Bobcat Bulletin 4-28-14

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A Schools to Watch Taking Center Stage Model Middle School A California Distinguished School

8th Grade Promotion Activities Packets and Field Trip forms are due THIS FRIDAY
All 8th grade students received a packet of information for the Promotion Activities. The total package of activities costs $80 and includes the April 28, 2014 Issue #33 Weekly Communication Promotion Ceremony Gown Great America !ield Trip Class T"#hirt and $ance. Donations are due to !s" !ariani in the !ain #ffice $% &'(')*. To pick up a packet please come to the student center. %f you have any &uestions please contact 's. Gon(ale( at )*+",--0 e.t -0/,.

Annual State Testin+ continues this ,eek for -th +rade and starts for 8th +rade.
The CAA#PP will continue for ,h grade and 8th grade will 0egin testing on 1ednesday April +0th. !or testing purposes students will 0e allowed to 0ring in their personal headphones or ear0uds. %f students do not have personal headphones or ear0uds the school will provide one for them. Also our 23'# #taff will 0e distri0uting free breakfast every Wednesday morning for the duration of our state testing from /4+0 "84*0 am. 1e know we can do it 5o0cats6 7ust a reminder for students to4 Get plenty of rest Eat a healthy breakfast Use the test-taking strategies you have learned Be confident, take your time, and think POS ! "E

;ommunit% Forum

5F#$ presents the community forum #urviving #ocial 'edia in 'iddle #chool on 'onday #treet #marts $ia0lo 8egion is a Traffic #afety Program 0rought to schools to educate pedestrians April <8th in the 2dna 3ill cyclists and drivers. 5ike to #chool $ay is an event aimed at 0ringing permanent change to encourage more Theatre th ,4+0 pm"84+0 pm. 0ikea0le communities. 2dna 3ill 'iddle #chool will 0e participating in the event on /ednesda%0 !a% 1@ " The e.ercise room 9ne.t to
the Gym: will 0e availa0le for anyone needing to store their 0ike or they can lock their 0ike using the 0ike racks. !or more information please contact the main office.

;ontra ;osta ;ount% 9i$rar% Summer Readin+ Festival (7)*. EPa,s to Read F @une )* G Au+ust (60 (7)* 5e sure to pad scamper or Groll overH to your local li0rary this summer 0ecause it?s time to unleash GPaws to 8ead H Contra Costa County Di0rary?s #ummer 8eading !estival 0 @une )* G Au+ust (66 8eading records for all ages from 0irth to adult will 0e availa0le in community li0raries or online at cccli$"or+" Pounce on yours to earn pri(es Iust for reading6 #niff out incredi0le stories and wild events taking place all over the county or simply curl up in a nice sunny spot to enIoy a good 0ook6 !or more information a0out #ummer 8eading !estival contact your local li0rary or visit the li0rary?s we0 site at

Sell Your Stuff at 2dna Hill3s Fourth Annual 4a5aar 2ach #pace cost $<). #ell your items and E>F keep the profit. The space rental sales help 2dna 3ill 'iddle #chool programs. Please contact our Parents Clu0 for more information.
/hen. !a% 60 (7)* /here. FR#8T Parkin+ 9ot Time. 8 A! : )( P!

This is %T6
Diving the Cey of This Is It! means to develop the a0ility to focus our attention on the present moment knowing that how much attention we pay to now determines the &uality of our tomorrow.

Important Dates to Remem$er at 2dna Hill !iddle School

-;<= 4 5oys;Girls #occer vs. >?3ara Park @ +4-) 923'#: -;<=4 /th;8th grade Girls Aolley0all vs. $elta Aista @ +4-) 923'# Gym:B ,th grade @ $elta Aista th th -;+04 / ;8 grade Girls Aolley0all vs. Cnightsen @ +4-) 923'# Gym: );*4 5oys;Girls #occer vs. Adams @ +4-) 923'#: );*4 /th;8th grade Girls Aolley0all @ >?3ara Park @ +4-)B ,th grade 93ome:

;ontact <s. School #ffice. =(&:&)6:-**7 Fa>. =(&:&)6:7-=- /e$. ,,,"$rent,ood"k)("ca"us Principal. ?irsten @o$$ kAo$$B$rent,ood"k)("ca"us Cice:Principal. !aria Gon5ale5 m+on5ale5B$rent,ood"k)("ca"us Cice:Principal. Rust% 2hrlich rehrlichB$rent,ood"k)("ca"us ;ounselor. Saraina Silva ssilvaB$rent,ood"k)("ca"us ParentsD ;lu$ President. 9eann /ei$ert )*+",--0 .-0=, ehmsparentsclu$B%ahoo"com

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