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College of Engineering & Technology, Bambhori, Jalgaon. Mechanical Engg.


Fluid Mechanics Practical


Expt No.

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College of Engineering & Technology, Bambhori, Jalgaon. Mechanical Engg. Department

Fluid Mechanics Practical

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College of Engineering & Technology, Bambhori, Jalgaon. Mechanical Engg. Department

Name of the Student: ___________________ Section & Roll No.: _____________________ DOP:_____________ DOC:_____________

Fluid Mechanics Practical

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Experiment. No: 01 KINEMATIC VISCOSITY BY REDWOOD VISCOMETER Aim: To determine the kinematic viscosity of given oil & study the variation of viscosity with temperature. Apparatus: Red wood viscometer with accessories such as measuring flask, ball valve, Thermometer etc. Theory: Red wood viscometer is based on the principle of laminar flow under falling head. It consists of cylinder of specific size having orifice of design diameter in its base. The diameter of orifice is so small that the flow through it is laminar. The cylinder of specific volume is to be used. The viscosity of the liquid is to be determined from the time required to fill up the volume of measuring cylinder. The jacket of water, which can be heated by the electric heater, surrounds the cylinder. The variation of viscosity with temperature can be studied. Kinematic viscosity of a given liquid can be determined with the help of. Redwood viscometer by formulae = 0.0026 t - 1.175/ t Where t - time in sec. to collect the 50 ml volume in measuring flask. - Kinematic viscosity Procedure: First the viscometer was leveled with the help of the leveling screw. The water jacket was filled with water. Then closing the orifice with the ball valve the oil was filled in to the cylinder up to the index mark for which the viscosity was to be determined. During the test, with the thermometer the temperature of the oil was measured. Removing the ball the oil was allowed to fall in the measuring cylinder of 50 C.C. volume and the time required for it was measured for the particular oil temperature. Repeating the above procedure readings were taken for various temperatures by heating the oil by the water jacket.
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College of Engineering & Technology, Bambhori, Jalgaon. Mechanical Engg. Department

Observations: Diameter of the orifice Volume of measuring cylinder Observation table: Sr. No. Temp. in C Time to collect 50 c.c. oil in Sec. Kinematic Viscosity Stroke. = = mm ml

Fluid Mechanics Practical


01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 Calculation: For sample reading no: = 0.0026 t - 1.175/ t

Note: Plot the graph between temperature vs. kinematic viscosity with temp. On x axis. Result: Kinematic viscosity for different temperatures is - _____________ respectively. Conclusion: As the temperature increases the kinematic viscosity of the oil decreases.

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College of Engineering & Technology, Bambhori, Jalgaon. Mechanical Engg. Department

Oral based questions: 1. What is Newtons Law of Viscosity?

Fluid Mechanics Practical

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2. Why viscosity of liquids decreases with increase in temperature? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------3. Write down Unit of dynamic & kinematic viscosity in SI, MKS, CGS system ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------.

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College of Engineering & Technology, Bambhori, Jalgaon. Mechanical Engg. Department

Name of the Student: ___________________ Section & Roll No.: _____________________ DOP: _____________

Fluid Mechanics Practical

DOC: _____________

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Experiment No: 02 REYNOLDS EXPERIMENT Aim: To study the Laminar and Turbulent flow by using Reynolds apparatus. Apparatus: Constant head water tank, Glass transferent pipe, dye container is attached to sidewall of tank injecting a stream of dye into glass pipe etc. Theory: Reynolds has conducted a number of experiments to determine flow of resistance in the pipe by introducing a filament of dye into water along a glass pipe. He found out the flow exist two different types of motion at two different velocities. Filament of dye appeared as a straight line which passed down whole length of the tube indicating the flow as laminar flow. At higher velocity, filament of dye after passing a little way along tube suddenly mixed with surrounding water indicating that the flow is turbulent flow. Let Reynolds conclude that parameter which determines the flow shall be Laminar / turbulent in any particular use is depends upon the arbitary number called as Reynolds Number Re = (VD) / Where, Re Reynolds number of motion, - mass density of flowing fluid, V Velocity of flow, d Diameter of pipe, - Coefficient of viscosity of fluid. The flow is laminar or turbulent depends upon the range of the value Re. If Re < 2000 Re > 4000 Re between 2000 4000 Laminar Flow Turbulent Flow. -- Transition Flow.

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College of Engineering & Technology, Bambhori, Jalgaon. Mechanical Engg. Department

Fluid Mechanics Practical

Procedure: Opening the main supply valve the tank is filled with water with outlet of glass tube partly open so that no air is entered in glass tube. Close the outlet valve of glass tube and inlet valve of tank when tank is full. Leave apparatus for sometime so that water in the tank is at rest and not disturbed. Now partially open the outlet valve of glass tube and inlet valve of tank so that velocity of flow is very small and water level in tank is fairly remains constant. Opening the inlet of dye injector so the dye is allowed to move as straight line through tube, which shows the flow is laminar. Then for the same flow the discharge is also measured. Increasing the velocity of flow and repeating the same process the turbulent and the flow in transition are observed. While conducting the practical the room temperature is also recorded. Observation: Inner diameter of glass tubed = Mass Density of water = Average room temprature = oC

Dynamic viscosity of the water at room temperature = = Plan area of measuring tank = Length l = Breath b = Observation: Sr. No. 01 02 03 Calculation: For sample reading no: ` Area of pipe = a= d2 /4 t in sec. Q= AH/ t cm3/sec V= Q/a cm/s Re= (Vd) / Flow pattern observed

Actual discharge = Qa = AH /t

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Velocity of flow = V = Qa / a

Fluid Mechanics Practical

Reynolds Number = Re = (Vd) /

Result: In the above case, when the flow is is Laminar the Reynolds number is______ and when the flow is Turbulent the Reynolds Number is _______ and when the flow is in transition the Reynolds Number is____________. Conclusion: The flow pattern satisfies / not satisfies the criteria given by Reynolds for classification of flow.

ORAL BASED QUESTIONS 1. What are the characteristics of a laminar flow? Ans

2. Enumerate examples of laminar flow? Ans

3. Define Reynolds number and state its formula? Ans

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College of Engineering & Technology, Bambhori, Jalgaon. Mechanical Engg. Department

Fluid Mechanics Practical

4. When a laminar flow changes to turbulent flow? Ans

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College of Engineering & Technology, Bambhori, Jalgaon. Mechanical Engg. Department

Fluid Mechanics Practical

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College of Engineering & Technology, Bambhori, Jalgaon. Mechanical Engg. Department

Name of the Student: ___________________ Section & Roll No.: _____________________

Fluid Mechanics Practical

DOP: _____________ DOC: _____________

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Experiment No: 03 VERIFICATION OF BERNOULLI'S THEOREM

Aim: - To verify Bernoulli's theorem experimentally.

Apparatus: Bernoulli's theorem apparatus measuring tank, scale, stopwatch etc.

Theory :-In liquid flow each particle of the liquid posses energy in the form of potential energy, kinetic energy and pressure energy. The sum of these energies of a particle is called total energy or total head. Bernoulli's found that for perfect incompressible fluid flowing in a continuous stream, the total energy or the total head of each particle remains the same along a stream line, if no energy gained or lost i.e. total head (H) = datum head (z) + velocity head (V2/ 2g) + pressure head (p/w) The pressure heads for a measured volume of liquid is observed & the total heads at each cross section of conduit are calculated Total head (H) = z + (V2/ 2g) + (p/w) Where, z = position of centre of conduit with respect of datum V = Velocity of flow = Discharge (Q) / cross sectional area (a) p/w= Piezometric head (h) g = acceleration due to gravity Procedure: - The supply valve of the apparatus is opened & water is allowed to flow from the supply tank through the conduit. The outlet valve of the apparatus is so adjusted that the constant head is maintained in the supply tank of the apparatus. The air bubble in the piezometer tube is removed. The pressure heads at various c/s of the
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Fluid Mechanics Practical

conduit are measured from the piezometer. For a selected rise 'H' in the collecting tank, the time t required is observed using stopwatch. T he observations are tabulated & the total heads are calculated.

Observations: Internal plan dimensions of collecting tank Breadth = (b) = Length = (l) = OBSERVATION TABLE:
Section C/s area No. at diff. sections Time required for rise of mm in sec. Actual discharge Qa in mm3/ sec Velocity vat sections in mm/sec Pressure head (p/w) in mm Velocity head v2/2g in mm Datum head z in mm Total head H= p/w +v2/2g + z in mm

mm mm

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College of Engineering & Technology, Bambhori, Jalgaon. Mechanical Engg. Department

Calculations: For sample reading no: Area of collecting tank = l x b

Fluid Mechanics Practical

Actual discharge = A x H / t

Velocity of flow at section = v = Q / a

Velocity head = v2 / 2g

Total head = H = z + p/w + v2 /2g

(Note: The graphs of pressure head, velocity head and total head are drawn by taking the cross section numbers on X axis.)

Results: The total head at various sections is same / nearly same/ not same.

Conclusion: The total head decreases gradually due to various losses. If the losses are ignored the total head remains nearly same at all sections.


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College of Engineering & Technology, Bambhori, Jalgaon. Mechanical Engg. Department

1. State Bernoullis theorem? Ans

Fluid Mechanics Practical

2. Define discharge? Ans

3. What is continuity equation? Ans

4. State the assumptions made in Bernoullis theorem? Ans

5. Give some measuring devices name which apply Bernoullis Equation? Ans

sign. of Teacher

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College of Engineering & Technology, Bambhori, Jalgaon. Mechanical Engg. Department

Fluid Mechanics Practical

Name of the Student: ___________________ Section & Roll No.: _____________________

DOP: _____________ DOC: _____________

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College of Engineering & Technology, Bambhori, Jalgaon. Mechanical Engg. Department

Fluid Mechanics Practical

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Experiment No: 04 FLOW THROUGH THE ORIFICE Aim: - To determine the coefficient of discharge (Cd), coefficient of velocity (Cv) & coefficient of contraction (Cc) for the orifice. Apparatus: A tank fitted with orifice in the side of tank, pointer gauges with horizontal & vertical scale with sliding block, measuring tank with control valve, stopwatch, meter scale, etc. Theory: -An orifice is small opening with closed perimeter provided in a vessel through which the liquid flows. The orifice may be provided in the side of tank or bottom of vessel. Theoretical discharge Qth = Area x theoretical velocity Where = a a = area of orifice H = head of liquid above center of orifice g = acceleration due to gravity. Actual discharge Qa = Actual volume of liquid collected in unit time = Ah / t Where A = internal plan area collecting tank. h = rise of liquid in collecting tank t = time of collection Coefficient of discharge is the ratio of actual discharge (Qa) to theoretical discharge (Qth) Cd = Qa / Qth The co-ordinates of a point in the jet are measured from vena contract for the particular constant head & coefficient of velocity (Cv) which is the ratio of actual velocity to theoretical velocity is calculated by using the expression.

Cv = Where Cv = coefficient of velocity

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X = X co-ordinate of point Y = Y co-ordinate of point H = constant head in the orifice tank

Fluid Mechanics Practical

Coefficient of velocity (Cv) is defined as the ratio of actual mean velocity of jet at vena contracta (Va) to the theoretical velocity (Vth) knowing the value of (Cd) = Cc. Cv. By this equcation Cc can be computed. Procedure: The diameter of orifice & the internal plan diameter of the collecting tank were measured. By operating inlet valve water is allowed in to the orifice tank & the constant head was maintained. Then the initial reading for the horizontal & vertical coordinate for jet center at vena contract X & Y was taken. The sliding block was moved horizontally at suitable distance & the horizontal & vertical co-ordinates for the center of jet are measured. At the same time for this discharge the water was collected in a measuring tank for a particular height & the time was noted to obtain that height. The above procedure is repeated for the different heads & observations are tabulated. Observations: Plan dimension of measuring tank Length = 'l' = Width = 'b' = Diameter of orificed = mm mm mm

Sr. No.

Head in tank H in mm

Time required for rise mm in sec.

Actual discharge Qa =A h / t in mm3/sec

Qth = a in mm3/sec

X coordinate in mm

Y coordinate in mm

Coeff. of discharge Cd = Qa / Qth

Coeff. Of velocity Cv =

Coeff. Of contraction Cc = Cd./ Cv

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01 02 03 04 05

Fluid Mechanics Practical

Calculation: For sample reading no: Area of orifice = a = d2 / 4

Area of measuring tank = A = l x b

Actual discharge through orifice = Qa = Ah/ t

Theoretical discharge through orifice = Qth = a

Coefficient of discharge = Cd = Qa / Qth

Coefficient of velocity = Cv =

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Fluid Mechanics Practical

Coefficient of contraction Cc = Cd / Cv

Result: The different value of coefficient are given below Coefficient of discharge = Cd = Coefficient of velocity = Cv = Coefficient of contraction = Cc =

Conclusion: Generally the value of Cd varies between 0.61 to 0.65; Cc varies between 0.61 to 0.69. & Cv varies between 0.95 to 0.99. We have got / have not got these values in this range only.

ORAL BASED QUESTIONS 1. What is orifice? Ans

2. Define co-efficient of discharge? Ans

3. Define co-efficient of contraction? Ans

4. Define co-efficient of velocity?

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Fluid Mechanics Practical

5. Define co-efficient of contraction? Ans

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College of Engineering & Technology, Bambhori, Jalgaon. Mechanical Engg. Department

Fluid Mechanics Practical

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College of Engineering & Technology, Bambhori, Jalgaon. Mechanical Engg. Department

Name of the Student: ___________________ Section & Roll No.: _____________________

Fluid Mechanics Practical

DOP: _____________ DOC: _____________

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Experiment No: 05 FLOW THROUGH VENTURIMETER Aim: - To determine the coefficient of venturi meter (k)

Apparatus: Venturimenter, differential U-tube mercury manometer, co1lecting tank fitted with piezometer & control valve, stopwatch meter scale etc.

Theory: - Venturimeter is a device used to measure the discharge of any liquid flowing through a pipeline. The pressure difference between the inlet & throat of the venturimeter is recorded using a mercury differential manometer & for the same flow the time is recorded for collecting the fixed volume of flowing liquid.

The theoretical discharge Qth = a1.a2 /

where a1 = area of inlet a2 = area of throat h = Venturi head in terms of flowing liquid = ( h1- h2) (sm- s1) / s1 h1 - manometer head in one limb as manometer h2 - manometer head in other limb of manometer sm- sp. gravity of manometer liquid s1 - Sp. gravity of flawing liquid g - acceleration. Due to gravity internal plan area of collecting tank (A) x rise of liquid (H) Actual discharge = --------------------------------------------------------------------------Time of collecting (t)

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Fluid Mechanics Practical

Coefficient of venturimeter (K) is the ratio between the actual discharge (Q a) & the theoretical discharge (Qth)

i.e. K = Qa / Qth Procedure: -The diameter of the inlet & the throat are recorded & the internal plan dimensions of the collecting tank are measured. Keeping the outlet valve closed. The inlet valve is opened fully. The outlet valve is opened at slightly & the manometer heads in both the limbs (h1) & (h2) are noted. The outlet valve of collecting tank is closely tight & the time 't' required for 'H' rise of water in the collecting tank is observed using a stop watch. Gradually increasing the flow & observing the manometric readings the above procedure is repeated. The observations are tabulated & the coefficient of venturimeter computed.

Observations: Diameter of inlet d1 = Diameter of throat d2 = mm mm

Internal plan dimensions of collecting tank length = ' l ' = Breadth = ' b ' = Sr. no Manometric readings mm of mercury h1 h2 X= h1 - h2 h= X(sm-s1)/ s1 mm of liquid mm mm Time for H= mm rise't' sec Discharge Coefficient of meter K= Qa /Qth

Actual Discharge Qamm3 /s

Theoretical Discharge Qth mm3 /s

01 02 03 04 05 Mean value of 'K' =

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Calculation: For sample reading no: Area of inlet a1 = d12 / 4

Fluid Mechanics Practical

Area of throat a2 = d22 / 4

Internal plan area of collecting tank A = l x b

Actual discharge Oa = AH/t

Theoretical discharge Qth = a1.a2

Coefficient of venturimeter K = Qa / Qth

Graph: - Graphs Qa vs h & Oa vs

are drawn taking h & on x axis

Result: - Coefficient of Venturimeter 'K' =

Conclusion: - The value of coefficient of venturimeter is which is nearly same as the standard. value 0.98.

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College of Engineering & Technology, Bambhori, Jalgaon. Mechanical Engg. Department

ORAL BASED QUESTIONS 1. What is orificemeter? Ans

Fluid Mechanics Practical

2. What is venturimeter? Ans

3. Define co-efficient of discharge? Ans

4. Define co-efficient of contraction? Ans

Sign. of Teacher

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Fluid Mechanics Practical

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College of Engineering & Technology, Bambhori, Jalgaon. Mechanical Engg. Department

Name of the Student: ___________________ Section & Roll No.: _____________________ DOP: _____________ DOC: _____________

Fluid Mechanics Practical

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Experiment No: 03 METACENTRIC HEIGHT FOR A GIVEN VESSEL Aim: - To determine the metacentric height of a given floating vessel. Apparatus: - A tank full of water, a floating vessel fitted with pointer moving on graduated scale so as to measure the deviation angle with vertical, weighing balance, etc. Theory:- For investigation of suitability of floating body, it is necessary to determine the position of its metacentre related to its center of gravity G. The distance between center of gravity & metacentre is known as metacentric height; and the point about which the vessel get oscilated is called as metacentre M

Those are three condition of equilibrium of floating body. 1) Stable equilibrium: - metacentre above the center of gravity. 2) Unstable equilibrium: - metacentre blow the center of gravity. 3) Neutral equilibrium: - metacentre coincides with the center of gravity.

The met centric height GM of a vessel is given by relationship wx GM = ---------------(W+w) tan Procedure: - Fill the tank 2/3 full of water & note down the height of water level from the tank base. Then putting the vessel in the tank& note the increase in the level of water knowing the cross section of tank & increasing level of tank. The weight of water displaced by vessel was founded out, which is same as that of weight of the vessel. The counter weight are so adjusted that the reading on the scale shows zero reading for the angle of tilt or deviation when there is no moment applied. Then moment has applied to the vessel by moving one of the adjustable wt. 'w' through known distance x, the
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Fluid Mechanics Practical

reading of w, x and the angle of tilt on the scale are measured The metacentric height is calculated by applying the above formulae. Using the same procedure different sets of reading are taken. Observation Table:
Sr . N o. Length of Plumb bob (L) = cm

Movin g Load (Kg)

Position of Weight (cm) x Left Right

Distance on tan Scale(cm) d (d/L) Left Right Left Right

Metacentric Height(GM) (cm) Left Right

Average Metacentric Height Left Right

Calculations: For sample reading no: w.x GM = --------------------(W +w) tan

Result: - Metacentric height of given floating vessel is ------------- cm Conclusion: Metacentric height is constant / nearly same for particular vessel. metacentre lies above CG for stable condition so here the vessel is stable / unstable / neutral.

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College of Engineering & Technology, Bambhori, Jalgaon. Mechanical Engg. Department


Fluid Mechanics Practical

1. What is buoyancy? Ans

2. What is centre of buoyancy? Ans

3. What is metacentre? Ans

4. What is meta-centric height? Ans

5. What is the formula to find meta-centric height experimentally? Ans

Sign. of Teacher

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College of Engineering & Technology, Bambhori, Jalgaon. Mechanical Engg. Department

Fluid Mechanics Practical

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College of Engineering & Technology, Bambhori, Jalgaon. Mechanical Engg. Department

Name of the Student: ___________________ Section & Roll No.: _____________________
Experiment. No: 08

Fluid Mechanics Practical

DOP: _____________ DOC: _____________

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------DETERMINATION OF MAJOR & MINOR LOSSES

Aim: To determine the Major & minor losses of fluid flow in the pipe with different pipe fittings. Apparatus: A pipe provided with inlet & outlet valves & pressure tapping cocks, Differential U-tube manometer, Collecting tank fitted with piezometer & control valve, Stop watch, meter scale, etc.

Theory: Major Losses: When liquid flows through a pipeline, it is subjected to frictional resistance. The frictional resistance depends upon the roughness of the inner surface of the pipe. More the roughness greater is the frictional resistance. The Major loss of head between a selected length of pipe is observed for a measured discharge the friction factor (f) is calculated by using Darcy- weisbach formula.

hf = Where; hf = Major loss of head due to friction =(h1-h2) (sm-s1)/s1 h1 = Manometric head in one limb of the manometer h2 = Manometric head in other limb of the manometer sm = Specific gravity of Manometric liquid s1 = Specific gravity of flowing liquid
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f = Friction factor. L = length of pipe V= velocity of flow in the pipe = Q/a Q = Actual discharge = AH/t A = internal plan area of collecting tank H = Height of collection in the collecting tank t = time of collection for h rise in the collecting tank a = c/s area of pipe = d2 / 4 d = Diameter of pipe g = acceleration due to gravity.

Fluid Mechanics Practical

Minor Losses: These minor losses are occur in the hydraulic system due to variation of abrupt change in cross-section & various pipe fitting such as direction control valves, Lbow, Tee etc. Influence of these losses are less as compare to major losses hence they are called as a minor losses. 1. Loss due to sudden contraction: This loss is due to sudden decrease in cross sectional area. It is given by the relation,

2. Loss due to sudden Enlargement: If the cross-section of a pipe with fluid flowing through it, is abruptly enlarged at certain place, fluid emerging from the smaller pipe is unable to follow the abrupt deviation of the boundary. The streamline takes a typical diverging pattern. This creates pockets of turbulent eddies in the corners resulting in the dissipation of mechanical energy into intermolecular energy.

Where, V1= Velocity of flow though section 1 V2= Velocity of flow though section 2.

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Fluid Mechanics Practical

3. Loss of Head at the entrance of pipe: These losses are occur at the entrance of the pipe & are given by,

4. Loss of Head at the entrance of pipe: These losses are occur at the exit of the pipe & are given by,

5. Loss of Head due to bend in pipe: They are given by the relations,

Where, K= Coefficient of Bend. For 1 inch (2.5 cm) pipe & 900 bend, K=0.69. 6. Loss of Head due to various pipe fittings: They are given by the relations,

Where, K= Coefficient of pipe fittings. Procedure: 1. Measure the diameter of pipe, the internal plan dimensions of the collecting tank and the length of the pipelines between the two-pressure tapping cocks. 2. By keeping the outlet valve fully closed open the inlet valve completely. 3. Close the outlet valve of the collecting tank tightly & observe the time t required for H rise of water in the collecting tank using a stopwatch by allowing water to flow in that tank. 5. Repeat the above procedure by gradually increasing the flow & observe the corresponding readings. 6. Tabulate the observations and calculate the discharge & from discharge calculate velocity to obtain the major & minor losses.

1. Diameter of pipes: d1 = mm
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d2 = mm

Fluid Mechanics Practical

2. Length of pipes:



3. Internal plan dimensions of collecting tank: Length Breadth

Observation Table: Sr. No. Time for H rise in mm in t sec Discharge Q=AH/t mm3/s Velocity V=Q/a mm/s

l= b=

mm mm

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Calculations: 1. C/ s area of pipe = a = d2 / 4

2. Internal plan area of collecting tank , A = l x b

3. Discharge, Q = A. H/ t

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Fluid Mechanics Practical

4. Velocity, V = Q / a

5. Reynolds Number, Re=

At 200c, kinematic viscosity of mater, =1.004x10-6 m2/s At 300c, kinematic viscosity of mater, =8.009x10-7 m2/s

7. Coefficient of Friction, f = f= i.e. f =

-------- for Re < 2000 (Laminar Flow) ------ for Re > 4000 (Turbulent flow)

8. Major Loss in Head, hf =

9. Head loss due to sudden contraction,

10. Head Loss due to bend in pipe,

11. Head Loss due to pipe fittings, (for ball valve of 1 inch diameter, k=0.07),

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Fluid Mechanics Practical

Result: 1. Major Head loss= 2. Minor Head loss= .

Conclusion: For a particular pipe total head loss is_______________

ORAL BASED QUESTIONS 1. What are the major energy losses in pipes? Ans

2. What are the minor energy losses in pipes? Ans

3. Which pipe fittings is most economical for house hold supply? Ans

4. What is the formula to find friction factor given by Darcy Weisbach? Ans

Sign. of Teacher
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Fluid Mechanics Practical

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Name of the Student: ___________________ Section & Roll No.: _____________________ DOP:_____________

Fluid Mechanics Practical


------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Experiment No: 08 MANOMETERS Aim.:- To study the various types of Manometers.

Introduction to Manometers: They are devices used to register pressure at a point or pressure difference between two points in a system in terms of head of liquid. To measure higher ranges of pressure heavier liquid like mercury are used as manometer liquids lighter liquid like water, carbon tetra chloride etc. are used as manometer liquids for lower pressure ranges Types of Manometer: The common type of manometer used are: 1. Piezometer tube 2. U - Tube manometer 3. U - Tube differential manometer 4. Micro manometer Piezometer Tube: Piezometer tube is the simplest type of pressure gauge. It is a glass tube open at both ends, one end is open to atmosphere & the other end is connected to the point at the system where the pressure is to be found out. The piezometer tube is kept in a vertical position. The liquid rises in the piezometer until equilibrium is maintained. The height through which the liquid rises in the tube directly gives us the pressure head in terms of liquid column. Piezometer tube is shown in the figure. The piezometer tubes cannot be used to measures high pressure as the length of tube required would be higher. They also cannot register negative (vacuum pressure) directly.

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U - Tube Manometer:

Fluid Mechanics Practical

U-tube manometer is a tube bent in U-shape. At the common surface in liquid the pressure in the two limbs are equal since there is continuity at the manometer liquid at the common surface using this principle, the pressure 'h A' at the point 'A' can be determined. The pressure at point 'A' is given by the equation. hA = x { sm - s1 } - h1 s1 The practice readings taken for the U-tube manometer attached with the pipe carrying water are tabulated bellow.
Sr. No. Reading in cm of manometric Liquid Left limb (h2) Right limb (h1) x = h2 h1 cm Pressure

01 02 03 U-tube differential manometer The differential manometer are used to measure the pressure difference between two points, figure shows a U-tube differential manometer. The two ends of the manometer are connected to the point A & B, whose pressure difference is to be found out. The pressure difference between the points 'A' & 'B' is given by the equation hA - hB = h2 s2 + x sm - s1h1 If the liquids at points 'A' & 'B' are same i.e. s1= s2 then the pressure difference is given by the equation. hA - hB = x sm+ s1 ( h2 -h1) If the points 'A' & 'B' are at the same level i.e. h 1, h2 = x then the pressure difference in terms of the flowing liquid is given by the equation. hA - hB = x(sm - s1) / s1 The practice readings taken for the U-tube differential manometer attached with the Pipe carrying water are tabulated bellow.

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Fluid Mechanics Practical

Sr. No.

Reading in cm of manometric Liquid Left limb (h1) Right limb (h2)

x = h1 h2 cm

Pressure in cm of liquid hA hB = x(sm - s1) / s1

01 02 03 Micrometers: Micrometers are otherwise called sensitive manometer or precision manometer. The U-tube manometer is made sensitive by enlarging one of its limbs. The limb with enlarge end is connect to the pressure point & the other limb is open the atmosphere. The pressure at the point 'A' is given by the equation hA = h2 sm + a/A . h2 (sm-s1) - h1 s1 'a' &'A' are the cross sectional areas of enlarged bulb & U-tube respectively. ORAL BASED QUESTIONS: 1. Define the term pressure. Ans

2. What is gauge pressure? Ans

3. What is manometer? Ans

4. How are manometers classified? Ans

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College of Engineering & Technology, Bambhori, Jalgaon. Mechanical Engg. Department

Fluid Mechanics Practical

Page 41

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