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Witness statement

I, Alexandra Marele, of Pacii Street block 7, born 13 April 1995, student, state: In the morning of 18 April 2014, I was heading to my highschool on my usual route, along Smirodava Avenue. It was a sunny morning with high level pedestrian traffic. On the intersection of C. A. Rosetti with Smirodava Avenue, also known as Marom neighbourhood, I was waiting to cross the C. A. Rosetti street. Beside me there was this old woman with a black skirt and red linen pullover. She had grey hair and was wearing glasses. On her right arm she had a black leather purse with a shinny goldish zipper. On the other side of the road, also waiting to cross the same street, was waiting a skinny young boy, dressed with a black anorak, red sport shoes and blue jeans. He had his hood on his head. He had a round face and seemed to be bald. He also had a moustache and was wearing sunglasses. When the road was free and safe to cross, we set off for the other side. The old lady and I met the young boy right in the middle of the street. When he was at about one meter in front of us, the boy pretended to slip and fall. As he was about to fall on the ground, I immediately acted and tried to help him not to hit the ground. When he saw this, he regained his balance and pushed me over. Then he turned to the old lady and snatched her purse. She didnt even had time to react as the boy took her purse and ran towards the direction he was coming from. He ran for about 100-150 meters and turned left to dissapear behind the 5th block on Smirodava Avenue. No one on the scene was able to react and try to catch him because everything happened too fast. After I saw the boy dissapearing behind the block, I helped the old lady to finish crossing the street and then I called the police. When the first police crew arrived at the scene, within 5-6 minutes from the call, the old lady started to cry and explain what had just happened. Around us had formed a crowd of about 10 to 15 people. As I was waiting my turn to make a statement about what just happened, I saw a young boy who was looking exactly like the thief, but had no sunglasses and no anorak. He was wearing the same red sports shoes and blue jeans, but he had a grey T-shirt. He had a moustache, but no glasses. And, in fact, he really was bold. I looked at him, and by the time I realised the it was the same person, he ran away in the same direction as the first time. I immediately alarmed Officer Popescu, who started to run after the boy. This statement made by me accurately sets out the evidence that I would be prepared, if necessary, to give in court as a witness. The statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief and I make it knowing that, if it is tendered in evidence, I will be liable to prosecution if I have wilfully stated in it anything that I know to be false or do not believe to be true.

Signed: Alexandra Marele Dated: 18 April 2014

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