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Whats happening May - August 2014

YF Series // Live For Him // Philippians This term we are going to be looking at what it means to live for Christ. We will be unpacking Philippians and looking at areas such as being servants, seekers and witnesses in our everyday lives. With some of the youth team leading us through this letter, worship, small groups and the usual games, make sure you get yourself along to YF. BUS Sports Day // 31st May // University of Stirling If you havent already heard about the Baptist Union Sports Day, where have you been? This year you can take part in Football, Netball, Badminton, Table Tennis, Swimming Athletics and Dance Mat, so there are lots of options to choose from. If you havent already signed up please do so. Its going to be a great day, so even if you are not taking part, come along and support Team SBC. PowerPoint // Friday 13th June // Edinburgh This will be the last PowerPoint before the summer break. With Matt Somerfield from Urban Saints speaking, along with the PowerPoint band leading worship and the usual fun and games it should be a great night. PowerPoint have started wanting us to book tickets in advance so if you could let us know in advance if you are wanting to come we will be sure to have enough spaces for everyone who wants to come! Soul Survivor // 15th 21st July // Thainstone Centre, Aberdeen Its that time of year again where we pack up all the tents and head up north for Soul Survivor. This promises to be a great week with great teaching, worship and a chance to really spend time away. The team are really looking forward to it and we will be finalising costs soon so if you want to come please speak to David or Rob before the end of May. Stirling Sports Reach // Summer 2014 Along with other churches in Stirling we are putting on a host of sporty events over the summer. This includes a Sports Camp, Tournaments and a Quiz night. Plans are still coming together so please keep an eye out for more information which will be available soon. Level One // Hows it going? Since our Drop-In Youth Caf opened in January we have seen loads of Young People come through the doors, with about 30-40 a week! This has been great, so thank you for all your prayers and support. Because of this if we will be open over the summer so make sure that you keep an eye out for what will be happening at Level One! With lots of events such as Acoustic Nights & Sumo Wrestling. Its one not to be worth missing.

Whats happening where and when?

Sundays (P7-S1) 9.45am Level One Sundays (S2-4) 9.45am Meet in Service Sundays 8pm-9.30pm Level One Thursdays 4pm-7pm Level One Wednesdays (Fortnightly) 6:30pm-8:30pm Level One Friday 13th June Edinburgh With Matt Somerfield

Sun 3rd May No Youth Fellowship Sat 31st May - Baptist Union Sports Day, University of Stirling Fri 13th June PowerPoint, Edinburgh Tues 15th Sun 21st July Soul Survivor Scotland, Aberdeen Monday 28th July Friday 1st August Sports Reach Camp Wed 6th - Fri 8th & Wed 13th Fri 15th Aug Level One Summer Program Contact Us

Important Dates

SBC Youth & Level One Stirling

SBC Youth Parents

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