All Things Current - April 30, 2014

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All Things Current: What you'll find in your April 30, 2014, edition

DEVELOPMENT The D.C. Historic Preservation Review Board voted unanimousl last wee! to desi"nate the #ormer $alter Reed %rm Medical Center cam&us as a historic district. 'Northwest Current( Du&ont Current( )o"" Bottom Current* % &ro&osal to desi"nate the +ntelsat head,uarters in Van Ness as a historic landmar! #aced a s!e&tical rece&tion #rom the local advisor nei"h-orhood commission last wee!. 'Northwest Current( Du&ont Current* ED.C%T+ON Northwest &arents have overwhelmin"l #avored retainin" a ri"ht to a "iven school( -ut education o##icials have "otten little #eed-ac! #rom wards / and 0. 'all editions* +nde&endent ma oral candidate David Catania launched a #ormal e##ort to court &u-lic school &arents this wee!( ar"uin" that he is -etter &ositioned than Democratic nominee Muriel Bowser to accelerate education re#orm in the District. 'all editions* ENV+RONMENT %s the &rice o# solar ener" technolo" dro&s( man District residents are turnin" to di##erent communit 1-ased models to invest in solar &anels. 'all editions* P.BL+C 2%)ET3 +n the wa!e o# two se&arate shootin"s near the National 4oo this month( some $oodle Par! residents are callin" #or e5tra securit measures to control the violence. 'Northwest Current west( 6eor"etown Current( Du&ont Current( )o"" Bottom Current* TR%N2PORT%T+ON Metro is loo!in" into eliminatin" several -us sto&s alon" $isconsin %venue that serve the 78s routes in an e##ort to s&eed travel times. '6eor"etown Current* %s Du&ont Circle continues to tac!le &olic issues related to the use o# &u-lic s&ace( a newl #ormed committee o# the local advisor nei"h-orhood commission is 9eroin" in on &ar!in". 'Du&ont Current( )o"" Bottom Current* OTHER NE$2 % &ro&osed ::1seat outdoor ca#e #or the #orthcomin" Macon Bistro ; Larder in the Chev Chase %rcade is u& in the air as the restaurant<s Ma o&enin" a&&roaches( due to nei"h-ors= concerns a-out the location o# its dum&ster. 'Northwest Current east* %#ter 6eor"etown and Burleith residents com&lained that the don=t have room #or the District=s -i" new trash and rec clin" -ins( the cit is &led"in" to ta!e awa the unwanted rece&tacles soon. '6eor"etown Current( Du&ont Current* ON THE M%R>ET % &etite 6eor"etown row house constructed - a #reed slave is on the mar!et #or ?/:@(888. 'all editions* OP+N+ON 'all editions* EditorialA 2chool $ithout $alls Hi"h 2chool deserves more autonom and attention( and the school s stem should listen to &arents= reasona-le re,uests a-out how to achieve this. EditorialA David Catania=s &ro&osal #or a standard curriculum merits consideration( -ut man unanswered ,uestions remain. 2herwoodA The idea o# metal detectors at the National 4oo is an assault on the o&enness o# et another cherished $ashin"ton institution.

2PORT2 'Northwest Current( 6eor"etown Current* % stron" new Visitation so#t-all &itcher is #illin" in the last &iece o# the Cu-s= &u99le. Rival -o s -as!et-all &la ers #rom around the re"ion teamed u& on 2aturda as &art o# the Ca&ital Classic all1star "ame. $ilson=s -ase-all team is cruisin" throu"h its DC+%% slate des&ite a oun" roster. D+2P%TCHE2 Bewish Primar Da 2chool o-serves Holocaust Remem-rance Da ( 2toddert Elementar cele-rates Earth Da ( and other re&orts #rom local schools. 'all editions* %L2O +N THE C.RRENT Crime re&ort %dvisor nei"h-orhood commission re&orts and a"endas Re&orts #rom local citi9ens associations Calendar o# the wee!=s events Classi#ied ads and service director Email us to receive this newsletter every Wednesday. The Current comes out in &rint ever $ednesda and is &osted online on Thursda s at currentnews&a&ers.comCarchive.&h& and issuu.comCcurrentnews&a&ers. To reach The Current with a news ti&( correction( advertisin" in,uir ( or other ,uestion or comment( email newsdes!Dcurrentnews&a& or call :8:1:EE1/::7.
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