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Meditation to control death

What It Will Do for You The scriptures devote three pages to the benefits that may be derived from the practice of this meditation. These include controlling ones own death and that of others. How to Do It Sit crosslegged with a straight spine. ela! the arms down with the elbows bent. est the elbows a"ainst the sides and raise the forearms up until the hands are in front of the chest at the level of the heart. With the palms up# point the hands away from the body at such an angle that there is $% to & feet 'depending on your stature( between each hand. The fingers are close together) the thumbs are out# but not pulled bac*. This is a very rela!ed and cornfortable arm and hand position. The eyes are $+$, open. -entally focus on the third eyepoint. Deeply inhale. .ompletely e!hale. Hold the breath out while you mentally vibrate the mantra S//0T//01//0-// continuously four times. This mental mantra is used to time the breath es it is held out of the lungs. This period of time should be the sarne each time the breath is held out. Therefore# the mantra must be consistently vibrated at the same time. 2egin by practicing $$ minutes and slowly build to 3$ minutes.

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