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The Formulas of English Tenses It is necessary to learn all tense forms by heart.

The best way is to memorize them in the following formula: Personal pronoun + tense form (I write, he writes, we write, you write, etc.) Memorizing tense forms in such constructions will also help you to memorize basic agreement between the sub ect an! pre!icate in person an! number.
The Formulas of the Tenses in the Active

Two "erbs are gi"en below, one regular (wor# $ wor#e! $ wor#e!), the other irregular (write $ wrote $ written), in the tenses in the %cti"e &oice. The most common tenses are mar#e! with the plus sign (+).
+ Simple Present

I ' we ' you ' they wor#, write he ' she ' it wor#s, writes
+ Present Continuous

I am wor#ing, am writing he ' she ' it is wor#ing, is writing we ' you ' they are wor#ing, are writing
+ Present Perfect

I ' we ' you ' they ha"e wor#e!, ha"e written he ' she ' it has wor#e!, has written
+ Present Perfect Continuous

I ' we ' you ' they ha"e been wor#ing, ha"e been writing he ' she ' it has been wor#ing, has been writing

+ Simple Past

I ' he ' she ' it ' we ' you ' they wor#e!, wrote
+ Past Continuous

I ' he ' she ' it was wor#ing, was writing we ' you ' they were wor#ing, were writing
Past Perfect

I ' he ' she ' it ' we ' you ' they ha! wor#e!, ha! written
Past Perfect Continuous

I ' he ' she ' it ' we ' you ' they ha! been wor#ing, ha! been writing

+ Simple Future

I ' he ' she ' it ' we ' you ' they will wor#, will write
Future Continuous

I ' he ' she ' it ' we ' you ' they will be wor#ing, will be writing
Future Perfect

I ' he ' she ' it ' we ' you ' they will ha"e wor#e!, will ha"e written
Future Perfect Continuous

I ' he ' she ' it ' we ' you ' they will ha"e been wor#ing, will ha"e been writing

The Formulas of the Tenses in the Passive

Two "erbs are gi"en below, one regular (call $ calle! $ calle!), the other irregular (choose $ chose $ chosen), in the tenses in the Passi"e &oice. The most common tenses are mar#e! with the plus sign (+). The Perfect (ontinuous tenses an! the )uture (ontinuous are generally not use! in the passi"e.
+ Simple Present

I am calle!, am chosen he ' she ' it is calle!, is chosen we ' you ' they are calle!, are chosen
Present Continuous

I am being calle!, am being chosen he ' she ' it is being calle!, is being chosen we ' you ' they are being calle!, are being chosen
+ Present Perfect

I ' we ' you ' they ha"e been calle!, ha"e been chosen he ' she ' it has been calle!, has been chosen
+ Simple Past

I ' he ' she ' it was calle!, was chosen we ' you ' they were calle!, were chosen
Past Continuous

I ' he ' she ' it was being calle!, was being chosen we ' you ' they were being calle!, were being chosen
Past Perfect

I ' he ' she ' it ' we ' you ' they ha! been calle!, ha! been chosen
+ Simple Future

I ' he ' she ' it ' we ' you ' they will be calle!, will be chosen
Future Perfect

I ' he ' she ' it ' we ' you ' they will ha"e been calle!, will ha"e been chosen The Formulas of the Tenses in Charts The formulas of the tenses are easier to memorize if they are arrange! in a chart. The "erb T%*+ is irregular (ta#e $ too# $ ta#en).
Active Voice




Perfect (ontinuous

I am ta#ing I, we, you, they he, she, it is ta#ing Present ta#e we, you, they are he, she, it ta#es ta#ing Past )uture too# will ta#e I, he, she, it was ta#ing we, you, they were ta#ing will be ta#ing

I, we, you, they ha"e I, we, you, they been ta#ing ha"e ta#en he, she it has been he, she it has ta#en ta#ing ha! ta#en will ha"e ta#en ha! been ta#ing will ha"e been ta#ing

Passive Voice




Perfect (ontinuous

I am ta#en I am being ta#en I, we, you, they ha"e he, she, it is he, she, it is being been ta#en Present ta#en ta#en $ he, she it has been we, you, they are we, you, they are being ta#en ta#en ta#en Past )uture I, he, she, it was ta#en we, you, they were ta#en will be ta#en I, he, she, it was being ta#en ha! been ta#en we, you, they were being ta#en $ will ha"e been ta#en $ $

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