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ONDON UNDERGROuND bosses, Boris Johnson and David Cameron can lie all they like. The truth is that day one of the latest round of strikes was solidly supported and caused massive disruption.


ballot for strikes that could see them out in the autumn. It's important we link up the fights. The re-emergence of potential strikes of over a million workers is a huge opportunity to take on the Tories and win. Lets strike together and push for a general strike.

Solid action shows tube workers power...

Tube workers in the RMT backed the strike because they know that this is not just about an attack on nearly 1,000 jobs. It represents an all-out assault on our conditions (pensions will be next) and the transport service. Many tube users know it, which is why lots of them backed us on the picket lines. For one day management can hope to ride out their problems. Maybe they can survive two or three days. But they cant stand up to serious escalation. Thats what they have to know is coming. The three-day strike next week is a real stepping-up of the action. But there may need to be more strikes after next week, and the quicker they are announced the better. Its a crucial struggle. Tories Boris Johnson and David Cameron have fallen out over many issues: but theyre united in trying to break the unions on the tube. Thats why it is a serious mistake for TSSA and Aslef and Unite not to be striking alongside the RMT. And its also why trade union leaders who have live disputes should be coordinating action more effectively. The Tories would be under a lot more pressure if the tube strikes and the firefighters strikes (which start Friday) were at the same time.

No victimisation

During the strikes in February Mark Harding the branch secretary of Hammersmith & City RMT, was hauled off the picket line by police after a strikebreaker complained for being asked to respect the picket line. This was a deliberate strategy to take out such a prominent RMT activist at such a crucial point in our dispute. His court date is now set for 23 May. There can be no deal until all the charges are dropped against Mark. Rush messages of support and solidarity to Bosses have sacked Petrit Mihaj, RMT rep at Sodexo (the firm which runs many staff canteens). RMT is preparing to ballot all members in Sodexo canteens for industrial action to have the sacking lifted and to win reinstatement for Petrit. It has also called on LU workers to boycott the canteens every Monday until Petrit is reinstated.

and conditions; to refuse to implement the bedroom tax; to reject increases in council tax, rent and service charges to compensate for government cuts; to campaign for the introduction of a Living Wage above the minimum wage; to vote for councils to refuse to implement the cuts and set a budget that meets the needs of the local community and demand that the government makes up the shortfall; and to support all workers struggles against cuts and privatisation.


Join the MayDay march Thursday 1 May Assemble 11am Clerkenwell Green, London, EC1.

Dispute in numbers
3 %: The number of tickets the Mayor claims are sold by ticket offices. 23%: Total amount of ticket transactions ticket offices actually have responsibility for. 7.577 Million: The total transactions at ticket offices in 2013, an increase on the 7.418 million from 2012. 14% Projected increase in passenger numbers over the next five years. 17% Cut in the number of frontline station staff proposed by the Mayor. 52%: Proportion of tube users unable to buy tickets from a machine because it was broken. 56%: Percentage of voters who said they wouldnt vote for Johnson again for breaking a promise not to close ticket offices. 66%: The number of passengers opposed to ticket officer closures.


The Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition (TUSC) is standing about 500 candidates in the local elections, including 49 RMT members. We need an alternative to the austerity polices of the Tories and Labour - and to the racism and hyper-Thatcherism of Ukip. TUSC candidates pledge to oppose all cuts to council jobs, services, pay


Were seeing a glimmer of united strikes that can beat the Tories. The potential for a wider, coordinated fightback is opening up again, and our strikes are a part of this. The Tories face the prospect of more than 600,000 local government workers and teachers in the NUT striking together in the summer. NHS workers are set to

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