Newsletter May

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Paseo News May 2014

Summer Camp 2014 Begins Monday May 26th 11 weeks of tennis camp for players aged 4 to 18, of all playing levels. ittle !ennis "ages 4 to #$ !%&%!', 8()0am to 10(00am % *4+ a week ,-ort ,ession "ages # to 18$ M t-r. /, 8()0am to 10(00am, *#+ a week ong ,ession "ages # to 18$ M t-r. /, 8()0am to 11()0am, *11+ a week 0cademy to.rnament players M t-r. /, 8()0am to 11()0am, *1)+ a week /liers at t-e front desk1 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% $45 for 4 classes !ired of t-e tread mills or ot-er activities to get in s-ape2 !ry 3ardio !ennis to spice .p yo.r training program1 Monday4s !.esday4s !-.rsday4s ,at.rday4s #(00pm to 8(00pm 8()0am to +()0am 5()0pm to #()0pm 8()0am to +()0am 5()0pm to #()0pm 8(00am to +(00am /riday :=2) ,at.rday :=24 ,.nday :=2: Monday :=25 8(00am to Noon 8(00am to Noon 8(00am to Noon #()0am to Noon !ee" of May 26th, and "7eg.lar 8egin in ,eptem8er$ Summer #ours 9pen at #()0am daily !ednesday Morning $ntermediate Clinic #()0am to 8()0am *4: for 4 classes or *1).#: a day Morning Cardio %ennis !.e ; !-.r #()0am to 8()0am *4: for 4 classes or *1).#: a day &rop'$n %ennis # days a week, #()0am to 11(00am *4 per person %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
Saturday Youth Tennis Classes May 17th is the last day of Saturday classes until school begins again. You can transfer your credit to summer camp or wait until school begins again.

%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Memorial <ay &eekend '

%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% New prod.ct in t-e 8ar>.. *) eac-1

Wednesday Evening Jr. Round Robins All draws will be Compass Draws, each player will ge o play mul iple rounds a each even . Each even will be on Wednesday evenings !rom "#$$pm o %#$$pm. Awards will be presen ed o he !inalis s in each !ligh . Cos is &'(.)$ per even and includes pi**a, subs or o her !ood+
,old -ligh .igh /chool 0arsi y 1 ournamen s players '2 and older /ilver -ligh .igh /chool J0 1 ournamen players '( and under June 3 June '' June '4 June () July ( July % July '" July (2 July 2$ ,old -ligh /ingles /ilver -ligh /ingles ,old -ligh Doubles 5 choose your par ner /ilver -ligh Doubles 5 choose your par ner ,old -ligh /ingles /ilver -ligh /ingles ,old Doubles /crambler, di!!eren par ner /ilver Doubles /crambler, di!!eren par ner ,old 1 /ilver -ligh /ingles

%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% May ()ents

2) 8+ 1#t?tr4s, ,emis ; /inals of 'ig- ,c-ool ,tate 'ig- ,c-ool !eam ,emis ; /inals @,!0 7ookie !o.rnament

Summer Program Changes egin

Drop In Tennis Note &e will -ave <rop An !ennis from 8am till 11am d.ring t-ese to.rnaments, may8e longer on some days. 3ome early to get yo.r tennis in and t-en stay and s.pport local tennis1

May ' Monday t-ro.g- !-.rsday 8(00am to +()0pm /riday4s 8(00am to +(00pm ,at.rday ; ,.nday 8(00am to 2(00pm " ater on t-e weekends w-en we -ave to.rnaments1$

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