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III THE FEEL TECHNIQUE What is the Feel Technique? The Feel Technique is a form of meditation. What is meditation?

It is the practice of quiet contemplation. It is the continuous and profound contemplation on a su !ect" sound or o !ect. #editation focuses and calms the mind. It is a trance li$e state that produces etter mental clarit%. #editation creates deeper a&areness and increased concentration. #editation is a respected form of rela'ation that calms the mind and enriches the spirit. The Feel Technique uses the &ord (feel) as a *i ration and a point of focus. The repetition acti*ates the su conscious mind to carr% the *i ration to the ner*ous s%stem. When %our ner*ous s%stem is stimulated % the *i ration of (feel") %ou feel more. Usin+ the silent sound of the &ord (feel") the *i ration is carried to unconscious processes &ithin the ner*ous s%stem" stimulatin+ it to feel more to capacit%. The Feel Technique can e used, -. /s a 0imple #editation. 1. /s a 2od% Focus #editation. 3. 4urin+ social interactions. -. 0imple #editation 0et aside some quiet time in a quiet place. 0ilentl% repeat the &ord (feel) o*er and o*er a+ain. FEEL can e used in an% position" &ith the li+hts on or off. While it5s recommended %ou use FEEL &ith %our e%es closed" if it5s more comforta le" %ou ma% $eep them open. Tr% to find a place &here %ou are the most li$el% to e comforta le and not distur ed. While meditatin+ on the *i ration of (feel") thou+hts" memories" itches and outside sounds &ill catch %our attention &hile %ou5re tr%in+ to focus on the sound. That5s o$" %ou &ill +et distracted. 6ather than &restle &ith the thou+hts" &hen %ou5re a&are that %ou5re not focusin+ on the sound" simpl% allo& %our attention to slo&l% refocus on (feel) a+ain. Instead of stru++lin+ for stillness of mind" &e let the mind +o a out its usiness and chatter" as &e a+ain focus on the sound until the thou+hts +o a&a%. When %ou reali7e %ou5re not repeatin+ (feel") allo& (feel) to re8emer+e as %our primar% focal point. 0o that e*en &hen %ou ha*e thou+hts or memories" e+in to focus on the sound of (feel) at the same time.

/fter a short time" thou+hts and memories &ill fade into the ac$+round as the sound of (feel) ma$es its &a% to the forefront of %our thou+hts a+ain. 4urin+ FEEL" random" unrelated thou+hts &ill pop into %our head. This is !ust (mind chatter.) This is &hat the mind does. 6ather than stru++le &ith it" %ou can tr% one of t&o thin+s, -. 6edirect %our attention ac$ to (feel.) 1. Listen to the chatter and repeat the sound until (feel) ecomes %our primar% focus. (Feel) is silentl% repeated. 9entl%" not rou+h" harsh" or loud. 0ilentl% focus on the sound of (feel.) :ou don5t ha*e to repeat it quic$l% or slo&l%. 6epeat (feel) in a &a% that5s comforta le for %ou. ;ust follo& the natural rh%thm" flo& and speed of repetition that feels ri+ht. :ou can5t ma$e it &or$ an% faster than it does on its o&n. 0tead%" eas% and +entle is usuall% the est &a%. While the sound of (feel) is heard in %our mind" the sound is deli*ered to unconscious processes as a *i ration. 4on5t tr% to ma$e the &ord (feel) *i rate or resonate inside. The sound alread% has it5s o&n *i ration. ;ust silentl% repeat the &ord a+ain and a+ain. :ou can meditate an%&here from fi*e to thirt% minutes or lon+er. :ou can do it once a da% or se*eral times a da%. :ou can set a fi'ed len+th of time. <r stop &hen it feels ri+ht to. It isn5t necessar% to e'perience an%thin+ special or feel somethin+ different each time %ou use FEEL for the process to e effecti*e o*er time. 0ometimes %ou &ill e'perience a difference in %our thou+hts and feelin+s and sometimes %ou &on5t. Questions &ill come to mind &hile usin+ this technique. The ans&er to most of them is feel. There is onl% one prescription to o tain the most enefit from the Feel Technique, Consistent repetition. The mind is li$e a *in%l record. The more %ou pla% it" the deeper the +roo*es ecome. The more %ou pla% the son+ of (feel") the deeper %our capacit% to feel ecomes. The more %ou use %our rain" the more rain %ou ha*e to use. 9re+or% 4orse%

#a$e FEEL a dail% ha it. 1. 2od% Focus #editation The purpose of usin+ FEEL as a od%8focus meditation is to reduce stress and tension. /s a od%8focus meditation" %ou simpl% rin+ or in*ite the sound of (feel) to each part of the od%" one part at a time. This is a slo& process that ta$es time as %ou focus on each part of the od% &ith the sound of (feel.) Ta$e %our time to meditate on each part of the od%" concentratin+ on that area alone. Usin+ FEEL as a od%8focus meditation helps reduce stress and tension. This is accomplished % helpin+ %ou to +et out of %our head more. :ou ha*e a od% ut spend little time in it. #ost of %our focus is spent in %our head. 0ince %ou li*e in %our head" it5s useful to e'pand %our consciousness. E'pandin+ consciousness means +ettin+ past %our mind to re8o&n %our od%. 4oes this sound ridiculous? When &as the last time %ou focused on the area inside %our stomach? When did %ou last (+o to) %our feet or le+s" sendin+ %our concentration there? Ha*e %ou e*er spent time focusin+ on the area of %our heart for a &hile? The ans&er for most people is that the% ha*en5t. #ost people ne*er learn ho& to (+et out) of their o&n head. 0pendin+ more time inside %our od% definitel% helps %ou to feel more. :ou are more than %our head and %ou need to (+et out) more often to find that out. / lot of us are trapped in our heads" rele+atin+ the od% to of little importance. The purpose of this od%8focus method is to !ust ( e) inside %our od% for a &hile. To e more inside the &hole of %ou and not !ust %our head. :ou ha*e a mind. Ho&e*er" %ou are not %our mind. :ou ha*e a mind" ut that5s !ust a part of %ou. If %ou5*e ne*er een told that" it5s eas% to not $no& it. If %ou &ere told that" it5s an eas% thin+ to for+et. The Feel Technique helps %ou to +et past %our mind. Usin+ FEEL as a od%8focus meditation" rin+ or in*ite the sound of (feel) to one area of the od% at a time as %ou concentrate on that re+ion onl%. Ta$e all the time %ou &ant in each area" considerin+ that the more time %ou spend in each od% part" the +reater the enefits can e. If %ou ta$e time out of %our da% and spend a half an hour focusin+ on

%our od%" %ou5d e surprised at ho& centered and +rounded %ou5ll feel after&ards. 0et a time frame that5s ri+ht for %ou" e*en if it5s a fe& minutes a da% to start. If %ou e'perience some discomfort &hile usin+ FEEL" let that e o$. /t some point %ou &ill ha*e uncomforta le feelin+s in one area or more. The uncomforta le feelin+ ma% e ph%sical or emotional. In this od%8focus meditation %ou are in*itin+ or rin+in+ the sound of (feel) to one area at a time. With tension or un&anted feelin+s" sometimes !ust the act of focusin+ on them for a time &ill ma$e them dissol*e. /s &ith an% meditation" this technique &or$s est &hen %ou can let %ourself +o. 4urin+ the simple meditation %ou5re doin+ little else ut follo&in+ %our stream of consciousness and the feelin+s that surface durin+ the process. Ho&e*er" durin+ the od% focus meditation" in addition to lettin+ +o" %ou are encoura+ed to e an o ser*er. /s an o ser*er" %ou5re in*itin+ the sound to an area. This means %ou5re mentall% o ser*in+ the area as the sound of (feel) +oes there. /s an o ser*er" %ou5re &atchin+ and &aitin+ to see &hat %ou e'perience ne't. /t times" little to nothin+ &ill happen" and %ou &on5t feel an% immediate difference. 2ut sometimes the enefits of hei+htened a&areness &ill e unmista$a le. /s an o ser*er" %ou are =or tr% to e> detached from the results. / position of detachment places %ou on the sidelines &hile innate does the &or$. If %ou5re focusin+ on an area that has no tension" it &ill simpl% hei+hten a&areness. Focusin+ on an area of tension =o*er time> can lead to transformation. Transformation ta$es a &hile. #ost feelin+s" ne+ati*e or not" can retain their char+e for onl% so lon+. 9i*e the process time. 2rin+in+ or in*itin+ the sound of (feel) to an area of stress" tension" or ne+ati*it% can hei+hten a&areness of it e*en more. 0o %ou can e'pect that rin+in+ attention to an area of discomfort &ill li$el% intensif% it" at least initiall%. If an area has an% ?sense of *ulnera ilit%5 to it" then first in*ite the sound *er% softl%" as a +entle &hisper. If %ou ecome uncomforta le" %ou can reduce the ?*olume5 of the *i ration" or shift ac$ to FEEL as a simple meditation. <r !ust stop the process for a &hile and +et up and do somethin+ else. While it5s reasona le to e'pect that feelin+s sometimes +et &orse efore the% +et etter" it5s also important to remem er not to push %ourself to feel uncomforta le for too lon+ or too intensel%. :ou5re as$in+ %our ner*ous s%stem to chan+e" and that can onl% happen slo&l%. :ou can al&a%s stop the process and tr% a+ain another da%.

It is important to remem er to rin+ (feel) to an area &ith the intention of allo&in+ the tension or ne+ati*e feelin+ to e &here it is" the &a% it is" re+ardless of shape or si7e. If %ou can allo& for intensit%" then allo& it. 2ut if it +ets too intense" please stop. If %ou tr% to chan+e the tension or attempt to ma$e it e different in some &a%" the su conscious mind &on5t respond. /n% conscious effort" past repetition" is counter8 producti*e. ;ust allo& %our innate" su conscious processes to do the &or$ for %ou. :ou can onl% direct it" not control it. We ha*e found that an% order +i*en to the su conscious mind &ill e carried out unless it is sidetrac$ed or countermanded % another and stron+er order. Napoleon Hill 0ometimes durin+ FEEL %ou &ill, 2e at the affect of %our feelin+s and %ou &ill feel them intensel%. 2e the o ser*er" &atchin+ the +oin+s on in %our ph%siolo+%. 2e in a naturalistic trance" not ha*in+ man% thou+hts or e'periencin+ much at all. 2e in a state of hei+htened a&areness" feelin+ *er% connected to %our self. Feel li$e nothin+ is +oin+ on. When usin+ FEEL" the most li$el% time for ne+ati*e feelin+s to come up is durin+ an% of the three methods is &hen usin+ the method as a od% focus method. Focusin+ on areas of the od% holdin+ stress and tension" %ou could e'perience an+er or sadness or other un&anted feelin+s that &ere une'pected. If at an% time %ou ha*e intense an'iet% or intolera le emotional pain" stop usin+ the Feel Technique for at least a da%. If an'iet% or emotional pain continues" see a therapist. Ti+htness" loc$s and persistent uncomforta le feelin+s contain emotions that ha*e ne*er full% surfaced. If the% had" the od% &ouldn5t still e holdin+ that tension. 2rin+in+ (feel) to those areas of stress or tension could initiall% hei+hten emotional discomfort. If %ou feel emotionall% stron+ enou+h to handle the ne+ati*e feelin+s that ma% come up" then use the Feel Technique. If %ou don5t" FEEL is not recommended. 6emem er" don5t allo& un&anted feelin+s to o*er&helm %ou unless it feels ri+ht to do so. If %ou5re o*er&helmed durin+ the process" unless it feels a solutel% necessar% to +o throu+h the e'perience" don5t push %ourself to do so. It5s etter to stop the process. To repeat" %ou can al&a%s continue this meditation at another time. Ho&e*er" if %ou do feel emotionall% stron+ enou+h to allo& for un&anted feelin+s then, If ne+ati*e feelin+s come up" $eep repeatin+ (feel.) If ne+ati*e pictures or memories come up" $eep repeatin+ (feel) &hile &atchin+ them. /llo& %ourself to feel &hate*er emotions come up &hile doin+ this process.

/llo&in+ stress" tension or ne+ati*e feelin+s to occup% the space %ou find it in isn5t eas%. If %ou can allo& the discomfort" transformation is possi le. If %ou can allo& it lon+ the discomfort for a &hile" transformation is pro a le. :ou can5t push the ri*er" ut %ou can +i*e it time to end. The aim of allo&ance and acceptance of uncomforta le feelin+s is to dissol*e them. When disconnections are full% felt" the ne+ati*it% e+ins to lose its char+e. When ne+ati*it% loses its char+e" disconnections e+in to re8connect. When disconnections connect" uncomforta le feelin+s diminish or dissol*e. When disconnections disappear" there is +reater unit% of self. 6esults and enefits &ill ta$e time and repetition. :ou can5t =realisticall%> e'pect a feelin+ or an area of stress to chan+e &ithin a short time !ust ecause %ou5re focusin+ on it. It is onl% the com ination of time and repetition that +enerates results. In other &ords" +i*e it time. Ho&e*er" this ne't method usin+ the *i ration of (feel) could %ield results sooner than the first t&o methods ecause it ma% ha*e a centerin+ effect that5s prett% immediate. 3. 0<CI/LL: 0ilentl% repeat the &ord (feel) &hile %ou5re &ith others. :ou can pa% attention to them and &hat the%5re sa%in+" &hile at the same time" quietl% repeatin+ the sound of (feel) inside. :our attention can +o ac$ and forth" or %ou can attend to them and the sound at the same time. If %ou feel too distracted to concentrate on &hat5s ein+ said" stop usin+ FEEL for the time ein+. Usin+ FEEL sociall% means +oin+ into %our o&n space" e*en &hile %ou5re &ith others. E'periencin+ %our space &hile %ou5re &ith other people has a centerin+ effect. With friends" famil%" usiness" or in a +roup" the *i ration of (feel) can e a *er% centerin+ e'perience. =If this rin+s up distractin+ thou+hts or feelin+s" stop the process and attend to usiness first.> /t times" usin+ FEEL &ill produce no discerna le difference" sometimes it &ill. The practice of FEEL sociall% can ha*e immediate results and lastin+ enefits. 6e+ardless of the acti*it%" FEEL can transform %our e'perience of the moment. Usin+ FEEL sociall% can, #a$e %ou feel li$e %ou5re more in the here and no&" a part of the moment. Transform the space &ithin %ou. Chan+e the space et&een %ou and someone else. #a$e the space et&een %ou and the place %ou5re in feel different.

Usin+ FEEL sociall% increases %our feelin+ of centered8ness. While an% of the three &a%s of usin+ FEEL can accomplish this" the feelin+s of centered8ness are more pronounced &hen its used &hile %our &ith people. Usin+ feel sociall% doesn5t al&a%s mean that someone else has to e around. :ou can e in a room" in the mall or !ust &al$in+ around to feel the fairl% immediate enefits of FEEL. Usin+ FEEL &hile %our alone produces a different e'perience then &hen %ou5re out and a out. Usin+ it sociall% connects %ou to %our center relati*e to the outside &orld. Usin+ FEEL as a simple meditation also connects %ou to %our center" ut &ithout outside distractions. Each of these three &a%s e'poses %ou to %our center. Lon+ term e'posure to %our center has a terrific enefit. It ma$es %ou more comforta le &ithin the s$in %ou5re in. When %ou5re more comforta le &ithin %our s$in" that feelin+ e'pands to %our space. When %ou5re comforta le in %our space" in time that feelin+ e'tends to %our +round. When that happens" %ou feel +rounded. When %ou feel centered and +rounded" %ou5re more comforta le ta$in+ a position. When %ou feel centered and +rounded" %ou5re more comforta le holdin+ %our +round. When %ou feel centered and +rounded" %ou5re more comforta le spea$in+ %our heart. FEEL silentl% stimulates %our ner*ous s%stem. FEEL resonates as a silent reminder of %our ein+. FEEL refocuses %ou in relation to %our center. FEEL centrali7es %ou" puttin+ %ou in the middle of %our e'perience. FEEL supports %our e'perience of ha*in+ a od% and occup%in+ the space %ou5re in. FEEL reminds %ou &ho %ou are. In time %ou ma% find %ourself thin$in+ or feelin+ somethin+ %ou usuall% &ouldn5t. /fter usin+ FEEL a &hile %ou ma% sa% or do thin+s %ou ordinaril% don5t. WH: IT W<6@0 The reasons &h% this &or$s are complicated" especiall% if %ou5*e ne*er ta$en a class on ho& the rain functions. Fortunatel%" understandin+ ho& it &or$s doesn5t effect ho& &ell the meditation &ill &or$ for %ou. To start simpl%" &hen %ou feel more" %ou feel more ali*e. Feelin+ more ali*e" thin+s are more interestin+ and more interestin+ to do. <n a practical le*el" feelin+ more connects %ou to %ourself and to others. <n a deeper le*el" this connection is facilitated % *i ration" the underl%in+ su structure of all there is.

:our essence" the asis that is %ou" is limited to the space %ou inha it. Ho&e*er" %ou ha*e a *i ration and %ou are a *i ration. /ll e'istence shares the common denominator of *i ration. Ai ration is the foundation of all thin+s and connected to all thin+s. <n a spiritual le*el" %ou are spirit and soul. <n a ps%cholo+ical le*el" %ou are ps%che and e+o. <n an ener+etic le*el" %ou are ener+% and *i ration. <n a ph%sical le*el" %ou are ut dust refined. Thou+h separate from the uni*erse" the use of *i ration connects %ou to the rest of it. Ai rations connect %ou &ith somethin+ lar+er" outside of self. :ou are one su stance and the uni*erse is another. :et *i ration connects %ou oth. Connectin+ &ith somethin+ outside of self contri utes to a different perspecti*e. / different perspecti*e leads to chan+es in feelin+s" decisions and actions. :ou5ll $no& the meditation is &or$in+ &hen %ou e+in to notice these chan+es. The ner*ous s%stem is the *er% underpinnin+ of %our a ilit% to ph%sicall% function. While it does man% thin+s" the capacit% to feel is the operation %ou5re most conscious of. Its primar% function" after $eepin+ %ou ali*e" is to help %ou feel. /nd that5s &hat it does" acti*el%" all the time. :ou ha*e feelin+s at all times. E*en &hen %ou5re asleep and dreamin+" %ou still feel. Feelin+s come to %ou from a num er of places. 2asicall%" ho&e*er" the% are the result of the information e'chan+ed et&een the od% and mind. This chemical transfer et&een mind and od% is the &a% the% share information a out the other5s condition. The chemicals e'chan+ed are called neuro8peptides. There is a part in the rain =the lim ic s%stem> &here these neuro8peptides re+ister as pictures &ithin the su conscious mind. While %ou don5t consciousl% see them" %ou feel the reaction these chemicals and pictures produce. The neuro8peptide e'chan+e of information is not easil% influenced. <ne reason positi*e affirmations ha*e limited effecti*eness is ecause the si+nal onl% +oes to the head and no further. #eanin+ %ou can5t tal$ a neuro8peptide into much of an%thin+. The neuro8 peptide e'chan+e of information is +uided % innate" not conscious operations. Ho&e*er" usin+ the su conscious to reach innate operations is effecti*e ecause the su conscious is also a part of innate processes. Conscious efforts to help the innate are counter producti*e. 2ut &e can pro*o$e the innate to do the &or$ throu+h &ith time and repetition. Encoura+in+ the innate to do the !o it5s alread% desi+ned to do is an irresisti le force.

The Feel Technique is different than other methods. 2% appealin+ to the mind and od% to do more of &hat it alread% does" the *i ration of (feel) acti*ates the ner*ous s%stem to feel more to capacit%" effectin+ the heart and the rain and their alance therein. /lso" the *i ration of feel effects the electrical fields in %our rain. 6eferrin+ to the rain5s electrical fields ma% sound esoteric" ut the science is this, When %ou ha*e a thou+ht" millions of rain cells e'chan+e information % firin+ chemicals at each other. The chemical reaction is initiated % an electrical char+e. The electrical char+e prompts a chemical reaction" &hich leads to a thou+ht" &hich creates a feelin+ that forms a decision" that pro*o$es and action. The Chain <f Command /n Electrical Char+e Chemical 6eaction Thou+ht Feelin+ 4ecision /ction FEEL is effecti*e ecause the *i ration that e+ins &ithin the conscious mind reaches the electrical fields and chemical reactions &here thou+hts and feelin+s e+in. The Feel Technique reaches throu+h the chain of command from the conscious to unconscious processes in the central ner*ous s%stem. /ll conscious functionin+" from thou+hts to action" all start off &ith an electrical char+e. For e'ample" if %ou hear the &ord (horse") an electrical char+e or+ani7es millions of rain cells to communicate &ith each other % e'chan+in+ their chemicals in concert &ith one another. <ne hundredth8of8a8second later" all of a sudden" %ou ima+ine or see a picture of a horse. /n% &ord or *isual cue can set off this internal chain of command" resultin+ in the feelin+s %ou ha*e and the actions %ou ta$e. What %ou e'perience as %our mind set" is a collection of io8electrical fields &ith set neurolo+ical patterns. Neurolo+ical patterns or+ani7e thou+hts so that %ou are a le to function. What %ou e'perience as a thou+ht or a feelin+ is part of an or+ani7ed set of neurolo+ical patterns. When the ri+ht left side of %our rain hears or sees somethin+" the left side e'plains &hat it is %ou5re hearin+ or seein+ and &hat that means. Electrical fields tri++er chemical reactions in the rain. /ctions and reactions are controlled or induced % these chemical reactions. In*itin+ or rin+in+ one *i ration to another *i ration creates a point of contact. In*itin+ the *i ration of (feel) to an electrical field has the potential for +reat chan+e. Ai ration meetin+ *i ration is a point of contact and can effect +reat mo*ement. In*itin+ one *i ration to another is stron+ medicine. Fe& thin+s can chan+e or effect io8electrical fields directl%.

#usic does for a &hile" and shoc$ treatment can for a lon+ time" ut fe& other thin+s do. The su conscious mind and io8electrical fields are oth part of the innate. The concentration and repetition of (feel) induces a li+ht naturalistic trance. This naturalistic trance puts %ou in closer touch &ith %our innate mind. The most complicated achie*ements of thou+ht are possi le &ithout the assistance of the conscious mind. 0i+mund Freud Throu+h repetition" FEEL acti*ates the su conscious to carr% the sound as a *i ration to unconscious processes. The *i ration of (feel) has instructions =a request and a command> to stimulate the ner*ous s%stem to feel more. 0et neurolo+ical patterns are an unconscious function" not su !ect to conscious chan+e" ut the% can e influenced % *i ration and constant repetition. Chan+es made &ithin innate processes can accomplish more than conscious effort. #ore direct access to the unconscious processes unco*ers hidden resources &ithin. #ore direct access to unconscious processes promotes ne& understandin+s. Ne& understandin+s lead to increased alternati*es and ne& possi ilities for success. The Feel Technique does not use *isuali7ation to reach the su conscious. Ho&e*er" pictures" ima+es" and memories &ill come to mind. :ou can &atch the ima+es &hile" at the same time" silentl% repeatin+ (feel.) <r %ou can i+nore the ima+er%" and refocus on the sound a+ain. It5s not necessar% to use *isuali7ation durin+ FEEL ecause %ou are sendin+ instructions to the ner*ous s%stem in the most direct manner possi le. The request and command to feel instructs the ner*ous s%stem to do a it more of &hat it alread% does naturall%. There is nothin+ more primar% and asic than feelin+. There is nothin+ more satisf%in+ than the feelin+ of &holeness. The +oal of FEEL is the e'perience of unit% of self. 4isconnections &ithin the ps%che interfere &ith %our e'perience of unit%. These emotional loc$s are orn in the moment %ou e!ected or re!ected %ourself. 0elf is e!ected in moments of a use" trauma" ne+lect or loss to a*oid the ne't moment. 0elf is re!ected &hen %ou re!ect %ourself ecause someone %ou lo*e or need re!ects %ou. When parts of self are e!ected or re!ected" those parts disconnect and +o some&here else. When someone %ou lo*e or need re!ects %ou" %ou +et an+r%. #ore times then not" that an+er is directed in&ards.

The %oun+er %ou are &hen this happens" the more li$el% %ou are to lame %ourself. It5s usuall% not safe to e'press this an+er so it5s held in and turns on %ou. This formula of self8 lame often +oes on for a lifetime. If %ou often accept lame" it could the influence of this childhood formula at &or$. 6e!ection from others that causes re!ection of self is the source of most feelin+s of inadequac%. The %oun+er %ou are &hen %ou5re re!ected" the more of self +ets lost ecause %ou ha*e fe&er oundaries to stop the ps%che from dissociatin+. The more of self that5s lost in the past" the lar+er the emotional holes &ithin the soul. What can a person do &ith an emotional hole ut run from it? /n% effort to feel the hole is depressin+ and rin+s %ou do&n. /ll attempts at controllin+ it onl% &inds up controllin+ %ou. The common solution is to ?tuc$5 the holes a&a% alon+ &ith their ne+ati*e feelin+s. With FEEL" thou+h" %ou ha*e a plan of attac$. 4ail% use creates the persistence necessar% to counteract ne+ati*it% comin+ from a hole. 2% lettin+ %ourself feel uncomforta le" a sense of acceptance is created. /cceptance allo&s disconnections to come to+ether so the self can mend. Unit% of self creates a sense of &holeness and &ell8 ein+. The o !ecti*e of the Feel Technique is unit% of self. While unit% of self is not somethin+ %ou can ma$e happen" %ou can feel %our &a% throu+h the loc$s to it. 9ettin+ rid of un&anted" ne+ati*e feelin+s is e%ond conscious control. If an%thin+" li$e the Chinese fin+er pu77le" the solution means first pushin+ closer into it. Unit% of self is more a*aila le throu+h consistent periods of allo&ance durin+ FEEL. Consistent periods of allo&ance of that ne+ati*it% +i*es its ener+% a chance to dissol*e. Consistent means dail% and limited periods of time means B to 3C minutes each sittin+. 4isconnections due to past &ounds to the heart limit %our a ilit% to feel. 4isunit% of self results in d%sfunctional relationships. 6elationships in*ol*e famil%" usiness" friendship and lo*e. 4isconnectin+ from feelin+s also means to disconnect from meanin+. When meanin+ is lost" so is self. Unit% of self is the opposite condition of disconnection. Unit% of self is the state %ou &ere orn into. Unit% of self is the state %ou &ant to +et ac$ to. Unit% of self ma$es %ou comforta le to e in %our o&n s$in. Unit% of self produces inte+rit% &ithin the self and the eha*ior that manifests. / difference underneath ma$es a difference at the surface. Hun+arian 0a%in+

The disunited mind cannot be completely honest with itself. When you can fool yourself, it becomes easier to be dishonest with others. The disunited mind cannot receive wisdom nor have peace. The lack of wisdom and the want of peace bear no ground for joy. Wholeness of self" ho&e*er" is a natural +round &here satisfaction can +ro&. Unit% of self is solid +round to ear ne& fruit. The !ourne% &ithin isn5t eas%. 2ut it can e &onderful. When %ou e'perience unit% of self" %ou feel centered more often. Unit% is a centered feelin+ that" in time" ma$es %ou feel +rounded. Centered and +rounded decisions produce d%namic actions. Centered and +rounded people are d%namic. While meditatin+ on (feel") %ou ma% or ma% not feel a difference &hile %ou5re doin+ it. When FEEL acti*ates %our ner*ous s%stem" the shift in feelin+s are usuall% su tle. From su tlet% to su tlet%" in time" there is a difference. From su tlet% to su tlet%" e'istence opens. Lao8T7u When that difference e+ins to ma$e a difference" %ou5ll notice it. :ou5ll reco+ni7e a chan+e in %our feelin+s" perceptions" !ud+ments" or thou+hts. Thin+s %ou didn5t pa% attention to efore ma% start to catch %our attention. Feelin+ more connected and comforta le &ithin is a &onderful e'perience. /s feelin+s +ro& stron+er" %our e'perience of life ad*ances to ne& le*els. The e'perience of unit% of self is hard to e'plain. It ma% e est defined &ithin the e'perience of it. It can e said" thou+h" that unit% of self is ease and connection. 2oth the mind and the od% ha*e the a ilit% to heal itself. Hippocates The mind is creati*e and can surprise itself. Under some conditions" the mind e*en heals itself. The Feel Technique is a procedure to optimi7e chan+e from &ithin. FEEL creates a condition of unit% alon+ &ith a foundation for ne& points of control. The human mind &ill not e confined to an% limits. 9oethe Feelin+s come to mind &ithout an% effort.

Thou+hts and feelin+s surface automaticall%. Emotions are innate" instincti*e and comple'. While emotions can e comple'" FEEL is a *er% simple method. Can a simple method such as FEEL &or$ on people &ith comple' emotions? Can somethin+ as simple as repeatin+ a &ordDsound ma$e a real difference in %our life? The ans&er to oth questions is %es and here5s &h%, Thou+hts and feelin+s ori+inate in %our center. 2% acti*atin+ the su conscious &ith repetition" it reaches that core. When the *i ration is carried to %our core" it stimulates %ou. Ai rations carr% ener+% that5s measura le. The *i ration of FEEL contains oth a request and a command &ithin the ps%che. From su conscious to unconscious processes" FEEL stimulates the ner*ous s%stem. This *i ration encoura+es the ner*ous s%stem to do a little more of &hat it alread% does. Is it reasona le to e'pect that %ou can tell %our ner*ous s%stem to feel and ha*e it respond? 4id %ou $no& that %our e%es can e made to see etter at a moment5s notice? Earticipants in a stud% &ere as$ed to loo$ at letters and num ers on a oard at a it of a distance. The% &ere as$ed to read them out loud as est the% could. The &ritin+ &as at a distance and some&hat small" so it &as fairl% difficult to read. 4ue to these conditions the% could ma$e out some of the letters and num ers and some the% couldn5t. /fter readin+ the oard" the% &ere +i*en a rea$. 4urin+ their rea$ the% &ere told that the% &ould read the same information one more time. Ho&e*er" the% &ere also told that &hen the% read the te't a+ain" the% should ima+ine the% &ere rea$in+ a na7i code" and the fate of the free &orld depended on them +ettin+ it ri+ht. With that ima+inar% thou+ht in mind" all the readin+ le*els &ere a it hi+her the second time around. 4ue to an ima+inar% thou+ht" the% actuall% sa& sli+htl% etter. If %our e%es can e encoura+ed to see etter at a moment5s notice" &hat effect do %ou thin$ prolon+ed" repeated e'posure to the request and command to (feel) could ha*e? Time and &ater &ears a&a% roc$. Confucius Water is the most fluid" plia le" %ieldin+ su stance $no&n to man. :et the mi+ht% 9rand Can%on &as formed % the persistence of &ater. Eerse*erance ma$es it happen. In this meditation the a+ent of chan+e is *i ration.

2ut it is the repeated e'posure to the sound of (feel) that ma$es %ou feel more. If %ou repeatedl% tell %our ner*ous s%stem to feel" in time it &ill respond.

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