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Human Rights Alert (NGO)

Joseph Zernik, PhD

PO Box 31440, Jerusalem 91313;

91313 3144 "

April 30, 2014
Presiding Justice of the Supreme Court Judge Asher Grunis
The Supreme Court of the State of Israel
Shaarey Mishpat Street, Jerusalem
By Fax 02-675-9648, 02-6526391
RE: Petition in Ashkenazi v Minister of Justice et al (2300/11) -Request
for Certification of Decision
Your Honor's response within 14 days is requested
To the Honorable Presiding Justice Asher Grunis:
On April 27, 2014, I filed in the case, referenced above, where you head
the sitting court, a Request for Certification of March 27, 2014 Decision
True Copy of the Original. The paper was accepted, stamped and signed
Received/Inspected by Mr Danny Ben Tovim Pro Se Filers Division.
However, review of the online records in this case shows that the paper
appears on the list of Requests with no registration number, and it entirely
fails to appear in the list of Events. [2]
Therefore, I request that you take the appropriate measures to ascertain that
the paper is honestly and effectually registered, and subjected to honest
review and an adequate response.
Instant request is forwarded to your office, since regardless of requests,
addressed to you, for providing the appointment records of Chief Clerk
Idit Meloul and Pro Se Section Danny Ben Tovim, no lawful
appointment record of either has been received to this date, and no
publication of the appointment of either was found in the official Register
of the State of Israel. [3-6]

Dr Joseph Zernik

PO Box 33407, Tel Aviv 6133301
Petitioners in Ashkenazi et al v Minister of Justice et al.
[1] 14-04-27 Moti Ashkenazi and 76 others v Minister of Justice and Director of the Enforcement
' and Collection Authority (2300/11) - Request for Certification of Decision //
[2] 14-04-29 Ashkenazi+76 other v Minister of Justice et al in the High Court of Justice
' ' (2300/11) - Online Records - listing of Decisions, Events //
[3] 4-02-19 Request from Presiding Justice Grunis of appoint record of Ms Idit Meloul as Chief
, Clerk' of the Israeli Supreme Court //
" "
[4] 14-03-09 Repeat request for the appointment record of Ms Idit Meloul as Chief Clerk' of the
; Supreme Court, addressed to Presiding Justice Grunis //
, ' " "
[5] 13-12-11 Request from Presiding Justice Grunis of appointment record of "Head of Pro Se
" " Section" Attorney Ben Tovim //
[6] 14-01-23 Repeat request from Presiding Justice Grunis of "Pro Se Section Head" Danny
" Ben Tovim's appointment record //

302014 ,

' ,
02-6526391 ,02.675.9648
: ' ' ) (2300/11

27- ,2014 , , ,
27- ,2014 , " .
" " "/"[1] .

, [2] .


" " " " ,
, . [3-6] .

" ,33407" 6133301


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