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Assignment Individual Assignment 1 Presenting a topic from the course outline

I. Each student should take a topic from the course outline. Impersonalize (Taking an example of one leader) Student should explain first the topic selected. Example, a student choosing transformational leadership should first explain in detail what transformational II. leadership is all about. Student should review articles on the selected topic and present them in the class.

Percentage 10%

Presentation Submission week 5, 6, 7, 8


5marks for explaining the topic in detail. 2marks for choosing a leader that fits/suits the topic. 3marks for connecting the topic with the leader and leader with the topic.

Individual Assignment 2 A writing Report of school leadership problem: A case study


From 6-14

(No presentation) Developing School leadership capacity: A Case study of SMK.

for Each student should write a report about his/her own school leadership problem or I. 3marks other school. explaining causes Explain the problem (s), causes and individual as well as government role in solving of the problem, the problem. individual and Indicate your suggestion (s) in developing school leadership capacity; provide some government role. PRACTICAL solution (s), II. 3marks for Apply theory (s) that fits or solves your school problem suggestions and What government should do. practical solutions. No reference should be cited III. 4marks for theory Should be typed application At least 5 pages required. (It could be more) IV. 2marks for Single space, Time Roman (12), with subtitles and paragraphs. technicality V. 3marks for Creativity/Empirical data

Classroom Group Problem-solving

Testing your IQ Testing group leadership problem-solving skills Testing group leadership contingency skills

1mark 2marks 2marks

Group Assignment: Designing School leadership Paradigm

Student should form their own group and work together as a team. Each group should design their own school leadership paradigm. A small example will be given


12, 13, 14

Presentation of the Paradigm Response to questions Leadership paradigm project submission

Suitability of the leadership paradigm title Logicality and practicality Information Providing related theory (s) Organization and technical issues Innovation and creativity Eloquence (Good communication) Creativity and Innovation

5 marks 3 marks 2 marks

3 marks 4marks 3 marks 2 marks 2 marks 1 mark

14 & 15

Attendance, classroom participation, discipline, punctuality & performance




Best of luck Dr. Ismail

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