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Kirstine Rios March 17, 2014 Domain: Science Activity Name: Animal Tracks/Prints

Goal: Acquire scientific knowledge related to the life sciences (Chapter 11; The Science Domain, Objective 9). Objectives: The children will: 1. Listen to the story about animal tracks. 2. Identify and recreate animal tracks of different species. 3. Compare own hand prints/ foot prints to animals tracks. Content: 1. Tracks are footprints or other marks left by an animal, person, or vehicle (dictionary definition). 2. An animal track is a mark left by a moving animal. You can find the path, route, or course of the animal by examining its track. 3. Animal Tracks/ Prints are similar to the hand or foot print of humans. Materials: Book- Big Tracks, Little Tracks: Following Animal Prints by Millicent E. Selsam Sand or Mud (in trays or outside) Chart of animals tracks Procedures: 1: Use an Invitation to encourage the children to join. Show the children the book and say Come read a story with me or Lets read a story about animals. Find a quiet area and begin reading the book (Big Tracks, Little Tracks). Explain at this time content one about what animal tracks are. When reading the story use do-it signals while the children listen to the story such as, Tell me the animal that you think made this print/track. 2: The children will recreate a few of the animals from the book Big Tracks, Little Tracks using mud or sand. Use a challenge to have children create the tracks by saying, Show me how you can make an animal track from the book/chart. At this time introduce content 2 that animal tracks are marks left by moving animals and can be used to find their path. 3: The children will now create their own tracks from their own feet and hands. Use do-it signals to have children create their own tracks by using statements such as, show me your own tracks in the sand/mud. Explain content 3 that animal tracks/ prints are similar to hand and foot prints.

Simplification: Use pictures to have the children identify animals tracks and look to see if there are any animals tracks outside. Extension: The children will share of animal tracks/ prints that they might find in our town or that they have seen. This can be done by making a combined list of all of the names. Evaluation: 1. If I was to implement the activity again, what would I repeat and what would I change? Why? 2. How did my materials meet the needs of the children who participated? Do I need to revise my materials? 3. To what extent were the children interested in the activity? How do I know? Assessment: complete the following chart by listing each child participating in the activity and marking which objective was accomplished. Indicate if simplification or extension was used. Childs Name Objective 1 Obj. 2 Obj. 3 Simplification Extension

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