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Respiratory System Animal Comparison for Evolution Chapters 25 28, 34 The respiratory system serves to ex han!e oxy!

!en an" ar#on "ioxi"e #et$een the external environment an" the internal environment% &ery small animals have a relatively hi!h surfa e area to volume ratio allo$in! them to meet all their meta#oli !as nee"s #y "iffusion throu!h the s'in% (ar!e animals must transport !ases #et$een the internal tissues an" a "iffusion surfa e expose" to the external me"ium )$ater or air*% +or this reason, the evolution of the respiratory system is losely lin'e" to the evolution of the ir ulatory system% A respiratory system nee"s three thin!s, )-* a lar!e respiratory surfa e area )!ills or lun!s*, )2* a metho" for ventilatin! the respiratory surfa e, an" )3* a pump an" ir ulatory system )heart an" #loo" vessels* to "istri#ute the !ases% The simplest an" most an estral respiratory surfa e is the s'in% This is true for very small pre.verte#rates that have no spe iali/e" !as ex han!e surfa e, #ut it is also true for some lar!er verte#rates% Amphi#ians "erive up to -001 of their !as ex han!e throu!h utaneous respiration% +ishes, reptiles an" even humans a hieve some "ire t ex han!e of respiratory !ases throu!h the s'in% 2enerally, the lar!er the mass of the animal, the lo$er the proportion of the !as ex han!e nee"s met #y "ire t "iffusion throu!h the s'in% http,33"iversityofsystems%$i'ispa es% om3Respiratory4System4Evolution http,33 $x%prenhall% om3#oo'#in"3pu##oo's3martini-03 hapter243 ustom23"eluxe. ontent%html http,33$$$%s i%s"su%e"u3 lass3#io-003(e tures3(e t-53le t-5%html 6o"el 7r!anism 7r!ans 8nvolve" 9ro esses of System 8n lu"e :here an" ;o$ +or Ea h (o ation for !as &entilation 9ro ess ;o$ Respiratory 8ssues or!anism may ex han!e $ith !ases are transporte" fa e $ith !as environment ex han!e

Clam :orm Starfish 2rasshopper Crayfish +ro! 9er h

-% <se the lin's a#ove the ta#le an" further investi!atin! to #e ome an expert on your animal #o"y system% 2% +ill in the ta#le a#ove sharin! the information ea h person foun" out a#out their or!anism "urin! their "isse tion% Explain ho$ your animal performs the pro ess of respiration% 3% <sin! the ta#le reate", "is uss a possi#le evolutionary tren" for respiration in animals% 4% 6a'e a la"o!ram in the spa e #elo$ to in"i ate si!nifi ant evolutionary "evelopments for the respiratory system to in"i ate $here ea h animal #ran he" off from the ommon an estor to all animals% At ea h #ran h #e sure to in lu"e $hat a"aptation is novel to ause the separation from the an estor% 8n lu"e external anatomy on your la"o!ram%

5% =elo$ !ive your laim, evi"en e an" reasonin! for your la"o!ram% =e sure to in lu"e information from your ta#le an" all "isse tions% Claim, Evi"en e,


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