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Working with Intercompany Stock Transfer You can transfer stock from one plant to another where the

plants belong to different companies (i.e. have different company codes). Since the plants belong to different company codes, the following points have to be considered from the sales point of view: delivery: the procedure for delivering on the basis of a purchase order from another plant should be similar to delivering on the basis of a sales order from a customer billing: the delivering plant will be charging the receiving plant for the material. To deal with these points, the stock transfer can be carried out with a normal purchase order type NB. The delivering plant can then create a delivery and an intercompany billing document on the basis of this purchase order. An incoming invoice with reference to the purchase order can be posted in the following ways: Manually, after the invoice has been checked Automatically, with an internal billing document via SAP EDI The following example outlines the procedure for intercompany stock transfer. Company Structure Company code 0001 0002

Plant A B

City Atlanta Boston

Name Smith & Co.

Business Transaction Plant A orders 100 tons of "Steel-1" from plant B at a price of USD 10.00 per ton. 1. Plant A, company code 0001: The clerk responsible creates a normal purchase order (type NB) for the vendor Smith & Co. who is assigned to Plant B. The clerk can enter prices and delivery costs as usual. 2. Plant B, company code 0002: On receipt of the purchase order, the vendor Smith & Co. enters a delivery for 100 tons of "Steel-1". 3. When the material leaves the premises, the vendor Smith & Co. posts goods issue.

The values and the quantity are not yet posted in the receiving plant (Plant A). 4. Plant A, company code 0001: When the material arrives at Plant A, the clerk responsible posts goods receipt against the purchase order. The system now posts values and quantities in the receiving plant. 5. Plant B, company code 0002: On the basis of the delivery, the system creates a billing document (intercompany billing) amounting to USD 1000. 6. Plant A, company code 0001: In company code 0001, the incoming invoice can be posted in the following ways: The receiving plant checks the invoice with reference to the purchase order and posts invoice receipt. Invoice entry is posted with an internal billing document via SAP EDI See also: Working with Intercompany Deliveries Working with Intercompany Billing Share this page:

Hi, We have a requirment , where we will be transferring the stock between two companies. ie compnay code The companies belong to the same client. Can anyone give the process to be followed ie what is the firstr activity and so on. I had tried to gather information from the previous forum views but could not understand it clearly. Thanks, Vengal Rao.

Hi, Follow Inter-company STO Process for this;

1.Create a vendor for the company code of receiving plant, using account group :0007 using T-Code XK01. 2. Assign this vendor to Delivering plant Go to XK02 >Purchasing view>Extras>Add. Purchasing data>Plant 3. Create internal customer with the sales area of the vendor. Go To XD01 4. In Pricing procedure determination relevant to STO, assign document Pricing Procedure and customer pricing procedure appropriate for STO to get the pricing in the invoice. 5. Maintain condition records for the relevant pricing condition. 6. Some more setting for STO: Go to MM> Purchasing > Purchase Order > Set up STO > define shipping data for plants > Go to Receiving plant >assign customer here & Supplying SA (for billing) to Receiving plant here 7. Go to MM > Purchasing > Purchase Order > Set up STO > define shipping data for plants > Go to Supplying plant and assign the sales area of receiving plant. 8. Go to MM > Purchasing > Purchase Order > Set up STO > assign delivery Type & Checking rule Assign the delivery type to document type. In this case, Delivery type NLCC is assigned to Document type NB 9. Go to MM> Purchasing > Purchase Order > Set up STO > Assign document Type, One step Procedure, Under delivery tolerance Assign the document type NB to supplying plant and receiving plant 10. After all settings , Create the STO using T-Code:ME21N and maintain pricing conditions of freight and Save. 11. Create Delivery :VL10G Click on the Background Button after selecting line item A message is flashed : See log for information> next Click on Log for delivery creation Button >click on line item>click on document button to get Delivery document No 12. Picking, PGI:VL02N 13. Billing:VF01 Save the document and its done 14. J1IIN - Outgoing Excise Invoice

15. MIGO - Goods Receipt against outbound Delivery 16. J1IEX - Capture & Post Excise Invoice

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