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Unit Topic: _______Social Justice________ Grade level: ______Third______ Stage 1 Desired Results Content Standard/Established Goals(s): Students will

ll understand social justice through literacy (reading informational text and literature), writing (opinion writing), and social studies (history and current events). o CC.1.2.3.B Literacy: Students will be able to summarize the key ideas in two texts, citing specific evidence to make connections between the text and personal experiences. Students will be able to participate in a critical discussion, using text to support reasoning. o CC.1.2.3.H. Literacy: Evaluate and analyze texts on the same topic to determine significant details and information and use of compare and contrast skills. o ELA 1.4 Writing: Students write for different purposes and audiences. Students write clear and focused text to convey a well-defined perspective and appropriate content. o CC.1.4.3.I Writing: Students will be able to support and justify a clear opinion and/or argument with facts and details from text personal experiences to strongly persuade an audience. o NSSS 4A: Analyze how over the last 200 years individuals and groups in American society have struggled to achieve the liberties and equality promised in the principles of American democracy. o CC.1.2.3.C. Text Analysis: Students will be able to evaluate the key events in a historical time period, incorporating time-ordered vocabulary o CC.1.4.3.V Research: Students will be able to develop questions about a self-selected topic and conduct research to gather information when planning a writing project. Student will choose a social justice issue and begin the process of advocacy. Understanding(s) Essential Question(s): Students will understand that: 1. What is social justice? 2. What is an issue that relates to social justice Social justice is about equity, righting in my school, community, or city? wrongs, and advocacy Social justice is connected to their lives 3. How can I be an advocate for social justice? in and out of the classroom; by thinking critically, they can identify social justice issues of things that should be different in their school, community, or city Everyone has the power to create change and action for social justice Student objectives (outcomes): Students Students will be able to will know Build on their understanding of the concept The concept of social justice and related and vocabulary to identify a social justice vocabulary such as equity, injustice, and issue that is related to equity or righting advocacy wrongs Social justice issues are in their school, Choose a social justice issue and begin to community, and neighborhood, and think about advocacy and activism through students have the ability to be an agent opinion writing of change to make a difference Stage 2 Assessment Evidence Performance Task(s): Other Evidence: Apply understanding about social justice Ongoing class discussions about social to recognize and identify social justice justice asking open-ended, high-level issues questions Respond to social justice issue of Idea web related to concept and attributes students choosing with opinion writing Write opinion about an issue in different as part of advocacy and activism forms such as speeches, petitions, persuasive letters, etc. as a way to advocate

Learning Activity Class discussion about social justice using high-level, openended questions

Stage 3 Learning Plan Objectives/Goals Formative Assessment Define the meaning of social justice, equity, advocacy, etc. Make connections to personal lives, text, etc. Apply understanding of social justice to think critically and identify issues around them Add to the web with new things theyve learned after different lesson. Build on previous knowledge, their interests, and make personal connections. Identify aspects of social justice in history and present. Engage in discussion, both whole class and small groups. Evaluate the key events and people from Civil Rights and current events. Analyze how over the last 200 years individuals and groups in American society have struggled to achieve the liberties and equality promised in the principles of American democracy. Use information as facts and evidence to support and justify a clear opinion and/or argument Use text to make connections to greater theme of social justice. Use text to make inferences, draw conclusions, and understand different perspectives. Informal observations of students responses during discussion

Beginning Culminating

Web of social justice to identify different aspects of social justice

Student additions to the web and at the end will show how student developed understanding of the concept and its attributes

Reading of informational text and current events

Informal observations of students responses during discussion, both whole class and small groups. Worksheets and graphic organizers students will fill out

Read alouds

Informal observations as students share with small group and whole class. Will ask high-order, openended questions to see how student are thinking about social justice

Identify and choose a social justice issue to advocate for

Explain the social justice issue and support why. Evaluate and analyze texts on the same topic to determine significant details and information and use of compare and contrast skills to do research for social justice issues. Develop questions about a self-selected topic and conduct research to gather information when planning a writing project. Choose a social justice issue and begin the process of advocacy. Understand what advocacy is and how to make a difference. Begin to see themselves as agents of change. Begin to advocate for an issue. Develop questions about a self-selected topic and conduct research to gather information when planning a writing project. Support and justify a clear opinion and/or argument with facts and details from text personal experiences to strongly persuade an audience. Students will have chance to share their opinion writing about the social justice issue

Opinion essay writing about social justice issue.

Opinion writing (choice of petition, speech, letter, poster, etc.)

Talk with students about their ideas and give feedback. Writing checklist for components of strong opinion writing. Use rubric throughout for students to self-assess and peer review.

Celebration (presentation) of student writing

Presentation of written work. Use rubric to assess the opinion writing piece.

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