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Arabian Industries Projects LLC


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TITLE: MET O# STATEMENT "OR INSTALLATION $ TESTING O" &PS / ,ATTERIES #oc( No(: ANR0*-10*-.+230,A02-1-0.)-*-0---*

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Contract Mana@e?ent :ua=it6 Mana@e?ent Met8od State?ent Met8od State?ent <or Insta==ation $ Testin@ o< &PS /,ATTERIES Area Code ANR "aci=it6 Code *-1 Ori@inator #oc SeAuence #isci5=ine S8eet Code T65e No( *-.+23 ,A 2-1.)-*---*

Arabian Industries Projects LLC

Tit=e / #escri5tion

A= Noor MGI , Sa98i6a Mini<=ood and %a=Ba=a Construction Contract No( C)**+** Met8od State?ent <or Insta==ation $ Testin@ o<

S=( No( CONTENTS Pa@e No(

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#ocu?ent No( ANR-107-104265-BA-6070-43010-0001

Re4ision No( 0

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A= Noor MGI , Sa98i6a Mini<=ood and %a=Ba=a Construction Contract No( C)**+** Met8od State?ent <or Insta==ation $ Testin@ o<


INTRODUCTION This procedure establishes the method for installation & commissioning of UPS System, Battery and Battery Charger. SCOPE This procedure covers the installation and commissioning of UPS System, Batteries and Battery Charger for the project !l"oor #$%,Sa&hiya #iniflood & 'al(ala construction project. REFERENCES SP )*++ SP ))*+ -,P./0.)*.*1.))



,lectrical %nstallation Practice. Specification for ,arthing and Bonding Procedure. 2ield commissioning and maintenance of electrical %nstallations and e3uipment. Tools

4.0 and equipmen !equi!ed 4ehicle mounted crane 4.1 Ins !umen s !equi!ed ;** . ;***4 insulation tester ".0 Tor3ue <rench ,arth Tester 2lu&e #ultimeter, clamp meter Tool bo9 :ith complete set of tools 5ifting belt and 6-7 shac&les 8iyab Truc& Toolbo9 :ith complete set of tools Safety belt.

#$$RE%I#TIONS -# -e #ineralised %TP "i . Cd =C UPS P-> !%P 55C %nspection and Test Plan "ic&el . Cadmium =uality Control Un %nterrupted Po:er Supply Petroleum -evelopment of >man !rabian %ndustries Projects 55C
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A= Noor MGI , Sa98i6a Mini<=ood and %a=Ba=a Construction Contract No( C)**+** Met8od State?ent <or Insta==ation $ Testin@ o<


RESPONSI$I'ITIES &.1 Ele( !i(al En)inee! *Tes in) En)inee!* Supe!+iso!*%endo! ,lectrical ,ngineer ?T,? Supervisor ?4endor is responsible for the follo:ing activity including, but not limited to Confirming the %nstallation locations from schedule of construction dra:ings. >rgani(ing tools and e3uipment re3uired to the :or& site. !ssigning :or& cre:. Se3uence of activities is carried out for the :or& as per this procedure. #aintaining all Safety @egulations. "otification to the =C for inspection on completion of activities.. ,nsuring approved method and material are being conformance of the specifications. Coordination :ith 4endor for testing & commissioning. used and approved


UPS INST#''#TION ,.1 Re(ei+in) o- ma e!ials. <hen UPS is received, chec& against manufacturerAs dra:ings to ensure correct material is delivered. ,.2 T!anspo! a ion o- UPS o /e lo(a ion. ,nsure the access to Control @oom ?Sub station is available in all respects as per dra:ing before transporting the UPS. ,nsure that the lifting gears, slings and spreader bar are of ade3uate capacity and certified. ,nsure that the correct e3uipment is transported from store to the erection site by using proper material handling e3uipment and tac&les in a safe :ay and shifted to the re3uired area. Use the lifting hoo&s is permitted only for lifting the panel. Unload the UPS to the access platform and place it above pipe rollers ? trolleys. Transport the UPS System Cabinets on the floor by means of rollers or :ooden boards. ,nsure that the UPS is properly supported during the transportation from stores to site.
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A= Noor MGI , Sa98i6a Mini<=ood and %a=Ba=a Construction Contract No( C)**+** Met8od State?ent <or Insta==ation $ Testin@ o<

,.3 #ssem0l1 2 E!e( ion. ,nsure that the approved e3uipment layout, schematic dra:ings and other reference documents are available at site. ,nsure the foundation is released by Civil for the erection. ,nsure 8eat 4entilated !ir Conditioner B84!CC is functioning inside Control @oom ? Sub station. ,nsure that valid :or& permit & electrical safety documents are available for carrying out the job. ,nsure that approved ? recommended tools and tac&les of appropriate type are available. Chec& the false flooring, cable entries, and floor supporting steel :or&, for levelling and cleanliness, before transport of UPS System cabinets. Prepare the necessary mounting base frames and place them at the location as per the Control @oom 5ayout dra:ing. Unpac& the UPS System Cabinets at the designated position, as per the layout dra:ing. The crates to be cut by sa: only. 5evel the base frames. 5iners are to be inserted close to the anchor bolts, to ensure proper levelling. !lign the UPS System Cabinets accurately and fi9 BboltC their base frames :ith the mounting base frames. Chec& foundation and base frame :ith dra:ing for correctness of bolt fi9ing holes and correct level all through the foundation frame. ,nsure that the e3uipment to be installed has been already inspected. %nspect the e3uipment for possible damages during transport. #a&e sure that the cut out made on the ground floor slab ? raised floor for cable entry does not foul :ith the e3uipment. The transport eyehoo&s have to be strained perpendicularly. %nstall the e3uipment on the pedestal matching :ith the central lines already mar&ed. ,nsure fi9ing bolts provided by vendor are used at all positions & are tightened properly. ,nsure for perfect verticality and proper alignment as each section is completed. Chec& for proper alignment and intactness of door gas&ets etc. Tighten the panel couplings etc. to the re3uired tor3ue level as mentioned by the manufacturers. ,nsure connections of all po:er, control and earth bus are completed as per dra:ing.
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A= Noor MGI , Sa98i6a Mini<=ood and %a=Ba=a Construction Contract No( C)**+** Met8od State?ent <or Insta==ation $ Testin@ o<

,nsure that the earth buses on the connected to the main ,arthing grid. Connect all %ncomer Po:er supply, >utgoing 2eeder Cables, as per relevant !pplication of touch up paint :herever

either side of the panel are Battery Ban& connection and technical approved dra:ings. re3uired.

,nsure proper mounting of instruments, relays, meters, and indication lamps :hich are supplied loose. ,nsure all the inter panel :iring is completed as per the dra:ing. ,nsure all e9ternal po:er ? control cabling and terminations are completed as per approved dra:ing. ,nsure that the e3uipment identification ? labels are properly placed as per approved dra:ing. S:itch off all the circuit brea&ers. Set the UPS service bypass s:itch in normal operation. S:itch on the %ncoming Po:er supply, and chec& the voltages at the %ncoming terminals of the UPS. Po:er on the UPS System @ectifier circuit. Chec& the @ectifier output voltage. Chec& the Polarity at the battery terminals. S:itch on the Battery connection. S:itch on the %nverter circuits. Chec& the UPS %nverter >utput voltages. Chec& the functioning at all modes of operations such as normal, redundant and bypass, and rectifier fault, inverter fault, etc.

,.4 $a e!ies 2 #((esso!ies. ,.4.1 $a e!1 3Ni 4 Cd5. Batteries are shifted and &ept in a secured place before the installation. Corrosive materials li&e acid ? al&alis are &ept separately :ith danger notice to caution the unauthori(ed handling of such substances. Chec& the flooring, for levelling and cleanliness, before transport of Batteries and other accessories. ,9haust facility is made ready before mi9ing and filling operation of the electrolyte. ,nsure the batteries are &ept in upright position throughout the se3uence of the installation.
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A= Noor MGI , Sa98i6a Mini<=ood and %a=Ba=a Construction Contract No( C)**+** Met8od State?ent <or Insta==ation $ Testin@ o<

Batteries are assembled in its rac&s before electrolyte filling operation. !ssemble the Battery @ac& as per the relevant approved dra:ings ? #anufacturing -ra:ing. Position the battery rac&s as per the layout dra:ings.

,.4.2 Ele( !ol1 e Prepare the re3uired 3uantity of ,lectrolyte as specified belo: and also :ith reference of manufacturer specification. Use clean plastic vessel for preparing electrolyte. ,lectrolyte mi9ing is done in a controlled manner :ithout any spillage and over heating of electrolyte to be controlled during preparation. !dd the appropriate 3uantity of 5ithium 8ydro9ide crystals, as recommended by manufacturer, :ith constant stirring. !dd Potassium 8ydro9ide fla&es, as recommended by manufacturer, :ith constant stirring. !fter cooling the solution at room temperature, add -# :ater to adjust the density as re3uired. @emove the transport seal from the vent cap of battery cells. Chec& the ,lectrolyte levels in all the battery cells. !dd the electrolyte into the battery cells, using a siphon or a clean plastic funnel and jug, from the top of vent. Chec& the battery cells for electrolyte levels after 0* minutes, and add the electrolyte, if the level has dropped.

,.4.3 In e! Cell Conne( ions Place the battery cells on the rac& suitably, so as to permit connection of the Positive and "egative terminals, according to the :iring diagrams. Connect inter cell and inter ro: connections by using "i plated lugs.

Use the correct tor3ue :rench, for the tor3ue settings recommended by manufacturer. Connect the battery ban& terminals to the charging e3uipments, vi(. UPS or Battery Charger. ,nsure that the terminal connections are made as per the approved dra:ings and that sufficient grease is applied on the terminals.
The completed batteries are released to the testing team for further testing.7.4.4 Testing

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A= Noor MGI , Sa98i6a Mini<=ood and %a=Ba=a Construction Contract No( C)**+** Met8od State?ent <or Insta==ation $ Testin@ o<

4erify the polarity of all the cells are in the order before connecting the battery lin&s. 5in&s are tightened to the manufacturer7s recommendation. Chec& the polarity at the battery terminals. Perform the final chec& up for completion of the installation. ,nsure that cell vent caps are in closed position before charging. !fter installation & necessary terminations hand over to 4endor ,ngineer for their necessary testing, pre commissioning & Commissioning activities. Provide necessary assistances for testing, pre commissioning & Commissioning of UPS to the 4endor ,ngineer. Chec& for the duty cycle Bcharging ? dischargingC of batteries as per #anufacturer specification.

,." $a e!1 C/a!)e!. Chec& the flooring, cable entries, and floor supporting steel:or&, for levelling and cleanliness, before transporting of Battery Charger. Prepare the necessary mounting base frames and place them at the location as per the 5ayout dra:ing. Transport the Battery Charger on the floor by means of rollers or :ooden boards. Unpac& the Battery Charger at the designated position, as per the layout dra:ing. The crates to be cut by sa: only. 5evel the base frame. 5iners to be inserted close to the anchor bolts to ensure proper levelling. !lign the Battery Charger accurately and fi9 BboltC their base frames :ith the mounting base frames. Connect %ncomer Po:er supply, Battery ban& connection and >utgoing 2eeder Cables as per relevant technical documentation. Carry out the %nstallation chec&s. Provide touch up paint :herever necessary. S:itch off all the circuit brea&ers. Set the Battery Charger s:itch for manual operation. S:itch on the %ncoming Po:er supply, and Chec& the voltages at the %ncoming terminals of the Battery Charger. Po:er on the Boost charger first and then the float charger. Chec& the Polarity at the battery terminals. Chec& the Charger output voltage and battery ban& voltage.
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A= Noor MGI , Sa98i6a Mini<=ood and %a=Ba=a Construction Contract No( C)**+** Met8od State?ent <or Insta==ation $ Testin@ o<

!fter both these voltages reach the same level, allo: the battery ban& to tric&le charge across the float charger. S:itch over to the auto operation of the Battery Charger.
Check the functioning of all modes of operations - such as normal - auto / manual, Float / Boost charging and Fault diagnostics, etc.


EALT SA"ET! $ EN'IRONMENT Before commencement of this activity all the personnel shall be briefed about ha(ards associated :ith the job. %n general follo:ing precautions

the possible ris& &

shall be ta&en :hile handling and assembly of Structural steel material. a. Permits available in the site prior to the commencement of the :or&. b. %nvolved personnel shall be provided :ith appropriate PP, c. !ll e3uipments shall be chec&ed for the general safety, prior to use. d. >nly trained & competent personnel shall be allo:ed for the :or&. e. The :or& area shall be barricaded by the :arning tape. f. %n case of emergency applicable approved emergency plan shall be follo:ed.

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