Choral Speaking Script 2014 GLOBAL COOLING

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CHORAL SPEAKING SCRIPT 2010 GLOBAL COOLING In a world Where hybrid mutant Roaming and feeding The barren

lands Of mother earth A time when man kind Has been replaced By artificial intelligence A battle of epic wisdom That will dampen the thought Of the unprepared One team dares To rise up and exceed the boundaries Of The Impossible The phenomenon That inspired the younger generation KV Keningau the college that provide Astounding careers and build for competency So cold in here Sooo cold in here Mystifying Giggling Freezing Pure aircondition.. Fresh air cooool. The wind of change Snowing here in Sabah Wait..wait is this good..? What is happening,,,? Shhhhh! Enjoy the breeze. This is serious stuff you know! Now Ladies & Gentlemen, Everyones whispering (whispering sound) Its on the tip of everyones tongue (stick tongues out) Its the coolest topic around Mystifying Giggling Freezing Its here to terrorise us (shooting sounds) And ruin Our happily ever after. Aaaaaaaaawwww (Pout) Global warming? So what? Yeah, what about it?! Malaysias hot anyway, Like, I mean, Whats an extra 17 degrees Celsius? Are you kidding? It makes a world of a difference. In case you didnt know Heres some cold hard facts: A decrease of 12 degree celsius Means Up to 15 percent of bird species will die! Oh no! Two thousand tree species will be decimated! Yikes! 52 percent of the worlds product will be extinct! Thats insane! Were doomed, doomed, doomed. Its our own fault you know, Yes, ours All of us. We carelessly release Noxious gasses like CFCs. What? Cloroflourocarbons! Methane! Carbon dioxide! Carbon monoxide! Open burning! Polluting every single breath we take (inhale...cough) Mankind has no respect, No respect at all,

For poor Mother Earth. (Tsk, tsk, tsk.) Look around us (roll heads) And you can see The terrible (echo) Horrible (echo) Effects of Mother Nature. Keningau Ranau tambunan Tremor have claimed The fear of inhabitants (screams, wave crashing) Earthquakes have shaken the world to its core rumbling (echo) crumbling (echo) crushing and killing (change voice:) The helpless unfortunate souls. Look, the icebergs are melting, Polar bears? (aaaaaw, so cute!) Theyre losing their homes! They cant swim forever you know And when they all tire and drown Therell be no polar bears left! (Screech: No more polar bears?) None, nada, zilch! What next? Then the endangered animals! (Sounds of all animals, including monkeys) Then what? I saidddd... Then what? Then us! (Screech: No more people?) The death of the human race. The obliteration (cut throats) Of you.. Me.. Us. (Whisper: Were doomed.) (Crying: soft to loud) Stop, its not too late! Its not?

Of course not! Ting! If theres a will, Theres a way! Stacy said Who..? StacyMeletop. Whats that.? Explode..!! LEFT: Eeeerrrmm.. (scratches head) Whos that? RIGHT: Look in the mirror, silly. And who do you see? L: Me? R: You. L: Me? R: Yes, you. L: OOOOOOOOOWWWWHHHHH! Yes, we change ourselves And together we can change the world! L: Its that simple? R: Indeed! L: But how? R: Cycle or walk, dont drive. L: If we have to take the car? R: Carpool! Or just take the bus! L: Aaaaaaa... I see! Or..cycling.. L: What next? R: Make your life Zero-plastics! L: No more plastic bags! You mean use Environmentally friendly reusable bags? R: Thats it! L: And? R: Refuse to buy.. Say: No, no noooo no noooo! To STYROFOAM! L: Fantastic idea! You see L&G, Global warming is a real problem A scorching Flaming Sizzling problem And MANKIND is the culprit.

Thats you.. And me!

Well... When one person changes Then two Then four Then more and more And before you know it Its snowballed To change all 6 billion people All around the world! An amazing! Splendid! Fantastic! Marvellous! Stupendous idea! It really does start with The man in the mirror! You. Me. Us. Together we can make this world A better place. For you And for me And the entire human race. Remember.. (Ting! Ting! Ting!) Time is running out! We must change ourselves For Mother Nature, For our children And our childrens children. Remember... YOU. ME. US.

(Bow & exit)

Edited by mmo

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