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College of Education Lesson Plan Template

Teacher Candidate: 3/31/2 1! "chool: #oodfields "cience/3rd Kayla Chrisley Date and Time of Lesson: "u$%ect/&rade Le'el:

Description of Lesson: "tudents recall the 'i$rating o$%ects produce sound and that
'i$rations can $e transferred from one material to another( "tudents )ill learn that sound can tra'el though solid* li+uids and gas( "tudents )ill understand that sound can no tra'el through empty space $ecause there are no particles of matter to 'i$rate(

Lesson Title or Essential ,uestion that guides the lesson: -o) is sound produced. Curriculum "tandards /ddressed:
CC"": 301(1: 2ecall that 'i$rating o$%ects produce sound and that 'i$ration can $e transferred from on material to another( 3ther:

Lesson 3$%ecti'e4s5:
What should students know or be able to do by the end of the lesson? Objectives should be observable and measurable Antecedent: when given different materials Behavior: students will observe Content: sound and how it is made. (vibration) Degree: 1 !

/ssessment4s5 of the 3$%ecti'es:

"efore: #tudents will be handed a notecard and asked to write on the front side first. $ will ask the students what causes sound and how sound travels. %uring: #tudents will observe different instruments. #tudents will use a chart to write down if sound was &roduced and how they know if sound was &roduced. #tudents will also engage in a classroom discussion. #tudents will be observed on their res&onses. #tudents will be discussing how sound travels (sound waves). 'fter: #tudents will turn over the notecard they were given at the beginning of the lesson. #tudents will be ask the same (uestion as they were asked before the lesson. $ will use these before and after res&onses to determine student)s growth

Revised 1.20.14

throughout the lesson. #tudents will also be assessed at the end of the week with a test on all material covered on sound.

vibrating objects.

*ower*oint+ science notebooks+ guitar+ drums.

Prere+uisites 4Prior Kno)ledge5: $n 1st grade students learned that sound is &roduced by

1) $ will start the lesson off by an enter sli&. #tudents will be handed a notecard and asked two (uestions. $ will ask students how is sound made and how does sound get from the source to your ears. 'lso we will discuss what sound is. ,) -e.t $ will make sounds with different instruments. $ will &luck the strings of a guitar and hit the center of the drum. $ will ask students how the sound was made. $ will write their res&onses on chart &a&er. /) 0he term vibration will then be introduced as a back1and1forth movement. Students will

be asked to write the definition down in their notebooks.

2) ' short video will be shown on vibration #ince #tudents are unable to see vibration this video will show students what it looks like when something vibrates. 3) We will then discuss that sound ONLY ha ens so!ethin" vibrates. # will use the

instru!ents that were used to roduce sound to show students that when # lucked the strin"s the$ vibrated which caused sound to be roduced. When # hit the dru!s vibration was !ade to cause the sound to be !ade. 4) # will have students think air share to the to ic of sound has to travel throu"h !aterial. Sound will not travel throu"h e! t$ s ace. # will listen to students res onses and then e% lain to students that we know for sound to be roduced there has to be vibration. #f there is no !aterial then there can be no sound because there is nothin" that will cause vibration. &'OW(R'O#N) W#LL *O #N +('), W#), SO-N+ W./(S0 SO-N+ )R./L#N* ),RO-*, SOL#+0 L#1-#+ .N+ *.S(S0 (N(R*Y 2 SO-N+ W./(S '.SS 2RO3 ON( '.R)#4L( )O .NO),(R0 '.R)#4L(S 3-S) )O-4, 2OR (N(R*Y )O 5( '.SS(S6. 5) # will then e% lain that !$ hand hittin" the dru! is what !ade the vibration. )his will be used to e% lain that sound waves travel throu"h !atter as ener"$. 6) # will also e% lain if ti!e rohibits that sounds waves lose ener"$ as the$ travel. 7) Students will then be "iven the sa!e two 7uestions the$ were "iven for the re8 assess!ent as an e%it sli . # will have a cou le students share if there is enou"h ti!e. 1 ) # will take the notecards u and co! are students re8assess!ent and ost8 assess!ent. Students will co! lete a cou le 7uestions on their stud$ "uide. 11) )hrou"hout the lesson # will use a 'ower'oint as a "uide .ctivit$ .nal$sis9 &should show use of )WS 1 data6
$dentify at least two activities you &lan to use in this lesson and e.&lain why you are &lanning these s&ecific activities. $n your e.&lanation include the following &rom&ts: Revised 1.20.14

8ow each activity (instructional strategy) su&&orts the lesson objective(s). 8ow the activities stem from student characteristics+ needs+ and9or conte.tual factors identified in 0W# 1.

#tudents will observe different instruments and how their sound is made. #tudents must know that in order for sound to be &roduced that matter as to vibrate. :sing real instruments will engage students and show them an object that they can see. :sing the guitar will show students that when the string is &lucked they vibrate ti &roduce sound. 'lso my hand has to touch the guitar in order for then strings to vibrate to cause sound. I used the SmartBoard to show a video and PowerPoint for students to follow.

Differentiation//ccommodations/6odifications/7ncreases in 2igor &should show use

of )WS 1 data6 #tudents were introduced to sound &rior to the lesson. 0his hel&ed me &lan my lesson for the week to meet student)s needs. $ will be bringing in instruments show students can actually hear the sound and see the strings being &lucked. 0here will be a *ower*oint shown throughout the lesson for ;#O< students to follow. $ will observe students throughout the lesson and give hel& when needed.

htt&:99scetv.&bslearningmedia.org9resource9&hy /.sci.&hys.mfe.=tunefork9sound1and1solids1 visuali=ing1vibrations9

Revised 1.20.14

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