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Learn More about Your World

By: Mohamed Fouad
Lets start our journey around the world by taking the first plane to the Arctic or the Antarctic at the north or south
of Earth respectively, and at night just before dawn, youll see amazing colours in the sky. It is the result of the
collision of energetic charged particles with stricken atoms. It's mostly seen as a striking green color and it
may be many other colors ranging from red to pink, so have you ever seen that before?!
It's the 'Aurora'. Aurora is a Latin word. It's a natural light appearing in the auroral zone which is around 10 to
20 from the magnetic pole. It starts in this zone and extends during geomagnetic storms. There, in this zone, the
hours of light reach 20 per day, so the energy coming from the sun lasts for a long time, longer than other zones
on Earth.
The sun hits the molecules of Earth's atmosphere, and they excite the molecules. When the atoms are excited,
the electrons make a unique spectrum. The oxygen gas, above 20km from the nearest layer to the sun, appears
in glowing red. Below 100 km, Ionic Nitrogen produces blue light and neutral Nitrogen gives off the red and the
purple colour. Imagine if the atmosphere was made of Neon gas and Sodium gas, we would see red, orange and
yellow aurora.
For many decades, the Roman and Greek had not known the atoms and the spectrometer of molecules. They
called the aurora the illuminator of god or the light of god. The myth tells that it inspired them to begin everyday
with a good and happy spirit.
Black Holes
By: Mohamed Fouad
It's our second trip around the world today. So, Put on your spacesuit and get ready for our trip. We are going to
the point of no return, where tremendous gravity can pull everything towards it, where the velocity is faster than
the speed of light, so try not to get too close.
Which color could absorb the light?
It is black, according to the theory of Black Body. The phenomenon were visiting today is so black and it is
mentioned in the Holy Quran. It is the Black Holes. Don't worry about the myths you watch in movies. It's not
time-traveling, but it moves with high speed. The black holes were ordinary stars. When they lose their energy,
these stars turn into black holes with big masses and low volumes.
Can you imagine if the earth turned into a black hole?
We know that the diameter of our planet is 125,000 Km approximately. So if the earth was to turn into a black
hole, its diameter will shrink to 1 cm or even less, and the pressure will become incredible because of the heat
loss. If you throw a stone up towards the sky, it will fall down due to gravity but if the velocity reaches 12
Km/second, it will break the layers of the atmosphere. Meanwhile, in the black holes, the velocity reaches
300,000 Km/second. How strong is that gravitational force!
But how do we know that its around us?
It is invisible for the naked eyes, but the radio and X-rays show us a distorted image of a galaxy; it's like a break
in a line, making a hole in that line. Some space observatories took some pictures of points in space that showed
the dusty spindle movement around some points. They are like vacuum cleaners, the graveyards of our
The Bermuda Triangle
By: Mohamed Fouad
We visited the point of no return in space in the last topic. Today, we are going to a similar point, but on
Earth. Many planes, ships and people have disappeared for no apparent reason in the place of demons
in the Bermuda Triangle. !trange accidents have been happening of ships crashing into the "tlantic, but
how that happens, and why they can#t find any sign of wrec$s, no one $nows.
There is appro%imately & million $m between the three places: Bermuda, 'uerto (ico, and Fort
)auderdale *Florida+. There is no connection because of the bad weather. When the observatories
analy,ed the messages received from the ships, they found the same answer every time -the weather is
misty and we don#t $now where we are. .ur compasses are ma$ing noise. /ow can we get out01 Then,
the observers would reply about how they could get out. But, at the end, they still disappeared.
Many researchers told us that Bermuda has a whirlpool that could pull ships. The gravity brea$s the
cruises and flights, and throws them far away from this triangle, which ma$es us unable to see the
crashed ships. "lso, the irregular gravity is also why compasses do not wor$ there.
Till now we can#t find real reasons for these accidents, but it#s probable that the "ntichrist lives in that
The Naked Face
By: Menna Mustafa
Have you ever wished to attain the ability of reading minds? To know whether someone is lying or is being
truthful? Or even to know whether their smiles are sincere or fake? Well, this is now possible through FACS!
FACS stands for Facial Action Coding System. It is a system developed by the psychologists Paul Ekman and
Wallace V. Friesen in 1978, where they grouped all human facial expressions into categories and broke each
expression into the facial muscle that produce them!! This system was further updated in 2002 so that you could
be able to simply read the words on the face!
Ekman and Friesen analyzed the main face movements like raising the eyebrow or raising the cheeks and called
them Action Units, AU for short. There were 43 of these. Each AU could be a combination of 2 or 3 facial
muscles and they found out that a combination of 2 muscles produced 300 facial expressions! And that a
combination of 3, produced 10,000!! However, they concluded that 3000 combinations were the ones that made
sense! This process took them 7 years and they documented it finally as FACS!
For example, Happiness is AU 6 & 12 Contracting the muscles that raise the cheeks (Orbicularis Oculi and
Pars Orbitalis) and Zygomatic Major that pull up the corner of the lips!! This simply shows how rich our face is
with information about what is going on in our minds! Paul Ekman and Wallace proved later that emotions
START on our face! They conducted experiments where the subjects made faces of anger and it had an effect
on their nervous systems, meaning that they were affected!
This was totally mind blowing to me because this means that we could extract whatever information that people
try to hide, from their faces! FACS was used by Pixar to make Toy story and by Dreamworks to make Shrek! It
was even used by the FBI, CIA, Anti-terrorist agencies and even taught to the police to help in investigations! It
was even used to make a series called Lie to Me! Paul Ekman even designed courses to the public to help
them understand the system and apply it on their lives!So YES! You can mind- read! Just like Edward from the
book Twilight! Just make sure to take Paul Ekmans course and you will be good to go! The next time someone
flashes you a fake smile, you would know! The next time your employee tells you that he got caught up in traffic
and thats why he was late, then you would definitely know if he was being truthful! Why? Because our faces
have it all!
P.S.: Heres an online quiz produced by the BBC you can take to show you how well you can differentiate
between fake and genuine smiles:
A Breathing Star.
By: Mennah Mustafa.
3o you sometimes get the feeling that there is nothing more to this world0 That there is nothing bigger
than the earth under your feet or the life that is passing you by0 The answer could be 45es# but you and
6 $now that the right answer is a 47o# there is more to this mysterious universe. " 'ulsar is one of the
many answers to my previous 8uestions.
What is a 'ulsar anyway0 9ould it be bigger than earth or the sun0 6n simple words: " 'ulsar is rotating
solid mass emitting all sorts of radiation in space. 6magine a star made of highly energi,ed neutrons
*"lso called 47eutron !tar#+ containing :;; times the mass of Earth and < times the mass of our sun,
having a diameter as small as =; >m and rotating at an immensely high speed emitting death radiations
your way. 'retty awesome, huh0
The thing about 'ulsars is that they emit their beams, ?@(ayA Bamma (aysA (adio waves, by the high
rotational energy that produces an electric field from the incredibly strong magnetic field emitting them
from its poles. 6t is more li$e a light@house. 6f you stand far away from it, you will see a dot of light at
regular intervals. 6n the case of 'ulsars, these intervals are called 4'ulsar 'eriods# and could be small as
;.;&CDC&E:=;&:CFFD seconds and the longest one was E.Cs2
What is interesting about these pulsating stars is that they were initially thought to be signals from
aliens trying to communicate with human2 !cientists Gocelyn Bell and "ntony /ewish, nic$named the
first 'ulsar they found -)BMH)ittle Breen Men1 in &EFI and was later called 9' &E&E. /ewish
became the first "stronomer to ever receive a 7obel 'ri,e in 'hysics because discovering 'ulsars was
another massive step to ma$e sense of this huge space.
'ulsars don#t continue to emit these radiations throughout life. !ince the radiation depends on their
speed, and emitting these rays consumes energy 'ulsars slow down and eventually they get turned off,
this is called -3eath line1. Therefore by comparing their speeds, one can $now their age. The first
E%trasolar planet was discovered near a 'ulsar and they#re used to ma$e precise atomic cloc$s.
This universe of ours is so vast that it continues to surprise us every day yesterday it was 'ulsars and
E%trasolar planets, tomorrow Bod $nows what we would discover. We should forever remain curious.
We should forever wonder and yes, there is more to this universe more than what you and 6 can
-6t suddenly struc$ me that that tiny pea, pretty and blue, was the earth. 6 put up my thumb and shut one
eye, and my thumb blotted out the planet earth. 6 didn#t feel li$e a giant. 6 felt very, very small.1 @ 7eil
'!: The attached upper photo shows -9rab 7ebula1 which has been found to contain a 'ulsar at its
center. 6f you want to see a real life 'ulsar, chec$ out this =; seconds video!.a)g
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How about planting a teeth?
6 donLt $now about you but the idea of placing a metallic obMect in human body to replace a certain
organ has always intrigued me. 6ts been a while now, since the time artificial prosthesis *" prosthesis:
"n artificial appliance replacing a body part+ have emerged They have been replacing lost limbs for
some time now. Today, artificial prosthesis are also replacing missing teeth@ 3ental impants.
The concept behind dental implants is simple@ 5ou drill a hole in your bone to place a metallic post, on
which an artificial ceramic tooth@li$e coverage *" 9rown+ is placed. While the concept sounds simple
enough, the science and the mechanics behind it, isnLt. Nsually, our body reMects anything artificial
placed in our body. 6t identifies it as -foreign1 and attac$s it. /owever, this is not the same with the
metal, -Titanium1.
The whole thing started when the !wedish professor, -'er@6ngvar BrOnemar$ -, placed a titanium screw
in the lower legs of rabbits. )ater on, he discovered that new bone tissue grew around it that it became
integrated with the bone and called the process -.sseointegration1. 6magine a metallic screw being a
part of your bones2 .f course, this invention revolutioni,ed the world of dentistry ma$ing artificial
prosthesis even more easier2
The reason why this invention is so important is because, dentists finally have a reliable base on which
to place whatever prosthetic appliance they need. Bridges, crown and dentures could be secured in
place without the nuisance of the not@totally@adhesive@ cements or without the irritating pla8ue and
caries. Most importantly, they are used for the anterior teeth to restore the natural loo$. 7o one would
suspect that you are wearing anything2
6n conclusion, dental implants can wor$ wonders. The idea of drilling up your bone and placing a
screw doesnLt sound very good, but, its fairly effective. 6t could be done in a regular visit to the dentist.
Below, is an attached video about how implants are implanted2 * ).)2+ 6 Must hope that you are not that
s8ueamish 2
Men have slightly bigger brains.
Does this mean they're smarter?
By:Jannat El Harriry
In 2001, researchers from Harvard found that certain parts of the brain were differently sized in males and females, which
may help balance out the overall size difference. The study found that parts of the frontal lobe, responsible for problem-
solving and decision-making, and the limbic cortex, responsible for regulating emotions, were larger in women. In men, the
parietal cortex, which is involved in space perception, and the amygdala, which regulates sexual and social behavior, was
Men also have approximately 6.5 times more gray matter in the brain than women, but before the heads of all the men out
there start to swell, listen to this: Women have about 10 times more white matter than men do. This difference may account
for differences in how men and women think. Men seem to think with their gray matter, which is full of active neurons.
Women think with the white matter, which consists more of connections between the neurons. In this way, a woman's brain is
a bit more complicated in setup, but those connections may allow a woman's brain to work faster than a man's
In women's brains, the neurons are packed in tightly, so that they're closer together. This proximity, in conjunction with
speedy connections facilitated by the white matter, is another reason why women's brains work faster. Some women even
have as many as 12 percent more neurons than men do.
So, men may have a bigger brain but they are just as smart as women. Moreover a woman can outrun a man in the thinking
process and decision making ergo accounting for the much obvious multi-tasking feature.

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