Form 2 Mid Year Exam

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A. Questions 1 10 are based on the information given.

2. A B C D 1. A B C D According to the notice, visitors are not allowed to go into the lake sit by the lake enjoy the view breathe in the air

The road with this sign means it is a dead end not open to heavy vehicles dangerous to go into the road a motorbike lane

3. According to the diagram, the lane can be used by A B C D drivers only motorcyclists only pedestrians only road users only

5. a

Why should trekkers be accompanied be guide A To ensure that trekkers enjoy the trip. B To make sure the trekkers know the area well. C To assure that trekkers do not lose their way. D To make sure the guides know their way.

4 A B C D

Emergency exits should be kept clear in case of a fire in the store of big crowds in the store the main entrance is closed the manager is on leave


!rivers are not encouraged to

A drive to the hospital B press their car horns loudly around the area C make noise in the hospital D rev up the engine around the ho

"ead the sign below and answer the #uestion that follows.

7. The notice is telling customers to pay A B C D with cash only when the food is cooked when they see the waiters when the food is served to them

9. $ecurity cameras are usually installed here

to A B C D take photographs of customers deter people from shoplifting check on the prices of things take photographs of the place

$tudy the notice below and answer the #uestion that follow $tudy the road sign below and answer the #uestion that follows.

8. This notice means that people who intend to

swim should A wash their footwear first B not wear any shoes or slippers into the pool C leave their footwear out of the pool area D not swim in footwear "ead the sign below and answer the #uestion that follow. 10. This parking lot is reserved for A B C D ambulance parking the manager the security guards drivers with a physical handicap

B. %nderline the correct answers

&. ). *. -. .. 0. 3. 4. 5. &6. The hawker ' sells, sold ( fried noodles every $unday. The boy ' fell, falls ( from his bicycle and hurt himself. +rs ,oi ' buys, bought ( a lot of fruits yesterday. The baby ' missed, misses ( his mother when she went to work +y brother and / ' speak, speaks ( five languages fluently. 1n. 2g and her daughters ' love, loves ( to go shopping. +y brother and / ' speak, speaks ( five languages fluently. Aini always ' goes, go ( to the market with her mum. The boy ' fell, falls ( from his bicycle and hurt himself two days ago. +y friend ' comes, came ( to my house everyday.

C. 7omplete the story. %se the words in the box.


surrounded gun

manager officers

robber door

money air


9ast 8riday afternoon, a bank '&&( :::::::::::::::: went to a bank in ;uala 9umpur. <e gave the bank teller a canvas bag, pointed a '&)( ::::::::::::::: at her and said, =>ive me the '&*( ::::::::::::::::::::? <urry?@

The teller put the money in the bag, but when the robber turned to leave, the teller pressed a silent alarm button with her '&-( :::::::::::::::::::. The alarm alerted the police.

When the police arrived at the bank, the robber was in the lobby. <e was pointing his gun at the bank '&.( :::::::::::::::: and his assistant. They both had their hands up in the air.

The police '&0( ::::::::::::::::::: the bank and blocked the front door and the back door. They trapped the robber inside the bank.

The police captain used a megaphone and told the robber to put down his gun and come out with his hands up in the '&3( ::::::::::::::::::::. The bank robber said no. <e said he would never '&4( :::::::::::::::::::::.

While the captain talked to the robber, two '&5( ::::::::::::::: entered the bank from a secret ')6( :::::::::::::::::. They arrested the bank robber.
'&6 +A";$(


Aou listen to an announcement about the Elocution 7ontest for 8orm ) $tudents. As you listen, write down the details to be passed to your friend who is interested to participate in the contest.

Elocution Contest For Form 2

The English 9anguage $ociety of $ekolah +enengah ;ebangsaan Wangsa +akmur is going to organise the elocution contest for 8orm ) students. This contest is held in conjunction with the English 9anguage Week. /t will be held on +onday, +ay )4, )6&- at the school hall at ) p.m. Each class is re#uired to send two representatives to take part in this contest. 1lease contact the secretary of the society a week before the contest to give your name and the topic chosen. 1lease get your supporters to turn up on that day to give you the moral support.

To B


8rom B '))( ::::::::::::::::::

')*(:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ' name of the contest( !ate B !ay B Time B Cenue B Details of contest; 2o. ,f participationB ')4(.................................................................... 7ontact personB ,rganiser B ')4( .................................................................... '*6( .................................................................... ')-( .............................................................. ').(............................................................... ')0(............................................................... ')3(...............................................................

'&6 +A";$(


"ead the passage below and answer the #uestions that follow.

2icol Ann !avid, +alaysiaDs s#uash champion is a good role model for teenagers. $he has a successful international s#uash career, currently ranking 4th in the world at the age of )6.2icol started playing s#uash at the age of five. At the age of &0, she was voted as +alaysiaDs 2ational $portswoman. !espite the pressures of international s#uash, 2icol remains to be an excellent student. /n her $1+ examinations she scored ADs in tough subjects like Economics, +athematics, Additional +athematics, Accounts, $cience, Art and English.

2icol was the first Asian woman to win the World ,pen. $he is the only s#uash player who won the World Eunior title twice. 2icol is a role model to the youth of +alaysia and around the world. $he is also humble and holds very strong family values. $he is committed, has competitive spirit and a strong desire for excellence which has made her successful.

Answer the #uestions. *&. 2ame the +alaysian s#uash champion. :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: *). **. 2icol started playing s#uash at the age of ::::::::::::::::: What kind of student is 2icol :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: *-. 9ist down - subjects that 2icol scored A. a :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: b :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: c :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: d :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ... Which title did she win twice ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: *0. $tate ) #ualities that made 2icol successful. a:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: b::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
'&6 +A";$(


"ead the poem below and answer the #uestions that follow.

I WONDER By : Jeannie Kirby I wonder why the grass is green, And why the wind is never seen? Who taught the birds to build a nest, And told the trees to take a rest?

, when the !oon is not "uite round, Where #an the !issing bit be $ound? Who lights the stars, when they blow out, And !akes the lightning $lash about? Who %aints the rainbow in the sky, And hangs the $lu$$y #louds so high? Why is it now, do you su%%ose, &hat 'ad won(t tell !e, i$ he knows?


What does the poet wonder about in Line 1? ............................................................................................................ (1 mar )


"tate two thin#s that the poet sees in the s y? i) .......................................................................................... (1 mar ) ii) ........................................................................................ (1 mar )

Summary [ 10 marks ]

+any accidents happen at home. 1arents are advised to be careful and take some safety measures to avoid accidents at home. 8irst, put all dangerous items like plastic bags, matches or hot iron out of the reach of children. 2ever allow children to play with these dangerous items. ;eep these items locked up in a drawer or cupboard. 2ever leave sharp objects like pins, knives and scissors around the house. 7hildren may play with these objects and hurt themselves. ;eep all medicines and insecticides in a safe place. 9abel them. +edicines and insecticides may cause death if children accidentally swallow them.

+ake sure that the house floor is not wet. 7aution the people at home that the floor is wet and slippery. $o, they will be more careful. 2ever let children play with electrical items such as electrical sockets, a plug with loose wires or live wires. All switches should be off to avoid electric shock.

Read the passage below and answer the question that follows

Write a summary on how to avoid accide t! at home. Aour summary mustB

* ot "e more tha 60 word!, including the &6 words given below * be in co ti uou! writi # 'not note form( * be written in o e paragraph
%se your own words as far as possible without changing its original meaning. Fegin your summary as followsB Many accidents that happen at home can be avoided. First,...

9ast week you and your family went to the seaside. %sing the pictures and the notes given below describe what you did there. Aour descriptions should be about &)6 words.

went swimmingGhappily

collected seashellsGbeautiful

had lunchGdeliciousGbrought food from home

listened to musicGwent homeGtired but happ


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