beginning 7 Add: Purchases of Direct Materials 8 Materials Available for Use (Sum of Items 6 & 7) 9 Less: Direct Materials, Ending 10 Raw Materials Used (Item 8 Less Item 9) 11 Direct Labor 12 Manufacturing Overhead 13 Total Manufacturing Cost (Sum of Items 10, 11 & 12) 14 Add: Work in Process, Beginning 15 Less: Work in Process, Ending 16 Cost of Goods Manufactured (Sum of Items 13 & 14 Less Item 15) 17 Add: Finished Goods, Beginning 18 Less: Finished Goods, Ending 19 Cost of Goods Manufactured and Sold
(Sum of Items 16 & 17 Less Item 18) (To Schedule 2 Item 27)

Schedule 2C - Cost of Services

(For those engaged in Services, indicate only those directly incurred or related to the gross revenue from rendition of services)

20 Direct Charges - Salaries, Wages and Benefits 21 Direct Charges - Materials, Supplies and Facilities 22 Direct Charges - Depreciation 23 Direct Charges - Rental 24 Direct Charges - Outside Services 25 Direct Charges - Others 26 Total Cost of Services (Sum of Items 20 to 25)
(To Schedule 2 Item 27)

27 Total Cost of Sales/Services (Sum of Items 5, 19 & 26, if applicable) (To Part IV Item 32)

Annual Income Tax Return

Page 4 - Schedules 3 & 4
TIN 0 0 0 0

BIR Form No.

June 2013

Registered Name

Schedule 3 - Other Taxable Income Not Subjected to Final Tax (Attach additional sheet/s, if necessary) 1 2 3
4 Total Other Taxable Income Not Subjected to Final Tax (Sum of Items 1 to 3) (To Part IV Item 34)

Schedule 4 - Ordinary Allowable Itemized Deductions (Attach additional sheet/s, if necessary) 1 Advertising and Promotions Amortizations (Specify on Items 2, 3 & 4) 2 3 4 5 Bad Debts 6 Charitable Contributions 7 Commissions 8 Communication, Light and Water 9 Depletion 10 Depreciation 11 Director's Fees 12 Fringe Benefits 13 Fuel and Oil 14 Insurance 15 Interest 16 Janitorial and Messengerial Services 17 Losses 18 Management and Consultancy Fee 19 Miscellaneous 20 Office Supplies 21 Other Services 22 Professional Fees 23 Rental 24 Repairs and Maintenance (Labor or Labor & Materials) 25 Repairs and Maintenance (Materials/Supplies) 26 Representation and Entertainment 27 Research and Development 28 Royalties 29 Salaries and Allowances

Annual Income Tax Return

Page 5 - Schedules 4, 5 & 6

BIR Form No.

June 2013

Registered Name

0 0 0

Schedule 4 - Ordinary Allowable Itemized Deductions (Continued from Previous Page) 30 Security Services 31 SSS, GSIS, Philhealth, HDMF and Other Contributions 32 Taxes and Licenses 33 Tolling Fees 34 Training and Seminars 35 Transportation and Travel Others [Specify below; Add additional sheet(s) if necessary] 36 37 38 39 40 Total Ordinary Allowable Itemized Deductions (Sum of Items 1 to 39)
(To Part IV Item 36)

Schedule 5 - Special Allowable Itemized Deductions (Attach additional sheet/s, if necessary) Description 1 2 3 4 5 Total Special Allowable Itemized Deductions (Sum of Items 1 to 4)
(To Part IV Item 37)

Legal Basis


Schedule 6 - Reconciliation of Net Income per Books Against Taxable Income 1 Net Income/(Loss) per books Add: Non-deductible Expenses/Taxable Other Income 2 3 4 Total (Sum of Items 1 to 3) Less: A) Non-taxable Income and Income Subjected to Final Tax 5 6 B) Special Deductions 7 8 9 Total (Sum of Items 5 to 8) 10 Net Taxable Income (Loss) (Item 4 Less Item 9)

(Attach additional sheet/s, if necessary)

Annual Income Tax Return

Page 6 - Schedules 7 & 8
TIN 0 0 0 0

BIR Form No.

June 2013

Registered Name Schedule 7 BALANCE SHEET Assets

1 Current Assets 2 Long-Term Investment 3 Property, Plant and Equipment Net 4 Long-Term Receivables 5 Intangible Assets 6 Other Assets 7 Total Assets (Sum of Items 1 to 6) Liabilities and Equity 8 Current Liabilities 9 Long-Term Liabilities 10 Deferred Credits 11 Other Liabilities 12 Total Liabilities (Sum of Items 8 to 11) 13 Capital Stock 14 Additional Paid-in Capital 15 Retained Earnings 16 Total Equity (Sum of Items 13 to 15) 17 Total Liabilities and Equity (Sum of Items 12 & 16) Schedule 8 Stockholders Partners Members Information (Top 20 stockholders, partners or members) TIN Capital Contribution
% to Total

(On column 3 enter the amount of capital contribution and on the last column enter the percentage this represents on the entire ownership.)


Annual Income Tax Return

Page 7 - Schedules 9 & 10
I) Gross Income/ Receipts Subjected to Final Withholding

BIR Form No.

June 2013

Registered Name 0 0 0 Schedule 9- Supplemental Information (Attach additional sheet/s, if necessary) A) Exempt
B) Actual Amount/Fair Market Value/Net Capital Gains

C) Final Tax Withheld/Paid

1 Interests 2 Royalties 3 Dividends

4 Prizes and Winnings II) Sale/Exchange of Real Properties A) Sale/Exchange #1 B) Sale/Exchange #2

5 Description of Property (e.g., land, improvement, etc.) 6 OCT/TCT/CCT/Tax Declaration No. 7 Certificate Authorizing Registration (CAR) No. 8 Actual Amount/Fair Market Value/Net Capital Gains 9 Final Tax Withheld/Paid
III) Sale/Exchange of Shares of Stock A) Sale/Exchange #1 B) Sale/Exchange #2

10 Kind (PS/CS) / Stock Certificate Series No. 11 Certificate Authorizing Registration (CAR) No. 12 Number of Shares 13 Date of Issue (MM/DD/YYYY) 14 Actual Amount/Fair Market Value/Net Capital Gains 15 Final Tax Withheld/Paid
IV) Other Income (Specify)

A) Other Income #1

B) Other Income #2

16 Other Income Subject to Final Tax Under Sections 57(A)/127/others of the Tax Code, as amended

17 Actual Amount/Fair Market Value/Net Capital Gains 18 Final Tax Withheld/Paid 19 Total Final Tax Withheld/Paid (Sum of Items 1C to 4C, 9A, 9B, 15A, 15B, 18A & 18B) Schedule 10- Gross Income/Receipts Exempt from Income Tax 1 Return of Premium
(Actual Amount/Fair Market Value)

I) Personal/Real Properties Received thru Gifts, Bequests, and Devises 2 Description of Property (e.g., land, improvement, etc.) 3 Mode of Transfer (e.g. Donation) 4 Certificate Authorizing Registration (CAR) No. 5 Actual Amount/Fair Market Value II) Other Exempt Income/Receipts 6 Other Exempt Income/Receipts Under Sec. 32 (B) of the Tax Code, as amended (Specify) 7 Actual Amount/Fair Market Value/Net Capital Gains 8 Total Income/Receipts Exempt from Income Tax

A) Personal/Real Properties #1

B) Personal/Real Properties #2

A) Other Exempt Income #1

B) Other Exempt Income #2

(Sum of Items 1, 5A, 5B, 7A & 7B)

For BIR Use Only

BCS/ Item


Annual Income Tax Return

Republika ng Pilipinas Kagawaran ng Pananalapi Kawanihan ng Rentas Internas

BIR Form No.

For Corporation, Partnership and Other Non-Individual with MIXED Income Subject to Multiple Income Tax Rates or with Income Subject to SPECIAL/PREFERENTIAL RATE
Enter all required information in CAPITAL LETTERS using BLACK ink. Mark applicable boxes with an X. Two copies MUST be filed with the BIR and one held by the taxpayer.

June 2013
Page 1

1 For Calendar Fiscal 2 Year Ended (MM/20YY)

3 Amended Return?

4 Short Period Return?

6 Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN)





5 Alphanumeric Tax Code (ATC) IC 055 Minimum Corporate Income Tax (MCIT)

Part I Background Information

0 0 0 0

7 RDO Code

8 Date of Incorporation/Organization (MM/DD/YYYY) 9 Registered Name (Enter only 1 letter per box using CAPITAL LETTERS)

10 Registered Address (Indicate complete registered address)

11 Contact Number

12 Email Address 14 PSIC Code

Itemized Deduction [Section 34 (A-J), NIRC]

13 Main Line of Business


15 Method of Deduction

Part II Total Tax Payable

(Do NOT enter Centavos)

16 Total Income Tax Due (Overpayment) (From Part V Item 37D) 17 Less: Total Tax Credits/Payments (From Part V Item 38D) 18 Net Tax Payable (Overpayment)(Item16 Less Item 17) 19 Add: Total Penalties (From Part V Item 43) 20 TOTAL AMOUNT PAYABLE (Overpayment)
(Sum of Items 18 &19) or (From Part V Item 44)

21 If Overpayment, mark X one box only (Once the choice is made, the same is irrevocable)
To be refunded To be issued a Tax Credit Certificate (TCC) To be carried over as a tax credit for next year/quarter
We declare under the penalties of perjury, that this annual return has been made in good faith, verified by us, and to the best of our knowledge and belief is true and correct, pursuant to the provisions of the National Internal Revenue Code, as amended, and the regulations issued under authority thereof. (If Authorized Representative, attach authorization letter and indicate TIN)

Signature over printed name of President/Principal Officer/Authorized Representative

Signature over printed name of Treasurer/Assistant Treasurer

Title of Signatory
22 Community Tax Certificate
(CTC) Number/SEC Reg. No.

Number of pages filed

23 Date of Issue (MM/DD/YYYY) 25 Amount, if CTC

24 Place of Issue

Part III Details of Payment Details of Payment

26 Cash/Bank Debit Memo
Drawee Bank/ Agency




27 Check 28 Tax Debit Memo

29 Others (Specify below)

/ / / /

/ / / /
Stamp of Receiving Office/AAB and Date of Receipt (ROs Signature/Bank Tellers Initial)

Machine Validation/Revenue Official Receipt Details (if not filed with an Authorized Agent Bank)

Annual Income Tax Return 1702-MX Page 2

TIN June 2013 Registered Name

BIR Form No.


Part IV Basis of Tax Relief

30 Basis of Tax Relief under Special Law or International Tax Treaty If there is only one activity/program under EXEMPT and SPECIAL Tax Regimes, fill up spaces below.

A Exempt
31 Investment Promotion Agency (IPA) /
Implementing Government Agency

If there are more than one activities/programs under EXEMPT and SPECIAL Tax Regimes, use as many Mandatory Attachments per Activity (Part VIII) as necessary and mark X the box at the left. C Special Tax Relief

B Special Rate

(Under Regular/Normal Rate)

32 Legal Basis
33 Registered Activity/Program (Reg. No.)

34 Special Tax Rate 35 From (MM/DD/YYYY) 36 To (MM/DD/YYYY)

. / / / /
A. Total Exempt

/ /

/ /

/ /
C. Total Regular

/ /
D. Total All Columns

Part V - Computation of Amount Payable per Tax Regime Description

B. Total Special


(From Schedule 1 Item 16B/16C/16D) (To Part II Item 16)


38 Less: Tax Credits/Payments

(From Schedule 8 Item 13) (Item 37 Less Item 38) ( To Part II Item 17)


(To Part II Item 18)

Add Penalties 40 Surcharge 41 Interest 42 Compromise 43 Total Penalties (Sum of Items 40 to 42)

(To Part II Item 19)

(To Part II Item 20)

44 TOTAL AMOUNT PAYABLE (OVERPAYMENT) (Sum of Items 39 and 43)

Part VI - Information - External Auditor/Accredited Tax Agent 45 Name of External Auditor/Accredited Tax Agent 46 TIN 47 Name of Signing Partner (If External Auditor is a Partnership) 48 TIN 49 BIR Accreditation No. 50 Issue Date (MM/DD/YYYY) 51 Expiry Date (MM/DD/YYYY)

IC 010 IC 055 IC 030


1. a. In General b. Minimum Corporate Income Tax (MCIT) 2. Proprietary Educational Institutions a. Proprietary Educational Institution whose gross income from unrelated trade, business or other activity exceeds fifty percent (50%) of the total gross income from all sources b. Minimum Corporate Income Tax (MCIT) 3. Non-Stock, Non-Profit Hospitals a. Non-Stock, Non-Profit Hospitals whose gross income from unrelated trade, business or other activity exceeds fifty percent (50%) of the total gross income from all sources b. Minimum Corporate Income Tax (MCIT) 4. a. Government Owned and Controlled Corporations (GOCC), Agencies & Instrumentalities b. Minimum Corporate Income Tax (MCIT) 5. a. National Government and Local Government Units (LGU) b. Minimum Corporate Income Tax (MCIT) 6. a. Taxable Partnership b. Minimum Corporate Income Tax

30% 2% 10%

Taxable Income from All Sources Gross Income Taxable Income from All Sources IC 011 IC 010 IC 021





7. Exempt Corporation a. On Exempt Activities b. On Taxable Activities 8. General Professional Partnership (GPP) 9. Corporation covered by Special Law*

0% 30% exempt Taxable Income from All Sources

30% 2% 10%

Taxable Income from All Sources Gross Income Taxable Income from All Sources

IC 055 IC 031


IC 070 IC 055 1. a. In general b. Minimum Corporate Income Tax (MCIT) 2. International Carriers 3. Regional Operating Headquarters* 4. Corporation covered by Special Law* IC 190 5. Offshore Banking Units (OBU's) a. Foreign Currency Transactions not subjected to Final Tax b. Other than Foreign Currency Transaction IC 191 6. Foreign Currency Deposit Units (FCDU) a. Foreign Currency Transactions not subjected to Final Tax b. Other than Foreign Currency Transaction Gross Taxable Income on Foreign Currency Transaction not subjected to Final Tax Taxable Income Other Than Foreign Currency Transaction 30% 2% 2.5% 10% Taxable Income from Within the Philippines Gross Income Gross Philippine Billing Taxable Income

30% 2% 30% 2% 30% 2% 30% 2%

Taxable Income from All Sources Gross Income Taxable Income from All Sources Gross Income Taxable Income from All Sources Gross Income Taxable Income from All Sources Gross Income

IC 080 IC 101

IC 055 IC 040 IC 055 IC 041 IC 055 IC 020 IC 055

10% 30%

10% 30%

Gross Taxable Income on Foreign Currency Transaction not subjected to Final Tax Taxable Income Other Than Foreign Currency Transaction

*Please refer to Revenue District Offices

Annual Income Tax Return 1702-MX Page 3 Schedules 1 & 2

June 2013

BIR Form No.


TIN 0 0 0 0

Registered Name

Instructions: A. Fill up the applicable columns below, if there is only one activity/program under EXEMPT and/or SPECIAL Tax Regimes. B. Use as many Part VIII-Mandatory Attachments per Activity as necessary, if there are more than one activities/programs under EXEMPT and/or SPECIAL Tax Regimes. Consolidated amounts from Part VIII Mandatory Attachments PER TAX REGIME shall be reflected under the corresponding columns below.

Part VII S C H E D U L E S
Schedule 1 COMPUTATION OF TAX Per Tax Regime Description 1 Net Sales/Revenues/Receipts/Fees
(From Schedule 3 Item 6) and (From all of Part VIII Sched B Item 1)

A. Total Exempt

B. Total Special

C. Total Regular

D. Total All Columns

2 Less: Cost of Sales/Services

(From Schedule 3 Item 27) and (From all of Part VIII Sched B Item 2)

3 Gross Income from Operation

(Item 1 Less Item 2)

4 Add: Other Taxable Income not Subjected to Final

Tax (From Schedule 4 Item 4) & (From all of Part VIII Sched B Item 4)

5 Total Gross Income/Gross Taxable Income (Sum of Items 3 & 4) 6 Ordinary Allowable Itemized Deductions
(From Schedule 5 Item 40) and (From all of Part VIII Sched B Item 6)

7 Special Allowable Itemized Deductions

(From Schedule 6 Item 5) and (From all of Part VIII Sched B Item 7)

8 NOLCO [only for those taxable under Sec. 27(A to C);

Sec. 28(A)(1) & (A)(6)(b) of the Tax Code]
(From Schedule 7A Item 8D) and (From all of Part VIII Sched B Item 8)

9 Total Itemized Deductions (Sum of Items 6, 7 & 10 Net Taxable Income/Net Income
(Item 5 Less Item 9)


11Applicable Income Tax Rate

(i.e., Special or Regular/Normal rate)

0% 0.00

12 Income Tax Due other than MCIT

(Item 5 OR Item 10 X Item 12)

13 Less: Share of Other Govt. Agencies, if remitted directly 14 Net Income Tax Due to National Government (Item 12 Less Item 13) 15 MCIT (2% of Gross Income in Item 5) 16 Total Income Tax Due (Overpayment)
(Item 16B = Item 14B); (Item 16C = Normal Income Tax in Item12C or MCIT in Item 15C, whichever is higher); (Item 16D = Sum of Items 16B &16C) (To Part V Item 37B/37C/37D)


Schedule 2 - Tax Relief Availment Description 1 Regular Income Tax Otherwise Due
(30% of the Net Taxable Income in Item 11A for Exempt & Item 11B for Special Rate)

A. Total Exempt

B.Total Special

C.Total Regular

D.Total All Columns

2 Special Allowable Itemized Deductions

(30% of the applicable Total in Schedule 6 Item 5)

3 Sub-Total (Sum of Items 1 and 2) 4 Less: Income Tax Due (From Sched 1Item 13B) 5 Tax Relief Availment before Special Tax Credit (Item 3 Less Item 4) 6 Add: Special Tax Credits (From Schedule 8 Item 10) 7 Total Tax Relief Availment (Sum of Items 5 & 6)


Annual Income Tax Return 1702-MX Page 4 Schedule 3

June 2013

BIR Form No.


TIN 0 Schedule 3 - Sales/Revenues/ Receipts/Fees 1 Sale of Goods/Properties 2 Sale of Services 3 Lease of Properties 4 Total (Sum of Items 1 to 3) 5 Less: Sales Returns/Discounts 6 Net Sales/Revenues/Receipts/Fees
(Item4 Less Item 5) (To Schedule 1 Item 1)

Registered Name 0 0 0 A. Total Exempt B. Total Special C. Total Regular D. Total All Columns

Schedule 3A - Cost of Sales

(For those engaged in Trading)

A. Total Exempt

B. Total Special

C. Total Regular

D. Total All Columns

1 Merchandise Inventory, Beginning 2 Add: Purchases of Merchandise 3 Total Goods Available for Sale
(Sum of Items 1 & 2)

4 Less: Merchandise Inventory, Ending 5 Cost of Sales (Item 3 Less Item 4) Schedule 3B - Cost of Sales
(For those engaged in Manufacturing)
(To Item 27)

A. Total Exempt

B. Total Special

C. Total Regular

D. Total All Columns

6 Direct Materials, Beginning 7 Add: Purchases 8 Materials Available for Use (Sum of Items 6 & 7) 9 Less: Direct Materials, Ending 10 Raw Materials Used (Item 8 Less Item 9) 11 Direct Labor 12 Manufacturing Overhead 13 Total Manufacturing Cost
(Sum of Items 10 to 12)

14 Add: Work in Process, Beginning 15 Less: Work in Process, Ending 16 Cost of Goods Manufactured
(Sum of Items 13 & 14 Less Item 15)

17 Add: Finished Goods, Beginning 18 Less: Finished Goods, Ending 19 Cost of Goods Manufactured &Sold
(Sum of Items 16 & 17 Less Item 18)

(To Item 27)

Schedule 3C - Cost of Services

(For those engaged in Services, indicate only those directly incurred or related to the gross revenue from rendition of services)

A. Total Exempt

B. Total Special

C. Total Regular

D. Total All Columns

20 Direct Charges - Salaries, Wages & Benefits 21 Direct Charges - Materials, Supplies & Facilities 22 Direct Charges - Depreciation 23 Direct Charges - Rental 24 Direct Charges - Outside Services 25 Direct Charges - Others 26 Total Cost of Services
(Sum of Items 20 to 25) (To Item 27)

27 Total Cost of Sales/Services

(Sum of Items 5, 19 & 26, if applicable) (To Schedule 1 Item 2)

Annual Income Tax Return 1702-MX Page 5 - Schedules 4 & 5

June 2013

BIR Form No.


TIN 0 0 0 0

Registered Name

Schedule 4 - Other Taxable Income not Subjected to Final Tax

(Attach additional sheet/s, if necessary)

A. Total Exempt

B. Total Special

C. Total Regular

D. Total All Columns

1 2 3 4 Total Other Taxable Income not Subjected to Final

(Sum of Items 1 to 3) (To Schedule 1 Item 4)

Schedule 5 - Ordinary Allowable Itemized Deductions (Attach additional sheet/s,

if necessary)

A. Total Exempt

B. Total Special

C. Total Regular

D. Total All Columns

1 Advertising and Promotions Amortizations (Specify on Items 2, 3 & 4) 2 3 4 5 Bad Debts 6 Charitable Contributions 7 Commissions 8 Communication, Light and Water 9 Depletion 10 Depreciation 11 Director's Fees 12 Fringe Benefits 13 Fuel and Oil 14 Insurance 15 Interest 16 Janitorial and Messengerial Services 17 Losses 18 Management and Consultancy Fee 19 Miscellaneous 20 Office Supplies 21 Other Services 22 Professional Fees 23 Rental 24 Repairs and Maintenance (Labor or Labor & Materials) 25 Repairs and Maintenance (Materials/Supplies) 26 Representation and Entertainment 27 Research and Development 28 Royalties 29 Salaries and Allowances 30 Security Services 31 SSS, GSIS, Philhealth, HDMF and Other Contributions 32 Taxes and Licenses 33 Tolling Fees 34 Training and Seminars 35 Transportation and Travel

Annual Income Tax Return 1702-MX Page 6 - Schedules 5 to 8

June 2013

BIR Form No.


TIN 0 0 0 0

Registered Name (Continued from Previous Page) B. Total Special C. Total Regular
D. Total All Columns

Schedule 5 Ordinary Allowable Itemized Deductions Others [Specify below; Attach additional sheet(s), if

A. Total Exempt

36 37 38 39
40 Total Ordinary Allowable Itemized Deductions
(Sum of Items 1 to 39) (To Schedule 1 Item 6)

Schedule 6 - Special Allowable Itemized Deductions

(Attach additional sheet/s, if necessary)

A. Total Exempt

B. Total Special

C. Total Regular

D. Total All Columns

Description 1 2 3

Legal Basis

4 5 Total Special Allowable Itemized Deductions

(Sum of Items 1 to 4) (To Schedule 1 Item 7)

Schedule 7 - Computation of Net Operating Loss Carry Over (NOLCO) [only for those taxable under Sec. 27(AtoC); Sec. 28(A) 1 Gross Income 2 Less: Total Deductions Exclusive of NOLCO & Deduction Under Special Law 3 Net Operating Loss (Item 1 Less Item 2)
(To Schedule 7A)

(A)(1) & (A)(6)(b)]

Schedule 7A - Computation of Available Net Operating Loss Carry Over (NOLCO) Net Operating Loss Year Incurred A) Amount 4 5 6 7 Continuation of Schedule 7A (Item numbers continue from table above) D) NOLCO Applied Current Year C) NOLCO Expired 4 5 6 7 8
(Sum of Items 4D to 7D) (To Schedule 1 Item 8)

B) NOLCO Applied Previous Year

E) Net Operating Loss (Unapplied)

Schedule 8 - Tax Credits/PaymentsAttach proof

1 Prior Year's Excess Credits Other Than MCIT 2 Income Tax Payments under MCIT from Previous Quarter/s 3 Income Tax Payments under Regular/Normal Rate from Previous Quarter/s 4 Excess MCIT Applied this Current Taxable Year
(From Schedule 9 Item 4F)

A. Total Exempt

B. Total Special

C. Total Regular

D. Total All Columns

5 Creditable Tax Withheld from Previous Quarter/s 6 Creditable Tax Withheld per BIR Form No. 2307 for the 4th Quarter

Annual Income Tax Return 1702-MX Page 7Schedules 8 to 10

June 2013

BIR Form No.


TIN 0 0 0 0

Registered Name

Schedule 8 Tax Credits/Payments Description 7 Foreign Tax Credits, if applicable

8 Tax Paid in Return Previously Filed, if this is an Amended Return 9 Income Tax Payments under Special Rate from Previous Quarter/s

(Continued from Previous Page) A. Total Exempt B. Total Special C. Total Regular D. Total All Columns

10 Special Tax Credits (To Schedule 2 Item 6) Other Credits/Payments (Specify below): 11 12 13 Total Tax Credits/Payments
(Sum of Items 1 to 12) (To Part V Item 38)

Schedule 9 - Computation of Minimum Corporate Income Tax (MCIT) [Applicable only to those taxable under Sec 27 (A to C) & Sec. 28(A)(2)] A) Normal Income Tax as Adjusted C) Excess MCIT over Normal Income Tax Year B) MCIT 1 2 3 Continuation of Schedule 9 (Item numbers continue from table above) F) Excess MCIT Applied D) Excess MCIT Applied/Used E) Expired Portion of this Current Taxable Year for Previous Years Excess MCIT 1 2 3 4 Total Excess MCIT (Sum of Column for Items 1F to 3F) Schedule 10 - Reconciliation of Net Income per Books Against Taxable Income
(Attach additional sheet/s, if necessary)
(To Schedule 8 Item 4)

G) Balance of Excess MCIT Allowable as Tax Credit for Succeeding Year/s

A. Total Exempt

B. Total Special

C. Total Regular

D. Total All Columns

1 Net Income (Loss) per books

Add: Non-deductible Expenses/Taxable Other Income

2 3 4 Total (Sum of Items 1 to 3)

Less: A) Non-taxable Income and Income Subjected to Final Tax

5 6
B) Special Deductions

7 8 9 Total (Sum of Items 5 to 8) 10 Net Taxable Income (Loss) (Item 4 Less Item 9)

Annual Income Tax Return 1702-MX

Page 8 - Schedules 11 & 12
0 Schedule 11- Balance Sheet
Assets June 2013

BIR Form No.

TIN 0 0 0

Registered Name

1 Current Assets 2 Long-Term Investment 3 Property, Plant and Equipment Net 4 Long-Term Receivables 5 Intangible Assets 6 Other Assets 7 Total Assets (Sum of Items 1 to 6)
Liabilities and Equity

8 Current Liabilities 9 Long-Term Liabilities 10 Deferred Credits 11 Other Liabilities 12 Total Liabilities (Sum of Items 8 to 11) 13 Capital Stock 14 Additional Paid-in Capital 15 Retained Earnings 16 Total Equity (Sum of Items 13 to 15) 17 Total Liabilities and Equity (Sum of Items 12& 16) Schedule 12 Stockholders Partners Members Information (Top 20 stockholders, partners or members) TIN Capital Contribution
% to Total

(On column 3 enter the amount of capital contribution and on the last column enter the percentage this represents on the entire ownership.)


Annual Income Tax Return 1702-MX Page 9 - Schedules 13 & 14

June 2013

BIR Form No.


TIN 0 0 0 0

Registered Name

Schedule 13 - Supplemental Information (Attach additional sheet/s, if necessary)

I) Gross Income/ Receipts Subjected to Final Withholding

A) Exempt

B) Actual Amount/Fair Market Value/Net Capital Gains

C) Final Tax Withheld/Paid

1 Interests 2 Royalties 3 Dividends

4 Prizes and Winnings

II) Sale/Exchange of Real Properties 5 Description of Property (e.g., land, improvement, etc.) 6 OCT/TCT/CCT/Tax Declaration No. 7 Certificate Authorizing Registration (CAR) No. 8 Actual Amount/Fair Market Value/Net Capital Gains 9 Final Tax Withheld/Paid III) Sale/Exchange of Shares of Stock 10 Kind (PS/CS) / Stock Certificate Series No. 11 Certificate Authorizing Registration (CAR) No. 12 Number of Shares 13 Date of Issue (MM/DD/YYYY) 14 Actual Amount/Fair Market Value/Net Capital Gains 15 Final Tax Withheld/Paid IV) Other Income (Specify) 16 Other Income Subject to Final Tax Under Sections 57(A)/127/others of the Tax Code, as amended

A) Sale/Exchange #1

B) Sale/Exchange #2

A) Sale/Exchange #1

B) Sale/Exchange #2

A) Other Income #1

B) Other Income #2

17 Actual Amount/Fair Market Value/Net Capital Gains 18 Final Tax Withheld/Paid 19 Total Final Tax Withheld/Paid (Sum of Items 1C to 4C, 9A, 9B, 15A, 15B, 18A & 18B) Schedule 14- Gross Income/Receipts Exempt from Income Tax 1 Return of Premium (Actual Amount/Fair Market Value) I) Personal/Real Properties Received thru Gifts, Bequests, and Devises 2 Description of Property (e.g., land, improvement, etc.) 3 Mode of Transfer (e.g. Donation) 4 Certificate Authorizing Registration (CAR) No. 5 Actual Amount/Fair Market Value II) Other Exempt Income/Receipts 6 Other Exempt Income/Receipts Under Sec. 32 (B) of the Tax Code, as amended

A) Personal/Real Properties #1

B) Personal/Real Properties #2

A) Other Exempt Income #1

B) Other Exempt Income #2

7 Actual Amount/Fair Market Value/Net Capital Gains 8 Total Income/Receipts Exempt from Income Tax
(Sum of Items 1,5A, 5B, 7A &7B)

For BIR Use Only

BCS/ Item 1702-RT06/13P1 Republika ng Pilipinas Kagawaran ng Pananalapi Kawanihan ng Rentas Internas

Annual Income Tax Return

For Corporation, Partnership and Other Non-Individual Taxpayer Subject Only to REGULAR Income Tax Rate
Enter all required information in CAPITAL LETTERS. Mark applicable boxes with an X. Two copies MUST be filed with the BIR and one held by the taxpayer.

BIR Form No.

June 2013

Page 1

1 For Calendar Fiscal 2 Year Ended (MM/20YY)

3 Amended Return?

4 Short Period Return?

5 Alphanumeric Tax Code (ATC)

IC 055 Minimum Corporate Income Tax (MCIT)






Part I Background Information

6 Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN)

- 0 0 0 0

7 RDO Code

8 Date of Incorporation/Organization (MM/DD/YYYY) 9 Registered Name (Enter only 1 letter per box using CAPITAL LETTERS)

10 Registered Address (Indicate complete registered address)

11 Contact Number

12 Email Address 14 PSIC Code

Itemized Deductions [Sections 34 (A-J), NIRC] Part II Total Tax Payable
Optional Standard Deduction(OSD) 40%of Gross Income [Section 34(L), NIRC as amended by RA No.9504]

13 Main Line of Business

15 Method of Deductions

(Do NOT enter Centavos)

16 Total Income Tax Due (Overpayment) (From Part IV Item 44) 17 Less: Total Tax Credits/Payments (From Part IV Item 45) 18 Net Tax Payable (Overpayment) (Item 16 Less Item 17) (From Part IV Item 46) 19 Add: Total Penalties (From Part IV Item 50) 20 TOTAL AMOUNT PAYABLE (Overpayment) (Sum of Item 18 and 19) (From Part IV Item 51) 21 If Overpayment, mark X one box only (Once the choice is made, the same is irrevocable)
To be refunded To be issued a Tax Credit Certificate (TCC) To be carried over as a tax credit for next year/quarter
We declare under the penalties of perjury, that this annual return has been made in good faith, verified by us, and to the best of our knowledge and belief, is true and correct pursuant to the provisions of the National Internal Revenue Code, as amended, and the regulations issued under authority thereof. (If Authorized Representative, attach authorization letter and indicate TIN)

Signature over printed name of President/Principal Officer/ Authorized Representative

Signature over printed name of Treasurer/ Assistant Treasurer

Title of Signatory
22 Community Tax Certificate (CTC) Number/SEC Reg. No.

Number of pages filed

23 Date of Issue (MM/DD/YYYY)

24 Place of Issue
Part III Details of Payment

25 Amount, if CTC

Details of Payment
26 Cash/Bank Debit Memo

Drawee Bank/ Agency




27 Check 28 Tax Debit Memo

29 Others (Specify Below)

/ / / /

/ / / /
Stamp of receiving Office/AAB and Date of Receipt (ROs Signature/Bank Tellers Initial)

Machine Validation/Revenue Official Receipt Details (if not filed with an Authorized Agent Bank)

Annual Income Tax Return

Page 2
Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) 0 0 0 0

BIR Form No.

June 2013

Registered Name Part IV - Computation of Tax (Do NOT enter Centavos)

30 Net Sales/Revenues/Receipts/Fees (From Schedule 1 Item 6) 31 Less: Cost of Sales/Services (From Schedule 2 Item 27) 32 Gross Income from Operation
(Item 30 Less Item 31)

33 Add: Other Taxable Income Not Subjected to Final Tax (From Schedule 3 Item 4) 34 Total Gross Income (Sum of Items 32 & 33) Less: Deductions Allowable under Existing Law
Allowable Itemized Deductions 35 Ordinary (From Schedule 4 Item 40) Allowable Itemized Deductions 36 Special (From Schedule 5 Item 5)
(only for those taxable under Sec. 27(A to C); Sec. 28(A)(1) 37 NOLCO (A)(6)(b) of the Tax Code (From Schedule 6A Item 8D)

38 Total Itemized Deductions (Sum of Items 35 to 37) OR [in case taxable under Sec 27(A) & 28(A)(1)] 39 Optional Standard Deduction (40% of Item 34) 40 Net Taxable Income (Item 34 Less Item 38 OR Item 39) 41 Income Tax Rate 42 Income Tax Due other than MCIT
(Item 40 x Item 41)


43 Minimum Corporate Income Tax (MCIT) (2% of Gross Income in Item 34)
44 Total Income Tax Due (Normal Income Tax in Item 42 or MCIT in Item 43, whichever is higher) (To Part II Item 16)

45 Less: Total Tax Credits/Payments (From Schedule 7 Item 12) 46 Net Tax Payable (Overpayment) (Item 44 Less Item 45) Add Penalties 47 Surcharge 48 Interest 49 Compromise 50 Total Penalties (Sum of Items 47 to 49)
(To Part II Item 19)

(To Part II Item 17) (To Part II Item 18)

51 Total Amount Payable (Overpayment) (Sum Item 46 & 50)

(To Part II Item 20)

Part V - Tax Relief Availment 52 Special Allowable Itemized Deductions (30% of Item 36) 53 Add: Special Tax Credits (From Schedule 7 Item 9) 54 Total Tax Relief Availment (Sum of Items 52 & 53)

(Do NOT enter Centavos)

Part VI - Information - External Auditor/Accredited Tax Agent 55 Name of External Auditor/Accredited Tax Agent 56 TIN 57 Name of Signing Partner (If External Auditor is a Partnership) 58 TIN 60 Issue Date (MM/DD/YYYY)

59 BIR Accreditation No.

61 Expiry Date (MM/DD/YYYY)

Annual Income Tax Return

Page 3 - Schedules 1 & 2
Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) 0 0 0 0

BIR Form No.

June 2013

Registered Name

Schedule 1 - Sales/Revenues/Receipts/Fees (Attach additional sheet/s, if necessary) 1 Sale of Goods/Properties 2 Sale of Services 3 Lease of Properties 4 Total (Sum of Items 1 to 3) 5 Less: Sales Returns, Allowances and Discounts 6 Net Sales/Revenues/Receipts/Fees (Item 4 Less Item 5)
(To Part IV Item 30)

Schedule 2 - Cost of Sales (Attach additional sheet/s, if necessary) Schedule 2A - Cost of Sales (For those Engaged in Trading) 1 Merchandise Inventory - Beginning 2 Add: Purchases of Merchandise 3 Total Goods Available for Sale (Sum of Items 1 & 2) 4 Less: Merchandise Inventory, Ending 5 Cost of Sales (Item 3 Less Item 4)
(To Schedule 2 Item 27 )

Schedule 2B - Cost of Sales (For those Engaged in Manufacturing) 6 Direct Materials, Beginning 7 Add: Purchases of Direct Materials 8 Materials Available for Use (Sum of Items 6 & 7) 9 Less: Direct Materials, Ending 10 Raw Materials Used (Item 8 Less Item 9) 11 Direct Labor 12 Manufacturing Overhead 13 Total Manufacturing Cost (Sum of Items 10, 11 & 12) 14 Add: Work in Process, Beginning 15 Less: Work in Process, Ending 16 Cost of Goods Manufactured (Sum of Items 13 & 14 Less Item 15) 17 Finished Goods, Beginning 18 Less: Finished Goods, Ending 19 Cost of Goods Manufactured and Sold (Sum of Items 16 & 17 Less Item 18)
(To Sched. 2 Item 27)

Schedule 2C - Cost of Services

(For those engaged in Services, indicate only those directly incurred or related to the gross revenue from rendition of services)

20 Direct Charges - Salaries, Wages and Benefits 21 Direct Charges - Materials, Supplies and Facilities 22 Direct Charges - Depreciation 23 Direct Charges - Rental 24 Direct Charges - Outside Services 25 Direct Charges - Others 26 Total Cost of Services (Sum of Items 20 to 25)
(To Item 27) (To Part IV Item 31)

27 Total Cost of Sales/Services (Sum of Items 5, 19 & 26, if applicable)

Annual Income Tax Return

Page 4 - Schedules 3 & 4
Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) 0 0 0 0

BIR Form No.

June 2013

Registered Name

Schedule 3 - Other Taxable Income Not Subjected to Final Tax (Attach additional sheet/s, if necessary) 1 2 3
4 Total Other Taxable Income Not Subjected to Final Tax (Sum of Items 1 to 3) (To Part IV Item 33)

Schedule 4 - Ordinary Allowable Itemized Deductions (Attach additional sheet/s, if necessary) 1 Advertising and Promotions Amortizations (Specify on Items 2, 3 & 4) 2 3 4 5 Bad Debts 6 Charitable Contributions 7 Commissions 8 Communication, Light and Water 9 Depletion 10 Depreciation 11 Director's Fees 12 Fringe Benefits 13 Fuel and Oil 14 Insurance 15 Interest 16 Janitorial and Messengerial Services 17 Losses 18 Management and Consultancy Fee 19 Miscellaneous 20 Office Supplies 21 Other Services 22 Professional Fees 23 Rental 24 Repairs and Maintenance - (Labor or Labor & Materials) 25 Repairs and Maintenance - (Materials/Supplies) 26 Representation and Entertainment 27 Research and Development 28 Royalties 29 Salaries and Allowances

Annual Income Tax Return

Page 5 - Schedules 4, 5 & 6
Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) 0 0 0 0

BIR Form No.

June 2013

Registered Name

Schedule 4 - Ordinary Allowable Itemized Deductions (Continued from Previous Page) 30 Security Services 31 SSS, GSIS, Philhealth, HDMF and Other Contributions 32 Taxes and Licenses 33 Tolling Fees 34 Training and Seminars 35 Transportation and Travel Others [Specify below; Add additional sheet(s), if necessary] 36 37 38 39 40 Total Ordinary Allowable Itemized Deductions (Sum of Items 1 to 39)
(To Part IV Item 35)

Schedule 5 - Special Allowable Itemized Deductions (Attach additional sheet/s, if necessary) Description 1 2 3 4 5 Total Special Allowable Itemized Deductions (Sum of Items 1 to 4)
(To Part IV Item 36)

Legal Basis


Schedule 6 - Computation of Net Operating Loss Carry Over (NOLCO) 1 Gross Income (From Part IV Item 34) 2 Less: Total Deductions Exclusive of NOLCO & Deduction Under Special Law 3 Net Operating Loss (To Schedule 6A) Schedule 6A - Computation of Available Net Operating Loss Carry Over (NOLCO) Year Incurred 4 5 6 7 Continuation of Schedule 6A (Item numbers continue from table above) C) NOLCO Expired 4 5 6 7 8 Total NOLCO
(Sum of Items 4D to 7D) (To Part IV Item 37)

Net Operating Loss A) Amount

B) NOLCO Applied Previous Year

D) NOLCO Applied Current Year

E) Net Operating Loss (Unapplied)

Annual Income Tax Return

Page 6 - Schedules 7, 8 & 9
Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) 0 0 0 0

BIR Form No.

June 2013

Registered Name

Schedule 7 - Tax Credits/Payments (attach proof) (Attach additional sheet/s, if necessary) 1 Prior Year's Excess Credits Other Than MCIT 2 Income Tax Payment under MCIT from Previous Quarter/s 3 Income Tax Payment under Regular/Normal Rate from Previous Quarter/s 4 Excess MCIT Applied this Current Taxable Year
(From Schedule 8 Item 4F)

5 Creditable Tax Withheld from Previous Quarter/s per BIR Form No. 2307 6 Creditable Tax Withheld per BIR Form No. 2307 for the 4th Quarter 7 Foreign Tax Credits, if applicable 8 Tax Paid in Return Previously Filed, if this is an Amended Return 9 Special Tax Credits (To Part V Item 53) Other Credits/Payments 10 11 12 Total Tax Credits/Payments (Sum of Items 1 to 11)
(To Part IV Item 45) (Specify)

Year 1 2 3

A) Normal Income Tax as Adjusted

Schedule 8 - Computation of Minimum Corporate Income Tax (MCIT) C) Excess MCIT over Normal Income Tax B) MCIT

Continuation of Schedule 8 (Line numbers continue from table above) F) Excess MCIT Applied D) Excess MCIT Applied/Used E) Expired Portion of this Current Taxable Year for Previous Years Excess MCIT 1 2 3 4 Total Excess MCIT (Sum of Column for Items 1F to 3F)
(To Schedule 7 Item 4)

G) Balance of Excess MCIT Allowable as Tax Credit for Succeeding Year/s

Schedule 9 - Reconciliation of Net Income per Books Against Taxable Income 1 Net Income/(Loss) per books Add: Non-deductible Expenses/Taxable Other Income 2 3 4 Total (Sum of Items 1 to 3) Less: A) Non-taxable Income and Income Subjected to Final Tax 5 6 B) Special Deductions 7 8 9 Total (Sum of Items 5 to 8) 10 Net Taxable Income (Loss) (Item 4 Less Item 9)

(Attach additional sheet/s, if necessary)

Annual Income Tax Return 1702-RT Page 7 - Schedules 10 & 11

June 2013

BIR Form No.


Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) 0 0 0 0

Registered Name

Schedule 10 - BALANCE SHEET Assets 1 Current Assets 2 Long-Term Investment 3 Property, Plant and Equipment Net 4 Long-Term Receivables 5 Intangible Assets 6 Other Assets 7 Total Assets (Sum of Items 1 to 6) Liabilities and Equity 8 Current Liabilities 9 Long-Term Liabilities 10 Deferred Credits 11 Other Liabilities 12 Total Liabilities (Sum of Items 8 to 11) 13 Capital Stock 14 Additional Paid-in Capital 15 Retained Earnings 16 Total Equity (Sum of Items 13 to 15) 17 Total Liabilities and Equity (Sum of Items 12 & 16)

Schedule 11



Members Information (Top 20 stockholders, partners or members) TIN Capital Contribution

% to Total

(On column 3 enter the amount of capital contribution and on the last column enter the percentage this represents on the entire ownership.)


Annual Income Tax Return

Page 8 - Schedules 12 & 13
Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) 0 0 0 0

BIR Form No.

June 2013

Registered Name

Schedule 12 - Supplemental Information (Attach additional sheet/s, if necessary)

I) Gross Income/ Receipts Subjected to Final Withholding

A) Exempt

B) Actual Amount/Fair Market Value/Net Capital Gains

C) Final Tax Withheld/Paid

1 Interests 2 Royalties 3 Dividends

4 Prizes and Winnings

II) Sale/Exchange of Real Properties

A) Sale/Exchange #1

B) Sale/Exchange #2

5 Description of Property (e.g., land, improvement, etc.) 6 OCT/TCT/CCT/Tax Declaration No. 7 Certificate Authorizing Registration (CAR) No. 8 Actual Amount/Fair Market Value/Net Capital Gains 9 Final Tax Withheld/Paid
III) Sale/Exchange of Shares of Stock A) Sale/Exchange #3 B) Sale/Exchange #4

10 Kind (PS/CS) / Stock Certificate Series No. 11 Certificate Authorizing Registration (CAR) No. 12 Number of Shares 13 Date of Issue (MM/DD/YYYY) 14 Actual Amount/Fair Market Value/Net Capital Gains 15 Final Tax Withheld/Paid
IV) Other Income (Specify)

A) Other Income #1

B) Other Income #2

16 Other Income Subject to Final Tax Under Sections 57(A)/127/others of the Tax Code, as amended

17 Actual Amount/Fair Market Value/Net Capital Gains 18 Final Tax Withheld/Paid 19 Total Final Tax Withheld/Paid
(Sum of Items 1C to 4C, 9A,9B,15A,15B,18A &18B)

Schedule 13- Gross Income/Receipts Exempt from Income Tax 1 Return of Premium
(Actual Amount/Fair Market Value)

I) Personal/Real Properties Received thru Gifts, Bequests, and Devises 2 Description of Property (e.g., land, improvement, etc.) 3 Mode of Transfer (e.g. Donation) 4 Certificate Authorizing Registration (CAR) No. 5 Actual Amount/Fair Market Value II) Other Exempt Income/Receipts 6 Other Exempt Income/Receipts Under Sec. 32 (B) of the Tax Code, as amended (Specify) 7 Actual Amount/Fair Market Value/Net Capital Gains

A) Personal/Real Properties #1

B) Personal/Real Properties #2

A) Other Exempt Income #1

B) Other Exempt Income #2

8 Total Income/Receipts Exempt from Income Tax (Sum of Items 1, 5A, 5B, 7A & 7B)

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