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A Technical seminar Report Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the degree of




Under the esteemed guidan e !" CH.V#$KA%& '.%#CH Asst.(r!"&###) De(t.J'R#C.

Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering


Yenkapally, Moinabad Mandal, R.R.Dist i!t A""iliated to J.N.#. $ni%e sity, &yde abad


Yenkapally, Moinabad Mandal, R.R.District Affiliated to J.N.T. University, Hyderabad

This is to certify that the Technical seminar report entitled SHORT CIRCUIT STUDY IN ELECTRICALTECHNOLOGY is being submitted by K.V.V.S.CHAKRADHAR (06J21A0241), in technical fulfillment for the award of the degree of Bachelor of Technology in Electrical and Electronics Engineering to the Jawaharlal Nehuru technological university, as a record of bonafide work carried out by him under my guidance and supervision. The result embodied in the Technical seminar report has not been submitted to any other University or nstitute for the award of any degree. PROJECT GUIDE
CH.V#$KA% Asst.(r!"& ###)De(t.J'R#C


*.K!nda+u&*.%e h&(,h.D)& H-D& ###& J'R#C


We express our profound sense of gratitude for the administration of JOGIN"ALLY B R ENGINEERING COLLEGE #$% giving us an opportunity to take up the TECHNICA !E"INA# $ork in their organi%ation We express our great p&easure to have opportunity to take up the TECHNICA !E"INA# $ork under the guidan'e of D.N.RAO ".E( of JOGIN"ALLY B R ENGINEERING invaria+&e referen'es( suggestions( and )h.* "RINCI"A



en'ouragement have immense&y he&ped us in the su''essfu& 'omp&etion of this TECHNICA !E"INA#.

We express our sin'ere thanks and gratitude to KONDAL& THE


.T'() (").D) Asso'iate )rofessor and HEAD OF






for va&ua+&e he&p and

en'ouragement throughout the TECHNICA !E"INA# $ork. We are very mu'h thankfu& to

his ex'e&&ent guidan'e AN*




en'ouragement throughout the TECHNICA !E"INA# $ork.

We thank a&& of tea'hing and non,tea'hing staff mem+ers of EEE department for their extended 'ooperation.

1. 2. -. .. /. 0. 1. 2. 3.


ABSTRACT-----------------... INTRODUCTION---------------/ !AT IS S!ORT CIRCUIT"........................................0 S!ORT CIRCUIT T#$%S &&&&&&&&&&&'( R%ASONS O) S!ORT CIRCUIT&&&&&&&&'*+ %))%CTS O) S!ORT CIRCUIT&&&&&&&&'*, $R%-%NTION .%T!ODS &&&&&&&&&&'*( AD-ANTA/%S O) S!ORT CIRCUIT STUD#&&'0, CONC1USION&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&''0(

S)$%1 (2%(321 41356 27 '8'(1%2(98 1'()7$8$,6
!hort Cir'uit 45au&t Current6 studies are re7uired to insure that existing and ne$ e7uipment ratings are ade7uate to $ithstand the avai&a+&e short 'ir'uit energy avai&a+&e at ea'h point in the e&e'tri'a& system. 5au&t 'urrents that ex'eed e7uipment ratings are 'apa+&e of extensive e7uipment damage and are a serious threat to human &ife 8n &arge systems( short 'ir'uit studies are re7uired to determine +oth the s$it'hgear ratings and the re&ay settings. No su+station e7uipment( motor 'ontro& 'enters( +reaker pane&s( et'. 'an +e pur'hased $ithout kno$&edge of the 'omp&ete short 'ir'uit va&ues for the entire po$er distri+ution system. The short 'ir'uit 'a&'u&ations must +e maintained and periodi'a&&y updated to prote't the e7uipment and the &ives. It is not ne'essari&y safe to assume that ne$ e7uipment is proper&y rated.5ires from e&e'tri'a& 'ords or from $iring devi'es are in'reasing in these years. The reason is supposed to +e the in'rease of e&e'tri'a& po$er dissipation for domesti' use. DELIVERABLES OF SHORT CIRC&IT ST&DY A typi'a& short 'ir'uit study in'&udes9

!hort 'ir'uit 'a&'u&ations( $hi'h high&ights any e7uipment that is as'ertained to +e underrated as spe'ified /

!uggested modifi'ations to re'tify the underrated e7uipment: 4trip si%es $ithin the same frame( the time 'urve 'hara'teristi's of indu'tion re&ays( CT ranges( et'.6.

The )rote'tive *evi'e !etting and Coordination !tudy is the suggested fo&&o$ on ana&ysis to deve&op the 'oordination 'urves( high&ighting areas &a'king 'oordination. )resentation of a prote'tive devi'e study $ou&d in'&ude a te'hni'a& eva&uation $ith a dis'ussion of the &ogi'a& 'ompromises for +est 'oordination The +ui&ding;fa'i&ity may not +e proper&y prote'ted against short,'ir'uit 'urrents. These 'urrents 'an damage or deteriorate e7uipment. Improper&y prote'ted short,'ir'uit 'urrents 'an in<ure or ki&& maintenan'e personne&. #e'ent&y ne$ initiatives have +een taken to re7uire fa'i&ities to proper&y identify these dangerous points $ithin the po$er distri+ution of the fa'i&ity.This is the main reason for re7uirement of study a+out short 'ir'uit.

5ires from e&e'tri'a& 'ords or from $iring devi'es are in'reasing in these years. The reason is supposed to +e the in'rease of e&e'tri'a& po$er dissipation for domesti' use. A 'ir'uit +reaker is used to prote't the 'ir'uit from over'urrent or short,'ir'uit. If the 'ondu'tors do not tou'h dire't&y and they are shorten +y an ar'ing a&ong the 'ar+onised insu&ating materia&( the 'urrent f&o$s intermittent&y. This is the reason $hy a 'ir'uit +reaker does not 'ut off the 'urrent more than 1== Amps and fire ha%ardous sparking 'ontinues. )eak va&ue of the short,'ir'uit 'urrent is &imited +y the resistan'e of the 'ir'uit. In typi'a& 'onditions the 'ir'uit +reaker does not 'ut off the intermittent 'urrent under a+out 2== Amps in peak va&ue. This 'ondition is easi&y made $hen an extending 'ord of a+out 1= meters &ong is used.

India has approximate&y 0==== fires a year. The num+er of fires re&ated to e&e'tri'a& 'ause or e&e'tri'a& app&ian'es are sho$n in ta+&e 1. A&though insu&ating materia&s have +een in'reased their 7ua&ity( the num+er of e&e'tri'a& fires have not +een de'reased.

T9:8' 1+ L$44 $# 82;'4 27 A75)%9 "%95'4) 53' 1$ #2%'4 >ear 1330 1331 1332 1333 2=== 2==1 2==2 2==2==. 2==/ 2==0 2==1 No.of fire a''idents 121.1 1-/03 12./3 1../0 10321 12/2. 12333 12./0 10211 1/0-1 11./2 1231/ No.of &ives &ost 13 12. /2 21 12/2 12 1/0 2.3 12123 1.3

!hort 'ir'uit ar'ing $as made intentiona&&y in this study. A&though insu&ating materia&s have +een in'reased their 7ua&ity( fires are sti&& 'aused +y these fai&ures. It is ne'essary to dou+t a+out their safety and to make a study on the me'hanism of the +eginning of short 'ir'uit ar'ing in order to prevent these fires. A 4)$%1 (2%(321 4sometimes a++reviated to 4)$%1 or 4<(6 in an e&e'tri'a& 'ir'uit is one that a&&o$s a 'urrent to trave& a&ong a different path from the one origina&&y intended. The e&e'tri'a& opposite of a short 'ir'uit is an ?open 'ir'uit?( $hi'h is an infinite resistan'e +et$een t$o nodes. It is 'ommon to misuse ?short 'ir'uit? to des'ri+e any e&e'tri'a& ma&fun'tion( regard&ess of the a'tua& pro+&em.

!)91 24 4)$%1 (2%(321=

A short 'ir'uit is a fau&t. It means there is a very &o$ resistan'e 'ondu'ting path from one side of a 'omponent to the other. 5or examp&e a $ire might have 'ome &oose $hi'h 'onne'ts t$o sides of a 'ir'uit together. 8r perhaps there@s some moisture on the surfa'e of a 'omponent that means 'urrent 'an +ypass it. The $ire or the moisture @shorts@ the 'ir'uit +e'ause the &ength of the 'ondu'ting path +a'k to the +attery has de'reased.

!imp&e a'tivity sho$ing the effe't of shorting out a +u&+. A short makes the 'ir'uit +ehave as if the 'omponent $asn@t there. The 'omponent stops $orking 4it isn@t there( after a&&6 and the 'urrent every$here in that 'ir'uit $i&& in'rease( $hi'h 'an damage other 'omponents or( in extreme 'ases( 'ause a fire. !o ho$ 'an $e exp&ain shortsA A very mis&eading $ay of exp&aining them is to say that 'urrent takes the easiest path

S)$%127, $31 9 427,8' ($>?$7'71 @)2() 24 27 4'%2'4 @21) $1)'%4

When you 'onne't a $ire a'ross the termina&s of a +u&+ you@re effe'tive&y 'reating a &itt&e para&&e& 'ir'uit. The thing $ith para&&e& 'ir'uits is that the effe'tive resistan'e is &ess than the sma&&est resistan'e. In this 'ase the sma&&est resistan'e is <ust the $ire( and this has a very &o$ resistan'e indeed.


!imu&ation A fu&& exp&anation of $hat happens $hen a +u&+ is shorted out.No$ you@ve redu'ed the resistan'e of the series 'ir'uit and so the 'urrent every$here in'reases. The 'urrent through the unshorted +u&+ in'reases and so it gets +righter. But +rightness isn@t <ust a fun'tion of 'urrent. >ou have a &o$ resistan'e 4the shorted +u&+6 in series $ith a higher resistan'e 4the unshorted +u&+6 and this 'hanges the $ay the vo&tage is shared around the 'ir'uit. The +igger resistan'e takes a +igger share of the tota& vo&tage. !o the se'ond +u&+ is +right for these t$o reasons( +igger 'urrent through it AN* +igger vo&tage a'ross it. #emem+er that vo&tage and 'urrent are 'onne'ted. The 'urrent through the se'ond +u&+ 'an on&y in'rease +e'ause the vo&tage a'ross it is +igger. In the same $ay the shorted +u&+ has a very &o$ vo&tage a'ross it so the 'urrent through it is very sma&& and that@s $hy it@s out. The $ire doing the shorting has the same vo&tage a'ross it as the +u&+ +ut it a&so has a very &o$ resistan'e so the 'urrent through the $ire is +ig. The 'urrent through the $ire and the 'urrent through the +u&+ add up to the 'urrent through the unshorted +u&+.

S)$%127, $31 9 @)$8' (2%(321


This is exa't&y the same as saying that the po$er supp&y is shorted out. In this 'ase the exp&anation of $hy the +u&+ goes out is s&ight&y different

Animation sho$ing different $ays of shorting out a $ho&e 'ir'uit +y 'onne'ting one termina& of a +attery dire't&y to the other. Again $e@ve introdu'ed a para&&e& 'ir'uit and the para&&e& 'ir'uit has an effe'tive resistan'e of a &itt&e +it &ess than the $ire. This means that there isn@t rea&&y any resistan'e any$here in the 'ir'uit and so the 'urrent supp&ied +y the +attery +e'omes very +ig. !o the +attery has to $ork very hard. When you $ork very hard you s$eat a &ot and this is simi&ar to $hat the +attery does. The 'hemi'a& rea'tions in the +attery take p&a'e very rapid&y and &ots of the energy re&eased gets turned straight into heat rather than +eing given to the 'harges in the 'ir'uit. This means the vo&tage is a &ot &ess than it shou&d +e. The vo&tage a'ross the 'omponents is very &o$ and so none of them $ork. This type of short 'an 'ause a +attery to get very hot. It may even exp&odeC


H$@ 5$'4 9 4)$%1 (2%(321 )9??'7=

When the 'a+&es of the e&e'tri'a& app&ian'es are $orn out or it@s not 'onne'ted proper&y a short 'ir'uit may o''ur. A short 'ir'uit has a very &o$ resistan'e that a&most a&& e&e'tri' 'urrent f&o$ through it. It@&& affe't the operation of the e&e'tri'a& app&ian'es. 8$ing to the heating effe't the ex'ess e&e'tri' 'urrent $ou&d produ'e a &arge amount of heat $ithout a fuse or a 'ir'uit +reaker a fire may +e o''ured $hen there@s a short 'ir'uit. A short 'ir'uit is an a+norma& &o$,resistan'e 'onne'tion +et$een t$o nodes of an e&e'tri'a& 'ir'uit that are meant to +e at different vo&tages. This resu&ts in an ex'essive e&e'tri' 'urrent 4over'urrent6 &imited on&y +y the Thevenin e7uiva&ent resistan'e of the rest of the net$ork and potentia&&y 'auses 'ir'uit damage( overheating( fire or exp&osion. A&though usua&&y the resu&t of a fau&t( there are 'ases $here short 'ir'uits are 'aused intentiona&&y( for examp&e( for the purpose of vo&tage,sensing 'ro$+ar 'ir'uit prote'tors. In 'ir'uit ana&ysis( the term short 'ir'uit is used +y ana&ogy to designate a %ero,impedan'e 'onne'tion +et$een t$o nodes. This for'es the t$o nodes to +e at the same vo&tage. In an idea& short 'ir'uit( this means there is no resistan'e and no vo&tage drop a'ross the short. In simp&e 'ir'uit ana&ysis( $ires are 'onsidered to +e shorts. In rea& 'ir'uits( the resu&t is a 'onne'tion of near&y %ero impedan'e( and a&most no resistan'e. In su'h a 'ase( the 'urrent dra$n is &imited +y the rest of the 'ir'uit.


An easy $ay to 'reate a short 'ir'uit is to 'onne't the positive and negative termina&s of a +attery together $ith a &o$,resistan'e 'ondu'tor( &ike a $ire. With &o$ resistan'e in the 'onne'tion( a high 'urrent exists( 'ausing the 'e&& to de&iver a &arge amount of energy in a short time. A &arge 'urrent through a +attery 'an 'ause the rapid +ui&dup of heat( potentia&&y resu&ting in an exp&osion or the re&ease of hydrogen gas and e&e'tro&yte( $hi'h 'an +urn tissue and may +e either an a'id or a +ase. 8ver&oaded $ires 'an a&so overheat( sometimes 'ausing damage to the $ire@s insu&ation( or a fire. High 'urrent 'onditions may a&so o''ur $ith e&e'tri' motor &oads under sta&&ed 'onditions( su'h as $hen the impe&&er of an e&e'tri'a&&y driven pump is <ammed +y de+ris: this is not a short( though it may have some simi&ar effe'ts. In e&e'tri'a& devi'es( unintentiona& short 'ir'uits are usua&&y 'aused $hen a $ire@s insu&ation +reaks do$n( or $hen another 'ondu'ting materia& is introdu'ed( a&&o$ing 'harge to f&o$ a&ong a different path than the one intended. In mains 'ir'uits( short 'ir'uits may o''ur +et$een t$o phases( +et$een a phase and neutra& or +et$een a phase and earth 4ground6. !u'h short 'ir'uits are &ike&y to resu&t in a very high 'urrent and therefore 7ui'k&y trigger an over'urrent prote'tion devi'e. Ho$ever( it is possi+&e for short 'ir'uits to arise +et$een neutra& and earth 'ondu'tors( and +et$een t$o 'ondu'tors of the same phase. !u'h short 'ir'uits 'an +e dangerous( parti'u&ar&y as they may not immediate&y resu&t in a &arge 'urrent and are therefore &ess &ike&y to +e dete'ted.


)ossi+&e effe'ts in'&ude unexpe'ted energisation of a 'ir'uit presumed to +e iso&ated. To he&p redu'e the negative effe'ts of short 'ir'uits( po$er distri+ution transformers are de&i+erate&y designed to have a 'ertain amount of &eakage rea'tan'e. The &eakage rea'tan'e 4usua&&y a+out / to 1=D of the fu&& &oad impedan'e6 he&ps &imit +oth the magnitude and rate of rise of the fau&t 'urrent. A short 'ir'uit may &ead to formation of an ar'. The ar'( a 'hanne& of hot ioni%ed p&asma( is high&y 'ondu'tive and 'an persist even after signifi'ant amount of origina& materia& of the 'ondu'tors $as evaporated. !urfa'e erosion is a typi'a& sign of e&e'tri' ar' damage. Even short ar's 'an remove signifi'ant amount of materia&s from the e&e'trodes. A short 'ir'uit is an a''identa& path of &o$ resistan'e $hi'h passes an a+norma&&y high amount of 'urrent. A short 'ir'uit exists $henever the resistan'e of a 'ir'uit or the resistan'e of a part of a 'ir'uit drops in va&ue to a&most %ero ohms. A short often o''urs as a resu&t of improper $iring or +roken insu&ation

R'94$74 #$% 4)$%1 (2%(321 $((3%4

A short 'ir'uit is simp&y a &o$ resistan'e 'onne'tion +et$een the t$o 'ondu'tors supp&ying e&e'tri'a& po$er to any 'ir'uit. This resu&ts in ex'essive 'urrent f&o$ in the po$er sour'e through the @short(@ and may even 'ause the po$er sour'e to +e destroyed. If a fuse is in the supp&y 'ir'uit( it $i&& do its <o+ and +&o$ out( opening the 'ir'uit and stopping the 'urrent f&o$. 1/

A short 'ir'uit may +e in a dire't, or a&ternating,'urrent 4*C or AC6 'ir'uit. If it is a +attery that is shorted( the +attery $i&& +e dis'harged very 7ui'k&y and $i&& heat up due to the high 'urrent f&o$. !hort 'ir'uits 'an produ'e very high temperatures due to the high po$er dissipation in the 'ir'uit. If a 'harged( high,vo&tage 'apa'itor is short 'ir'uited +y a thin $ire( the resu&ting huge 'urrent and po$er dissipation $i&& 'ause the $ire to a'tua&&y exp&ode. Ar' $e&ding is a 'ommon examp&e of the pra'ti'a& app&i'ation of the heating due to a short 'ir'uit. The po$er supp&y for an ar' $e&der 'an supp&y very high 'urrents that f&o$ through the $e&ding rod and the meta& pie'es +eing $e&ded. The point of 'onta't +et$een the rod and the meta& surfa'es gets heated to the me&ting point( fusing a part of the rod and +oth surfa'es into a sing&e pie'e.

H$@ 5$ @' 8$(91' 4)$%1 (2%(321=

A&ong a $ire( there shou&d +e a p&a'e $here some insu&ation is +urnt $here short o''ur. !ome times you might a&so $ant to &o'ate a p&a'e $here there is a &apse of e&e'tri'a& 'onne'tion( or $here there is a +reak a&ong the $ire. To &o'ate $ires that are +roken you 'an measure the resistan'e $ith a mu&timeter. 5irst shut off a&& po$er


to item and $ires that you are going to test. !et to measure resistan'e at the highest setting. )&a'e one &ead at the +eginning or end of the $ire and then p&a'e the other &ead the other end of the $ire. With the measurement of infinite resistan'e or very high resistan'e( that means that there is a +reak in that $ire. With %ero or very &itt&e resistan'e( that means the $ire is good. !afety is a &arge 'on'ern. The fo&&o$ing images sho$ some steps of the setup. There are areas avai&a+&e 11

for dou+&e,'he'king setup +efore taking a'tua& measurements. The motor 'onta'tor +e&o$ is used to 'ause the transformer to short 'ir'uit to sho$ a fau&t.

Be&o$ 45ig 26 is the short 'ir'uit part of the test 'ir'uit. 8n the &eft side is a 'urrent transformer that $as used to measure the 'urrent through the shorting 'ir'uit. The fuse +ox on the right has fuses $hi'h $e +&e$ to stop the short 'ir'uit. The sma&& +&a'k $ires 'oming off of the side of the 'onta'tor are 'onne'ted to a s$it'h. When the s$it'h is f&ipped( the short 'ir'uit is then $orking. After a fe$ 'y'&es 4or 1;1= of a se'ond6( the fuses +&o$ and the short 'ir'uit is no &onger 'ondu'ting 'urrent. This prevents damage to the transformer. The other sma&& +&a'k $ires 'onne't to the re&ay and as soon as the short 'ir'uit turns on( the re&ay starts 'o&&e'ting data. 5igure 2 12

A 529,%9> $# 1)' 4)$%127, (2%(321 24



5igure sho$s Norma& and short 'ir'uit 'onditions.

A short is 'aused +y improper $iring. Note the effe't on 'urrent f&o$. !in'e the resistor has in effe't +een rep&a'ed $ith a pie'e of $ire( pra'ti'a&&y a&& the 'urrent f&o$s through the short and very &itt&e 'urrent f&o$s through the resistor. E&e'trons f&o$ through the short 4a path of a&most %ero resistan'e6 and the remainder of the 'ir'uit +y passing through the 1=,ohm resistor and the +attery. The amount of 'urrent f&o$ in'reases great&y +e'ause its resistive path has de'reased from 1=(=1= ohms to 1= ohms. *ue to the ex'essive 'urrent f&o$. the 1=,ohm resistor +e'omes heated. As it attempts to dissipate this heat( the resistor $i&& pro+a+&y +e destroyed. EFFECTS OF SHORT CIRC&IT !hort 'ir'uit 'urrents p&ay a vita& ro&e in Inf&uen'ing the design and operation of e7uipment and po$er 2=

system and 'ou&d not +e avoided despite 'arefu& p&anning and *esign( good maintenan'e and thorough operation of the system. This paper dis'usses the short 'ir'uit ana&ysis 'ondu'ted in E!8 Brief&y 'omprising of its signifi'an'es( methods and resu&ts. A resu&t samp&e of the ana&ysis +ased on a sing&e transformer is detai&ed in this paper. 5urthermore( the resu&ts of the ana&ysis and its signifi'an'es $ere a&so dis'ussed and 'ommented. Home e&e'tri'a& 'ir'uits may have a num+er of pro+&ems9

Too many &amps or app&ian'es on one 'ir'uit: 5au&ty $iring $ithin the house: *efe'tive $a&& s$it'hes or re'epta'&es: *efe'tive 'ords or p&ugs: *efe'tive 'ir'uits $ithin app&ian'es. !hort 'ir'uits happen $hen a hot $ire tou'hes a neutra& or ground $ire: the extra 'urrent f&o$ing through the 'ir'uit 'auses the +reaker to trip or fuse to +&o$.

A&though it@s often easy to te&& $hen

you have a short

or over&oaded 'ir'uitFthe &ights go dead $hen you p&ug in the toaster ovenFit isn@t a&$ays as simp&e to te&& $here in the system this has o''urred.


!tart +y turning off a&& $a&& s$it'hes and unp&ugging a&& &ights and app&ian'es. Then reset the 'ir'uit +reaker. )u&& the &ever to off and then to on again to reset a 'ir'uit +reaker $ith a &ever s$it'h. If a fuse is +&o$n( it must +e rep&a'ed. Gns're$ the fuse to rep&a'e it $ith one $ith exa't&y the same amperage rating 4+oth 'ir'uit +reakers and fuses shou&d +e si%ed a''ording to the $ire used in the 'ir'uit they prote't6. , If the +reaker trips immediate&y9 the pro+&em may +e a short 'ir'uit in a re'epta'&e or s$it'h. , If the +reaker does not trip again( turn on ea'h s$it'h one at a time and 'he'k if and $hen the +reaker trips again. , If turning on a s$it'h 'auses the +reaker to trip( there@s a short 'ir'uit in a fixture or re'epta'&e 'ontro&&ed +y the s$it'h.

,If turning on the s$it'h makes no differen'e( the pro+&em is in one of the app&ian'es 'onne'ted to the s$it'h. , If the 'ir'uit $ent dead $hen you p&ugged in the app&ian'e( the pro+&em is pro+a+&y in the 'ord or p&ug. , If the 'ir'uit $ent dead $hen you turned on the app&ian'e( the app&ian'e itse&f is defe'tive. Ta+&e 2


Causes and effe'ts of short 'ir'uit 9 Causes 1. 8ver temperatures due to ex'essive&y high over 'urrent. 2. *isruptive 'hanges 'auses +y over vo&tage. -. Ar'ing 'aused +y moisture together $ith impure air espe'ia&&y on insu&ators. 2. !ystem 'omponents damage or destru'tion. -. *eve&opment of una''epta+&e me'hani'a& H therma& stresses in e&e'tri'a& operationa& e7uipments. Effe'ts 1. )o$er supp&y interruptions.


Whenever you are $orking $ith e&e'tri'ity( the proper use of safety pre'autions is of the utmost importan'e to remem+er. In the front of a&& e&e'troni' te'hni'a& manua&s( you $i&& a&$ays find a se'tion on safety pre'autions. A&so posted on ea'h pie'e of e7uipment shou&d +e a sign &isting the spe'ifi' pre'autions for that e7uipment. 8ne area that is sometimes over&ooked( and is a ha%ard espe'ia&&y on +oard ship( is the method in $hi'h e7uipment is grounded. By grounding the return side of the po$er transformer to the meta& 'hassis( the &oad +eing supp&ied +y the po$er supp&y 'an +e $ired dire't&y to the meta& 'hassis. There+y the ne'essity of $iring dire't&y to the return side of the transformer is e&iminated. This method saves $ire and redu'es the 'ost of +ui&ding the e7uipment( and $hi&e it so&ves one of the pro+&ems of the manufa'turer( it 'reates a pro+&em for you( the te'hni'ian. Gn&ess the 'hassis is physi'a&&y 2-

grounded to the ship@s ground 4the hu&&6( the 'hassis 'an +e 'harged 4or 'an f&oat6 severa& hundred vo&ts a+ove ship@s ground. If you 'ome in 'onta't $ith the meta& 'hassis at the same time you are in 'onta't $ith the ship@s hu&&( the 'urrent from the 'hassis 'an use your +ody as a &o$ resistan'e path +a'k to the ship@s a' generators. At +est this 'an +e an unp&easant experien'e: at $orst it 'an +e fata&. 5or this reason Navy e&e'troni' e7uipment is a&$ays grounded to the ship@s hu&&( and approved ru++er mats are re7uired in a&& spa'es $here e&e'troni' e7uipment is present. Therefore( +efore starting to $ork on any e&e'troni' or e&e'tri'a& e7uipment( A WA>! EN!G#E THAT THE EIGI)"ENT AN* AN> TE!T EIGI)"ENT >8G A#E G!INJ I! )#8)E# > J#8GN*E* AN* THAT THE #GBBE# "AT >8G A#E !TAN*INJ 8N I! IN J88* C8N*ITI8N. As &ong as you fo&&o$ these simp&e ru&es( you shou&d +e a+&e to avoid the possi+i&ity of +e'oming an e&e'tri'a& 'ondu'tor. TE!TINJ 9 There are t$o $ide&y used 'he'ks in testing e&e'troni' e7uipment( KI!GA and !IJNA T#ACINJ. The importan'e of the visua& 'he'k shou&d not +e underestimated +e'ause many te'hni'ians find defe'ts right a$ay simp&y +y &ooking for them. A visua& 'he'k does not take &ong. In fa't( you shou&d +e a+&e to see the pro+&em readi&y if it is the type of pro+&em that 'an +e seen. >ou shou&d &earn the fo&&o$ing pro'edure. >ou 'ou&d find yourse&f using it 7uite often. This pro'edure is not on&y for po$er supp&ies +ut a&so for any type of e&e'troni' e7uipment you may +e trou+&eshooting. 4Be'ause diode and transistor testing $as 'overed in


'hapter 1 and 2 of this modu&e( it $i&& not +e dis'ussed at this time. If you have pro+&ems in this area( refer to 'hapter 1 for diodes or 'hapter 2 for transistors.6 BE58#E >8G ENE#JILE THE EIGI)"ENT( 88E 58#9 !H8#T! , Any termina& or 'onne'tion that is '&ose to the 'hassis or to any other termina& shou&d +e examined for the possi+i&ity of a short. A short in any part of the po$er supp&y 'an 'ause 'onsidera+&e damage. ook for and remove any stray drops of so&der( +its of $ire( nuts( or s're$s. It sometimes he&ps to shake the 'hassis and &isten for any te&&,ta&e ratt&es. #emem+er to 'orre't any pro+&em that may 'ause a short 'ir'uit: if it is not 'ausing trou+&e no$( it may 'ause pro+&ems in the future. *I!C8 8#E* 8# EAEINJ T#AN!58#"E# , This is a sure sign that there is a short some$here. o'ate it. If the e7uipment has a fuse( find out $hy the fuse did not +&o$: too &arge a si%e may have +een insta&&ed( or there may +e a short a'ross the fuse ho&der. 88!E( B#8EEN( 8# C8##8*E* C8NNECTI8N , Any 'onne'tion that is not in good 'ondition is a trou+&e spot. If it is not 'ausing trou+&e no$( it $i&& pro+a+&y 'ause pro+&ems in the future. 5ix it. *A"AJE* #E!I!T8#! 8# CA)ACIT8#! , A resistor that is dis'o&ored or 'harred has +een su+<e'ted to an over&oad. An e&e'tro&yti' 'apa'itor $i&& sho$ a $hitish deposit at the sea& around the termina&s. Che'k for a short $henever you noti'e a damaged resistor or a damaged 'apa'itor. If there is no short( the trou+&e may +e that the po$er supp&y has +een over&oaded in some 2/

$ay. "ake a note to rep&a'e the part after signa& tra'ing. There is no sense in risking a ne$ part unti& the trou+&e has +een &o'ated.

ENE#JILE THE EIGI)"ENT AN* 88E 58#9 !"8EINJ )A#T! , If any part smokes or if you hear any +oi&ing or sputtering sounds( remove the po$er immediate&y. There is a short 'ir'uit some$here that you have missed in your first inspe'tion. Gse any ohmmeter to 'he'k the part on'e again. !tart in the neigh+orhood of the smoking part. !)A#EINJ , Tap or shake the 'hassis. If you see or hear sparking( you have &o'ated a &oose 'onne'tion or a short. Che'k and repair. If you &o'ate and repair any of the defe'ts &isted under the visua& 'he'k( make a note of $hat you find and $hat you do to 'orre't it. It is 7uite pro+a+&e you have found the trou+&e. Ho$ever( a good te'hni'ian takes nothing for granted. >ou must prove to yourse&f that the e7uipment is operating proper&y and that no other trou+&es exist. If you find none of the defe'ts &isted under the visua& 'he'k( go ahead $ith the signa& tra'ing pro'edure. The trou+&e is pro+a+&y of su'h a nature that it 'annot +e seen dire't&y,it may on&y +e seen using an os'i&&os'ope. Tra'ing the a' signa& through the e7uipment is the most rapid and a''urate method of &o'ating a trou+&e that 'annot +e found +y a visua& 'he'k( and it a&so serves as 'he'k on any repairs you may have made. The idea is to tra'e the a' vo&tage from the transformer( to see it


'hange to pu&sating d' at the re'tifier output( and then see the pu&sations smoothed out +y the fi&ter. The point $here the signa& stops or +e'omes distorted is the p&a'e &ook for the trou+&e. If you have no d' output vo&tage( you shou&d &ook for an open or a short in your signa& tra'ing. If you have a &o$ d' vo&tage( you shou&d &ook for a defe'tive part and keep your eyes open for the p&a'e $here the signa& +e'omes distorted. !igna& tra'ing is one method used to &o'a&i%e trou+&e in a 'ir'uit. This is done +y o+serving the $aveform at the input and output of ea'h part of a 'ir'uit. et@s revie$ $hat ea'h part of a good po$er supp&y does to a signa&( as sho$n in figure .,/1. The a' vo&tage is +rought in from the po$er &ine +y means of the &ine 'ord. This vo&tage is 'onne'ted to the primary of the transformer through the 8N,855 s$it'h 4!16. At the se'ondary $inding of the transformer 4points 1 and 26( the s'ope sho$s you a pi'ture of the stepped,up vo&tage deve&oped a'ross ea'h ha&f of the se'ondary $inding,the pi'ture is that of a 'omp&ete sine $ave. Ea'h of the t$o stepped,up vo&tages is 'onne'ted +et$een ground and one of the t$o anodes of the re'tifier diodes. At the t$o re'tifier anodes 4points . and /6( there is sti&& no 'hange in the shape of the stepped,up vo&tage,the s'ope pi'ture sti&& sho$s a 'omp&ete sine $ave. Comp&ete po$er supp&y 4$ithout regu&ator6


Ho$ever( $hen you &ook at the s'ope pattern for point 0 4the vo&tage at the re'tifier 'athodes6( you see the $aveshape for pu&sating dire't 'urrent. This pu&sating d' is fed through the first 'hoke 4 16 and fi&ter 'apa'itor 4C16 $hi'h remove a &arge part of the ripp&e( or ?hum(? as sho$n +y the $aveform for point 1. 5ina&&y the d' vo&tage is fed through the se'ond 'hoke 4 26 and fi&ter 'apa'itor 4C26( $hi'h remove near&y a&& of the remaining ripp&e. 4!ee the $aveform for point 2( $hi'h sho$s a&most no visi+&e ripp&e.6 >ou no$ have a&most pure d'. No matter $hat po$er supp&ies you use in the future( they a&& do the same thing , they 'hange a' vo&tage into d' vo&tage. Component )ro+&ems The fo&&o$ing paragraphs $i&& give you an indi'ation of trou+&es that o''ur $ith many different e&e'troni' 'ir'uit 'omponents.


TRANSFOR ER AND CHOKE TRO&BLES. , As you shou&d kno$ +y no$( the transformer and the 'hoke are 7uite simi&ar in 'onstru'tion. ike$ise( the +asi' trou+&es that they may deve&op are 'ompara+&e.

A $inding 'an open. T$o or more turns of one $inding 'an short together. A $inding 'an short to the 'asing( $hi'h is usua&&y grounded. T$o $indings4primary and se'ondary6 'an short together. This trou+&e is possi+&e( of 'ourse( on&y in transformers.

When you have de'ided $hi'h of these four possi+&e trou+&es 'ou&d +e 'ausing the symptoms( you have definite steps to take. If you surmise that there is an open $inding( or $indings shorted together or to ground( an ohmmeter 'ontinuity 'he'k $i&& &o'ate the trou+&e. If the turns of a $inding are shorted together( you may not +e a+&e to dete't a differen'e in $inding resistan'e. Therefore( you need to 'onne't a good transformer in the p&a'e of the o&d one and see if the 23

symptoms are e&iminated. Eeep in mind that transformers are diffi'u&t to rep&a'e. "ake a+so&ute&y sure that the trou+&e is not e&se$here in the 'ir'uit +efore you 'hange the transformer. 8''asiona&&y( the shorts $i&& on&y appear $hen the operating vo&tages are app&ied to the transformer. In this 'ase you might find the trou+&e $ith a megger,an instrument $hi'h app&ies a high vo&tage as it reads resistan'e. CA"ACITOR AND RESISTOR TRO&BLES. , Must t$o things 'an happen to a 'apa'itor9

It may open up( removing the 'apa'itor 'omp&ete&y from the 'ir'uit. It may deve&op an interna& short 'ir'uit. This means that it +egins to pass 'urrent as though it $ere a resistor or a dire't short.

>ou may 'he'k a 'apa'itor suspe'ted of +eing open +y dis'onne'ting it from the 'ir'uit and 'he'king it $ith a 'apa'itor ana&y%er. >ou 'an 'he'k a 'apa'itor suspe'ted -=

of +eing &eaky $ith an ohmmeter: if it reads &ess than /== ki&ohms( it is more than &ike&y +ad. Ho$ever( 'apa'itor trou+&es are diffi'u&t to find sin'e they may appear intermittent&y or on&y under operating vo&tages. Therefore( the +est 'he'k for a fau&ty 'apa'itor is to rep&a'e it $ith one kno$n to +e good. If this restores proper operation( the fau&t $as in the 'apa'itor. #esistor trou+&es are the simp&est. Ho$ever( &ike the others( they must +e 'onsidered.

A resistor 'an open. A resistor 'an in'rease in va&ue. A resistor 'an de'rease in va&ue.

>ou a&ready kno$ ho$ to 'he'k possi+&e resistor trou+&es. Must use an ohmmeter after making sure no para&&e& 'ir'uit is 'onne'ted a'ross the resistor you $ish to measure. When you kno$ a para&&e& 'ir'uit is 'onne'ted a'ross the resistor or $hen you are in dou+t dis'onne't one end of the resistor +efore measuring it. The ohmmeter 'he'k $i&& usua&&y +e ade7uate. Ho$ever( never forget that o''asiona&&y intermittent trou+&es may deve&op in resistors as $e&& as in any other -1

e&e'troni' parts. A&though you may o+serve pro+&ems that have not +een 'overed spe'ifi'a&&y in this 'hapter( you shou&d have gained enough kno$&edge to &o'a&i%e and repair any pro+&em that may o''ur. The 'ontinuous rating of the main 'omponents su'h as generators( transformers( re'tifiers( et'.( therefore determine the nomina& 'urrent 'arried +y the +us+ars +ut in most po$er systems a one to four se'ond short,'ir'uit 'urrent has to +e a''ommodated. The va&ue of these 'urrents is 'a&'u&ated from the indu'tive rea'tan'e of the po$er system 'omponents and gives rise to different maximum short,'ir'uit 'urrents in the various system se'tions.

DA AGES *amage from short 'ir'uits 'an +e redu'ed or prevented +y emp&oying fuses( 'ir'uit +reakers( or other over&oad prote'tion( $hi'h dis'onne't the po$er in rea'tion to ex'essive 'urrent. 8ver&oad prote'tion must +e 'hosen a''ording to the prospe'tive short 'ir'uit 'urrent in a 'ir'uit. 5or examp&e( &arge home app&ian'es 4su'h as '&othes dryers6 typi'a&&y dra$ 1= to 2= amperes( so it is 'ommon for them to +e prote'ted +y 2=N-= ampere 'ir'uit +reakers( $hereas &ighting 'ir'uits typi'a&&y dra$ &ess than 1= amperes and are prote'ted +y 1/N2= ampere +reakers. Wire gauges are spe'ified in +ui&ding and e&e'tri'a& 'odes( and must +e 'arefu&&y 'hosen for their spe'ifi' app&i'ation to ensure safe operation in 'on<un'tion $ith the over&oad prote'tion. In an improper insta&&ation( the over 'urrent from a short 'ir'uit may 'ause ohmi' heating of the 'ir'uit parts $ith poor 'ondu'tivity 4fau&ty <oints in $iring( fau&ty 'onta'ts -2

in po$er so'kets( or even the site of the short 'ir'uit itse&f6. !u'h overheating is a 'ommon 'ause of fires. An e&e'tri' ar'( if it forms during the short 'ir'uit( produ'es high amount of heat and 'an 'ause ignition of 'om+usti+&e su+stan'es as $e&&. ADVANTAGES OF SHORT CIRC&IT ST&DY !hort Cir'uit Ana&ysis uses the point,to,point method to 'a&'u&ate fau&t 'urrents at various points in an e&e'tri'a& system up to 0==K. Ca&'u&ations 'an +e made from the uti&ity transformer se'ondary to the uti&i%ation e7uipment in an e&e'tri'a& system. )rintouts are avai&a+&e for ea'h 'a&'u&ation( and the he&p system guides you through the 'a&'u&ations. B'7'#214 + !ave time +y easi&y o+taining the short 'ir'uit magnitude at ea'h point in the po$er system. *esign safer systems +y 'omparing the 'a&'u&ated fau&t 'urrent to the ratings of insta&&ed e7uipment. In'rease design re&ia+i&ity +y supporting proper se&e'tion of 'ir'uit prote'tion e7uipment for prote'tion and 'oordination.


#eports a' and d' 'urrent for . user defined times. #eports %ero 'rossing time of tota& 'urrent.

H$@ 1$ ?'%#$%> 4)$%1B(2%(321 (98(38912$74.

)erforming short,'ir'uit 'a&'u&ations re7uires an understanding of various system 'omponents and their intera'tion. It@s very important to understand the meaning of the term ?short,'ir'uit fau&t.? Basi'a&&y( a short,'ir'uit fau&t in a po$er system is an a+norma& 'ondition that invo&ves one or more phases unintentiona&&y 'oming in 'onta't $ith ground or ea'h other. Thus( short,'ir'uit prote'tion is ne'essary to prote't personne& and apparatus from the destru'tive effe'ts of the resu&ting ex'essive 'urrent f&o$( $hi'h is 'aused +y the re&ative&y &o$ impedan'e of the short,'ir'uit fau&t 'onne'tion. To provide the re7uired prote'tion( $e must determine the extent of short,'ir'uit 'urrent at various points of our #edu'e the risk a fa'i&ity 'ou&d fa'e and he&p avoid 'atastrophi' &osses.

In'rease the safety and re&ia+i&ity of the po$er system and re&ated e7uipment. Eva&uate the app&i'ation of prote'tive devi'es and e7uipment. Identify pro+&em areas in the system. 8+tain re'ommended so&utions


po$er distri+ution system. This determination re7uires a 'a&'u&ation.

5ina&&y from this short 'ir'uit study( We have to &earn a+out short 'ir'uit And $e 'an '&arify from some dou+ta+&e 7uestion &ike( $hat is short 'ir'uitA( ho$ it happensA( $hen it happenA( $hy it happensA. And a&so &earn prevention methods of short 'ir'uit. We 'an kno$ the advantages a+out short 'ir'uit study.


!hort Cir'uit 45au&t Current6 studies are re7uired to insure that existing and ne$ e7uipment ratings are ade7uate to $ithstand the avai&a+&e short 'ir'uit energy avai&a+&e at ea'h point in the e&e'tri'a& system. 5au&t 'urrents that ex'eed e7uipment ratings are 'apa+&e of extensive e7uipment damage and are a serious threat to human &ife.

#e'ent&y( 2-=== fire 'omp&aints a year from a&& over state. There are &ot of fire a''idents are o''urred due to these short 'ir'uit. To prote't the +ui&dings from these short 'ir'uit( $e have to &earn a+out this short 'ir'uit phenomenon.



1. $$$.goog&e.'om O short 'ir'uit phenomenon 2. $$$.ho$stuff$orks.'om O e&e'tri'a& stuff -. IEEE <ourna&s on short 'ir'uit phenomenon


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