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Karthick S, S/o Shakthipandiyan, 802, Veera ak!h"i #o"p e$, %.&. 'oad, %hir()ottiy(r, #hennai * +00 019. - ainti.. ,


'a/ara/an 0,

S/o 0(r(1aiyan, 12, -i ayar Koi Street, 3"aiya Na1ar, %hir()ottiy(r, #hennai4+00 019. 'e!pondent ,

Written Statement i!e" #n"er Or"er $III R#!e % & CPC

1. %he 5e.endant, !on o. 0(r(1aiyan, 12 pi ayar koi , ("aiya na1ar, thir()ottiy(r, #hennai 419. I a" 6e ac7(ainted 6ith the .act! o. the ca!e. %he addre!! o. !er)ice .or the de.endant !ho( d 8e their co(n!e 9! ocated at No. 110, Nyniappan Naicken Street, -arkto6n, #hennai4+00 003.

2. It i! re!pect.( y !(8"itted to the &on98 e #o(rt that the 5e.endant denie! a herein. the a e1ation! e$cept that 6hich i! !peci.ica y ad"itted

3. %he 5e.endant !(8"it! that the !(it i! not at a "aintaina8 e either on .act or on a6 and the !(it i! ia8 e to 8e di!"i!!ed in i"e i1ht.

4. %he 5e.endant denie! the a e1ation! "ade in para No. 3, 6herein it i! !tated that d(e to the e"er1ent circ("!tance and on .a"i y need!, the - ainti.. a1ree! to !e the and i! tota y .a !e. No !(ch in.or"ation 6a! 1i)en to "e.

2. It i! )ery i"portant to note that a! ad"itted 8y 8oth partie!, there i! an a1ree"ent o. !a e 8et6een (! 6hich 1i)e! . e$i8i ity to 8oth the partie! to the a1ree"ent. A! per the a1ree"ent, the 8(yer ha! to !ati!.y 6ith the tit e deed! and other doc("ent! re ated to the !(it !ched( ed property, e)en a! per the a1ree"ent, the !e er i! d(ty 8o(nd to !ati!.y the 8(yer 6ith re1ard to the doc("ent! 6hich the - ainti.. .ai ed to do

!o. %he a e1ation "ade in para No. 4 i! denied a! .a !e, "a icio(! and 8a!e e!!.

+. %he 5e.endant, .(rther !(8"it! that the .act! e$tracted (nder para No.2 6herein the - ainti.. !tate! that the "ode o. pay"ent o. 8a ance a"o(nt! e$cept '!. :,20,000/4 6hich i! paid to "e 8y the - ainti.. a! ad)ance on the date o. a1ree"ent, (nder )ario(! in!ta "ent! a! per the ter"! o. the a1ree"ent the .ir!t in!ta "ent '!.2,00,000 6hich 6a! paid 8y the - ainti.. correct y. ;(t the - ainti.. paid on y '!.1,22,000/4 in!tead o. payin1 '!.2,20,000/4 6hich i! the i"portant ter"! and condition! o. the a1ree"ent, 6hich i! )io ated 8y the - ainti... &ence para No.2 i! .a !e, "oti)ated and "i! eadin1.

:. %he 5e.endant .(rther !(8"it! that the - ainti.. .ai ed to pay the entire !a e con!ideration o. '!.1:,20,000/4 6ithin the !peci.ied date! a! per the ter"! and condition! o. the a1ree"ent.

8. It i! h("8 y !(8"itted 8y the 5e.endant that a! per the ter"! and condition! o. the a1ree"ent the !e er re!er)e! 'i1ht o. Se in1, the property to any per!on in ca!e o. .ai (re in pay"ent.

9. It i! re!pect.( y !(8"itted the - ainti.. a e1ation 6ith re1ard to the prod(ction o. ori1ina doc("ent! and tit e deed! i! denied a! .a !e and 8a!e e!!. ;eca(!e the 8(yer "(!t 8e 6e a6are o. the doc("ent and other tit e deed! 8e.ore the - ainti.. enter! into an a1ree"ent o. Sa e.


3nder thi! circ("!tance it i! re!pect.( y !(8"itted to the

&on98 e #o(rt the !(it not at a "aintaina8 e and the !a"e i! ia8 e to 8e di!"i!!ed 6ith co!t.

%he 5e.endant herein do here8y dec ared and )eri.y that 6hat are a !tated in the 6ritten !tate"ent are tr(e and correct to the 8e!t o. "y kno6 ed1e and 8e ie.

Veri.ied on thi! day 21 o. <e8r(ary, 2014



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