Boost (C++ Libraries) : Stable Release Type License

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Boost (C++ libraries)

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (Redirected from Boost C++ Libraries) Boost

Boost logo 1 !! " # $o%ember 11, &"1'( ) months Stable release ago Written in C++ Type Libraries License Boost *oft+are License Website +++ boost org Boost is a set of libraries for the C++ programming lang,age that pro%ide s,pport for tasks and str,ct,res s,ch as linear algebra, pse,dorandom n,mber generation, m,ltithreading, image processing, reg,lar e-pressions, and ,nit testing .t contains o%er eighty indi%id,al libraries /ost of the Boost libraries are licensed ,nder the Boost *oft+are License, designed to allo+ Boost to be ,sed +ith both free and proprietary soft+are pro0ects /any of Boost1s fo,nders are on the C++ standards committee, and se%eral Boost libraries ha%e been accepted for incorporation into both 2echnical Report 1 and the C++11 standard 314


1 5esign & 6ssociated people ' *ee also ) References ! F,rther reading 7 8-ternal links

2he libraries are aimed at a +ide range of C++ ,sers and application domains 2hey range from general9p,rpose libraries like the smart pointer library, to operating system abstractions like Boost FileSystem, to libraries primarily aimed at other library de%elopers and ad%anced C++ ,sers, like the template metaprogramming (/:L) and domain9specific lang,age (5*L) creation (:roto)

.n order to ens,re efficiency and fle-ibility, Boost makes e-tensi%e ,se of templates Boost has been a so,rce of e-tensi%e +ork and research into generic programming and metaprogramming in C++ 3citation needed4 /ost Boost libraries are header based, consisting of inline f,nctions and templates, and as s,ch do not need to be b,ilt in ad%ance of their ,se *ome Boost libraries coe-ist as independent libraries 3&43'4

Associated people
;riginal fo,nders of Boost still acti%e in the comm,nity incl,de Beman 5a+es and 5a%id 6brahams 6,thor of se%eral books on C++, $icolai <os,ttis contrib,ted the Boost array library in &""1 2here are mailing lists de%oted to Boost library ,se and library de%elopment, acti%e as of &"1) 3)4

See also
Free software portal

=Lib > the e?,i%alent ,pon +hich =$;/8 is b,ilt @58 Frame+orks > the e?,i%alent ,pon +hich @58 *oft+are Compilation is b,ilt 6pache :ortable R,ntime > ,sed by the 6pache A22: *er%er *tandard 2emplate Library List of C++ template libraries :erforce <am

1 & ' ) Ju p up ! BLibrary 2echnical ReportB <2C1#*C&&#W=&1 9 2he C++ *tandards Committee & <,ly &""' Retrie%ed 1 Febr,ary &"1& Ju p up ! B6sio +eb siteB Ju p up ! B*pirit +eb9siteB Ju p up ! BBoost /ailing Lists (6 @ 6 5isc,ssion =ro,ps)B Retrie%ed ) Febr,ary &"1)

"urt#er reading

5emming, Robert C 5,ffy, 5aniel < (&"1") Introduction to the Boost C++ Libraries Dol,me 1 9 Fo,ndations 5atasim .*B$ EFG9E)9E1"&G9"19) 5emming, Robert C 5,ffy, 5aniel < (&"1&) Introduction to the Boost C++ Libraries Dol,me & 9 6d%anced Libraries 5atasim .*B$ EFG9E)9E1"&G9"&91 @arlsson, B0Hrn (&""!) Beyond the C++ Standard Library: An Introduction to Boost 6ddison9Wesley .*B$ EFG9"9'&191''!)9"

:ol,khin, 6ntony (&"1') Boost C++ Application Development Cookbook :ackt .*B$ EFG919G)E!19)GG9" *chIling, Boris (&"11) The Boost C++ Libraries J/L :ress .*B$ EFG9"9EG&&1E19 E9! *iek, <eremy = ( Lee, Lie9K,an C L,msdaine, 6ndre+ (&""1) The Boost raph Library: !ser uide and "e#erence $anual 6ddison9Wesley .*B$ EFG9"9&"19 F&E1)97

$%ternal lin&s
2he Wikibook C++ %ro&rammin& has a page on the topic ofL Libraries/Boost

;fficial +ebsite B2he Boost C++ LibrariesBL online book

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