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Prayer news April 30, 2014

The Community of Christian Students from Moldova Changing Moldova One Student at a Time
IFES Eurasia/CSC Moldova Slavic Tusinschi/General Secretary

Project based on Luke's Gospel, 8th -11th May,2014 We are very excited this year about the UNCOVER , where we aim to help students discover about Jesus using Luke's gospel. We hope that through Discover, the organising team (workers and students from OSCE Romania and CSC Moldova) will be richly blessed by God, so that they can then invest in those who don't yet know God personally. Likewise, we are eagerly looking forward to the conference in Calarasi at a campsite far from the capital. We are expecting groups of students to come from diferent cities Taul, Balti, Nisporeni, Chisinau and Calarasi. We ask you to pray and support Christian students, as they need courage in order to be able to share the gospel with great humility and grace. Slavic Tusinschi/Director

Student Sets Example as a Leader

Engaging students at UPSICthe university where many of Moldova's teachers are trained is a very important part of the work of CSC. We are very encouraged by the fruitful leadership of Diana B, a second year student at UPSIC who this past year started a Bible study in her dormitory. As we shared in the February newsletter, Victoria (one of the young women in Diana's group) accepted Jesus as her Lord and Saviour at the beginning of this year. CSC staff worker Iuliana reports that this month Elena, another member of the group Diana leads, has confessed Christ and has begun reading her Bible regularly. Diana has also been responsible for another Bible study group being started. UPSIC student Livia M, says "I was encouraged by Diana start a group...she helped me a lot. The group is just getting started...there are many challenges and difficulties..." Livia asks prayer for courage and perseverance as she leads this new Bible study. CSC staff worker Sergiu shares how Diana was able to receive valuable training by attending an IFES conference in Kyrgyzstan this March. He says "For her, it was a daunting experience, as she was afraid about the situation in both the Ukraine (which she had to travel through) and Kyrgyzstan...But, after she returned, she thanked us that she had been able to learn many new styles of Bible study, which she can also teach to other potential female leaders from her university. They are meeting with her in order to be trained to lead small group Bible studies using creative methods."

Elena Furtuna

Diana Bobeico

Livia Malancea

Please pray for God to continue to bless efforts to grow more Bible study groups with young women who are future teachers. And pray for Diana and Livia, who are wonderful examples of students leading students, pressing on to change Moldova, one student at a time!

Thank God *Much to be thankful for, Gary, Peggy and over 60 friends and family in Central Ohio support through the Borscht Benefit of Moldovans like CSC staff Iuliana and developing leaders in CSC. *For the graduate coordinators, Doina Marin and Mihai Corabieru: for courage to overcome challenges at the beginning of their ministry and to be able to serve graduates with love and dedication. * For Gina and Olga to start a Bible study group in the dormitories. Initially, it's proving a challenge for them. th th Prayer diary *The conference UNCOVER 8 -11 May. We are praying for as many students as possible to discover Jesus. *The meeting of the CSC Board: for wisdom and discernment in leading the organisation. May 2014
*The meeting for students who are graduating this year. We are praying that they will find jobs and will be christian influences at their work places. *Bible study with graduates: for spiritual growth and an increasing impact in their fields of work.

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Contacts US: Email: Address: CSC Moldova Armeneasca street 61/13 Chisinau, Moldova, MD-2012

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