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SCIENCE - STANDARD 6 Interaction Among Living Things Introduction

1. A p ace !here organisms ive in is ca ed a ha"itat. E#amp es o$ ha"itat are $orests% sea% ponds and !et ands. &. A communit' is made up o$ severa popu ations o$ organisms iving together in a ha"itat. (or e#amp e% a popu ation o$ ions iving together !ith a popu ation o$ deer and )e"ra in the same ha"itat. *. The organisms are inter-dependent among themse ves $or $ood. +. Some anima s ive in groups% !hi e others ive in so itar'.

,roup anima s and so itar' anima s

1. Anima s in their ha"itat either ive in groups or are so itar'. &. Anima s get certain advantages "' iving in groups or "eing so itar'.

Anima s that ive in groups

1. ,roup anima s are anima s that ive together !ith other mem"ers o$ their species in a ha"itat. &. The' ive and hunt $or $ood together. *. E#amp es o$ anima s that ive in groups are )e"ras% penguins% mon-e's% ions% ants and s!a o!s. +. Advantages o$ anima s that ive in groups. .a/ The' can cooperate to hunt $or $ood. ."/ The' can he p each other to de$end themse ves $rom enemies. .c/ The' can he p each other to "ui d their nest.

Anima s that are so itar'

1. So itar' anima s are anima s that ive and hunt $or $ood a one. &. Some anima s mar- their territor' "' ma-ing scent mar-s or scratch mar-s on the tree trun-. *. The' on ' come together $or mating. +. E#amp es o$ anima s that are so itar' are the po a "ear% tiger% -oa a "ear% eopard and eag e. 0. Advantages o$ so itar' anima s1 .a/ The' can avoid competition $or $ood. ."/ The' can avoid competition $or space.

Competition is a $orm o$ interaction among iving things.

1. Living things interact !ith one another in their ha"itat. &. Living things interact to o"tain "asic needs such as !ater% $ood% space .she ter/ and a mate $or "reeding. *. Living things that share the same ha"itat norma ' interact !ith one another. +. Competition is a $orm o$ interaction among iving things in a ha"itat. 0. Competition e#ists !hen the "asic needs o$ iving things "ecome imited. 2ore than one species can compete $or the same "asic needs. (or e#amp e% a ion !i have to compete !ith a cheetah $or $ood such as a )e"ra. 6. Competition a so e#ists "et!een anima s o$ the same species. During the dr' season% )e"ras compete !ith one another $or !ater. 3. Interaction ta-es p ace in the $orm o$ $ood chains and $ood !e"s% !hich consist o$1 .a/ producers - p ants that ma-e their o!n $ood. ."/ consumers- anima s that eat other anima s or p ants. .c/ pre'- anima s that are eaten "' other anima s. .d/ predators- anima s that eat other anima s.

4. Competition ma' invo ve anima s o$ the same species or di$$erent species. 5. Competition can e#ist in t!o $orms1 .a/ inter-species .competition invo ving di$$erent species/ ."/ intra-species .competition among the same species/ 16. 7hen competing% the stronger anima !ins% !hi e the !ea-er one gets -i ed or is chased a!a'. 11. Competition happens among anima s !hen1 .a/ there are imited $ood resources. ."/ !ater is imited .c/ the' !ant the same mate during the "reeding season .d/ the' share a ha"itat .e/ the' tr' to de$end or esta" ish their iving space or territor' 1&. 8asic needs that anima s compete $or inc ude1 .a/ $ood ."/ !ater .c/ a mate .d/ she ter .e/ territor'9space 1*. Competition "ecomes greater or more intense !hen1 .a/ the num"er o$ anima s $ighting $or the same "asic needs increases% $or e#amp e% !hen the num"er o$ e ephants in ha"itat increases. ."/ the "asic needs that the anima s compete $or decreases% $or e#amp e% during a drought !hen man' p ants die due to insu$$icient !ater. 1+. 7hen competing % the !ea-er anima !i .a/ ose a p ace $or she ter ."/ ose the opportunit' to reproduce .c/ ose their source o$ $ood. Competition Among : ants 1. : ants compete $or sun ight% !ater% nutrients and space. &. Competition among p ants "ecome more intense i$ more p ants gro! in an area. *. The e$$ects o$ competition among p ants inc ude. .a/ Each p ant !i tr' to gro! ta er to get enough sun ight. ose. The de$eated anima !i 1

."/ The gro!th o$ p ants that $ai in competition !i "e retarded.

Aim To investigate competition among seedlings.

Materials and apparatus Petri dish, green beans, cotton wool, spoon and water.

The thing that 1. is kept the same: amount of water and sunlight that is present 2. is changed: number of seedlings in each dish. . is measured: the growth rate of the seedlings.

!teps 1. The cotton wool is soaked with water. 2. The two Petri dishes are labelled as M and ". . Three beans are placed as far apart as #ou can in the Petri dish labelled M. $. Ten beans are placed into the Petri dish labelled ". %. &oth the Petri dishes are placed near an open window. '. The cotton wools are kept moist with water dail#.

(. )ecord #our observation.


1. Are the stems of the seedlings in Petri dishes M and " of the same si+e, -h#, "o, the seedlings in Petri dish M have thicker stems than the seedlings in Petri dish " because the# get enough basic needs and need not compete among themselves. 2. Are all the seedlings in Petri dish " of the same height, "o, the seedlings are of different heights. .iscussion -hat do #ou think caused the seedlings to grow differentl#, The need to compete for the limited basic needs in the Petri dish. /onclusion Plants need to compete with each other when basic needs become limited.

:rotecting endangered species

E#tinction o$ anima s 1. E#tinct means not in e#istence in the Earth an'more. &. A species o$ anima s "ecome e#tinct !hen a o$ the species dies. *. E#amp es o$ anima s that are "ird% Tasmanian !o $ and au- "ird. e#tinct are the dinosaur% dodo

+. The dinosaur "ecome e#tinct "ecause o$ the change in c imate and !eather on the Earth. 0. The dodo "ird and Tasmanian !o $ "ecome e#tinct "ecause o$ human activities such as e#cessive hunting and destruction o$ their ha"itats.

Endangered species 1. Endangered species are species o$ anima s or p ants that are $acing the threat o$ "ecoming e#tinct. &. E#amp es o$ endangered species o$ anima s are the orang utan% rhinoceros% " ue !ha e% A$rican e ephant% tapir and giant panda. *. E#amp es o$ endangered species o$ p ants are the ra$$ esia and pitcher p ants. +. ;uman activities that cause the species to "ecome e#tinct inc ude1 .a/ i ega and e#cessive ogging ."/ i ega and e#cessive hunting .c/ e#cessive deve opment. iI ega and e#cessive ogging 1. i ega ogging inc ude activities such as ogging !ithout icence and ogging outside icensed area. &. i ega and e#cessive ogging cause man' species to "ecome e#tinct

"ecause their ha"itats are destro'ed. i ega and e#cessive hunting. 1. i ega hunting causes anima s that produce on ' one or $e! o$$spring to "e threatened !ith e#tinction. &. The ta" e "e o! sho! e#amp es o$ anima s that are common ' hunted "' humans.

E#cessive Deve opment 1. 2an' $orest areas are deve oped into $orms or residentia areas. &. The deve opment destro's man' ha"itats and causes a arge num"er o$ species to "ecome e#tinct.

7a's to prevent the e#tinction o$ anima s and p ants. 1. <rganising campaign against e#cessive ogging. &. Avoid consuming or "u'ing product made $rom endangered species. *. En$orcing the a!.

Impact o$ human activities on the environment

1. ;uman "eing carr' out man' t'pes o$ activit'. &. Some activities are "ene$icia destruction to the enviroment. to man-ind% !hi e others ma' cause

*. =np anned deve opment ma' cause destruction to the enviroment through1 .a/ erosion ."/ ands ides .c/ $ ash $ oods .d/ !ater po ution

.e/ air po ution

+. I$ humans do not p an their deve opment activities proper '% the $o o!ing pro" ems ma' arise1 .a/ iving things !i not "e a" e to get their "asic needs. ."/ The "a ance is nature is distur"ed .c/ ;uman !i "e ose their source o$ medicina her"s% "ui ding materia s% $ue and materia s $or c othing. .d/ The oss o$ the Earth>s natura !ater "asin.
.e/ Changes to the Earth>s temperature.

0. Living things need o#'gen in order to survive. 7hen iving things carr' out respiration% car"on dio#ide is rea eased into the atmosphere. 6. : ants a"sor" the car"on dio#ide and re ease o#'gen "ac- into the atmosphere during photos'nthesis. Thus% it maintains the "a ance in nature. 3. I$ $orest are c eared and the num"er o$ p ants decreases% it !i distur" the "a ance in nature. 4. During respiration% the o#'gen eve in the air decreases% !hi e the car"on dio#ide eve increases. 5. The sur$ace o$ the and and the soi "eneath it are protected "' p ants $rom direct e#posure to the rain. 16. The soi partic es are he d together "' the roots o$ p ants. ;ence% the' are not easi ' !ashed a!a' "' rain !ater. 11. Soi partic es e#posed to rain !ater !i "e !ashed a!a'. This causes soi erosion% !hich resu t in ands ides and $ oods. 1&. The $ ood !ater carries si t do!n to o!er ands and c ogs up rivers and drains% or ma' $ o! to housing areas. 1*. Soi erosion% ands ides and $ oods e#pose humans and their properties to danger. Steps to reduce destruction o$ the environment. .a/ en$orcing a! to stop i ega and e#cessive ogging.

."/ p anting ne! trees a$ter ogging. .c/ p anning the deve opment proper '.

=nit &6 1 Interaction Among Living Things Date 1 ????????????? ,roup Anima s And So itar' Anima s 1. 2. 3. 4. Habitat is __________________________________________________. Group animals are animals that _______ ___________ with other members of their ___________ in a _______________. They live and hunt for food __________. Examples of animals that live in roups are ! 1. 2. 3. 4. ". #. $. %dvanta es of animals that live in roups are ! 1. 2. 3. #. $. &olitary animals are animals that __________ and _________ for food ___________. The only 'ome to ether for _____________. &ome animals mar( their territory by ! 1. 2. ). Examples of animals that are solitary are ! 1. 2. 3. 4. ".



%dvanta es of solitary animals are ! 1.

2. Competition Among Anima s @ : ants 1. 2. 3. 4. +ompetition is a form of ____________ between __________ _________. +ompetition o''urs amon __________ and amon ___________ to et their ________ _________. +ompetition o''urs be'ause of ________ _________ in a habitat. ,a'tors that 'ause 'ompetition amon animals are ! 1. 2. 3. 4. ". +ompetition of food and water o''urs when the sour'es of _________ and ___________ are _______________. +ompetition for mate o''urs amon the ________ ________ of animals. -ale animals need to 'ompete for a mate durin _____________. the ________

". #. $. ). *. 1.. 11. 12. 13. 14.

+ompetition for ________ and ________ o''urs be'ause animals need shelter and spa'e to live. +ompetition be'omes more intense when the number of animals _____________ and the resour'es be'ome ________ ____________. The ____________ animals will win in these 'ompetitions and they will ain ______________ of the resour'es in a habitat. The animals that lose will be ________________ from the habitat. /lants 'ompete for _______________. __________0 _________0 __________ and

+ompetition amon plants be'ome ________ ___________ if more plants row in an area. The effe'ts of 'ompetition amon plants are !

1. 2. :rotecting Endangered Species 1. 2. 3. Extin't means _______________________________________________. % spe'ies of animals ____________________________. Examples of animals that are extin't are ! 1. 2. 3. The dinosaur be'ome extin't be'ause of the _________ _____ _________ and _____________ on the earth. The dodo bird and ___________ _______ be'ome extin't be'ause of human a'tivities su'h as __________ __________ and ___________ _____ ________ _____________. Endan ered spe'ies are spe'ies of animals and plants that are __________ ______ __________ ______ ____________ ___________. Example of endan ered spe'ies of animals are ! 1. 2. 3. 4. ". Example of endan ered spe'ies of plants are ! 1. 2. -any spe'ies of animals and plants be'ome endan ered spe'ies be'ause of _____________ _________________. Human a'tivities that 'ause the spe'ies to be'ome extin't are ! 1. 2. be'ome extin't when

4. ".

#. $.


*. 1..



1lle al lo 1. 2.

in in'lude a'tivities su'h as !

12. 13. 14.

1lle al and ex'essive lo in 'ause many spe'ies to be'ome extin't be'ause ________ ___________ ______ ____________. -any animals are hunted and (illed by ___________. ,ill up the blan(s ! %nimals Ti er 3eer Elephant 2hino'eros 2eason for animal bein hunted by humans

1". 1#. 1$.

-any forest areas are developed into __________ or ____________ areas. The development _____________ ________ ____________ and 'auses a lar e number of spe'ies to be'ome extin't. Give 4 ways to prevent the extin'tion of animals and plants. 1. 2. 3. 4.


Human a'tivities that 'ause destru'tion are ! 1. 2.


3estru'tion of environment in'ludes ! 1. 2. 3. 4. ".


3 steps to redu'e destru'tion of the environment ! 1. 2. 3.

=nit &1 1 (orce Date 1 ????????????? :ush And :u @ E$$ects <$ A (orce 1. 2. 3. 4. ". #. % for'e is a _________ or a __________ on an _______________. -ost of our a'tivities involves _____________0 ______________ or _____________ and _______________. % for'e 'an 'ause a ____________ in the ____________ and ___________ of an ob4e't. % for'e ma(es a stationery ob4e't ____________. % for'e 'han es the ___________ of an ob4e't. % for'e 'han es the ___________ of an ob4e't.

(riction 1. 2. 3. 4 ,ri'tion is a ___________ that ____________ the ___________ of an ________________. ,ri'tion o''urs when ______ ___________ are in ____________ with ________ ______________. ,ri'tion is a type of ____________. Effe'ts of fri'tion are ! 1. 2. 3. 4. ". " ,a'tors that affe't fri'tion are !

1. 2. =nit && 1 2ovement Date 1 ????????????? Speed 1. 2. 3. 4. &peed is the _______ of _____________ of an ___________. &peed shows ________ ___________ an ob4e't moves. The ob4e't whi'h moves faster ta(es a ___________ time to travel in iven distan'e. &peed of a movin ob4e't 'an be 'al'ulate if we (now the 1. 2. ". The units for speed are ! 1. 2. 3. #. ,ormula to 'al'ulate the speed of an ob4e't is

=nit 1 1 8asic Needs Date 1 ????????????? 8asic Needs <$ ;umans And Anima s 1. 2. %ll livin thin s have basi' needs to ________________________. 5asi' needs of humans and animals are ! 1. 2. 3. 4. 3. Humans and animals need food for ! 1. 2. 3. 4. Humans and animals need water to ! 1. 2. 3. 4. ". #. $. ). Humans and animals need air for _______________. ____________ from the air is needed by humans and animals to _________________________. Humans and animals will __________ if they do not et _____________ food0 water and air. Humans and animals need shelther to prote't them from ___________0

____________ and ____________.

*. 1..

Humans live in houses as _______________. 6ame types of shelter ! 1. 2. 3. 4. ".


,ill in the blan(s %nimals shelther nest 'aves holes in the round holes in tree trun(s 'oral reefs

12. 13. 14. 1". 1#. 1$. 1). 1*. 2..

5asi' needs of plants are __________0 __________ and _____________. /lants need their basi' need for ___________ _____________. Green plants ma(e ________________. their own food by a pro'ess 'alled

/lants need water to ______________________________________. /lants need air for ________________________________________. /lants need oxy en from ___________________________________. /lants need 'arbon dioxide from ______________________________. /lants obtain ener y from _______________. Green plants absorb _____________ throu h ______________________ to ma(e food.

=nit & 1 Li$e :rocesses Date 1 ????????????? Li$e :rocesses That ;umans Carr' <ut 1. 6ame life pro'esses that human 'arry out ! 1. 2. 3. 4. ". 2. 3. 4. ". Humans breathe to et _____________ from the __________. The breathin pro'ess is 'alled _________________. The breathin pro'ess involves _____________ and _____________ of ____________. 7able the breathin or ans of humans below !


7ist down what happens durin the breathin pro'ess !

1. 2. 3.

1. 2.


E#cretion And De$ecation 1. 2. 3. 4. Ex'retion is a pro'ess of ______________________________________. 8aste produ'ts are _______________ that are not needed by the body Humans ex'rete _____________0 ______________ and ____________ . 7abel the human ex'retory or ans.


The or ans ex'rete different waste produ'ts! 1. The lun s ive out ___________________ and _______________ durin breathin . 2. The (idneys ex'rete ___________________ in the form of __________. 3. The s(in ex'retes ___________. __________________ in a form of

#. $. ).

3efe'ation is the pro'ess of ____________________________________. ,ae'es are ______________________ whi'h 'annot be used by the body. ______________ and ______________ are important for (eepin body healthy. the


1f fae'es is (ept in the body for too lon ______________________.

if will harden and 'ause

Response To Stimu i 1. 2. 3. Humans respond to _______________. Humans 'an ______________ and ______________ to stimuli by usin _____________ sensory or ans. ,ill in the fun'tion of sensory or an ! &ensory or an &(in Eyes Ears 6ose Ton ue ,un'tion

Reproduction 1. 2. Humans reprodu'e to _____________________________ and ensure the _________________ of the human spe'ies on Earth. Humans reprodu'e by ________________________.

8ad ;a"its That Distur" The Li$e :rocess <$ ;umans 1. 2. &ome bad habits 'an be _______________ to the life pro'esses of humans. These bad habits are ________________0 ______________________ and _________________________.


,ill in the effe'ts of bad habits ! 5ad habits &mo(in Effe'ts 1. 2. Ta(in dru s and al'ohol. 1.

Li$e :rocesses That Anima s Carr' <ut E#cretion and De$ecation 1. 2. 3. The life pro'esses that animals 'arry out are _____________0 ____________0 ________________ and ________________. %nimals 'arry out ex'retion and ________________________ from their bodies. The ex'retory or ans of animals are ! 1. 2. 3. 4. 4. ". #. $. %nimals su'h as 'ows0 mon(eys0 'ats and whales ex'rete throu h the ____________ and _______________. Tadpoles and fish ex'rete throu h the ____________. 8orms and butterflies ex'rete throu h the _____________. %nimals need to ex'rete and defe'ate to ______________________. defe'ation to

-58reathing 1. 3ifferent animals breathe throu h different breathin stru'tures. ,ill in the blan(s below ! 5reathin stru'tures 7un s Tra'heal stru'tures -oist s(in Gills Reproduction 1. 2. 3. %nimals reprodu'e to ______________ and ______________ their numbers. %nimals reprodu'e by _____________________ or ________________. ,ill in the blan(s below ! 2eprodu'e ! 5y ivin birth %nimals 1. 2. 3. 4. ". #. $. 1. 2. 3. 4. ". #. Examples of animals

5y layin e

Li$e C'c es <$ Anima s


%nimals under o 'han es as they row. The 'han e in ___________ and ______________. - 6% 'omplete pro'ess of 'han e from birth to adult is (nown as a ___________________. The life 'y'le of the butterfly is from e s 9 ______________9 ______________9 ______________

2. 3.


The life 'y'le of the mos:uito is from e s 9 ______________9 ______________9 ______________


The life 'y'le of the fro is from e s 9 ______________9 ______________9 ______________


The life 'y'le of the 'hi'(en is from e s 9 ______________9 ________________9 ______________


The 'han es in some animals su'h as the 'hi'(en and rasshopper are only ____________. The youn loo( li(e the adults.

Li$e :rocesses That : ants Carr' <ut Response to Stimu i 1. 7ife pro'ess that plants 'arry out in'lude ! 1. 2. 2. /lants respond to the followin stimuli! 1. 2. 3.

4. ; $; Reproduction 1. 2. 3. /lants need to reprodu'e to ____________________________________. /lants will be'ome ______________ if they do not reprodu'e. /lants reprodu'e in different ways. ,ill in the blan(s. 2eprodu'e ! throu h seeds throu h spores throu h su'(ers throu h stem 'uttin s throu h leaves throu h under round stems Example of plants 1. 2. 1. 2. 1. 2. 1. 2. 1. 2. 1. 2.

-8=nit + 1 2easurements Date 1 ????????????? Length 1. 2. 3. 7en th is the _________________ between _______________________. 7en th also refers to the distan'e between ______________________ or ____________________. There are different ways of measurin len th. 3urin an'ient times0 people used their _____________0 _____________0 _____________ and ______________ to measure len th. The len th of an ob4e't 'an also be measured by usin ___________________ or ob4e'ts su'h as ______________0 _________ and ________________. ____________ and _____________________ are used to measure len th a''urately. The standard units of len th in the metri' system are ! 1. < = 2. 3. 4. $. 1 (m > 1m > 1 'm > < < < = = = m 'm mm


". #.


&how the 'orre't position of eye when ta(in the readin on a ruler.

Effe'ts of fri'tion are ! 1. 2. 3.

4. ". " ,a'tors that affe't fri'tion are ! 1. 2.

=nit &+ 1 7aste 2anagement

Date 1 ????????????? E$$ects <$ Improper Disposa <$ 7aste on The Environment. T'pes and sources o$ !aste 1. 2. 3. 4. 8astes are _______________ that are no __________ _____________. 8astes 'an be ___________0 ____________ and __________. 8astes are ______________ into the environment. The types and sour'es of waste are ! 1. 2. 3. 4. ". T'pes and sources o$ !aste 1. 2. 3. 4. &ome material su'h as food 'an ___________. They are _______________. &ome waste materials su'h as plasti' and __________________. They 'annot _____________. 1mproper ways of waste disposal are ! 1. 2. 3. 4. lass are

=nit && 1 2ovement Date 1 ????????????? Speed 1. 2.

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