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Iain Fresnoza 4-30-14 Future Plans Everyone has his or her own approach to success growing up.

Some dream of being on the big screen, others want to serve their country to their full potential. My Dream is to be a voice actor; ever since I was a child I was more curious and fascinated by the voices that were behind the characters then the shows them selves. My fascination would soon become my passion to be just like these individuals, and now from a passion it has become my goal. My future plan after graduation is to become a full fledge voiced actor in the animation industry by any means necessary. For once I reach my passion, I can share it and express it the same way I felt when I was a child inspiring a new generation in the process, and perhaps even be remembered for doing the I loved the most. Growing up I was never the most Academic child, nor did I want to be. What I failed in numbers and mathematics I compensated in letters and words. I felt the world should be taken at ones own stride not the industry, but I acknowledged that wouldnt always be true. I learned to adapt, evolve, to be a chameleon with the system being able to change my style with the industry of school. One of my strongest points in the work force is my ability to adapt and change with the flow of work. I have been in positions in which I have gone through Janitorial up to merchandise

organization. A sure fact is that no matter what flexibility will never be an issue with my work. A stated before my academic scores were never high growing up. A good example was in fact my sophomore year, I failed poorly in math specifically geometry. But the next year of my junior class I made it my goal to take the initiative and take conceptual geometry and show I have the innate ability to take responsibility for my misfortunes and be able to compensate for them. My artistic value has been rising exponentially were My academics fell off, although I do respect and acknowledge and realize for academic careers I find my passion heavily influenced in the arts, part of which is to become a voice actor. Often when I make a character the parameters of hes looks and structure are to accommodate my voice or help practice my linguistics improving my vocal diversity. Buckingham has offered me such academic knowledge that if I ever did attend a university I would be substantially ahead of the pack. But my calling is to a different world of learning, and even though its art Buckingham has trained me for it in its own way. Buckingham has taught me how to prepare, study, and understand my subjects and how to approach them accordingly. Such things are life skills that can only further improve ones living conditions not to mention how with small classes and partners my social skills with the community are above par. This not only

makes me a good team player but also shows I can be a strong team leader. To recollect my thoughts within in writing, Buckingham has prepared me for my future in so many ways. But although I did not know it before it helped me prepare for my true goal of voice acting, having so many vocational acts, choices, and chances to improve my craft. If it were not for the school and its staff I would not have evolved to the being I am today and I am thankful for them as well as I am thankful of my self for being able to endure to see the future I have been building towards. The future I build is a bright one, and its light will ensure my little ones to come a path of guidance and inspiration.

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