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United International University

Job Analysis Questionnaire PURPOSE AND INSTRUCTIONS The purpose of the study is to obtain current information on your job based on a review of job duties and responsibilities. Because you know your duties and responsibilities better than anyone else, we need your help to get an accurate description of your job. e are asking you to complete this !uestionnaire that asks for information about your job duties. The !uestionnaire does not ask about your job performance" only what your job re!uires you to do. #lease complete this !uestionnaire as honestly, completely and accurately as you can. Base your answers on what is normal to your current job, not special projects or temporary assignment duties, unless these tasks are a regular part of your job. This !uestionnaire needs to cover many jobs, so the !uestions are not specifically about your job. $owever, you should be able to compare your job duties to the e%amples given. &f two answers seem to fit your situation, just check the one that works best. hen answering the !uestions, imagine you are describing what you do to a neighbor, friend or to someone just hired for your position. 'our supervisor and manager will also be asked about your job, but they will not be allowed to change your answers. e appreciate your active participation in this important study. A. EMPLOYEE DATA (PLEASE PRINT) * 'our +ame, / 0mployee &., 3 Job Title, 5 $ow long have you been in your current position, 6 7upervisor8s +ame, - .epartment, 1 Job 2ode, 4 ork Telephone +umber, years 9 7upervisor8s Title, months

!. "ENERAL PURPOSE O# POSITION &ndicate in one or two sentences the general purpose of the position (or why this job e%ists). This statement should be a general summary of the responsibilities listed in the ne%t section.

C. SUMMARY O# RESPONSI!ILITIES$DUTIES .escribe specific job responsibilities:duties, listing the most important first. ;se a separate statement for each responsibility. <ost positions can be described in %&' (a)or res*onsi+ility areas. 2ombine minor or occasional duties in one last statement. =ive a best estimate of average percentage of time each responsibility takes" however, do not include a duty which occupies 1> or less of your time unless it is an essential part of the job. 0ach statement should be brief and concise, beginning with an action verb. A list o, a-tion ver+s is atta-.ed ,or re,eren-e +/t ,eel ,ree to /se a-tion ver+s i, t.ey are (ore a**ro*riate. The bo% below shows an e%ample. E0AMPLE Se-retary *. #erforms a variety of typing duties including standard letters, reports and forms. /. Takes and transcribes dictation. 2omposes letters and memos as directed. 3. <aintains departmental files" ensures that all records are updated and modified as necessary. -. Answers the telephone and greets visitors. 1. <akes travel arrangements. LIST MOST IMPORTANT DUTIES #IRST *.

#ercent (>) of Time /1> /1> /?> /?> *?> 1223 #ercent (>) of Time





4. 5.

6. 9. #erform other job@related duties as assigned. 1223 Aor the remainder of the !uestionnaire, most of the !uestions re!uire that you check the bo% or list information. =uidelines for completing these sections are as follows, *) read each definition carefully before answering, /) consider the job, not yourself, 3) answer based on the job as it currently e%ists, -) select the most appropriate answer(s) for each !uestion.

General Education & Experience

D. EDUCATION 2heck the bo% that best indicates the minimum training:education re!uirements of this job. (+ot necessarily your education, but the re!uirements for the job). <inimum Be!uirement ;p to 6 years of education 9 to ** years of education $igh 7econdary .egree or =0. Cocational:Technical: 7chool E. E0PERIENCE 7ome 2ollege : Associate8s .egree Bachelor8s .egree <aster8s .egree .octorate .egree

TYPE O# E0PERIENCE NEEDED #lease indicate the specific job e%perience needed. Aor e%ample, Daccounting e%perience in an education environmentD vs. Daccounting e%perienceD. Be sure that the e%perience stated is what is actually re!uired by the job, not what is preferred.

2heck the bo% which best indicates the minimum amount of e%perience described above. (+ot necessarily your years of e%perience, but the re!uirements for the job.) Eess than 4 months 4 months but less than * year * year but less than 3 years 3 but less than 1 years 1 but less than 5 years 5 years plus

#. TYPE O# S4ILLS AND$OR LICENSIN"$CERTI#ICATION RE5UIRED #lease indicate all specific skills and:or licensing:certification re!uired (not preferred) to do this job. Aor e%ample, spreadsheet software proficiency may be a re!uirement for a secretarial job" journey license may be re!uired for an electrician.

". SUPER6ISORY RESPONSI!ILITIES SUPER6ISORY NATURE 1. hat is the nature of the direct supervisory responsibility your job hasF 2heck one answer. +o supervisory responsibility. ork leadership of one or more employees. 7upervisor over a section of a department. Assistant <anager over supervisors or a small department. <anager of one department. <anager of more than one department. .irector, through managers, of a single department. .irector, through managers, of multiple departments. 7. $ow many positions report directly to youF None 1 7&8 9&% : or (ore

8. Eist the title(s) of employee(s) whom you directly supervise, Title "rade$Level N/(+er o, Positions

9. &ndicate the total number of employees you indirectly supervise through s/*ervisors or (ana;ers, +one *@1 4@*? **@/? /*@1? 1*@*?? *?? G

<. .oes this position re!uire functional supervision of positions that do not report directly to youF 'es +o

Please -o(*lete or;ani=ation +elo> Title of 'our &mmediate 7upervisor Hther jobs which report to your immediate supervisor

'our #osition

Titles of 'our .irect Beports

?. P?YSICAL DEMANDS AND @OR4IN" CONDITIONS &ndicate how often the following physical demands are re!uired to perform the 0ssential Job Besponsibilities. CI2onstantly (1@6 hrs.:shift) of job) #IAre!uently (/@1 hrs.:shift) OIHccasionally (;p to / hrs.:shift) RIBarely (.oes not e%ist as regular part

P.ysi-al De(ands 7tanding alking 7itting Eifting Balancing Beaching $andling Aeeling Talking $earing Bepetitive <otions 0ye:$and:Aoot 2oordination

Environ(ental Conditions 0%treme 2old 0%treme $eat Temperature 2hanges et $umid +oise Cibration $aJards Atmospheric 2onditions Hther (define),

P.ysi-al Stren;t. Eittle #hysical 0ffort Eight ork <edium ork $eavy ork Cery $eavy ork I. COMMENTS Because no single !uestionnaire can cover every part of a job, can you think of any other information that would be important in understanding your jobF &f so, please give us your comments below.

0mployee8s 7ignature, .ate, A. SUPER6ISORBS RE6IE@ SECTION Based on your understanding of the job as it currently e%ists, please review the employee8s response and provide your own comments in the space provided below. Please do not;e t.e e(*loyeeBs res*onses. The !uestionnaire is intended to analyJe the job as it is currently being done and not how it might be done in the future. T.e e(*loyeeBs level o, *er,or(an-e in t.e )o+ is not *art o, revie> and is not to +e -onsidered. Section Remarks

7upervisor8s +ame, 7upervisor8s 7ignature,


Title, .ate,

Telephone +umber,

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