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Institute of Engineering Department of Engineering and Humanities

M.Sc, in Climate Change and Development

13.4 Climate Change Planning, Policy and La

! credit hours "#$ hours% Environmental policy and planning theory and practice at scales from the local, regional to the global. Interplay between politics, policy, science and planning. Development and nature of international environmental policy (IE !. "rigins and sources of environmental laws #ational and international environmental laws. International summits and #egotiations $iven topics
ass mar% *econd division -irst division Distinction & '() + '(+,') + ,'+.() + / .()

0inimum attendance & .() 1ourse completion within 1' wee%s 1lasses2 3hursday and -riday

Internal &ssessment + 4() "ne written e4am 3erm+paper (no presentation! 1ase study (with presentation! 5ttendance 3entative topics for 3erm+paper 3entative topics for case study Ela'oration of topics S ( ,. ,. , )opics " ith su'*topics%

+ 1') + 1() + 1() + ')


+esponsi'il ity

Information Source

Environmental policy and planning theory and practice at scales "local to national level% 1oncepts,theories and principles of 6 environmental policy and planning

,. ,. . ,. !

olicy formulation process in practice 7ocal to national planning process in practice (periodic and annual plans! #ational environment+related policies including (policy! shift in #epal (forest, agriculture, solid waste, disaster, irrigation, water resources, energy, industry, tourism, infrastructure, health etc.! 8ighlights of the energy plans (short to long+term plans! 8ighlights of the climate change and renewable energy policies 0ainstreaming environment and climate change into current periodical plan Su'*total Interplay 'et een politics, policy, science and planning 1limate politics2 economic, social or political 8uman security and climate & water, food and energy security 1limate+induced poverty and sustainable development including 0D$s Implication of I 1 5ssessment 9eports for climate change policy formulation Su'*total Development and nature of international environmental policy "IEP%. Development of legally non+binding instruments2 *toc%holm to 9io:6( conferences Development of legally binding instruments2 1onvention to rotocol 9ole of international institutions in developing environmental policies (;# and multilateral agencies! including ;#-11 1onvention bodies #ature of environmental policies (green and brown sectors! #epal<s participation and highlights of

6 6 6

,. / ,. # ,. 0 6. 1 6. 6 6. 3 6. 4 . 3. 1 3. 6 3. 3 3. 4 3.

6 6 1 13

1 6 6 6 0

6 6 4

1 1

' 3. , ! 4. 1 4. 6 4. 3 4. 4 4. ' / '. 1 '. 6 '. 3 '. 4 # ,. 1 ,. 6 ,. 3 ,. 4

the national reports in international environmental conferences (*toc%holm to 9io:6(! #epal arty in the environment+related conventions and treaties Su'*total 1rigins and sources of environmental la s rinciples, commitments and court decisions as a source of environmental law =asic elements, nature, scope and limitation of environmental law 0a>or conventions (;#-111, ? , 1=D, 1I3E*, 9amsar, ;#11D and @ienna 1onvention and 0ontreal rotocol etc.! including structure of the treaty 7aw ma%ing process in #epal

6 ,6 1 ,

Environment+related decisions of the 1 *upreme 1ourt of #epal Su'*total ,(ational environmental la s #ature and type of environmental laws 1 0a>or elements of the Environment rotection 5ct and 9ules 0a>or provisions of the environment+ related laws (forests, water, agriculture sectors etc.! $aps, challenges and opportunities on environment+related legal instruments Su'*total International summits and (egotiations International and regional conferences (*toc%holm to 9io:6(! ?ey elements of multilateral negotiations 1limate change negotiation2 process and practice #egotiation2 challenges and constraints (case of #epal! Su'*total 3otal 1lasses E4am 6 6 6 0 6 1 6 1 # 'A 1

1ase study presentation

3 )otal hours #,

Case studies2 1. 1limate change policy formulation process and sta%eholder mapping
6. 3. 4. '. ,. A. .. B.

5griculture development strategy formulation process #ational development plan formulation process District plan formulation process Development of =iodiversity 1onvention Development of ;# -ramewor% 1onvention on 1limate 1hange Development of ;# 1onvention to 1ombat Desertification Decision+ma%ing rocess in 9io:6( *ummit Decision+ma%ing process in the ;# -ramewor% 1onvention on 1limate 1hange rotection 5ct and its 9ules olicy in #epal

1(. *tate of implementation of the Environment

11. *tate of implementation of 9enewable Energy

16. #epal<s potentials to reduce greenhouse gas emissions 13. Implementation status of environment+related *upreme 1ourt decisions 14. 1limate change provisions in the environment+related laws of #epal 1'.

ipeline policies in the conte4t of climate change

1,. Environment+related ma>or institutions and their roles and responsibilities 1A. 9oles and responsibilities of government institutions on climate change 1.. "pportunities for #epal from climate change phenomenon including 1D0 1B. ?ey issues for climate change negotiations for #epal 6(. #epal<s focus on climate change negotiations right from the adoption of the

61. "n+going climate change related programmes in different sectors at the government

66. "n+going climate change related programmes in different sectors at the #$" and

private sectors
63. #ature of financial and technical support from ;# and multilateral organiCations

64. 0a>or obligations of #epal as a

arty to ;#-111

6'. 1limate change budget code (resource allocation including nature of activities

included in the budget code!

6,. =est practices on climate change adaptation in different sectors 6A. =est practices on reducing climate change effects

1. Each student should prepare and submit term paper within two months from the

date of selection.
6. 1ase study should be prepared in group. Each group may consist of ' members.

Every member of each group should ta%e part in the presentation of the case study. +eference documents

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