May 2014

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1 Aries - 21 Mar to 20 Apr:

Ten of Pentacles

Work/Career When it comes to energy and action, there is no sign in the Zodiac that can compare to Aries. But even the fire that burns hottest will burn out at some point. This month your flame will burn a little lower, especially when Jupiter forms a trine with Saturn (a planet that is nothing if not a taskmaster), and you'll find yourself having trouble trying to reach that white-hot level that you usually maintain. This is understandably frustrating, but we all need to experience these valleys if we want to get back to the next peak. Don't let it get you down, Aries: This short lull will be over before you know it and you'll rekindle the flame soon enough. Single In most cases, Aries is more attracted to the physical, the visceral, than any sort of deeper beauty. A woman in red high heels, or a man with a flashy smile and a thick head of hair is likely to set you ablaze, rather than an interesting conversation with a wonderful person. But prepare to have the script flipped on you: This month you won't be instantly wowed by physical beauty, not to the extent that you're used to. But a connection with a like-minded individual is all it will take to make you give a second glance to that unique person who you normally might not look twice at. In Love This will be a very iffy month for Aries. If you are in a relationship with someone who you are truly compatible with, it will be a blessed time indeed. Your desire for a deeper connection will be rewarded by someone who you can grow more intimate with. But if things are strictly physical, that fact will be very apparent. No matter how great the lovemaking may be, you won't feel as strongly for this person if they don't satisfy you on both a mental and emotional level. Finances While it is certainly an odd month for Aries, a month in which you don't feel quite like yourself, you can rest easy knowing that your financial situation will actually improve this month. You won't even have to actively try to bolster your bank account; the cosmos have aligned to ensure that money won't be a problem for you throughout May. If you start to feel bogged down by these new, strange thoughts in your head, try to remember that at least the problem of money won't rear its formidable head. Health You'll feel a lot better about yourself. Yes, you'll be fatigued more easily but your head is very clear. More clear than it's been in quite a while, actually. What's more, you are beginning to improve your self-esteem. Aries, as a rule, is generally proud and thinks highly of himself or herself. But with the spiritual growth that you're experiencing, you'll be even happier with your lot and life. Your stress levels will be significantly depleted and your mood will be brighter and more stable.

2 Taurus - 20 Apr to 21 May:

Page of Wands

Work/Career Your desire to impress everybody at work will be strong with you this month, and in truth this is a good thing. Taurus is one of the more competitive signs in the Zodiac, second only to Aries. And in the past couple months your work output has been plagued by everything from pride to insecurity. In other words, the whole gamut of self-analysis. But this month things are much clearer: You'll see that what is really important is your output and your attitude and this will help you get your bearings back in a big way. Single You'll be more picky than usual when it comes to selecting mates. The phrase beggars can't be choosers certainly has a ring of truth to it, but then people under your sign have never been beggars when it comes to finding partners. Chalk it up to your charisma and natural good looks. That being said, you won't be half as likely to jump into bed with any stranger you run into. On the contrary, your standards will be quite a bit higher and only the choicest cuts will make the grade, as it were. In Love Though often dependable and hard-working, Taurus definitely has a mean streak. And this month your partner may suffer the brunt of it. The combative side of your sign is definitely something to be wary of, and no matter how well-adjusted you may be, the desire to have a row will be a part of you, however latent it may be. Try to avoid fighting for fighting's sake, and do your best to keep from goading your lover into an argument. The repercussions of such an act could be disastrous. Finances In much the same way that that past few months at the job have been spotty, or at least unpredictable, your financial situation has been similarly uneven. But this month, just like with your career, you will start to see things pick up. Money isn't so hard to come by, and it's even easier to hold onto a bit of it at the end of the month. This is a good time to start thinking about other forms of income, such as investing or selling off things that you don't need anymore. Health Issues related to the mouth are a genuine possibility this month, and if you haven't been to the dentist in a while you should definitely consider it. Ulcers, that bane of the maw we've all experienced here and there, can arise for even the most innocuous reasons. Hitting the inside of your cheek with your toothbrush may be all it takes for an eruption. Cavities, toothaches, and sensitivity are just waiting in the wings, ready to pounce at a moment's notice. As such, this is a perfect time to start becoming more serious about your oral hygiene.

3 Gemini - 21 May to 20 Jun:

XVIII The Moon

Work/Career Last month you likely dealt with some kerfuffles with coworkers. This was due to a sizable amount of retrograde activity in your sign, hovering specifically over your work and career. This month you'll experience that retrograde as well, but it won't be as bad as last month. Nor will it center around your relationship with your colleagues. Rather, this month will be more likely to present deadline problems. Just try to keep one step ahead of your tasks and you should make it through May with little to no stress. Single Boredom with the dating scene is very probable this month. When your friends invite you to the club or the pub, you'll find that convincing yourself to make the effort to put yourself out there is a rigorous task indeed. But with that in mind, nobody ever said that you HAVE to go out and try to find a partner every Friday or Saturday night. If you're not at risk for depression or hermit-like tendencies, why not just enjoy a quiet night alone with a hearty meal and a good movie? In Love This month your partner will represent an oasis in a desert for you. The various factors in your life that are causing you stress or worry will begin to mount ever so slightly as the month goes on. Geminis aren't exactly experts at handling disarray, but a boyfriend, girlfriend, or spouse that can provide solace for you is an indispensable asset. Let them be your rock, and you'll find that these problems are not only minor, but highly fixable. After all, that's what a supportive partner is there for. Finances You are likely to be a bit more impulsive with your money this month. There are a couple reasons for this. For one, you feel as if you deserve a reward for being more miserly in April. But the more immediate reason has to do with the stress and ennui that you're dealing with at the moment. You feel as if you can purchase bits of happiness that can overshadow the negative feelings you are experiencing. Geminis in a stable relationship will be able to escape some of these spending habits by having a supportive partner to provide them with happiness. Single Geminis won't have it so easy. Try your best to remember that happiness comes from within, not from a merchant. Health Your chances of depression are slightly higher this month. As with several issues this month, Geminis who have a loving spouse or significant other will have an easier go of it. The sad irony of this is that single Geminis will not only have it harder, but will be doubly at risk for feeling morose due to the fact that they're alone. But there are ways to combat the onset of depression. Sunlight, a proper sleeping schedule, and time spent with friends are all great ways to alleviate the blues.

4 Cancer - 21 Jun to 20 Jul:

XVII The Star

Work/Career If there's one thing a Cancer can appreciate, it's creature comforts. Your sign is far happier indoors by a warm fireplace, spending time with the kids and the spouse, as opposed to being out in the elements, working that 9 to 5 drudgery. But this month you'll actually take pleasure in all aspects related to your career. A day at work won't seem like such a death sentence; on the contrary, your mind will be more attuned to the so-called drudgery and you won't crave the comfort of home as much. Single Cancers who haven't yet found that special someone will have much to be happy about this month. Your attractiveness levels are the highest they've been all year, and you no doubt have noticed that strangers are taking second glances at you, noticing your bolstered allure. If you feel you've been missing out because you don't have a loving partner to come home to, this is the month in which you can easily find the person who is meant for you. And since you won't be so inclined to sit at home alone, your chances of nabbing them are that much better. In Love As a Cancer, you will still love the idea of spending time with your mate and your family, but this month it won't seem so pressing. It won't be your only outlet. Your spouse or lover may be a bit surprised at the fact that you aren't the homebody that you are most of the year, but they will likely be happy when it's YOU who suggests a night out on the town. Go ahead and leave the kids with a sitter have a great time with the one you love and try something new. The full moon toward the end of the month is a particularly great time for amorous activity. Finances Some unexpected expenses might come into play this month, but don't fret too much. This won't be a month where your savings are washed down the toilet due to unforeseen medical bills or automotive problems. Instead, any financial issues that arise will be minor and easily taken care of. Small things, like your coffee maker, might go on the fritz, necessitating the purchase of some new items. You may have a bit less money in the bank account at the end of the month, but it will hardly be a crippling period for you. Health All in all, it is a very good month for Cancer. You'll be happier at work, you'll have a bit more satisfaction in general with regard to your personal life, and your energy levels will be higher. And the best part is that there are no health problems on the horizon. In fact, you can expect your health to improve, due to the drastically reduced stress levels that you are experiencing. By all accounts, the month of May will be a very good time to be a Cancer.

5 Leo - 21 Jul to 21 Aug:

Four of Swords

Work/Career If one phrase can sum up your experience at the workplace this month, it would be 'cool as a cucumber.' You'll have a much more mellow outlook on your job, thanks to the influence of Jupiter. It will seem as if nothing can get you down and, to be sure, the usual things that might cause you stress in your career will seem much more manageable. Just try to remember this point of view later in the year when your attitude isn't as wavy gravy. It will help you to understand that things are never as bad as they seem. Single Leos who are still looking for their soulmate will have to wait a bit longer. This is a month of realizations, especially early in May, and while you may want to go home with someone (especially considering the uneven love life you've been having lately), your aims will be more likely to be dashed. That being said, even these missed opportunities will give you the ability to look deeper into yourself and help you to distinguish what you need and what you want out of a relationship. In Love This month, Saturn's influence on your fourth house (which rules things like family and home) will make it so that your domestic presence is necessary in a lot of ways. Your partner may need your help for a wide variety of things (probably not money, but assistance in transportation or work) and if you have children you can bet that they'll be coming to you with any number of problems that only Mom or Dad can solve. But luckily, you'll be able to handle these issues with little strain on your own part. You'll even be endeared to your family and feel proud that they depend on you so much. Finances Your financial outlook will be healthy this month, but unfortunately you will incur some expenses that may take you by surprise. It's almost a sure bet that these expenses will come in the form of loved ones or family members. You may have a sibling who desperately needs you to lend them a bit of money until payday. Your children may need a new wardrobe or something similar. But don't fret too much about shelling out a bit of dough as the year progresses you'll have plenty of income heading your way; enough to replace what you spend this month. Health This month the idea of fitness, a perfect six-pack, and so forth won't be so pressing. You'll much prefer the idea of relaxing and just kicking back on the sofa, maybe catching a ball game or binge-watching a Netflix series. Sure, a healthy body is a happy one but we can all benefit from a little downtime as well. As long as you don't neglect your duties or go overboard with sloth, you should feel entitled to just have a me day. Remember that mental peace of mind is just as essential as physical well-being.

6 Virgo - 22 Aug to 22 Sept:

Ace of Cups

Work/Career Virgos can sometimes be considered cold and clinical. They work on a level of logic that eschews the need for the sentimentality that pervades signs like Cancer and Pisces. But this month you'll feel your heartstrings tug just enough to make you a bit more compassionate at the workplace. You'll genuinely experience sorrow for a coworker who is going through a rough time, or pity for a colleague who is struggling at his or her job. This can prove a great time to foster closer ties with the people you work with. Single Jupiter has been in your eleventh house for quite a while now. The eleventh house represents things such as friends, companionship, and meeting new people. As it slowly starts to leave this house, fully vacating by the end of next month, you'll start to notice that there are fewer opportunities to make close ties with new friends. As such, this month will be a bit harder for single Virgos who are looking for a new partner. But fret not, Virgo: The rest of your chart indicates that love will make an appearance before the end of the year. In Love Virgos in a relationship will feel that same empathy and emotion that presents itself at the workplace. This time, however, it will be in relation to your partner and/or children. This will be a very blessed time for you and your lover to work out any issues that have been plaguing your relationship up to now. Instead of getting into an argument, which might be par for the course for the two of you, you'll be able to see things from his or her side. You'll genuinely feel bad if you cause any feelings to be hurt. Finances The desire to save money is strong with you this month. You will feel more inclined to buy generic items instead of the name brand products. You will clip coupons, take advantage of buy one/ get one free sales, and so forth. You may even try to balance your checkbook or consolidate your debt onto a single credit card. Either way, this miserly attitude will help you to have a much better financial standing as we progress toward the halfway point of 2014. Listen to your gut and go ahead and buy the Crispy Rice instead of the Rice Krispies. Health Inner ear problems have the potential to cause problems for you this month. Earwax buildup would be the least worrisome thing to plague you, and here's hoping that's as bad as it gets. Inner ear infections are a definite possibility, and Virgos who have a particular vulnerability to that dreaded vertigo may want to be extra careful. Either way, if you begin to feel any dizzy spells or nausea, it is recommended that you visit an eyes, ear, nose and throat doctor before your condition worsens.

7 Libra - 23 Sept to 22 Oct:

Queen of Pentacles

Work/Career Your desire for public recognition is high this month and it is quite likely that you'll be doing all you can to prove your mettle in the workplace. You'll be gunning for that raise, or that promotion, or maybe even that corner office. Either way, you will be happy to know that your motivation, drive, and energy levels will all be well-stocked in order to help you garner the acknowledgement that you crave. Oftentimes ambition is the first step to success, and your ambition will be blessed by the cosmos this month. Single Libras are generally very tactful and careful when it comes to starting new relationships and entering into a coupling. You possess a modicum of reserve that can sometimes frustrate other signs that want nothing more than to hold you in their arms. But this month it will be YOU who feels the urge to merge. Your desire to find someone who you can grow old with will be very apparent this month and if you aren't careful it can lead to desperate acts and foolish decisions. Tread carefully this month, Libra. In Love Libras in a relationship will be given the opportunity to strengthen the bonds they have with their lovers. Libra, which is ruled by Venus, will have the most success and spiritual growth with their partners if said partners are fire signs, or ruled by Mars. In other words, Libras who are in a relationship with an Aries will have a very productive May. Don't be surprised if, at the end of the month, you find yourself deeper in love with your partner than you've ever been. Finances Generosity will flow through you this month, making you much more likely to lend a helping hand to someone in need of financial assistance. A friend or family member who is down on his or her luck won't necessarily come to you for a loan, but you will feel more inclined to offer it. The homeless person you typically walk across the street to avoid will tug at your heartstrings and you'll be more likely to give them a few bucks. Don't fear that this will put a damper on your bank account, however: These good deeds will be rewarded later in the year in the form of great monetary blessing. Health Nervousness will be an issue this month for many Libras, especially those born closer to the cusp between Libra and Scorpio. Those of you who are prone to anxiety may feel that old familiar onset of a panic attack here and there, but even the most steady disposition will feel at least some jitters. A good rule of thumb to make this month as easy as possible is to avoid anything that can exacerbate your nerves. This means cutting down on coffee, cigarettes, energy drinks, and anything else that can wreak havoc on your nervous system.

8 Scorpio - 23 Oct to 22 Nov:

King of Cups

Work/Career Your temper will be a bit short throughout the month, and this has the potential to cause discord at the workplace. Typically, your sign is very good at keeping your cool, but you're also predisposed to sarcasm and you sometimes say hurtful things without even realizing it. You can see the obvious problem that arises when your natural lack of tact combines with an angry attitude. Do your best to try not to insult anyone, Scorpio. May will be a perfect storm of impatience and vexation and only you can keep that tempest from overflowing into your work life. Single Your libido will be out in full force this month, and while this isn't necessarily a bad thing for the more demure signs of the Zodiac, your sign's natural promiscuity can lead to problems. In much the same way that your tendency to say hurtful things can combine with a short temper to form disastrous consequences, so too can sexual concupiscence combine with an enhanced ardor to cause much disarray in your life. But as long as you can keep your wits about you and avoid letting your body call the shots, you should make it of May just fine. In Love This month you'll feel more inclined to test your mate and try to push the boundaries of the relationship. It should go without saying that this is a bad thing. Yes, your sign is adept at arguing and you have the ability to dominate the majority of potential partners that you might couple up with. But a relationship isn't a competition it's an agreement. Your lover isn't your enemy or your combatant: He or she is your teammate. If you do your best to avoid sowing discord among the ranks, your team will never falter. Finances Clearly, this month appears to be somewhat treacherous for the fortunes of Scorpio. But if there is one ray of hope, it is the fact that you are entering a very fruitful period as far as money matters are concerned. Yes, your attitude is a bit negative this month concerning work and relationships, but that's far more common for Scorpio than most of the other signs in the Zodiac. You'll get out of this rut soon enough, but money problems last a lot longer than moodiness. So isn't it a relief to know that the monetary end of your life is in fine standing? Health The desire to change your eating habits is strong this month. You will take real stock in how much sodium and fat you consume, and your body will be sensitive to this intake. Salty foods will leave you more thirsty, craving water, while fatty foods (especially red meat) will leave you feeling bogged down and sluggish. Your body will desire more fruits and vegetables. All in all, this is a very good thing and May might be the perfect month to fully revitalize your dietary intake for the better.

9 Sagittarius - 23 Nov to 20 Dec:

King of Swords

Work/Career Last month we talked about how your sign was due for some career growth. If you haven't experienced it yet (most likely in the form of a promotion or raise), the good fortune is just around the corner. If you have already moved up the ranks, you can rest easy knowing that the transition into your new assignments or responsibilities will be smooth indeed, and May will be yet another month of progress in your career. As they say, it's time to get while the gettin's good, Sagittarius. Single While people under your sign are nearly always great conversationalists, full of witty banter, this month your gift of gab will be even more pronounced than usual. Your ability to flirt, something you excel at in the first place, will be ramped up to the point where you'll be able to charm anybody who wanders into your midst. First impressions are always important, and this will be your opportunity to let anyone around discover that mixture of mirth and allure that almost every Sagittarius seems to possess in great supply. In Love Power struggles will be the order of the day with your partner. While Sagittarius is normally a very easygoing, amiable sign, you do have the tendency to fight when you feel you are being treated unjustly. And this month it will be much easier to feel as if you are being unfairly targeted. Depending on what sign your partner is, these scuffles will be either very minor or very dangerous. Arguments with, say, a Libra or Pisces will be more easily resolved than any confrontations with a Scorpio or Gemini. Finances The influence of Jupiter in your eighth house will be very apparent this month. The eighth house rules things like shared resources and cooperation. This means that you should be on the lookout for some kind of partnership based on financial matters. You may run into a like-minded investor that you can team up with to share in the spoil of riches. Many Sagittarians will encounter money-making opportunities within their family. At any rate, the idea of cooperation and strength in numbers will rule over your financial outlook throughout the month of May. Health Sagittarians will be more at risk for weight gain throughout May, and those Memorial Day barbecues and pool parties aren't going to be any help. It's a shame that this has to occur around the time that many are gearing up for beach and pool season, but so it goes. This news is of particular importance to those of your sign who have a predisposition to weight gain in the midsection and/or thighs. Water retention is another distinct possibility. This would definitely be a good time to cut back on the carbs and gluten and try to eat foods with a higher amount of fiber.

10 Capricorn - 21 Dec to 19 Jan:

Eight of Swords

Work/Career With Saturn in retrograde, you might think that the recent progress you've made in your career will begin to fade. But thankfully, that isn't the case. You may not advance as quickly as you have been (barring a couple tricky months here and there), but Saturn will bring a lot more focus and understanding into your work. You'll be able to make sense of your career trajectory, as well as your day-to-day tasks, with much more clarity. This may not be an exciting month at the workplace, but it will definitely be a productive one. Single This month you'll be more attracted to people who can thrill you on an intellectual and/or spiritual level. Either way, deep thinking is de rigueur if anybody wants to win your affection. The allure of the fleeting, superficial physical part of love won't seem so prominent to you; conversation and kindness will be much more important. This is a great opportunity to meet someone who you can connect with on a higher plane, free of the shallow detritus that constitutes so much of modern dating. Take full advantage of these moments, Capricorn. In Love Whether you've just recently begun a new relationship with someone (which is the case for many a Capricorn right now), or you've been married to your sweetheart for decades, prepare for a month of new realizations. You needn't fear any kind of scary revelations, though: Instead, you'll learn a bit more about your lover and they will seem like more of a fully-formed human being to you. This is obvious for anybody who is still getting to know their new love, but Capricorns in a long relationship will also take a greater interest in the thoughts and feelings of their partner. Finances Beware of any big-ticket purchases that you feel inclined to make this month. This isn't the time to put yourself in debt or spend freely for frivolous things. Sure, you may really want that new foosball table or perhaps you really could use that vacation to the water park that's certainly understandable. But unless you can get a very good discount on whatever you want to spend your money on, you're better off postponing it for just a bit. Big deals are on the horizon and you'll be able to save a lot of money in a few months by putting off for tomorrow what you could buy today. Health You may feel a bit dehydrated throughout the month, and if you're an older Capricorn (or one who lives in a particularly hot clime), you should do your best to drink at least ten cups of water a day. And that's at the very least. Try to avoid any food that is overly high in sodium it will sap away what little water you retain in your system. If you have a dedicated exercise regimen, be sure to add even more water to your daily intake.

11 Aquarius - 20 Jan to 18 Feb:

Ace of Swords

Work/Career This month, your focus at the workplace will be more scattered than usual. It will be harder for you to keep your mind on the tasks at hand seemingly everything will grab your attention. You'll be preoccupied with thoughts about domestic affairs, as well as romance. In fact, a small percentage of Aquarians will actually have double trouble in this regard: They'll be preoccupied at work with not only extraneous thoughts, but an infatuation with a coworker. This is obviously dangerous ground to tread, so be careful, Aquarius. Single Briefly hinted at above, this month sees you encountering possible lovers in a workplace environment. Now, this doesn't necessarily entail that your new beau or beauty will be a colleague of yours, which is a relief to anyone with strict workplace relationship rules. In fact, it's much more likely that this person will be performing a vocation in service to you. It may be a handyman making a house call, or the shoe salesman who picks out the perfect heels for you. It might be that cute chick who tends bar at the neighborhood pub. Either way, the relation between work and love is definitely apparent this month. In Love This month will be a bit more difficult for Aquarians in a relationship because you and your partner will likely be spending a bit more time apart. With various issues demanding your attention from all corners of your life, the time you spend at home with your lover will be sparse and hopefully you will be able to make it count. An Aquarius/Aquarius coupling will suffer from this even more, but a strong relationship can weather this sort of thing with ease. It may even make your partnership stronger than it was at the beginning of the month. Finances With your brain in a few different places at once this month, now is not the time to take any serious measures regarding your finances. It will be too easy to make mistakes or rush to snap judgments. And, honestly, with a relatively healthy financial outlook for the middle of 2014, you really don't need to be spending too much time getting your monetary house in order. Naturally, if you have lingering debts that need to be seen to, you should take care of it, but any extraneous meddling into your finances isn't recommended. Health Mental exhaustion is a risk for you this month. A look at this month's astrological forecast is a good indication why: Your brain will be working in overdrive and even the most levelheaded Aquarius will feel like his or her brain has been switched with that of a child with attention deficit disorder. To keep your noggin from exploding inside, try to end each evening with a long, warm bath. Play some peaceful music and lull yourself into your own comfort zone. It will help you a great deal this month, trust us.

12 Pisces - 19 Feb to 20 Mar:

VI The Lovers

Work/Career When we think of business, we think of a corporation. We think of a vocation. But the word business also means the state of being busy. And in that regard, business will be a big part of May for you, Pisces. Expect an increase in your workload this month. Many Pisces will be having to take their work home with them in order to get everything finished before their deadlines approach. As much as you may want to be the grasshopper, you'll have to be the ant this month. Single There won't be much time for dating this month, but this is a great month to meet new people. There will be more nights when you want to unwind and enjoy yourself your increased workload will cause you to take full advantage of any days off or lulls in activity. In other words, you'll be more inclined to go out and have a good time. These instances, when you're in the public eye enjoying a well-deserved break, will make you a lot more approachable by interested parties. And once the drudgery that pervades the month is over, you'll be able to get to know your many suitors much more intimately. In Love Pisces in a relationship will have little energy left over in the day to see to the many needs of a partner. Here's hoping your lover is the independent type who doesn't need to be pampered or taken care of. Pisces involved with Aries or Cancer, for instance, might catch flack. If you're with, say, an Aquarius or Libra, you'll have much less guilt throughout the month. But either way, any partner who doesn't see your own struggles and instead focus on what they're not getting out of you is not the kind of partner you should be with in the first place. Finances One bright beacon in this otherwise toil-ridden month is the fact that you'll see your bank account start to grow increasingly swollen. And let's not forget the fact that, when you're working, you're not out spending all of your earnings. This is a great month to build yourself a tidy little nest egg that will see you all the way to 2015 in style. The prudent Pisces will invest this extra money into a mutual fund or IRA that will give them even more bountiful financial blessings down the road. Health Pisces, always at risk for weight retention, will be prone to overeating this month. Stress will come at you from several different directions and the cosmos will dictate that food is the answer to all these problems. Do your best to avoid chowing down every time something goes awry. You will be having to eat on the go a lot, and that's almost always a recipe for bad nutrition. If you simply must eat fast food, try to choose the healthiest options on the menu. You'll thank yourself at the end of the month.

Renae and Paul Metaphysics Academy Address: 135 Middle Road Bylands Building #05-09 Singapore188975 Email: Contact: +65 93660272

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